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Proměny Revolver Revue (1990-2000) a její kritická analýza / Transforming of Revolver Revue (1990-2000) and its Critical AnalysisKorábková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis named Transforming of the Revolver Revue (1990-2000) and its Critical Analysis is to describe the image and development of the cultural magazine Revolver Revue, including its supplement Kritická Příloha Revolver Revue during the first decade after the 1989 "Velvet revolution". Special attention is given to its literature reviews that largely determined the reception of of the magazine. Because the magazine was strongly influenced by its underground roots and the examined period of 1990s was full of remarkable socio- political changes the historical context, especially the developments of media and literature of that period, is discussed. To get an image of the magazine's role and its transformations as seen from the outside we describe how it was received by the contemporary press. The theoretical part focuses on issues of the conception of the literary criticism, which relates to the search for the role of criticism in the 1990s and it outlines the diversity of different perspectives, concepts and attitudes. The section dedicated to Kritická Příloha includes analysis of a few chosen reviews and aims to explore the form of criticism published in this magazine. The thesis also includes interviews with the chief editor of Revolver Revue Terezie Pokorná, and with Jáchym Topol,...
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Um leitor inconformado: Álvares de Azevedo e o periodismo do século XIX / A nonconformist reader: Álvares de Azevedo and 19th century journalismSantos, Natália Gonçalves de Souza 05 June 2018 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado tem por objetivo principal analisar o conjunto da produção ensaística de Manuel Antônio Álvares de Azevedo (1831-1852), composta por Literatura e civilização em Portugal; Lucano; Alfredo de Musset: Jacques Rolla e George Sand: Aldo o rimador. A pesquisa elenca as principais questões levantadas pelo autor enquanto crítico literário e delineia as polêmicas em que cada um desses quatro ensaios se insere. Simultaneamente, a análise identifica as características formais e estilísticas desses textos, nos quais pode se perceber um elemento recorrente que os unifica: a prática da citação. O levantamento daquilo que é citado por Álvares de Azevedo em seus ensaios permite relacioná-los a um importante conjunto de textos, na maior parte das vezes de origem internacional, composto por jornais, revistas, livros e manuais de literatura que se encontravam em circulação no Brasil do século XIX. A investigação sistemática do vasto material compulsado por Álvares de Azevedo evidencia o papel de destaque conferido à Revue des deux mondes, indubitavelmente uma de suas principais fontes bibliográficas, nas páginas da qual ele teve contato com um aparato crítico-teórico proveniente dos estudos de literaturas estrangeiras, em voga na França a partir de 1830. A visada cosmopolita que norteia os artigos de escritores como Jean-Jacques Ampère, Xavier Marmier e Edgar Quinet, ajudou o poeta brasileiro a moldar seu ponto de vista crítico. Embasados na pesquisa filológica, os trabalhos produzidos por esses estudiosos franceses de literaturas estrangeiras sugerem inúmeras ramificações entre as culturas partícipes do tronco indo-europeu e parecem ter fornecido um instrumento teórico importante para que Álvares de Azevedo equacionasse sua posição particular frente ao problema nuclear da crítica romântica do seu tempo: refutando a tese hegemônica, que defendia a autonomia da literatura brasileira frente à portuguesa, o autor da Lira dos vinte anos, de uma perspectiva internacionalista, defendia a unidade das duas literaturas e a relação da produção poética local com o rico patrimônio legado pela tradição ocidental. O diálogo com o periodismo do século XIX, sobretudo com os artigos de literaturas estrangeiras, precursores dos estudos de literatura comparada, permite colocar o debate proposto por Álvares de Azevedo no panorama mais amplo das discussões que se desenrolavam internacionalmente e ajudam a compreender o seu anseio de que as letras locais também participassem de um movimento de circulação cultural entrevisto por ele nas obras das literaturas matriciais analisadas em seus ensaios. Esta tese de doutorado dá continuidade a uma investigação iniciada no mestrado, dedicado ao estudo dos prefácios e cartas em que Álvares de Azevedo