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A search for superdeformed and hyperdeformed states in '2'2'2Th and '2'3'2UHawcroft, Deborah January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Study of the nuclear structure far from stability : Coulomb excitation of neutron-rich Rb isotopes around N=60; Production of nuclear spin polarized beams using the Tilted Foils techniqueSotty, Christophe 22 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La structure sous-jacente dans la zone A~100, N~60 a été étudié intensivement et extensivement, principalement par décroissance β et spectroscopie γ suite à des réactions de fission. Autour de N~60, en ajoutant juste quelques neutrons, protons un changement de forme rapide des états fondamentaux se produit, allant de sphérique à bien déformé. La coexistence de forme observée dans les noyaux de Sr et Zr est supposée avoir lieu dans toute la région. Les mécanismes impliqués dans l'apparition de la déformation n'étaient pas clairement identifiés. L'interaction entre les orbitales de Nilsson montantes et descendante est évoqué comme l'une des principales raisons du changement de forme. Cependant, une identification claire des orbitales proton et neutron en jeu était nécessaire. A cet effet, l'étude des isotopes ⁹³′⁹⁵′⁹⁷′⁹⁹Rb riches en neutrons a été réalisé excitation Coulombienne au CERN (ISOLDE) en utilisant le post-accélérateur REX-ISOLDE et le dispositif Miniball. Les structures excitées encore inconnues des isotopes ⁹⁷′⁹⁹Rb ont été peuplées et observées. Les coïncidences de transitions γ des états de basse énergie ont été observées et leur corrélations ont permis la construction de schémas de niveaux. Les probabilités de transitions associées ont été extraites grâce code GOSIA. Les éléments de matrice de l'opérateur électromagnétique observées constituent de nouveaux apports afin d'effectuer de nouveaux calculs théoriques permettant de statuer sur les orbitales impliquées. La sensibilité des expériences de ce type peut être accrue en utilisant des faisceaux radioactifs d'ions dont le spin nucléaire est polarisé. La technique de polarisation des feuilles orientées (TFT) fut étudiée dans ce but au CERN. Un nouveau polariseur TFT et un dispositif β-NMR ont être créés et installés après REX-ISOLDE. La connaissance du processus de polarisation associé à la technique reste incomplète à ce jour et de plus amples études sont nécessaires. Des tests préliminaires prometteurs ont été effectués sur le noyau de ⁸Li afin de déterminer le potentiel du dispositif actuel.
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Angular momentum polarisation effects in inelastic scatteringChadwick, Helen J. January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, a joint experimental and theoretical investigation of the vector properties that describe the inelastic scattering of a diatomic radical with an atomic collision partner is presented. A particular emphasis is placed on those correlations that include the final rotational angular momentum, j', of the radical. The depolarisation of both NO(A) and OH(A) brought about through collisions with krypton has been studied, providing a measure of the j-j' correlation, where j is the initial rotational angular momentum associated with the diatom. The total depolarisation cross- sections for both collisional disorientation and disalignment have been measured using quantum beat spectroscopy, and modelled theoretically using quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) calculations. The agreement between experiment and theory for NO(A)-Kr is excellent, but is not observed for OH(A)-Kr under thermal conditions. This has been attributed to the importance of electronic quenching in OH(A)-Kr. The depolarisation cross-sections have also been determined at a higher collision energy for OH(A)-Kr where electronic quenching is less significant, and the experimental results are in better agreement with those obtained theoretically. The NO(A)-Kr depolarisation cross-sections fall with increasing rotational quantum number, N, whereas for OH(A)-Kr, they exhibit less of an N dependence. This trend is mirrored in the elastic depolarisation cross-sections, which have also been determined experimentally for OH(A)-Kr. The significantly attractive and anisotropic nature of the OH(A)-Kr potential energy surface (PES) accounts for these observations. The j-j' correlation is extended to include the initial (relative) velocity (k) in a new theoretical treatment of the k-j-j' correlation. The formalism developed is used with the results from the QCT calculations for NO(A)-Kr and OH(A)-Kr to provide further insight into the mechanism of depolarisation in the two systems. Collisions of NO(A) with krypton do not cause significant depolarisation due to their impulsive nature, and the projection of j onto the kinematic apse is conserved. In contrast, collisions of OH(A) with krypton effectively randomise the direction of j, again showing the influence of the anisotropic and attractive nature of the PES. However, the projection of j onto the kinematic apse is still conserved. The inelastic scattering of NO(X) with argon and krypton has also been investigated, using a crossed molecular beam apparatus. The initial Λ-doublet state of the NO(X) was selected using hexapole focussing, and the products of the collision detected using velocity mapped ion imaging. The state to state differential cross-sections (equivalent to the k-k' correlation, where k' is the final relative velocity) have been measured for collisions which conserve the initial spin-orbit level of the NO(X) with krypton. The same parity dependent effects were seen as have been observed previously for NO(X)-Ar. The collision induced alignment (equivalent to the k-k'-j' correlation) of NO(X) as a result of scattering with argon has also been determined experimentally. The results can be explained classically by considering the conservation of the projection of j onto the kinematic apse.
