Spelling suggestions: "subject:"literary magazine"" "subject:"iiterary magazine""
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The subversive Afrikaner : an exploration into the subversive stance of the little magazine Stet (1982–1991)Deysel, Jurgens Johannes Human 08 October 2008 (has links)
This study explores the subversive stance taken by the Afrikaans little magazine Stet (1982–1991) against the then current ideologies of Afrikaansness, apartheid, and censorship in South Africa during the 1980s. A narrative exploration of the context and circumstances from which the publication emerged, provides a base from which the visualisation of the subversive stance on the covers of Stet is semiotically analysed. The oppositional and alternative nature of the covers of Stet is discussed from within the Barthesian paradigm of myth construction and the discipline of social semiotics. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Visual Arts / unrestricted
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Básník šéfredaktorem: proměny časopisu Host do domu pod vedením Jana Skácela (1963-1969) / Poet became an editor-in-chief:Transformation of "Host do domu" magazine under the supervision of Jan Skácel(1963-1969)Stinglová, Helena January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis are editorial, thematic and content changes in literary monthly "Host do domu" during time period 1963 - 1969 under Jan Skácel supervision. Title of the thesis is Poet became an editor-in-chief: Transformation of "Host do domu" magazine under the supervision of Jan Skácel (1963-1969). After Skácel was forced to leave the managing post because of the political reasons, the magazine was led by editor Jan Trefulka. Trefulka was trying to continue in the steps of his predecessor and led the magazine in similar style. Therefore I covered also this time period (1969-1970) after which the magazine was completely stopped by the officials. The thesis is based on qualitative analysis of texts that were issued in selected time period and on analysis of archive materials associated with this topic. The sixties in Czechoslovakia are a period when rigidly regulated one party (KSČ) regime started to loosen its grip. This process was supported by cultural magazines including "Host do domu". The literary magazine "Host do domu" belonged to a certain type of magazines that were trying to deliver articles, parts of fiction and poetry that was not in accordance with regime regulations. Readers were introduced to really valuable texts and articles that were forcing them to think about...
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Entre Douro - e - Mundo: mito e literatura na revista Nova Renascença / Between Douro - and - World: myth and literature in New Renaissance magazineFerraz, Roberta Almeida Prado de Figueiredo 10 October 2008 (has links)
Em 1980 é publicada no Porto a revista Nova Renascença, um periódico de publicação trimestral que terá duração até o ano de 1999. Um dos principais objetivos da revista, continuamente exposto em seus editoriais e manifestos, bem como em alguns de seus textos de crítica literária, estava em reelaborar uma identidade nacional, que aliando tradição e modernidade, fez da língua portuguesa sua expressão mítica. Sabemos que os mitos em suas narrativas simbólicas configuram diversos tipos de saberes e de usos, dos mais criativos aos mais retóricos, tornando-se, sempre, uma expressão perigosa. Partindo, portanto, desse pressuposto, buscamos, neste trabalho, apresentar alguns dos diferentes sentidos que a proposta mitopoética da língua e da Pátria assumem na revista, sempre tendo como horizonte o contexto sócio-histórico do atual debate sobre o retorno do mito e a pós-modernidade. / In 1980, the Nova Renascença magazine was first published, in Portos city, lasting untill 1999. One of its main goals, continuously displayed in its editorials and manifestos, as well as in some of its texts of literary critics, was to re-elaborate Portugals identity, which by uniting tradition and modernity, made, out of the Portuguese language, its mythical expression. We know that myths while expressed in symbolical terms serve different functions and uses, from most creatives to most rhetorical, becoming always a dangerous expression. Taking, therefore, from this assumption, we seek, in this work, to present some of the different meanings that the mythic-poetic proposal of the language and the Nation assume in the magazine, having always its global context, in which occurs the actual debate between the return of the myth and post-modernity, as horizon.
