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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intertextuální a mýtické. Rezidenční komplexy Piastovců a Přemyslovců od poloviny 10. do konce 11. století / Intertextual and mythical. The royal seats of Piasts and Premyslids between mid-10th and late 11th century AD

Oleś, Kamila January 2019 (has links)
In Central Europe, an early medieval architectural complex, in which palatial remnants have been either unearthed or expected on the basis of historical writing, is often classified as a royal/princely seat. Thus, the architectural criteria are used to define the residential areas. Alas, in most studies the interpreted architectural remnants are simply juxtaposed without taking into account their terresial and landscape context. I demonstrate that in some cases landscape significance of royal seats was constructed without taking into account any spatial evidence. Secondly, I illustrate that by isolating a single building within the royal seat from its landscape and textual context, the spatial aspects of the structure were misinterpreted. However, our understanding of the local environment is essential to identify the role of architectural "quotation" in the semantic creation of space of the royal seats in the past. Thus, based on a textual approach to architecture and landscape, my thesis aims to deconstruct the meaning of early medieval royal seats, and to demythologize the interpretation of early medieval royal seats in Central Europe. In addition, I present that both textual (historic writing) and physical (environmental) aspects of the reality creates a historic spatiality that is polarized...

"Společná pokladna" pražské kapituly v 2. polovině 14. a na počátku 15. století / "Communal treasury" of the Prague Cathedral Chapter at the turn of the 14th and 15th Centuries

Maříková, Martina January 2014 (has links)
The PhD thesis concerns the managment of so called communal treasury inside the Prague cathedral chapter. Its purpose was to provide cathedral clergy who was in residence and took part in the services with the additional payment (distributions). The study is based on a unique collection of account records from the years 1358-1418 which were kept by administrators of this section of the chapter economy. Beside a description and characteristics of the preserved account books, special attention is paid to the three particular points related to the role of finances in the everyday operation of the Prague chapter and in the life of its members: 1. administration of various types of possessions belonging to the Prague chapter, followed by comparison with the ways the administration was carried out in England, Germany and Poland; 2. Form and amount of emoluments of various groupes of cathedral clergy; 3. Link between amount of additional payment and the number of canons in residence. An integral part of PhD thesis is a transcription of the researched account books, name and local index and several tabular surveys of the income and expenses of communal teasury. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Dodržování standardů kvality sociálních služeb v rezidenčních zařízeních pro osoby se zdravotním postižením v Jihočeském kraji. / The observance of quality standards of social services for people with health disorder in rezidence facilities in South Bohemian region.

MIKULENKOVÁ, Iveta January 2009 (has links)
This Graduation work dealth with the observance of quality standards of social services for people wiht health disorder in rezidence facilities in South Bohemia. The goal of this work was observance of the Standard 2 and Standard 3. It was ascertained that the standard 2 {--} Protection of rights of personae isn´t the best breaking standard. The Hypothesis 1 isn´t confirm. Standard 3 {--} Conducting with applicant abouth social service isn´t the best observance standard. The Hypothesis 2 isn´t confirm too. All the rezidence facilities are observancing of quality standards of social services.

Rezidence Zlatá Pole v Letovicích / Residence Zlatá Pole in Letovice

Novák, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is designing the transport infrastructure for the new building of the 4 apartment buildings in Letovice. The design documentation for building permission contains direction and height solution of the building, static and pedestrian traffic and also design traffic signs and outlook’s ratios. The whole newly emerging site is designed as zone 30.

Mobilita osob a populací v předhistorickém období. Konfrontace archeologických, etnologických a přírodovědných metod. / Mobility of individuals and populations in the prehistoric period. Confrontation of archaeological, ethnological and natural scientific methods.