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Polarization Effects of Nitric Oxide Pure Rotational Transitions Demonstrated by Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman ScatteringMichael Thomas Arendt (6664364) 12 August 2019 (has links)
Dual-broadband and dual-pump nanosecond CARS experiments were performed to investigate the pure rotational transitions of the nitric oxide molecule. The former experiment was initially utilized to determine the pure rotational structure while the latter focused on polarization suppression of the pure rotational transitions of nitric oxide. A polarization calculation and analysis were conducted on the rotational and vibrational transitions of nitrogen, and the pure rotational transitions of nitric oxide were subjected to a similar polarization scheme. The electronic transitions that arise due to the spin-split nature of nitric oxide ground electronic energy levels were suppressed by the polarization scheme in a similar manner to the rotational S branch transitions. Results have been compared with a spectral simulation developed by Dr. Lucht, and the theory is partially presented. Comparison between simulation and experimental data yielded favorable agreement for the pure rotational transitions of nitric oxide.
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Intervalo hídrico ótimo em diferentes sistemas de pastejo e manejo da pastagem. / Least limiting water range in different grazing systems and pasture management strategies.Leão, Tairone Paiva 23 January 2003 (has links)
Foi desenvolvido um estudo com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes sistemas de pastejo e manejo da pastagem sobre o Intervalo Hídrico Ótimo (IHO). A amostragem foi realizada na área experimental do Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado de Corte, unidade da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa Gado de Corte). O solo estudado foi um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico argiloso. Foram avaliados quatro piquetes, sendo dois no sistema de pastejo contínuo e dois no sistema de pastejo rotacionado, e uma área de cerrado (CN). No sistema de pastejo contínuo, implementado com a espécie Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, foram retiradas 30 amostras por piquete, obedecendo a uma malha regular de 10 x 10 m, sendo que um dos piquetes não havia recebido adubação de manutenção (Cs) enquanto o outro havia recebido adubação bianual de manutenção (Cc). No sistema de pastejo rotacionado, implementado com a espécie Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, foram retiradas 60 amostras por piquete, sendo 30 na posição espacial touceira (t) e 30 na posição espacial entre touceiras (e), obedecendo a uma malha regular de 5 x 10 m. O diferencial entre os piquetes no sistema de pastejo rotacionado foi o resíduo pós pastejo. Em um dos piquetes o resíduo era de 2,0-2,5 Mg matéria seca total (MST) ha -1 (R1), enquanto no outro era de 3,0-3,5 Mg MST ha -1 (R2). No CN foram retiradas 30 amostras obedecendo a uma malha regular de 10 x 10 m. As amostras foram submetidas a um gradiente de tensão de água sendo posteriormente utilizadas nas determinações da densidade do solo (Ds), resistência à penetração de raízes (RP) e umidade volumétrica (qV). Em seguida, os resultados foram utilizados para o ajuste por regressão das curvas de resistência à penetração (CRP) e retenção de água do solo (CRA). Através da CRP e da CRA foi possível quantificar o IHO e a densidade crítica (Dsc), definida como o valor de Ds onde o IHO é igual a zero. O CN apresentou a melhor condição física do solo para o crescimento de plantas, sendo o IHO igual à água disponível. No sistema de pastejo contínuo estudado, a realização de adubação de manutenção não influenciou o IHO, o que foi atribuído às taxas de lotação animal equivalentes nos dois piquetes. O sistema de pastejo rotacionado apresentou as piores condições físicas do solo para o crescimento vegetal, avaliadas pelo critério do IHO. Os maiores valores de Ds e menor IHO foram observados no R1e, o que foi atribuído às taxas de lotação elevadas aplicadas neste piquete. A posição espacial de amostragem (touceira e entre touceiras) não exerceu influência sobre o IHO no R2 enquanto no R1 o IHO foi muito menor entre as touceiras, o que pode ser atribuído ao hábito de crescimento cespitoso da espécie Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, deixando parte do solo descoberto e, portanto, sujeito à ação direta do pisoteio dos animais. / A study was developed for evaluating the effect of different grazing systems and pasture management strategies on the Least Limiting Water Range (LLWR). The experimental site was located at the National Beef Cattle Research Center of Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa Beef Cattle). The