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Entre Douro - e - Mundo: mito e literatura na revista Nova Renascença / Between Douro - and - World: myth and literature in New Renaissance magazineRoberta Almeida Prado de Figueiredo Ferraz 10 October 2008 (has links)
Em 1980 é publicada no Porto a revista Nova Renascença, um periódico de publicação trimestral que terá duração até o ano de 1999. Um dos principais objetivos da revista, continuamente exposto em seus editoriais e manifestos, bem como em alguns de seus textos de crítica literária, estava em reelaborar uma identidade nacional, que aliando tradição e modernidade, fez da língua portuguesa sua expressão mítica. Sabemos que os mitos em suas narrativas simbólicas configuram diversos tipos de saberes e de usos, dos mais criativos aos mais retóricos, tornando-se, sempre, uma expressão perigosa. Partindo, portanto, desse pressuposto, buscamos, neste trabalho, apresentar alguns dos diferentes sentidos que a proposta mitopoética da língua e da Pátria assumem na revista, sempre tendo como horizonte o contexto sócio-histórico do atual debate sobre o retorno do mito e a pós-modernidade. / In 1980, the Nova Renascença magazine was first published, in Portos city, lasting untill 1999. One of its main goals, continuously displayed in its editorials and manifestos, as well as in some of its texts of literary critics, was to re-elaborate Portugals identity, which by uniting tradition and modernity, made, out of the Portuguese language, its mythical expression. We know that myths while expressed in symbolical terms serve different functions and uses, from most creatives to most rhetorical, becoming always a dangerous expression. Taking, therefore, from this assumption, we seek, in this work, to present some of the different meanings that the mythic-poetic proposal of the language and the Nation assume in the magazine, having always its global context, in which occurs the actual debate between the return of the myth and post-modernity, as horizon.
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Zlatý máj - časopis o umění a literatuře pro děti a mládež a osobnost Z. K. Slabého / Zlatý máj, magazine about art and literature for children and youth and the personality of Z.K.SlabýŠimůnková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Master thesis Zlatý máj - Magazine about Children's Literature and Art and the Personality of Z. K. Slabý follows foundation and history of Czechoslovak literary journal Zlatý máj. It has been published from September 1956 till December 1997, when 391 issues came out in forty one volumes. The magazine experienced its golden era in 1960s, when it participated not only in domestic, but also in international discussions about children and youth literature. But it also endured through the time of so called normalization (1969 - 1989), when most of literary or cultural magazines perished, and its final end was brought by lack of finance after formation of democratic Czech Republic. The name of writer and literary critic Zdeněk Karel Slabý has been tied to Zlatý máj for the most of its existence. He acted at first as the redactor, in two periods as editor in chief (1968 - 1971, 1990 - 1992) and at last as a member of board of editors. As a part of his job, but also because of his active and creative nature he shaped or co-shaped the image of Zlatý máj. His authorial signature is visible in his texts, his opinions and preferences formed the sections and content of the magazine. Master thesis analyses the work of Z. K. Slabý and defines its place and importance in context of the literary theory and critique.
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Aux origines du surréalisme (1917-1924). "Un nouveau temps du verbe être" / The Origins of Surrealism (1917-1924). “A New Tense of the Verb 'be'.”De Pieri, Damiano 15 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose de reconsidérer la naissance du surréalisme dans la période entre 1917 et la publication du Manifeste du surréalisme en 1924. La première partie se concentre sur les années 1917-1918 et montre comment Aragon, Breton et Soupault ont tissé leurs réseaux pour s'insérer dans le champ littéraire avant de créer la revue Littérature. En même temps le désir et la nécessité de publier pour atteindre la légitimité entrent en conflit avec un esprit de groupe et des exigences différentes révélant une délicate stratégie entre adhésion et subversion. Le prétexte d'un essai sur le lyrisme demandé par Reverdy à Breton est l'occasion de mesurer la distance qui se creuse entre les trois amis et la génération des poètes aînés afin d'apprécier les chemins qu'ils ont emprunté pour renouveler l'écriture de la poésie en allant vers l'horizon plus ambitieux d'une critique du langage. Dans la deuxième partie, qui traite des 1919-1924, est d’abord considéré le rapport entre la poésie et l’espace public à la lumière de l’essor de la presse. Enfin, à partir des revues artistiques et littéraires est esquissée une cartographie des tendances esthétiques et idéologiques d'où émerge le surréalisme. Le corpus est constitué par les revues qui « entourent » Littérature, c'est à dire qui forment le premier cercle autour de cette revue, au sens où elles sont mentionnées dans les rubriques consacrées aux revues et où elles accueillent parfois la signature des poètes du sommaire. Cet échantillon représentatif du champ littéraire permet de montrer le socle commun du surréalisme naissant aux modernistes et aux avant-gardes et, inversement, les lignes de fuite qui les distinguent. Cette étude s’inscrit ainsi à la croisée de la sociologie, de l’histoire et de la poétique. / This dissertation aims to shed new light on the birth of surrealism in the period stretching from 1917 and the publication of Breton’s Manifeste du surréalisme in 1924. The first part of the thesis focuses on 1917 and 1918, highlighting how Aragon, Breton and Soupault built their networks in order to establish a place for themselves in the literary field before they went on to found the journal Littérature. The desire to publish, and the necessity to do so in order to acquire legitimacy, nevertheless conflicts with a strong group spirit as well as diverging demands, which reveal subtle strategies ranging from compliance to subversion. The occasion of an essay on lyricism that Reverdy commissioned Breton to write enables us to measure the distance that had come to separate the three poets from the preceding generation, and to explore the paths they followed as they strived to transform poetic writing and give it a broader horizon: that of being a critique of language itself. In the second part of the dissertation, which deals with the 1919-1924 period, we set out to examine first and foremost the relationship between poetry and public space, taking the rise of the press as a vanishing point. We then look at the landscape of the artistic and literary magazines of the time in order to sketch a map of the aesthetic and ideological orientations from which surrealism emerged. The corpus is formed of the reviews which “revolve” around Littérature, in other words the reviews which are related to it either because they are cited in the sections of the journal dedicated to other contemporary magazines, or because they involved the participation of the poets of the Littérature group themselves. This representative sample of the literary field allows us to reveal the shared foundation of surrealism, the modernists and the avant-gardes, but also the divergences that distinguishes it from them. This study thus places itself at the intersection of literary history, the sociology of literature, and literary criticism.
