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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mapování podmínek pro vytváření klastrů využívajících místní obnovitelné zdroje energie v regionech / Surveying Conditions for the Creation of Clusters Making full use of Local Renewable Resources in various Regions

Macková, Eva January 2009 (has links)
My thesis deals with a creating of conditions, which limit or implicate the creation of clusters focused on exploitation of renewable energy in regions. The theoretical part is focused on general issues of clusters, especially their definition, financing and last but not least their function. One part is focused on renewable energy, biomass and the cultivation of fast-growing trees. The thesis also deals with the economic aspects of production of the fast-growing trees. The target of my thesis is to sketch the demandingness of the project and to verify if this project is realizable from the economic aspect. The practical part of my thesis is focused on creating principles and rules for the cultivation of fast-growing trees. This part analyses the summary of revenues, costs and their total appreciation. The final part of my thesis evaluates relevant risks of this project and possible recommendations for the implementation of the successful strategy.

Vliv genotypu, stanoviště a agrotechniky na produkci fytomasy vybraných energetických dřevin / The influence of genotype , habitats and agricultural technologies for producing energy wood phytomass selected

CHRT, Vladimír January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the cultivation of fast-growing wood and concentrates on the influence of particular factors like e.g. location, agrotechnology and fertilizers, which have a crucial impact on the phytomass production. Moreover, the thesis evaluates the economic efficiency of this type of sustainable energy ressource, which can be a source of local business. Introductory theoretical chapters describe essentials rules of the cultivation of fast-growing wood. Furthermore the thesis presents general information in this field and proposes suitable wood clones. In addition, the thesis outlines the process of choice and preparation of the agricultural parcel, the usage of various fertilizes, herbicides and agrotechnology. The applied core characterises the business case itself. The primary research compares financial investment and its return of two examined agricultural parcels under the prerequisit of suitable choice of location and agrotechnology. A trail phase depictes the cultivation of fast-gworing wood and discuss presumptions for succesfull business. This thesis is mainly based on primary research. The acquired data are further analyzed and the final chapter attempts to outline the results and suggest measures.

Společenstva epigeických brouků plantáží rychle rostoucích dřevin a okolních biotopů / Communities of epigeic beetles (\kur{Coleoptera}) on the plantations of trees for energetic purposes

ZUKAL, Radim January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine communities of epigeic beetles in the plantations of fast-growing trees (poplar clone Japanese J - 105 (Jap = - 105, Max - 4, Maxvier) and surrounding habitats (Zea mays L.). A cover of Zea mays L. was used as an area for comparison. Sampling was carried out in 2012 by using the method of epigeic beetles in pitfall traps (period from May to September). During the sampling, altogether 1054 specimens and 57 species of epigeic beetles were collected. In the area of fast-growing trees ?Na Vrbovecku? 528 specimens were collected which is many times more than in other researched areas. In the cover of Zea mays L. in the area "Na Vrbovecku" 293 specimens were collected and in the zone of fast-growing trees "U rybníka" 233 specimens were catched; notice the high similarity in the number of collected specimens. At all sites surveyed the expansive species (E) outnumbered the II relics. There were about 70% of expansive species in the cover of Japanese poplar found and in the cover of Zea mays L. there were about 90% of expansive species found. The number of more adaptable species- RII category- found in the cover of Japanese poplar was approximately 30% unlike the number of the same species found inside the Zea mays L. cover was only 12%. The rare species Xantholinus gallicus of the RI category was found in the plantations of fast-growing trees "U rybníka". The index of anthropogenic impact on communities (ISD) was very low in studied plots. In the Zea mays L.cover the index was only 6 points, unlike in the cover of Japanese poplar where the index reached 24 points. Yet all researched areas show high anthropogenic impact. Based on the obtained results (epigeic beetles), it seems that plantations of fast-growing trees have a positive impact on communities of epigeic beetles in cultural landscape. Since the research was always carried out on a farmed landscape, the impact of surrounding landscape on gained results is minimal and insignificant.

Analýza ochranných funkcí lesních porostů tvořených rychle rostoucími dřevinami. / Analyse of protective functions of forest crops totalled by the fast-growing timber species

HOMOLKA, Lukáš January 2009 (has links)
The goal of thesis is an analyse of protective functions of fast-growing timber species and a set of theirs part in the total non-energic meaning. The meaning of these timber species is very wide. The analyse is focused on first of all ameliorative function, and on sinking of wind erosion impact, then on insulating function, containing appreciation of impact on sinking of noisiness and catch of dustiness in an environment, and sanitation function which is represented by the production of oxygen.

Právní úprava ochrany dřevin / Legal regulation of the protection of woodspecies

Bubeníková, Štěpánka January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with legislation concerning the protection of wood plants. The six chapters contained within attempt to provide a cohesive overview of this topic as a whole. Legislation in this field has undergone major changes in the recent past. The core of the thesis is an overview of the current state of legislation as it concerns wood plants growing outside the forest as enshrined in the Act on Nature and Landscape Protection. The first chapter deals with an introductory definition of what constitutes a wood plant growing outside the forest, as well as its functions. The following chapter outlines the relationship between public and private law aspects of wood plant legislation. The issue of ownership and neighbour s rights is focused on in particular. The next chapter lays out the basics of public law legislation in this field. The fourth chapter is the crux of the thesis as it deals with the protection of wood plants growing outside the forest as enshrined in the Act on Nature and Landscape Protection, especially when it comes to the possibility of felling of wood plants. The closing chapters partially deal with special forms of protection as provided by the Act on Nature and Landscape Protection in connection with other relevant legislation. The thesis also briefly touches on...