soil studied was a clay Oxisol (Typic Acrudox). Five sampling sites were selected: two under continuous grazing system, two under intensive short-duration grazing system, and one under native vegetation "cerrado" (CN). Thirty soil cores were collected in each site under continuous grazing system, established with Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk species. Sampling at continuous grazing sites was performed in a 10 x 10 m regular grid. One of the continuos grazing sites had received biannual fertilization (Cc) while the other was not fertilized (Cs). Sixty soil cores were collected in each site under intensive short-duration grazing system, established with Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia species, with thirty cores in the spatial position under the plants (up) and thirty cores in the spatial position between the plants (bp). Sampling at intensive short-duration grazing sites was performed in a 5 x 10 m regular grid. The difference between sites in intensive short-duration grazing system was the post-graze stubble. The post-graze stubble was 2,0-2,5 Mg total dry matter (TDM) ha -1 in one site (R1), and 3,0-3,5 Mg TDM ha -1 in the other (R2). Thirty soil cores were collected in CN, in a 10 x 10 m regular grid. The cores were subjected to a soil water suction gradient, and then used for soil bulk density (Db), soil penetration resistance (PR) and volumetric water content (qV) determinations. The data was used for developing soil resistance to penetration curve (SRP) and soil water retention curve (SWR) models doing regression fitting procedures. From SRP and SWR was possible to quantify the LLWR and the critical bulk density value (Dbc) identified as the Db value where LLWR is null. The CN site had the best soil physical condition for plant growth with the LLWR equal to available water. The fertilization did not influenced the LLWR in the continuos grazing system under evaluation, as a consequence of the similar stocking rates at both sites. The intensive short-duration grazing system had the worst soil physical condition for plant growth, as evaluated by the LLWR. The highest Db values and the lowest LLWR were found in R1bp, which may be a consequence of the high stocking rates observed at this site. The spatial sampling position (under the plants and between the plants) did not influenced the LLWR in the R2 site while in R1 the LLWR was much lower between plants. This result is a consequence of the cespitose growth habit of the Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia species, which leaves part of the soil surface uncovered and subjected to a direct action of animal trampling.
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Energy-momentum conserving time-stepping algorithms for nonlinear dynamics of planar and spatial euler-bernoulli/timoshenko beams / Algorithmes d’intégration conservatifs de l’analyse dynamique non-linéaire des poutres planes et spatiales d'Euler-Bernoulli/TimoshenkoChhang, Sophy 11 December 2018 (has links)
Dans la première partie de la thèse, les schémas d’intégration conservatifs sont appliqués aux poutres co-rotationnelles 2D. Les cinématiques d'Euler-Bernoulli et de Timoshenko sont abordées. Ces formulations produisent des expressions de l'énergie interne et l'énergie cinétique complexe et fortement non-linéaires. L’idée centrale de l’algorithme consiste à définir, par intégration, le champ des déformations en fin de pas à partir du champ de vitesses de déformations et non à partir du champ des déplacements au travers de la relation déplacement-déformation. La même technique est appliquée aux termes d’inerties. Ensuite, une poutre co-rotationnelle plane avec rotules généralisées élasto-(visco)-plastiques aux extrémités est développée et comparée au modèle fibre avec le même comportement pour des problèmes d'impact. Des exemples numériques montrent que les effets de la vitesse de déformation influencent sensiblement la réponse de la structure. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, une théorie de poutre spatiale d’Euler-Bernoulli géométriquement exacte est développée. Le principal défi dans la construction d’une telle théorie réside dans le fait qu’il n’existe aucun moyen naturel de définir un trièdre orthonormé dans la configuration déformée. Une nouvelle méthodologie permettant de définir ce trièdre et par conséquent de développer une théorie de poutre spatiale en incorporant l'hypothèse d'Euler- Bernoulli est fournie. Cette approche utilise le processus d'orthogonalisation de Gram-Schmidt couplé avec un paramètre rotation qui complète la description cinématique et décrit la rotation associée à la torsion. Ce processus permet de surmonter le caractère non-unique de la procédure de Gram-Schmidt. La formulation est étendue au cas dynamique et un schéma