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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Objektų Pozicijos ir Orientacijos Nustatymo Metodų Mobiliam Robotui Efektyvumo Tyrimas / Efficiency Analysis of Object Position and Orientation Detection Algorithms for Mobile Robot

Uktveris, Tomas 18 August 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe tiriami algoritminiai sprendimai mobiliam robotui, leidžiantys aptikti ieškomą objektą bei įvertinti jo poziciją ir orientaciją erdvėje. Atlikus šios srities technologijų analizę surasta įvairių realizacijai tinkamų metodų, tačiau bendro jų efektyvumo palyginimo trūko. Siekiant užpildyti šią spragą realizuota programinė ir techninė įranga, kuria atliktas labiausiai roboto sistemoms tinkamų metodų vertinimas. Algoritmų analizė susideda iš algoritmų tikslumo ir jų veikimo spartos vertinimo panaudojant tam paprastus bei efektyvius metodus. Darbe analizuojamas objektų orientacijos nustatymas iš Kinect kameros gylio duomenų pasitelkiant ICP algoritmą. Atliktas dviejų gylio sistemų spartos ir tikslumo tyrimas parodė, jog Kinect kamera spartos atžvilgiu yra efektyvesnis bei 2-5 kartus tikslesnis sprendimas nei įprastinė stereo kamerų sistema. Objektų aptikimo algoritmų efektyvumo eksperimentuose nustatytas maksimalus aptikimo tikslumas apie 90% bei pasiekta maksimali 15 kadrų/s veikimo sparta analizuojant standartinius VGA 640x480 raiškos vaizdus. Atliktas objektų pozicijos ir orientacijos nustatymo ICP metodo efektyvumo tyrimas parodė, jog vidutinė absoliutinė pozicijos ir orientacijos nustatymo paklaida yra atitinkamai apie 3.4cm bei apie 30 laipsnių, o veikimo sparta apie 2 kadrai/s. Tolesnis optimizavimas arba duomenų kiekio minimizavimas yra būtinas norint pasiekti geresnius veikimo rezultatus mobilioje ribotų resursų roboto sistemoje. Darbe taip pat buvo sėkmingai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work presents a performance analysis of the state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms for object detection and pose estimation. Initial field study showed that many algorithms for the given problem exist but still their combined comparison was lacking. In order to fill in the existing gap a software and hardware solution was created and the comparison of the most suitable methods for a robot system were done. The analysis consists of detector accuracy and runtime performance evaluation using simple and robust techniques. Object pose estimation via ICP algorithm and stereo vision Kinect depth sensor method was used in this work. A conducted two different stereo system analysis showed that Kinect achieves best runtime performance and its accuracy is 2-5 times more superior than a regular stereo setup. Object detection experiments showcased a maximum object detection accuracy of nearly 90% and speed of 15 fps for standard size VGA 640x480 resolution images. Accomplished object position and orientation estimation experiment using ICP method showed, that average absolute position and orientation detection error is respectively 3.4cm and 30 degrees while the runtime speed – 2 fps. Further optimization and data size minimization is necessary to achieve better efficiency on a resource limited mobile robot platform. The robot hardware system was also successfully implemented and tested in this work for object position and orientation detection.

Teleoperační rozhraní pro řízení robotického vozidla s využitím virtuální reality / Teleoperation Interface for a Semi-Autonomous Vehicle Using Virtual Reality

Revický, Peter January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this work is to come up with user interface in virtual reality for vehicle robot teleoperation that is equipped with cameras, Velodyne laser distance meter and localization system. The user interface is designed with generally accepted methods for creation of user interfaces in virtual reality. This work also deals with the problem of sickness from VR. The user interface is implemented in Unity3D game engine. The HTC Vive Pro virtual reality kit was used during implementation and testing.

Využití nástroje ROS pro řízení autonomního mobilního robotu / ROS framework utilization for autonomous mobile robot control system

Vávra, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá vytvořením lokalizačního a navigačního systému mobilního robota pro vnitřní prostředí pomocí frameworku ROS. Stručně je zde představen projekt, v rámci kterého diplomová práce vznikla, a jeho cíle. V rešeršní části je v krátkosti popsán ROS framework, simulační prostředí Gazebo a senzory, kterými robot disponuje. Následuje vytvoření modelu robota a simulačního prostředí, v němž jsou vyzkoušeny lokalizační, navigační a další rutiny. V experimentální části je provedeno testování senzorů a popsáno využití jejich výstupů. Následně jsou upraveny a otestovány algoritmy ze simulace na reálném robotovi. V závěru jsou popsány vytvořené vzdělávací minihry. Hlavním výstupem této práce je funkční stavový automat, který umožňuje manuální ovládání, zadávání cílů pro navigaci a v případě potřeby zajistí autonomní nabití robota.

