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Návrh informačního systému / Information System DesignNečas, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to design an information system that will provide administration of the whole lifecycle of identities with integration to personal system. Administration of access rights and an interface for integration of any software working with roles based architecture.
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Návrh a implementace podnikového intranetového systému / Design and development of business intranet systemŠtúň, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
The design and implementation of business intranet system for Hestego s.r.o. company in attempt to enhance the quality and efficiency of internal communication, business culture and awareness of empolyees is the main focus of this thesis. Current status, limited to use of narrow-profiled information system is described as a part of analysis. Furthermore, commonly used practices in implementing business intranet, together with broadly acknowledged advantages for companies are provided. Based on the gained knowledge, a solution relying on implementing an independent intranet system utilizing database system and .NET web application is proposed. Within the practical section, company’s requirements with regards to functionality and design, conforming with provided logo guidelines are presented. As a final part of this thesis, proposed solution is implemented, documented and deployed in corporate enviroment. Moreover, the advantages of proposed solution for the company are evaluated.
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A Pure Embedding of Roles: Exploring 4-dimensional Dispatch for Roles in Structured ContextsLeuthäuser, Max 15 August 2017 (has links)
Present-day software systems have to fulfill an increasing number of requirements, which makes them more and more complex. Many systems need to anticipate changing contexts or need to adapt to changing business rules or requirements. The challenge of 21th-century software development will be to cope with these aspects. We believe that the role concept offers a simple way to adapt an object-oriented program to its changing context. In a role-based application, an object plays multiple roles during its lifetime. If the contexts are represented as first-class entities, they provide dynamic views to the object-oriented program, and if a context changes, the dynamic views can be switched easily, and the software system adapts automatically. However, the concepts of roles and dynamic contexts have been discussed for a long time in many areas of computer science. So far, their employment in an existing object-oriented language requires a specific runtime environment. Also, classical object-oriented languages and their runtime systems are not able to cope with essential role-specific features, such as true delegation or dynamic binding of roles. In addition to that, contexts and views seem to be important in software development. The traditional code-oriented approach to software engineering becomes less and less satisfactory. The support for multiple views of a software system scales much better to the needs of todays systems. However, it relies on programming languages to provide roles for the construction of views.
As a solution, this thesis presents an implementation pattern for role-playing objects that does not require a specific runtime system, the SCala ROles Language (SCROLL). Via this library approach, roles are embedded in a statically typed base language as dynamically evolving objects. The approach is pure in the sense that there is no need for an additional compiler or tooling. The implementation pattern is demonstrated on the basis of the Scala language. As technical support from Scala, the pattern requires dynamic mixins, compiler-translated function calls, and implicit conversions. The details how roles are implemented are hidden in a Scala library and therefore transparent to SCROLL programmers. The SCROLL library supports roles embedded in structured contexts. Additionally, a four-dimensional, context-aware dispatch at runtime is presented. It overcomes the subtle ambiguities introduced with the rich semantics of role-playing objects. SCROLL is written in Scala, which blends a modern object-oriented with a functional programming language. The size of the library is below 1400 lines of code so that it can be considered to have minimalistic design and to be easy to maintain. Our approach solves several practical problems arising in the area of dynamical extensibility and adaptation.
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A Family of Role-Based LanguagesKühn, Thomas 24 March 2017 (has links)
Role-based modeling has been proposed in 1977 by Charles W. Bachman, as a means to model complex and dynamic domains, because roles are able to capture both context-dependent and collaborative behavior of objects. Consequently, they were introduced in various fields of research ranging from data modeling via conceptual modeling through to programming languages. More importantly, because current software systems are characterized by increased complexity and context-dependence, there is a strong demand for new concepts beyond object-oriented design. Although mainstream modeling languages, i.e., Entity-Relationship Model, Unified Modeling Language, are good at capturing a system's structure, they lack ways to model the system's behavior, as it dynamically emerges through collaborating objects. In turn, roles are a natural concept capturing the behavior of participants in a collaboration. Moreover, roles permit the specification of interactions independent from the interacting objects. Similarly, more recent approaches use roles to capture context-dependent properties of objects. The notion of roles can help to tame the increased complexity and context-dependence. Despite all that, these years of research had almost no influence on current software development practice.