intégration temporelle conservant l'énergie est également développé. De nombreux exemples démontrent l’efficacité de cette formulation. / In the first part of the thesis, energymomentum conserving algorithms are designed for planar co-rotational beams. Both Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko kinematics are addressed. These formulations provide us with highly complex nonlinear expressions for the internal energy as well as for the kinetic energy which involve second derivatives of the displacement field. The main idea of the algorithm is to circumvent the complexities of the geometric non-linearities by resorting to strain velocities to provide, by means of integration, the expressions for the strain measures themselves. Similarly, the same strategy is applied to the highly nonlinear inertia terms. Next, 2D elasto-(visco)-plastic fiber co-rotational beams element and a planar co-rotational beam with generalized elasto-(visco)-plastic hinges at beam ends have been developed and compared against each other for impact problems. In the second part of this thesis, a geometrically exact 3D Euler-Bernoulli beam theory is developed.The main challenge in defining a three-dimensional Euler-Bernoulli beam theory lies in the fact that there is no natural way of defining a base system at the deformed configuration. A novel methodology to do so leading to the development of a spatial rod formulation which incorporates the Euler-Bernoulli assumption is provided. The approach makes use of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation process coupled to a one-parametric rotation to complete the description of the torsional cross sectional rotation and overcomes the non-uniqueness of the Gram-Schmidt procedure. Furthermore, the formulation is extended to the dynamical case and a stable, energy conserving time-stepping algorithm is developed as well. Many examples confirm the power of the formulation and the integration method presented.
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Caleidociclos / KaleidocyclesSilva, Reginaldo Alexandre da 13 January 2017 (has links)
Os caleidociclos têm sido utilizados como forma artística de apresentação de imagens, pinturas ou como parte de trabalhos artísticos, principalmente de imagens com simetrias; talvez os mais conhecidos sejam os trabalhos de M. C. Escher. As poucas publicações encontradas da teoria matemática envolvida nos caleidociclos dão base para imaginar e criar aplicações no desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências trabalhadas na escola. Para aumentar as possibilidades de aplicações de conceitos, teoremas e relações matemáticas estudadas no ensino básico, o presente trabalho apresenta algumas propostas de atividades utilizando os caleidociclos. As propostas foram elaboradas de acordo com o nível de ensino, ou seja, simetrias para o 7o ano, teorema de Pitágoras para os 8o e 9o anos do Ensino Fundamental, lei dos cossenos e relação fundamental da trigonometria para a 1a série e volume e área de superfície de sólidos geométricos para 2a série do Ensino Médio; algumas das propostas apresentam variações para se adequar ao nível de desenvolvimento em que a turma se encontra. Todos os moldes utilizados e outras possibilidades de caleidociclos, incluindo sólidos encaixantes aos caleidociclos, foram organizados ao final deste trabalho em um dos apêndices. Há também um apêndice com outros tipos de sólidos geométricos com movimentos, que podem ser usados no mesmo intuito de aplicação diferenciada da geometria espacial. / Kaleidocycles have been used asan artistic formof presentation of pictures, paintings or a part of artworks, especially images with symmetries; perhaps the best known works are M. C. Eschers. The few finded publications of the mathematical theory related to these three-dimensional rings give rise to imagine and create applications for developing skills to be worked in classroom. In order to increase the possibility of applications of concepts, theorems and mathematical relations, the present work proposes some activities dealing with kaleidocycles. The proposals were prepared in accordance with the students level of education, i.e., symmetries for the7th grade, the Pythagorean theorem for the 8th and 9th grades, law of cosines and the fundamental relation of trigonometry, volume and surface area of geometric solids for high school students; some of the proposals have variations to suit the level of development in which the class is at. All the molds used and other possibilities of kaleidocycles, including solids which fit into kaleidocycles, were organized at the end of this dissertation in one of the appendices. There is also an appendix with other types of mobile geometric solids that can be used in the same purpose in different applications of spatial geometry.