refletiu sobre sua produção poética e ficcional. / This doctoral thesis aims to analyse the essay production set of Manuel Antônio Álvares de Azevedo (1831-1852), made up of Literatura e civilização em Portugal; Lucano; Alfredo de Musset: Jacques Rolla and George Sand: Aldo o rimador. The study compiles the main questions raised by the author as a literary reviewer and delineates the polemics in which each one of those four essays gets engaged. Simultaneously, the analysis identifies the formal and stylistic characteristics of those texts, in which it can be noticed a recurrent element that unifies them: the quotation practice. The gathering of the quotations done by Álvares de Azevedo on his essays allows us to relate them to another set of texts, mostly of international origin, comprised of newspapers, magazines, books and literature manuals that were circulating in the XIX century Brazil. The systematic investigation of the extensive material consulted by Álvares de Azevedo brings to light the important role of Revue des deux mondes, undoubtedly one of his main bibliographic sources, in which he had contact with the theoretical and critical apparatus of foreign literature, in vogue in France since 1830. The cosmopolitan view that guides the articles of the writers such as Jean-Jacques Ampère, Xavier Marmier e Edgar Quinet, helped the Brazilian poet to shape his critical viewpoint. Based on philological research, the works done by those French experts of foreign literature suggest innumerous ramifications among the participant cultures of the indo-european root and seem to have provided an important theoretical tool so that Álvares de Azevedo could equationate his own position related to the nuclear problem of the contemporaneous romantic review: refuting the hegemonic thesis, that defended the autonomy of the Brazilian literature from the Portuguese literature, the author of the Lira dos vinte anos, from an internationalist perspective, stood up for the union of both literatures and for the relation of the local poetic production to the rich heritage of the western tradition. The dialogue with the journalism of the XIX century, mainly with the foreign literature articles, ancestors of the comparative literature, allows to place the debate proposed by Álvares de Azevedo on the wider panorama of the international discussions and helps to understand his yearning for the participation of the local literature on the cultural circulation movement glimpsed by him on the works of matric literature analysed on his essays. This doctoral thesis continues an investigation initiated in the Master´s degree, dedicated to the study of the prefaces and the letters in which Álvares de Azevedo reflected on his poetic and fictional production.
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Estratégias do falso: realidade possível em Henry James e Machado de Assis / Strategies of the falsehood: keys to reality in Henry James and Machado de AssisParreira, Marcelo Pen 24 August 2007 (has links)
Surgidos na arena literária em pleno realismo, Machado de Assis e Henry James, contemporâneos entre si, apontaram em suas melhores obras um caminho diferente do preconizado pela nova escola. Esta tese procura compreender como, ao abraçar um programa estético supostamente conservador, esses escritores romperam com os padrões artísticos em voga em sua época, sem incorrer em procedimentos passadistas, mas, ao contrário, fazendo a ponte com a modernidade. Um dos caminhos é o exame da publicação francesa Revue des Deux Mondes, que ambos apreciavam. Órgão conservador, a revista foi durante décadas foco de ataques ao realismo e, depois, defensora de um realismo mitigado, que combinasse observação da realidade e a defesa do chamado ideal na arte. A análise procura aproximar a proposta estética da Revue das idéias críticas de James e de Machado, com o fito de decifrar como esses escritores conseguiram plasmar, em suas telas, um estado de coisas crepuscular, valendo-se de procedimentos expressivos inovadores. A tese investiga pontos de contato e de divergência entre os dois autores, sobretudo em seus romances The Ambassadors e Memorial de Aires, mas recorre também a uma série de outras narrativas longas e curtas. Detém-se, em especial, em obras iniciais da trajetória de ambos - Ressurreição, de Machado de Assis, e Eugene Pickering, de James. Na argumentação reúnem-se aspectos históricos e sociais em cujo cadinho formou-se a era moderna. Tais tópicos corroboram a análise de cena feita de The Ambassadors e do Memorial, em que se destacam