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L’espace littéraire de la revue Commerce (1924-1932) / The literary space of Commerce, a French review (1924-1932)Rabaté, Ève 27 November 2010 (has links)
Commerce, revue littéraire fondée à Paris en 1924 par Marguerite Caetani et éditée jusqu’en 1932, se présente sous la forme de vingt-neuf « cahiers trimestriels publiés par les soins de Paul Valéry, Léon-Paul Fargue, Valery Larbaud ». Saint-John Perse, Jean Paulhan et Bernard Groethuysen ont aussi joué un rôle actif dans Commerce. Tout d’abord, la genèse et la mise en place de la revue sont appréhendées selon une double perspective, la « fabrique », son élaboration concrète, ainsi que l’aspect utopique d’une revue uniquement constituée de textes littéraires, sans aucune rubrique ou note critique, pensée comme un idéal de la revue, une revue « secrète » et confidentielle. Le panorama des auteurs publiés permet ensuite d’inscrire Commerce dans le champ concurrentiel des revues des années vingt, et d’explorer la réalité de ses liens concurrentiels et amicaux avec La NRF. Le cœur de Commerce est constitué de textes d’écrivains français classiques, reconnus, proches des sommaires de La NRF, sommaires d’une proximité parfois troublante. La revue a aussi joué un rôle de « découvreur » en publiant une proportion non négligeable de jeunes auteurs. Commerce ouvre également ses pages au meilleur des auteurs étrangers de son temps, ainsi qu’à des textes oubliés et capitaux des siècles précédents. Enfin, l’« esprit classique moderne » de la revue est analysé : Commerce illustre la tension entre classique et moderne que La NRF problématise dans ses textes critiques. Commerce peut expérimenter davantage que son aînée dans le laboratoire des formes nouvelles, tout en valorisant et en recréant l’héritage classique. / Commerce, a Parisian literary review founded in 1924 by Marguerite Caetani and published until 1932, totals twenty-nine quarterly issues edited by Paul Valéry, Léon-Paul Fargue and Valery Larbaud. Saint-John Perse, Jean Paulhan and Bernard Groethuysen also played an active part in Commerce. The genesis and the production of the review are approached in a double perspective, a study of the «workshop » in its concrete elaboration, as well as its utopian aspect, since the review included literary texts only. Deprived of any chronicle or critical review, it embodied the dream of an ideal review that was to remain both « secret » and confidential. The line-up of the authors who were published in it allows to inscribe Commerce in a field shared with other contemporary journals with which it was in competition. Hence special attention is paid to its friendly and competitive links with the Nouvelle Revue Française. As the core of Commerce was constituted by texts written by distinguished classical French writers, it was very close to the contents of the NRF, and such a proximity may have been troubling at times. The review also played the role of a discoverer since it published an important proportion of younger authors, as well as some of the best of the foreign writers of its time. Finally, the « modern classical spirit» of the review is analyzed so as to show that Commerce would highlight the tension between classicism and modernism that was problematized by the NRF in various critical pronouncements. Commerce was nevertheless able to become more experimental than its prestigious rival in the workshop of new forms, all the while magnifying and recreating a classical heritage.
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