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Angle modeling of a rotating machine. Application to wind turbine surveillance / Modélisation angulaire d'une machine tournante. Application à la surveillance d'éoliennesGomez Chirinos, José Luis 01 September 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche s'inscrit dans le cadre de la surveillance des machines tournantes en régime non stationnaire et plus particulièrement la détection des défauts de roulement. Il se focalise sur la modélisation et l'analyse des variations de la vitesse de rotation instantanée. Les modèles numériques développés s'appuient sur une approche originale dite " angulaire " qui introduit explicitement les degrés de rotation libres de la machine et permet de s'affranchir de condition de fonctionnement en régime stationnaire. Un modèle de roulement à billes à gorge profonde a été développé couplant les efforts de contact normaux et tangentiels grâce à l'introduction du phénomène de résistance au roulement. Ce couplage permet d'expliquer l'origine des fluctuations de vitesse de rotation en présence de défaut de bague extérieure, phénomènes constatés expérimentalement : la présence d'un défaut sur une bague modifie périodiquement le couple de frottement. La modélisation de la liaison par engrenages est plus classique, la problématique a été de s'assurer qu'elle était compatible avec l'approche angulaire utilisée dans ces travaux. Le couplage des éléments de roulement et d'engrenage dans un modèle simple a montré que la présence de défauts de roulement provoque des variations des efforts radiaux ce qui modifie les efforts d'engrènement et en conséquence perturbe également la vitesse de rotation. Un modèle simplifié d'une éolienne a été réalisé et utilisé pour tester et valider des indicateurs spectraux de surveillance en conditions de fonctionnement non stationnaires. La comparaison avec des mesures expérimentales issues d'une éolienne a montré la robustesse du modèle. Il peut donc être exploité comme un outil d'analyse phénoménologique et de test d'indicateurs de surveillance. Il a par exemple permis de montrer l'importance des conditions de fonctionnement (charge et vitesse) sur le niveau des indicateurs utilisés en surveillance. Si besoin, les développements proposés peuvent être étendus sans difficulté à des modèles plus complexes de roulements, d'engrènements et de structures d'accueil de ces éléments technologiques. / This work has been developed within the framework of non-stationary rotating machinery surveillance with emphasis on the detection of roller bearing defects. It focuses on the modeling and analysis of instantaneous angular speed variations. The numerical models developed are based on an ``angular" approach which introduces explicitly the machine's free body rotation degrees of freedom allowing simulations in non stationary operating conditions. A deep groove ball bearing model has been developed coupling tangential and normal forces by taking into account the rolling resistance phenomenon. This coupling allows to explain the origin of angular speed fluctuations in the presence of outer race roller bearing defects, phenomena that has been observed experimentally: a roller bearing defect periodically modifies the friction torque. The description of the gear mesh has been performed by means of a classic approach where the scientific issue has been to verify the compatibility with the angular modeling, cornerstone of this dissertation. Integration of the roller bearing and the gear modeling approaches into a simple mechanical architecture has shown that the presence of bearing defects provoking variations in the rolling element-races normal forces, modifies the gear mesh forces leading to perturbations of the angular speed. A simplified wind turbine model has been used for the test and validation of non stationary surveillance spectral indicators. The robustness of the model has been shown by means of a comparison with measurements performed on a wind turbine. It has allowed to show the importance of the operating conditions (load and speed), on the level of indicators used. This means the model may be used as a tool for phenomenological analyses as well as a device to test surveillance indicators. If needed, the approaches presented may be easily extended into more complex models of bearings, gears, casings and foundations.