considerações de ordem formal e de enredo. James e Machado buscam refúgio em técnicas sutis de apreensão da realidade, em que o elemento oculto tem tanto valor (ou mais) quanto o manifesto, e em que um tipo de leitura alegórica faz todo sentido. Desse modo, interessa menos uma discussão sobre conservadorismo ou progressismo, inclusive no setor das idéias, do que o desencanto que as páginas de ambos destilam em relação à civilização burguesa. É esse desencanto, ainda, plasmado na substância de expressão, que melhor se conjuga com as estratégias narrativas postas em prática por James e por Machado. / Writers Machado de Assis and Henry James - working in different countries, but at the same time - created, in their best works, a new way of doing fiction. That way was, above all, different from the one championed by the realistic school. This study strives do understand how, in a time at which realism dominated the artistic arena, both writers clinged to an allegedly conservative esthetic program, made a breakthrough in the artistic dogmas and built a bridge to modern times. One way to understand the matter is through an examination of the French publication Revue des Deux Mondes, of which both writers were fond. During years, the quite conservative magazine attacked realism and then, later, proposed a kind of softer version of it, a kind of artistic representation that combined idealism and observation of reality. Our analysis compares the esthetic doctrine evolved by the Revue with James\' and Machado\'s critical ideas. We intend, in the course of this analysis, pinpoint how these writers could paint a crepuscular state of things, nevertheless using expressively innovative techniques. The study focuses primarily on the novels The Ambassadors and Memorial de Aires in an effort to identify similarities and differences between James and Machado. It also examines many other short and long narratives written by both authors. In particular, it scrutinizes some works they did in the beginnings of their careers: Ressurreição, by Machado de Assis, and Eugene Pickering, by James. The analysis gathers together many historical and social features responsible for the birth of the modern era. They serve to corroborate the in-depth commentary on scenes taken from The Ambassadors and the Memorial, in which many technical aspects are brought to close attention. James and Machado make use of subtle techniques to depict reality, exploiting allegoric devices and probing both into the inner motives of their characters and the social forces that drive them. Thus and so, we are less interested in a discussion of conservative or progressive ideas, than in examining the disenchanted view both writers cast upon bourgeois society. After all, this disillusion, drawn together in the artistic matter, better entertains a productive arrangement with the narrative strategies started by James and Machado.
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Um leitor inconformado: Álvares de Azevedo e o periodismo do século XIX / A nonconformist reader: Álvares de Azevedo and 19th century journalismNatália Gonçalves de Souza Santos 05 June 2018 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado tem por objetivo principal analisar o conjunto da produção ensaística de Manuel Antônio Álvares de Azevedo (1831-1852), composta por Literatura e civilização em Portugal; Lucano; Alfredo de Musset: Jacques Rolla e George Sand: Aldo o rimador. A pesquisa elenca as principais questões levantadas pelo autor enquanto crítico literário e delineia as polêmicas em que cada um desses quatro ensaios se insere. Simultaneamente, a análise identifica as características formais e estilísticas desses textos, nos quais pode se perceber um elemento recorrente que os unifica: a prática da citação. O levantamento daquilo que é citado por Álvares de Azevedo em seus ensaios permite relacioná-los a um importante conjunto de textos, na maior parte das vezes de origem internacional, composto por jornais, revistas, livros e manuais de literatura que se encontravam em circulação no Brasil do século XIX. A investigação sistemática do vasto material compulsado por Álvares de Azevedo evidencia o papel de destaque conferido à Revue des deux mondes, indubitavelmente uma de suas principais fontes bibliográficas, nas páginas da qual ele teve contato com um aparato crítico-teórico proveniente dos estudos de literaturas estrangeiras, em voga na França a partir de 1830. A visada cosmopolita que norteia os artigos de escritores como Jean-Jacques Ampère, Xavier Marmier e Edgar Quinet, ajudou