Matematické modelování kráčejících robotů / Mathematical modelling of walking robots

Kiša, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá matematickými modely kráčejících robotů. Dva z těchto modelů jsou vybrány a analyzovány. Pasivní model "rimless wheel" , který slouží jako základ pro další, složitější modely, je podrobně analyzován. "Compass gait" model dvounohého robota je v práci analyzován a numericky simulován v programovacím jazyce Python. Metoda pro nalezení podmínek pro pasivní chůzi robota je rovněž implementována.

Systém pro autonomní mapování závodní dráhy / System for autonomous racetrack mapping

Soboňa, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is to theoretically design, describe, implement and verify thefunctionality of the selected concept for race track mapping. The theoretical part ofthe thesis describes the ORB-SLAM2 algorithm for vehicle localization. It then furtherdescribes the format of the map - occupancy grid and the method of its creation. Suchmap should be in a suitable format for use by other trajectory planning systems. Severalcameras, as well as computer units, are described in this part, and based on parametersand tests, the most suitable ones are selected. The thesis also proposes the architectureof the mapping system, it describes the individual units that make up the system, aswell as what is exchanged between the units, and in what format the system output issent. The individual parts of the system are first tested separately and subsequently thesystem is tested as a whole. Finally, the achieved results are evaluated as well as thepossibilities for further expansion.

Digitální zprovoznění robotizovaného výrobního systému pro obsluhu obráběcího stroje / Digital commissioning of a robotic production system for machine tool tending

Roun, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
This master‘s thesis is about the digital commissioning of a robotic production system for a machine tool tending. The initial research describes the current state of the art in the field of industrial robotics. Their types and possibilities are followed by the types and SW capabilities for digital commissioning. The system analysis of the robotic work cell. The practical part of this thesis describes the creation of the digital model and SW design. At the end of the thesis is performed virtual testing of the robotic system.

Návrh robotické buňky pro obsluhu tryskače pro čištění odlitků / Design of a Robotic Cell for Operating a Jet Machine for Cleaning Castings

Vrána, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
The main goal of this master’s thesis is to create a design of robotic cell for operating of blasting machine. Operation of blasting machine consists of robotic manipulation of aluminium castings from input container to the blasting machine conveyor. After blasting operation aluminium castings are manipulated by robot from conveyor to output container. The part of the master's thesis is proposal of several variants of solution of design of robotic cell. Afterwards the best option is selected. The thesis also deals with design and selection of functional components in robotic cell. Functional verification of robotic cell is made in software Tecnomatix Process Simulate. Technical-economics evaluation is also part of this master’s thesis.

Čtyřnohý kráčejicí robot / Four legged walking robot

Veleba, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
The diploma paper deal with control problems of a four legged walking robot. They endeavour to establish and partly implement the walking and control algorithms. They are divided into six parts. Individual chassis types and their advantages and drawbacks are analysed in introduction. Next part describes mechanical design of the robot and also all realised electronics facilities. The third part describes in detail sensors that are used by the robot. Following part deals with description of robot's walking. It explains individual walking phases and analyses both static and dynamic stability. Next part contains description of the robot's software facility. The software facility of the control micro-controller and the algorithm that generates walking are explained in this part. It also describes software facility of control application in computer. Exploration of the possibilities for wireless control is carried out in the last part.

Inteligentní senzorická síť navržená pro specifikaci 802.15.4 (beta aplikace) / Intelligent Sensory Net designed on the standard IEEE 802.15.4

Janšta, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This thesis focuses on design of wireless network nodes using modular construction parts with respect to IEEEŽ 802.15.4 standard. Presented platform joins the benefits of the XBeeŽ wireless module and the AVR ATmega128 microcontroller development system. Sensor network prototype is designed to meet the desired first attempt functionality of embedded platform for collection and delivery of small volumes of control and sensor data between the network and the gateway. The control software was developed for TinyOS operating system. Designed platform is used as the framework for future development and possible functionality extensions in related applications.

Systémy průmyslového vidění s roboty Kuka a jeho aplikace na synchronizaci pohybu robotu s pohybujícím se prvkem / Robot vision with industrial robots Kuka

Selingerová, Simona January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a practical application employing an industrial robot KUKA, a vision system – smart camera Siemens. The application is focused on synchronizing or robot movements with objects moving on a conveyor belt. The introductory and theoretical part of this thesis is concerned with various systems for machine vision currently available on the market. Practical part is then focused on the demonstration application: setting-up the robotic cell and description of all devices, robot and vision system programming.

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