To make things worse, until now there is no common understanding of roles in the research community and no approach fully incorporates both the context-dependent and the relational nature of roles. In this thesis, I will devise a formal model for a family of role-based modeling languages to capture the various notions of roles. Together with a software product line of Role Modeling Editors, this, in turn, enables the generation of a role-based language family for Role-based Software Infrastructures (RoSI).:I Review of Contemporary Role-based Languages
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Problem Definition
1.4 Outline
2 Nature of Roles
2.1 Running Example
2.2 Behavioral Nature
2.3 Relational Nature
2.4 Context-Dependent Nature
2.5 Constraints in Role-Based Languages
2.6 Classification of Roles
3 Systematic Literature Review
3.1 Method
3.2 Results
3.3 Discussion
4 Contemporary Role-Based Modeling Languages
4.1 Behavioral and Relational Modeling Languages
4.1.1 Lodwick
4.1.2 The Generic Role Model
4.1.3 Role-Based Metamodeling Language (RBML)
4.1.4 Role-Based Pattern Specification
4.1.5 Object-Role Modeling (ORM) 2
4.1.6 OntoUML
4.2 Context-Dependent Modeling Languages
4.2.1 Metamodel for Roles
4.2.2 E-CARGO Model
4.2.3 Data Context Interaction (DCI)
4.3 Combined Modeling Languages
4.3.1 Taming Agents and Objects (TAO)
4.3.2 Information Networking Model (INM)
4.3.3 Helena Approach
5 Contemporary Role-based Programming Languages
5.1 Behavioral Programming Languages
5.1.1 Chameleon
5.1.2 Java with Roles (JAWIRO)
5.1.3 Rava
5.1.4 JavaStage
5.2 Relational Programming Languages
5.2.1 Rumer
5.2.2 First Class Relationships
5.2.3 Relations
5.3 Context-Dependent Programming Languages
5.3.1 EpsilonJ and NextEJ
5.3.2 Role/Interaction/Communicative Action (RICA)
5.3.3 ObjectTeams/Java
5.3.4 PowerJava
5.3.5 Scala Roles
6 Comparison of Role-based Languages
6.1 Comparison of Role-Based Modeling Languages
6.2 Comparison of Role-Based Programming Languages
6.3 Results and Findings
II Family of Role-Based Modeling Languages
7 Foundations of Role-Based Modeling Languages
7.1 Ontological Foundation
7.1.1 Metaproperties
7.1.2 Classifying Modeling Concepts
7.2 Graphical Notation
7.2.1 Model Level Notation
7.2.2 Graphical Modeling Constraints
7.2.3 Instance Level Notation
7.3 Formalization of Roles
7.3.1 Model Level
7.3.2 Instance Level
7.3.3 Constraint Level
7.4 Reintroducing Inheritance
7.4.1 Extending the Banking Application
7.4.2 Model Level Extensions
7.4.3 Instance Level Extensions
7.4.4 Constraint Level Extensions
7.5 Reference Implementation
7.5.1 Translation of Logical Formulae
7.5.2 Structure of the Reference Implementation
7.5.3 Specifying and Verifying Role Models
7.6 Full-Fledged Role Modeling Editor
7.6.1 Software Architecture
7.6.2 Illustrative Example
7.6.3 Additional Tool Support
8 Family of Role-Based Modeling Languages
8.1 Family of Metamodels for Role-Based Modeling Languages
8.1.1 Feature Model for Role-Based Languages
8.1.2 Feature Minimal Metamodel
8.1.3 Feature Complete Metamodel
8.1.4 Mapping Features to Variation Points
8.1.5 Implementation of the Metamodel Generator
8.2 First Family of Role Modeling Editors
8.2.1 Dynamic Feature Configuration
8.2.2 Architecture of the Dynamic Software Product Line
8.2.3 Applicability of the Language Family Within RoSI
9 Conclusion
9.1 Summary
9.2 Contributions
9.3 Comparison with Contemporary Role-Based Modeling Languages
9.4 Future Research
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A Metamodel Family for Role-Based Modeling and Programming LanguagesKühn, Thomas, Leuthäuser, Max, Götz, Sebastian, Seidl, Christoph, Aßmann, Uwe 05 July 2021 (has links)
Role-based modeling has been proposed almost 40 years ago as a means to model complex and dynamic domains, because roles are able to capture both context-dependent and collaborative behavior of objects. Unfortunately, while several researchers have introduced the notion of roles to modeling and programming languages, only few have captured both the relational and the context-dependent nature of roles. In this work, we classify various proposals since 2000 and show the discontinuity and fragmentation of the whole research field. To overcome discontinuity, we propose a family of metamodels for role-based modeling languages. Each family member corresponds to a design decision captured in a feature model. In this way, it becomes feasible to generate a metamodel for each role-based approach. This allows for the combination and improvement of the different role-based modeling and programming languages and paves the way to reconcile the research field.