o poeta brasileiro a moldar seu ponto de vista crítico. Embasados na pesquisa filológica, os trabalhos produzidos por esses estudiosos franceses de literaturas estrangeiras sugerem inúmeras ramificações entre as culturas partícipes do tronco indo-europeu e parecem ter fornecido um instrumento teórico importante para que Álvares de Azevedo equacionasse sua posição particular frente ao problema nuclear da crítica romântica do seu tempo: refutando a tese hegemônica, que defendia a autonomia da literatura brasileira frente à portuguesa, o autor da Lira dos vinte anos, de uma perspectiva internacionalista, defendia a unidade das duas literaturas e a relação da produção poética local com o rico patrimônio legado pela tradição ocidental. O diálogo com o periodismo do século XIX, sobretudo com os artigos de literaturas estrangeiras, precursores dos estudos de literatura comparada, permite colocar o debate proposto por Álvares de Azevedo no panorama mais amplo das discussões que se desenrolavam internacionalmente e ajudam a compreender o seu anseio de que as letras locais também participassem de um movimento de circulação cultural entrevisto por ele nas obras das literaturas matriciais analisadas em seus ensaios. Esta tese de doutorado dá continuidade a uma investigação iniciada no mestrado, dedicado ao estudo dos prefácios e cartas em que Álvares de Azevedo refletiu sobre sua produção poética e ficcional. / This doctoral thesis aims to analyse the essay production set of Manuel Antônio Álvares de Azevedo (1831-1852), made up of Literatura e civilização em Portugal; Lucano; Alfredo de Musset: Jacques Rolla and George Sand: Aldo o rimador. The study compiles the main questions raised by the author as a literary reviewer and delineates the polemics in which each one of those four essays gets engaged. Simultaneously, the analysis identifies the formal and stylistic characteristics of those texts, in which it can be noticed a recurrent element that unifies them: the quotation practice. The gathering of the quotations done by Álvares de Azevedo on his essays allows us to relate them to another set of texts, mostly of international origin, comprised of newspapers, magazines, books and literature manuals that were circulating in the XIX century Brazil. The systematic investigation of the extensive material consulted by Álvares de Azevedo brings to light the important role of Revue des deux mondes, undoubtedly one of his main bibliographic sources, in which he had contact with the theoretical and critical apparatus of foreign literature, in vogue in France since 1830. The cosmopolitan view that guides the articles of the writers such as Jean-Jacques Ampère, Xavier Marmier e Edgar Quinet, helped the Brazilian poet to shape his critical viewpoint. Based on philological research, the works done by those French experts of foreign literature suggest innumerous ramifications among the participant cultures of the indo-european root and seem to have provided an important theoretical tool so that Álvares de Azevedo could equationate his own position related to the nuclear problem of the contemporaneous romantic review: refuting the hegemonic thesis, that defended the autonomy of the Brazilian literature from the Portuguese literature, the author of the Lira dos vinte anos, from an internationalist perspective, stood up for the union of both literatures and for the relation of the local poetic production to the rich heritage of the western tradition. The dialogue with the journalism of the XIX century, mainly with the foreign literature articles, ancestors of the comparative literature, allows to place the debate proposed by Álvares de Azevedo on the wider panorama of the international discussions and helps to understand his yearning for the participation of the local literature on the cultural circulation movement glimpsed by him on the works of matric literature analysed on his essays. This doctoral thesis continues an investigation initiated in the Master´s degree, dedicated to the study of the prefaces and the letters in which Álvares de Azevedo reflected on his poetic and fictional production.
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Die urheberrechtliche Zulässigkeit elektronischer Pressespiegel zugleich ein Beitrag zur Harmonisierung der Schranken des Urheberrechts in den Mitgliedstaaten der EU /Glas, Vera, January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié de : Dissertation : Juristische Fakultät : Leipzig, Universität : 2008. / Notes bibliogr. Bibliogr. p. [234] - 242. Index. Table des matières.