Hrnčíř, Václav January 2020 (has links)
Mgr. Václav Hrnčíř Mobility of individuals and populations in the prehistoric period. Confrontation of archaeological, ethnological and natural scientific methods. Abstract of dissertation thesis This thesis focuses on the use of natural scientific methods and cross-cultural research to study the mobility of individuals and populations in the prehistoric period and confronts these methods with the results of traditional archaeological approaches. In the first part, the advantages and limits of multiple-tooth strontium isotope analysis are critically assessed. Analysis of published strontium data of more than 1,000 individuals across the world reveals a high degree of variability in childhood mobility patterns between different regions and periods. In the second part, the association between post-marital residence and dwelling size is tested using phylogenetic comparative analysis methods and a global sample of 86 pre-industrial societies. The results confirm that large dwellings are associated with matrilocality (whereas smaller with patrilocality) and suggest that average dwelling size can be used as a material proxy for inferring post-marital residence rules in prehistoric societies. The last part of the thesis combines various types of evidence (archaeological, strontium and ethnographic) to determine...

Zdanění příjmů stálých provozoven - problémové okruhy / Taxation of permanent establishments

Stehno, Pavel January 2007 (has links)
Taxation of permanent establishments is one of the most complicated areas within international tax law. The system of permanent establishment is based not only on the national legislations of relevant states, but also (mainly) on the international double taxation treaties. This diploma thesis analyses those issues in the taxation of permanent establishments, which are the most up-to-date or can be considered as the key questions of the whole concept and therefore can be significant for the future development of the permanent establishments. However the technically perfect system of permanent establishments should come hand in hand with the practical feasibility and overall efficiency. This assumption is nowadays challenged by several trends like the growing popularity of offshore tax heavens or the development of information technologies, which complicate the determination of (fixed) place of business through which the business of an enterprise is wholy or partly carried on. The technical analyses in this thesis are, therefore, supplemented by the objective evaluations from the perspective of valid legislation, possible approaches of the tax authorities, as well as of the enterprise considerations and also the global international taxation picture. This involves also the aspects of tax policies at the level of sovereign states, especially the Czech Republic.

Vývoj výstavby rezidenčních nemovitostí v městské čtvrti Brno - Královo Pole / Development of the Construction of Residential properties in Brno - Královo pole

Novotný, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The main task in this thesis is to prescribe the development of residential properties in the locality of Brno - Královo Pole. My diploma thesis is focusing on history of this quarter of the city until present. In the thesis is desribed in detail survey of the significant residentional buildings, construction of residentional complexes. Work us step by step through the development of these buildings from the beginning of construction on the territory to the possible future development in the area. In my thesis, there will be map drawings of the given area, old photographs of streets, residential and important civic buildings included. I would like to try to discover changes that have been made during recent years on the local building as well. In the end, I will also consider future building development opportunities in the built-up urban area.

Barokní sochařská dílna Ondřeje Filipa a Jana Antonína Quitainerových / Baroque sculpture workshop of Andreas Philipp and Johann Anton Quitteiner

Hořák, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The Quitteiner family sculpture workshop operated in Prague from the turn of the 18th century to the year 1765. The span of its existence is delimited on one side by the arrival of its founder, Andreas Philipp Quitteiner (1679-1729), from Frýdlant in northern Bohemia, and on the other side by the death of the upholder of the family tradition, Johann Anton Quitteiner (1709-1765). During the lifetime of Quitteiner Senior the workshop built its reputation as the leading Prague- based sculpture studio. A. F. Quitteiner strengthened his position while working in the Württemberg region in 1709-1712, and then in 1713 and 1714, when he participated together with other Prague artists in decorating the palace residence at Ludwigsburg. After his return to Prague the elder Quitteiner won recognition alongside the most prominent figures of Czech Baroque sculpture F. M. Brokoff and M. B. Braun, and created his best works, including four statues on the side altars of the Holy Family and Saint John of Nepomuk in Saint Thomas's church in Prague's Lesser Quarter. Quitteiner's son Johann Anton learnt his craft in the family workshop which he took over after his father's death. The starting point for his work was the realistic style of his father. He built on this foundation, however, adding to it elements of...

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