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Modeling Role-Based Systems with Exogenous CoordinationChrszon, Philipp, Dubslaff, Clemens, Baier, Christel, Klein, Joachim, Klüppelholz, Sascha 12 May 2020 (has links)
The concept of roles is a promising approach to cope with context dependency and adaptivity of modern software systems. While roles have been investigated in conceptual modeling, programming languages and multi-agent systems, they have been given little consideration within component-based systems.
In this paper, we propose a hierarchical role-based approach for modeling relationships and collaborations between components. In particular, we consider the channel-based, exogenous coordination language Reo and discuss possible realizations of roles and related concepts. The static requirements on the binding of roles are modeled by rule sets expressed in many-sorted second-order logic and annotations on the Reo networks for role binding, context and collaborations, while Reo connectors are used to model the coordination of runtime role playing. The ideas presented in this paper may serve as a basis for the formalization and formal analysis of role-based software systems.
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Aktualisierung des Rollenbasierten EntwurfsmusterkatalogsKassin, Kevin Ivo 06 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit präsentiert 9 Entwurfsmuster in einer Darstellung durch das Compartment Role Object Model(CROM). Dabei wird dessen graphische Notation für rollenbasierte Modelle mit verschiedenen Möglichkeiten zur Darstellung von Bedingungen des Entwurfsmusters benutzt. Über eine Evaluationsoll ermittelt werden, ob das CROM dazu geeignet ist, die Bedingungen von Entwurfsmustern verständlich und schnell erfassbar darzustellen. Dabei soll die graphische Dokumentation dieser helfen. Das kann positive E ekte auf die Entwicklung von Software haben, wie bessere Codequalität, verkürzte Entwicklungszeiten und die Vereinfachung der Kommunikation zwischen Entwicklern.
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Análise de políticas de controle de acesso baseado em papéis com rede de Petri colorida. / Policies analysis of role based access control with colored Petri net.Ueda, Eduardo Takeo 24 May 2012 (has links)
Controle de acesso é um tópico de pesquisa importante tanto para a academia quanto para a indústria. Controle de Acesso Baseado em Papéis (CABP) foi desenvolvido no início dos anos 1990, tornando-se um padrão generalizado para controle de acesso em vários produtos e soluções computacionais. Embora modelos CABP sejam largamente aceitos e adotados, ainda existem questões para responder. Um dos principais desafios de pesquisa em segurança baseada em papéis é determinar se uma política de controle de acesso é consistente em um ambiente altamente dinâmico. Nossa pesquisa visa preencher essa lacuna fornecendo um método para analisar políticas CABP com respeito a dois aspectos significativos: segurança e dinamismo envolvendo papéis e objetos. Para este propósito, desenvolvemos um modelo de descrição e simulação de política usando rede de Petri colorida e CPN Tools. O modelo descreve e é capaz de simular vários estados CABP em um contexto de educação a distância típico. Usando este modelo, foi possível analisar o espaço de estados produzido pela rede de Petri colorida em um cenário dinâmico envolvendo a criação de novos papéis e objetos. O resultado da análise de alcançabilidade da rede de Petri da política demonstrou que é possível verificar a consistência de políticas de controle de acesso considerando a dinamicidade de papéis e objetos, e apontou vantagens de aplicabilidade da modelagem de políticas de segurança em ambientes distribuídos utilizando rede de Petri colorida. / Access control is an important research topic both for academia and industry. Role Based Access Control (RBAC) was developed in the early 1990s, becoming a generalized standard of access control for many products and computing solutions. Although RBAC models have been widely accepted and adopted, there are issues to answer. One of the key challenges for role-based security research is to characterize whether an access control policy is consistent in a highly dynamic environment. Our research aims filling this gap providing a method to analyze RBAC policies with respect to two significant aspects: security and dynamics involving roles and objects. For this purpose, we developed a policy description and simulation model using colored Petri net and the CPN Tools. The model describes and is capable to simulate many RBAC states in a typical distance education context. Using this model it was possible to analyze the state space provided by colored Petri net that simulates a dynamic environment and the creation of new roles and objects. The result of the reachability analysis of Petri net policy showed that it is possible to check the consistency of access control policies considering dynamic of roles and objects, and point out the advantages and applicability of modeling security policies in distributed environments using colored Petri net.