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Estratégias do falso: realidade possível em Henry James e Machado de Assis / Strategies of the falsehood: keys to reality in Henry James and Machado de AssisMarcelo Pen Parreira 24 August 2007 (has links)
Surgidos na arena literária em pleno realismo, Machado de Assis e Henry James, contemporâneos entre si, apontaram em suas melhores obras um caminho diferente do preconizado pela nova escola. Esta tese procura compreender como, ao abraçar um programa estético supostamente conservador, esses escritores romperam com os padrões artísticos em voga em sua época, sem incorrer em procedimentos passadistas, mas, ao contrário, fazendo a ponte com a modernidade. Um dos caminhos é o exame da publicação francesa Revue des Deux Mondes, que ambos apreciavam. Órgão conservador, a revista foi durante décadas foco de ataques ao realismo e, depois, defensora de um realismo mitigado, que combinasse observação da realidade e a defesa do chamado ideal na arte. A análise procura aproximar a proposta estética da Revue das idéias críticas de James e de Machado, com o fito de decifrar como esses escritores conseguiram plasmar, em suas telas, um estado de coisas crepuscular, valendo-se de procedimentos expressivos inovadores. A tese investiga pontos de contato e de divergência entre os dois autores, sobretudo em seus romances The Ambassadors e Memorial de Aires, mas recorre também a uma série de outras narrativas longas e curtas. Detém-se, em especial, em obras iniciais da trajetória de ambos - Ressurreição, de Machado de Assis, e Eugene Pickering, de James. Na argumentação reúnem-se aspectos históricos e sociais em cujo cadinho formou-se a era moderna. Tais tópicos corroboram a análise de cena feita de The Ambassadors e do Memorial, em que se destacam considerações de ordem formal e de enredo. James e Machado buscam refúgio em técnicas sutis de apreensão da realidade, em que o elemento oculto tem tanto valor (ou mais) quanto o manifesto, e em que um tipo de leitura alegórica faz todo sentido. Desse modo, interessa menos uma discussão sobre conservadorismo ou progressismo, inclusive no setor das idéias, do que o desencanto que as páginas de ambos destilam em relação à civilização burguesa. É esse desencanto, ainda, plasmado na substância de expressão, que melhor se conjuga com as estratégias narrativas postas em prática por James e por Machado. / Writers Machado de Assis and Henry James - working in different countries, but at the same time - created, in their best works, a new way of doing fiction. That way was, above all, different from the one championed by the realistic school. This study strives do understand how, in a time at which realism dominated the artistic arena, both writers clinged to an allegedly conservative esthetic program, made a breakthrough in the artistic dogmas and built a bridge to modern times. One way to understand the matter is through an examination of the French publication Revue des Deux Mondes, of which both writers were fond. During years, the quite conservative magazine attacked realism and then, later, proposed a kind of softer version of it, a kind of artistic representation that combined idealism and observation of reality. Our analysis compares the esthetic doctrine evolved by the Revue with James\' and Machado\'s critical ideas. We intend, in the course of this analysis, pinpoint how these writers could paint a crepuscular state of things, nevertheless using expressively innovative techniques. The study focuses primarily on the novels The Ambassadors and Memorial de Aires in an effort to identify similarities and differences between James and Machado. It also examines many other short and long narratives written by both authors. In particular, it scrutinizes some works they did in the beginnings of their careers: Ressurreição, by Machado de Assis, and Eugene Pickering, by James. The analysis gathers together many historical and social features responsible for the birth of the modern era. They serve to corroborate the in-depth commentary on scenes taken from The Ambassadors and the Memorial, in which many technical aspects are brought to close attention. James and Machado make use of subtle techniques to depict reality, exploiting allegoric devices and probing both into the inner motives of their characters and the social forces that drive them. Thus and so, we are less interested in a discussion of conservative or progressive ideas, than in examining the disenchanted view both writers cast upon bourgeois society. After all, this disillusion, drawn together in the artistic matter, better entertains a productive arrangement with the narrative strategies started by James and Machado.