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Study of the nuclear structure far from stability : Coulomb excitation of neutron-rich Rb isotopes around N=60; Production of nuclear spin polarized beams using the Tilted Foils technique / Etude de la structure nucléaire loin de la stabilité : Excitation Coulombienne des isotopes de Rb riche en neutrons autour de N=60 ; Production de faisceaux au spin nucléaire polarisé via la technique des « Feuilles Orientées »Sotty, Christophe 22 March 2013 (has links)
The underlying structure in the region A~100, N~60 has been under intensive and extensive investigation, mainly by β-decay and γ-ray spectroscopy from fission processes. Around N~60, by adding just few neutrons, protons a rapid shape change occurs from spherical-like to well deformed g.s. shape. Shape coexistence has been observed in the Sr and Zr nuclei, and is expected to take place in the whole region. The mechanisms involved in the appearance of the deformation is not well understood. The interplay between down-sloping and up-sloping neutron Nilsson orbital is evoked as one of the main reasons for the sudden shape change. However, a clear identification of the active proton and neutron orbitals was still on-going. For that purpose, the neutron rich ⁹³′⁹⁵′⁹⁷′⁹⁹Rb isotopes have been studied by Coulomb excitation at CERN (ISOLDE) using the REX-ISOLDE post-accelerator and the MINIBALL setup. The completely unknown structures of ⁹⁷′⁹⁹Rb have been populated and observed. Prompt γ-ray coincidences of low-lying states have been observed and time correlated to build level schemes. The associated transition strengths have been extracted with the GOSIA code. The observed matrix elements of the electromagnetic operator constituted new inputs of further theoretical calculations giving new insight on the involved orbitals. The sensitivity of such experiment can be increased using nuclear spin polarized RIB. For that purpose the Tilted Foils Technique (TFT) of polarization has been investigated at CERN. A new TFT polarizer with a β-NMR setup have be created and installed after REX-ISOLDE. The uncomplete knowledge of the polarization process associated to the technique needs to be investigated. Conclusive preliminary tests have been performed on ⁸Li in order to determine the potential of the present setup. / La structure sous-jacente dans la zone A~100, N~60 a été étudié intensivement et extensivement, principalement par décroissance β et spectroscopie γ suite à des réactions de fission. Autour de N~60, en ajoutant juste quelques neutrons, protons un changement de forme rapide des états fondamentaux se produit, allant de sphérique à bien déformé. La coexistence de forme observée dans les noyaux de Sr et Zr est supposée avoir lieu dans toute la région. Les mécanismes impliqués dans l'apparition de la déformation n'étaient pas clairement identifiés. L'interaction entre les orbitales de Nilsson montantes et descendante est évoqué comme l'une des principales raisons du changement de forme. Cependant, une identification claire des orbitales proton et neutron en jeu était nécessaire. A cet effet, l'étude des isotopes ⁹³′⁹⁵′⁹⁷′⁹⁹Rb riches en neutrons a été réalisé excitation Coulombienne au CERN (ISOLDE) en utilisant le post-accélérateur REX-ISOLDE et le dispositif Miniball. Les structures excitées encore inconnues des isotopes ⁹⁷′⁹⁹Rb ont été peuplées et observées. Les coïncidences de transitions γ des états de basse énergie ont été observées et leur corrélations ont permis la construction de schémas de niveaux. Les probabilités de transitions associées ont été extraites grâce code GOSIA. Les éléments de matrice de l'opérateur électromagnétique observées constituent de nouveaux apports afin d'effectuer de nouveaux calculs théoriques permettant de statuer sur les orbitales impliquées. La sensibilité des expériences de ce type peut être accrue en utilisant des faisceaux radioactifs d'ions dont le spin nucléaire est polarisé. La technique de polarisation des feuilles orientées (TFT) fut étudiée dans ce but au CERN. Un nouveau polariseur TFT et un dispositif β-NMR ont être créés et installés après REX-ISOLDE. La connaissance du processus de polarisation associé à la technique reste incomplète à ce jour et de plus amples études sont nécessaires. Des tests préliminaires prometteurs ont été effectués sur le noyau de ⁸Li afin de déterminer le potentiel du dispositif actuel.