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Análise de políticas de controle de acesso baseado em papéis com rede de Petri colorida. / Policies analysis of role based access control with colored Petri net.Eduardo Takeo Ueda 24 May 2012 (has links)
Controle de acesso é um tópico de pesquisa importante tanto para a academia quanto para a indústria. Controle de Acesso Baseado em Papéis (CABP) foi desenvolvido no início dos anos 1990, tornando-se um padrão generalizado para controle de acesso em vários produtos e soluções computacionais. Embora modelos CABP sejam largamente aceitos e adotados, ainda existem questões para responder. Um dos principais desafios de pesquisa em segurança baseada em papéis é determinar se uma política de controle de acesso é consistente em um ambiente altamente dinâmico. Nossa pesquisa visa preencher essa lacuna fornecendo um método para analisar políticas CABP com respeito a dois aspectos significativos: segurança e dinamismo envolvendo papéis e objetos. Para este propósito, desenvolvemos um modelo de descrição e simulação de política usando rede de Petri colorida e CPN Tools. O modelo descreve e é capaz de simular vários estados CABP em um contexto de educação a distância típico. Usando este modelo, foi possível analisar o espaço de estados produzido pela rede de Petri colorida em um cenário dinâmico envolvendo a criação de novos papéis e objetos. O resultado da análise de alcançabilidade da rede de Petri da política demonstrou que é possível verificar a consistência de políticas de controle de acesso considerando a dinamicidade de papéis e objetos, e apontou vantagens de aplicabilidade da modelagem de políticas de segurança em ambientes distribuídos utilizando rede de Petri colorida. / Access control is an important research topic both for academia and industry. Role Based Access Control (RBAC) was developed in the early 1990s, becoming a generalized standard of access control for many products and computing solutions. Although RBAC models have been widely accepted and adopted, there are issues to answer. One of the key challenges for role-based security research is to characterize whether an access control policy is consistent in a highly dynamic environment. Our research aims filling this gap providing a method to analyze RBAC policies with respect to two significant aspects: security and dynamics involving roles and objects. For this purpose, we developed a policy description and simulation model using colored Petri net and the CPN Tools. The model describes and is capable to simulate many RBAC states in a typical distance education context. Using this model it was possible to analyze the state space provided by colored Petri net that simulates a dynamic environment and the creation of new roles and objects. The result of the reachability analysis of Petri net policy showed that it is possible to check the consistency of access control policies considering dynamic of roles and objects, and point out the advantages and applicability of modeling security policies in distributed environments using colored Petri net.
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A Platform for Assessing the Efficiency of Distributed Access Enforcement in Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and its ValidationKomlenovic, Marko 14 January 2011 (has links)
We consider the distributed access enforcement problem for Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) systems. Such enforcement has become important with RBAC's increasing adoption, and the proliferation of data that needs to be protected. We provide a platform for assessing candidates for access enforcement in a distributed architecture for enforcement. The platform provides the ability to encode data structures and algorithms for enforcement, and to measure time-, space- and administrative efficiency. To validate our platform, we use it to compare the state of the art in enforcement, CPOL [6], with two other approaches, the directed graph and the access matrix [9, 10]. We consider encodings of RBAC sessions in each, and propose and justify a benchmark for the assessment. We conclude with the somewhat surprising observation that CPOL is not necessarily the most efficient approach for access enforcement in distributed RBAC deployments.
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