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Koncepce umění Georgese Bataille / Georges Bataille's conception of artKaisrová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
in English The aim of the study is to show Bataille's esthetic thoughts, dispersed in several Bataille's works, as a consistent theory of art. Through his fascination for cruel and evil, Bataille turns his interest to the matter and in revue called Documents he describes the appeal of low forms due to their proximity to formlessness. Beyond this frontier there is a sphere of "not-knowing", where the logical reason can not impenetrate. This sphere of excess is not only out of logical concept, but also out of our life, i. e. before our birth and after our death. In an organized society this sphere is forbidden. The tabu that guards it protects us from the destructive forces of chaos which could appear through the death rage, violent sexual passions, cruelty and evil. Human desire to see what is in this sphere comes from his nostalgia for a naturalness which had been lost when we changed from animals into human beings. The animal does not obey any rule and in ancient societies it used to represent the divinity. The lost intimity of present instant, as explained in Lascaux or Literature et le Mal, is mediated to us through religious transgression of law (sacrifice) or as fiction in art (transgression in modus "a like") or through destruction of academic forms. Such moments are always accompanied by...
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Literární kritik F. V. Krejčí a revue Rozhledy / Literary Critic F. V. Krejčí in Rozhledy ReviewPečenková, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this master thesis is F. V. Krejci's literary criticism. It analyses not only his approach to literary criticism as presented in his major as well as minor texts, but also his own output in the Rozhledy revue, presumably the best representative of modern literary-critical tendencies of the 1890s. The Rozhledy revue and F. V. Krejci's literary- critical output (including his monographs) both help us understand the literature of the second half of 19th century with its diversities as well as the way how the young generation of literary critics used to form their methodological aspects. The body of this master thesis is created by the complete and annotated bibliography of F. V. Krejci's texts published in Rozhledy. The research was based on both - the detailed study and analysis of the main sources and the author bibliography provided by the Institute of Czech Literature AS CR. In Rozhledy, F. V. Krejci published various political and literary articles. He also reviewed a few books. In his reviews, he usually wrote a non-detailed foreword and introduction. After that, he commented on a few aspects of the particular book. There are four topics he was interested about the reviewed masterpiece and that is its plot, message, overall meaning and its social impact. He also published some...
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Jaromír Malý - novinář a regionalista / Jaromír Malý the journalist and regionalistSTANĚK, Libor January 2013 (has links)
This thesis, called "Jaromír Malý the journalist and regionalist" deals with this remarkable person comming from the southern Bohemia who lived from 1885 to 1955. The thesis describes his life story and focuses on its significance. The thesis is divided into nine chapters. The first of them brings a summary of basic literature dealing with Jaromír Malý and concentrates on particular titles and studies denoted to South Bohemian regionalism. The second chapter focuses on Jaromír Malý´s life story. It depicts his studies as a term of his life and subsequent carrier in Prague, as well as relationship to his family and wife particularly. This chapter includes an analysis of letters sent by Jaromír Malý from concentration camps in Germany, in which he forcibly resided. The third chapter aims to describe his journalistic work and brings an analysis of his work done for Progressive students magazine and Progressive revue. The fourth chapter endeavours to introduce Jaromír Malý´s work in periodicals, especially the work for a local magazine Otavan. The fifth chapter is focused on a local club Prácheň, one of which founders Jaromír Malý was. In the sixth chapter Jaromír Malý´s opinion on a role of the southern Bohemia in the czech countries is given. The seventh chapter brings a description of so called cultural world of Jaromír Malý. On the basis of his archival fund which passed down fortunately, many important persons he met or kept in touch are mentioned. Beside this, the chapter brings a basic summary of his participation in cultural events and membership in various societies. The last but one chapter shows Jaromír Malý´s most favourite interest, i.e. collecting ex libris. The last chapter summarizes significance of Jaromír Malý. At the end of the thesis, there is a list of explored literature and a list of attachements. The attachments are composed of list of articles which Jaromír Malý wrote for respective magazines, list of his studies and papers that were issued separately, list of the most important dates connected to Jaromír Malý and his life, and pictures as well. In these pictures, Jaromír Malý is depicted in various stages of his life. There are also his birth certificate, school reports, invitations to cultural events, ex libris, Jaromír Malý´s death notification and several pieces of correspondence with his friends and family.