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Intervalo hídrico ótimo em diferentes sistemas de pastejo e manejo da pastagem. / Least limiting water range in different grazing systems and pasture management strategies.Tairone Paiva Leão 23 January 2003 (has links)
Foi desenvolvido um estudo com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes sistemas de pastejo e manejo da pastagem sobre o Intervalo Hídrico Ótimo (IHO). A amostragem foi realizada na área experimental do Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado de Corte, unidade da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa Gado de Corte). O solo estudado foi um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico argiloso. Foram avaliados quatro piquetes, sendo dois no sistema de pastejo contínuo e dois no sistema de pastejo rotacionado, e uma área de cerrado (CN). No sistema de pastejo contínuo, implementado com a espécie Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, foram retiradas 30 amostras por piquete, obedecendo a uma malha regular de 10 x 10 m, sendo que um dos piquetes não havia recebido adubação de manutenção (Cs) enquanto o outro havia recebido adubação bianual de manutenção (Cc). No sistema de pastejo rotacionado, implementado com a espécie Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, foram retiradas 60 amostras por piquete, sendo 30 na posição espacial touceira (t) e 30 na posição espacial entre touceiras (e), obedecendo a uma malha regular de 5 x 10 m. O diferencial entre os piquetes no sistema de pastejo rotacionado foi o resíduo pós pastejo. Em um dos piquetes o resíduo era de 2,0-2,5 Mg matéria seca total (MST) ha -1 (R1), enquanto no outro era de 3,0-3,5 Mg MST ha -1 (R2). No CN foram retiradas 30 amostras obedecendo a uma malha regular de 10 x 10 m. As amostras foram submetidas a um gradiente de tensão de água sendo posteriormente utilizadas nas determinações da densidade do solo (Ds), resistência à penetração de raízes (RP) e umidade volumétrica (qV). Em seguida, os resultados foram utilizados para o ajuste por regressão das curvas de resistência à penetração (CRP) e retenção de água do solo (CRA). Através da CRP e da CRA foi possível quantificar o IHO e a densidade crítica (Dsc), definida como o valor de Ds onde o IHO é igual a zero. O CN apresentou a melhor condição física do solo para o crescimento de plantas, sendo o IHO igual à água disponível. No sistema de pastejo contínuo estudado, a realização de adubação de manutenção não influenciou o IHO, o que foi atribuído às taxas de lotação animal equivalentes nos dois piquetes. O sistema de pastejo rotacionado apresentou as piores condições físicas do solo para o crescimento vegetal, avaliadas pelo critério do IHO. Os maiores valores de Ds e menor IHO foram observados no R1e, o que foi atribuído às taxas de lotação elevadas aplicadas neste piquete. A posição espacial de amostragem (touceira e entre touceiras) não exerceu influência sobre o IHO no R2 enquanto no R1 o IHO foi muito menor entre as touceiras, o que pode ser atribuído ao hábito de crescimento cespitoso da espécie Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, deixando parte do solo descoberto e, portanto, sujeito à ação direta do pisoteio dos animais. / A study was developed for evaluating the effect of different grazing systems and pasture management strategies on the Least Limiting Water Range (LLWR). The experimental site was located at the National Beef Cattle Research Center of Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa Beef Cattle). The soil studied was a clay Oxisol (Typic Acrudox). Five sampling sites were selected: two under continuous grazing system, two under intensive short-duration grazing system, and one under native vegetation "cerrado" (CN). Thirty soil cores were collected in each site under continuous grazing system, established with Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk species. Sampling at continuous grazing sites was performed in a 10 x 10 m regular grid. One of the continuos grazing sites had received biannual fertilization (Cc) while the other was not fertilized (Cs). Sixty soil cores were collected in each site under intensive short-duration grazing system, established with Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia species, with thirty cores in the spatial position under the plants (up) and thirty cores in the spatial position between the plants (bp). Sampling at intensive short-duration grazing sites was performed in a 5 x 10 m regular grid. The difference between sites in intensive short-duration grazing system was the post-graze stubble. The post-graze stubble was 2,0-2,5 Mg total dry matter (TDM) ha -1 in one site (R1), and 3,0-3,5 Mg TDM ha -1 in the other (R2). Thirty soil cores were collected in CN, in a 10 x 10 m regular grid. The cores were subjected to a soil water suction gradient, and then used for soil bulk density (Db), soil penetration resistance (PR) and volumetric water content (qV) determinations. The data was used for developing soil resistance to penetration curve (SRP) and soil water retention curve (SWR) models doing regression fitting procedures. From SRP and SWR was possible to quantify the LLWR and the critical bulk density value (Dbc) identified as the Db value where LLWR is null. The CN site had the best soil physical condition for plant growth with the LLWR equal to available water. The fertilization did not influenced the LLWR in the continuos grazing system under evaluation, as a consequence of the similar stocking rates at both sites. The intensive short-duration grazing system had the worst soil physical condition for plant growth, as evaluated by the LLWR. The highest Db values and the lowest LLWR were found in R1bp, which may be a consequence of the high stocking rates observed at this site. The spatial sampling position (under the plants and between the plants) did not influenced the LLWR in the R2 site while in R1 the LLWR was much lower between plants. This result is a consequence of the cespitose growth habit of the Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia species, which leaves part of the soil surface uncovered and subjected to a direct action of animal trampling.
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