Ekonomika rychle rostoucích dřevin / Economy of fast-growing woody species

Levý, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on analyzing and evaluation of importance and potential of fast-growing woody species for specifics of Czech economy and local conditions. Thesis will inquire into applicability of each fast-growing species for Czech natural conditions. Further I will investigate opportunities of subvention from public authorities. Next part of thesis will be focused on all activities and processes during cultivation of fast-growing species from acquiring land to processing of wooden mass. For each activity will quantify costs of labor and physical capital during cultivation of fast-growing woody species for different subjects in Czech economy, like household owning a soil or company with unused outside areas. Thesis will be comparing possible energetic savings of profits for a number of alternatives with different energy prices development in ongoing years. Practical output of this thesis should not be only the compilation of all these information into one text, but above all also a complex formula which everyone can use for the calculation of his opportunities for cultivating of fast-growing woody species.

Expert Systems and Advanced Algorithms in Mobile Robots Path Planning / Expert Systems and Advanced Algorithms in Mobile Robots Path Planning

Abbadi, Ahmad January 2016 (has links)
Metody plánování pohybu jsou významnou součástí robotiky, resp. mobilních robotických platforem. Technicky je realizace plánování pohybu z globální úrovně převedena do posloupnosti akcí na úrovni specifické robotické platformy a definovaného prostředí, včetně omezení. V rámci této práce byla provedena recenze mnoha metod určených pro plánování cest, přičemž hlavním těžištěm byly metody založené na tzv. rychle rostoucích stromech (RRT), prostorovém rozkladu (CD) a využití fuzzy expertních systémů (FES). Dosažené výsledky, resp. prezentované algoritmy, využívají dostupné informace z pracovního prostoru mobilního robotu a jsou aplikovatelné na řešení globální pohybové trajektorie mobilních robotů, resp. k řešení specifických problémů plánování cest s omezením typu úzké koridory či překážky s proměnnou polohou v čase. V práci jsou představeny nové plánovací postupy využívající výhod algoritmů RRT a CD. Navržené metody jsou navíc efektivně rozšířeny s využitím fuzzy expertního systému, který zlepšuje jejich chování. Práce rovněž prezentuje řešení pro plánovací problémy typu identifikace úzkých koridorů, či významných oblastí prostoru řešení s využitím přístupů na bázi dekompozice prostoru. V řešeních jsou částečně zahrnuty sub-optimalizace nalezených cest založené na zkracování nalezené cesty a vyhlazování cesty, resp. nahrazení trajektorie hladkou křivkou, respektující lépe předpokládanou dynamiku mobilního zařízení. Všechny prezentované metody byly implementovány v prostředí Matlab, které sloužilo k simulačnímu ověření efektivnosti vlastních i převzatých metod a k návrhu prostoru řešení včetně omezení (překážky). Získané výsledky byly vyhodnoceny s využitím statistických přístupů v prostředí Minitab a Matlab.

Právní režim dřevin rostoucích mimo les / Legal regime of trees and shrubs growing outside forests

Bernášek, Bohumír January 2012 (has links)
1 Abstract and keywords The legal regulation of wood species growing outside the forest Keywords: Wood species growing outside the forest in Czech Republic, wood species growing outside the forest in Austria, history of legal regulation of wood species in Czech Republic. Abstract: Topic of thesis is the public protection of wood species growing outside the forest in the legal order of the Czech Republic and Austria. The focus of thesis lies by Czech law. Reflected its development, current legislation and existing state of protection of wood species growing outside the forest in decision-making activities of the courts and the Ministry of Environment. Austrian legislation is viewed more as an inspiration for proposals de lege ferenda. Protection of nature and landscape in Austria is in the individual competence of each country, so it is not completely uniform. Special laws on the protection of the trees are only in Vienna and Styria, so the point of comparison is the legal order in these countries. Introductory part of the thesis defines the term wood species growing outside the forest and discusses their relevance for man and their place in the natural processes. Aesthetic and biological functions of trees forms the background the legislation. These functions created the material basis for the public...

Všeobecný význam porostů rychle rostoucích topolů. / Universal meaning of growths the fast - growing poplars.

CHALOUPKA, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The aim of those thesis was an analysis of a off - producing function the fast - growing growths namely in the several standpoints. I deal with a prosecution of the fast - growing poplars in a theoretic part at first. Then I specifyed the three main functions the fast - growing timber species namely at an off - producing usage. It means a function ameliorative, sanitation, aesthetic, biological, produce and insulative here. Mostly I then attended to an water and windy erosion.

Právní ochrana dřevin jako krajinotvorného prvku / Legal protection of trees as landscape element

Šimandl, Milan January 2016 (has links)
This diploma work deals with the protection of wood growing outside the forests mainly for their landscaping and esthetic functions. It is divided into three basic parts. The first part briefly reports on the history of the protection of trees in the Czechlands. The second part presents current legislation in the Czech Republic. It describes the general protection of trees, modes of tree felling and compensatory planting. The next chapter explains the special protection of trees - protected trees and the reasons for their declaration of protection. A large space is devoted alleys along roads. Next chapter deals with the protection of trees under private law. The last part od diploma work presents the Slovak legislation of this area and its comparison with the Czech. Keywords trees alleys wood growing outside the forest important landscape elements protected trees legal protection of nature in Czech republic

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