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L’espace littéraire de la revue Commerce (1924-1932) / The literary space of Commerce, a French review (1924-1932)Rabaté, Ève 27 November 2010 (has links)
Commerce, revue littéraire fondée à Paris en 1924 par Marguerite Caetani et éditée jusqu’en 1932, se présente sous la forme de vingt-neuf « cahiers trimestriels publiés par les soins de Paul Valéry, Léon-Paul Fargue, Valery Larbaud ». Saint-John Perse, Jean Paulhan et Bernard Groethuysen ont aussi joué un rôle actif dans Commerce. Tout d’abord, la genèse et la mise en place de la revue sont appréhendées selon une double perspective, la « fabrique », son élaboration concrète, ainsi que l’aspect utopique d’une revue uniquement constituée de textes littéraires, sans aucune rubrique ou note critique, pensée comme un idéal de la revue, une revue « secrète » et confidentielle. Le panorama des auteurs publiés permet ensuite d’inscrire Commerce dans le champ concurrentiel des revues des années vingt, et d’explorer la réalité de ses liens concurrentiels et amicaux avec La NRF. Le cœur de Commerce est constitué de textes d’écrivains français classiques, reconnus, proches des sommaires de La NRF, sommaires d’une proximité parfois troublante. La revue a aussi joué un rôle de « découvreur » en publiant une proportion non négligeable de jeunes auteurs. Commerce ouvre également ses pages au meilleur des auteurs étrangers de son temps, ainsi qu’à des textes oubliés et capitaux des siècles précédents. Enfin, l’« esprit classique moderne » de la revue est analysé : Commerce illustre la tension entre classique et moderne que La NRF problématise dans ses textes critiques. Commerce peut expérimenter davantage que son aînée dans le laboratoire des formes nouvelles, tout en valorisant et en recréant l’héritage classique. / Commerce, a Parisian literary review founded in 1924 by Marguerite Caetani and published until 1932, totals twenty-nine quarterly issues edited by Paul Valéry, Léon-Paul Fargue and Valery Larbaud. Saint-John Perse, Jean Paulhan and Bernard Groethuysen also played an active part in Commerce. The genesis and the production of the review are approached in a double perspective, a study of the «workshop » in its concrete elaboration, as well as its utopian aspect, since the review included literary texts only. Deprived of any chronicle or critical review, it embodied the dream of an ideal review that was to remain both « secret » and confidential. The line-up of the authors who were published in it allows to inscribe Commerce in a field shared with other contemporary journals with which it was in competition. Hence special attention is paid to its friendly and competitive links with the Nouvelle Revue Française. As the core of Commerce was constituted by texts written by distinguished classical French writers, it was very close to the contents of the NRF, and such a proximity may have been troubling at times. The review also played the role of a discoverer since it published an important proportion of younger authors, as well as some of the best of the foreign writers of its time. Finally, the « modern classical spirit» of the review is analyzed so as to show that Commerce would highlight the tension between classicism and modernism that was problematized by the NRF in various critical pronouncements. Commerce was nevertheless able to become more experimental than its prestigious rival in the workshop of new forms, all the while magnifying and recreating a classical heritage.
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