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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation into froth flotation for the beneficiation of printed circuit board comminution fines

Ogunniyi, Iyiola Olatunji 10 June 2010 (has links)
In resource recovery from end-of-life printed circuit board (PCB), the physical processing route is considered most environmentally friendly. The −75 µm fraction generated during the comminution assays well above many precious and base metal deposits, but contributes overall drop in value recovery. This investigation was aimed at exploiting the versatility of froth flotation for beneficiation of the PCB comminution fines. Chemical composition characterisation work shows wet assay of constituents in the sample vary with digestion condition. Absolute assays as for hazardous constituents thus require comparison of data from more than one digestion condition. Comparative assaying of samples from beneficiation treatments can use aqua regia digestion which gives a less hazardous procedure compared to hydrogen fluoride combined with microwave and nitric acid treatments. It also gives leach liquor from which all constituent elements can be analysed, compared to that from total digestion via sodium peroxide fusion. For this sample total digestion will therefore not always give better results compared to partial digestion. Findings also show that thermogravimetric analysis may not be recommended in PCB characterisation. It gave no distinct inflexion point to characterize any constituent. This is due to the very diverse material constituents of the sample. Further on characterisation, the sample gave a loose bulk density lighter than water, and true sample density of 3 g/cm3. This coupled with surface hydrophobicity observed necessitates that pulping the sample must be done under water. Light optical and scanning electron microscopy showed particle liberation was very high, but not total. Morphology of the metallic particles was very diverse, with average circularity shape factor of 0.63. This coupled with the material diversity is a major constraint in sub-sieve size analysis of the sample. As shown by scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, the liberated particles themselves contain more than one chemical element, being alloys. Beneficiation operation therefore cannot attempt to separate such particles into constituent elements but some bulk collection of metallic values into a concentrate. Reverse flotation of metallic values based on a scheme described as natural hydrophobic response (NHR) was found successful. Favorable kinetics under the scheme gave about 500 rpm and 500 ml/min aeration rate, at 300 g sample in a 3.5 l Leeds cell. Without the use of a collector, natural hydrophobic response was observed. The system also gave a stable froth without the aid of a frother. Investigations (surface tension and dynamic froth stability height measurements, combined with general literature) show the NHR froth is a fine particle stabilised froth, and not surfactant stabilised. Au and Pd, were among the elements best enriched into the sink; 64 % recovery for Au at enrichment ratio of three. Flotation over narrower and coarser fraction (+106 – 75 µm) shows the NHR scheme can be successfully applied at this size. Chemical conditioning schemes investigated shows very minimal responses to reagents. Potassium amyl xanthate (PAX) did not condition the metallic particles for flotation remarkably as it does with native metals. Sulfidation with sodium hydrogen sulfide shows a little improvement in response to PAX. Sodium mercaptobenzothiazole – a very selective collector for tarnished copper and lead minerals – did not show such selectivity in the PCB comminution fines pulp. Some cationic pull with tetrabutyl ammonium chloride towards selective pull of non-metallic values after NHR pull has subsided was observed, although very little also. Macromolecular depression with carboxyl methyl cellulose did not subdue the natural hydrophobic response up to profuse percentage dosages. Depression by lowering surface tension, described as gamma depression, using Betamin 127A (active constituent: ethoxy nonyl phenol) was effective to wet hydrophobic particles, but still not helpful for selective pull after chemical conditioning. At the lowered surface tension, frothing sets in coupled with entrainment. Probable causatives for the poor response to reagents are surface oxidation of the metallic particles and depression by calcium ions in pulp. Surface studies with field emission scanning electron microscope and auger electron spectroscopy composition depth profiling, show presence of organic layers on the surface of the metallic particles. The surfaces were also found to be oxidised down to about 340 nm depth profiled. None of the surfaces is a pure alloy, but occurring in forms that will be relatively inert to reagents. Beside these, from aqua regia wet assaying, the sample contains about 7 % calcium by mass, and ICP-MS trace element analysis of the process water confirms calcium presence up to 7 ppm equilibrium concentration in the pulp. Judging from the responses, the natural hydrophobic response scheme can be well recommended for PCB comminution fines flotation. Optimisation of the performance of the scheme responds remarkably well to kinetic parameters variation. With the generally low impeller energy and aeration rate found favourable for PCB CF flotation, and the zero reagent cost (no collector, no frother) of the NHR scheme, PCB comminution fines flotation shows good prospects. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering / unrestricted

Optimalizace tras při odečtu plynoměrů / Route optimalisation for gas-meter reading

Šik, Petr January 2008 (has links)
This thesis aims to find an optimal route taken by workers reading gas-meters. The text consists of three parts: the collection of necessary data, the selection and subsequent modification of the heuristic method and the calculation itself. Two techniques of data collection are applied: purchase from a specialised company and calculation based on geographical coordinates. These techniques are compared in the end. The method of the nearest neighbour is used for calculation, after being modified for this particular case. The calculation itself is done by the program named Gas-meters, which was created for the purpose of this thesis. The route potentially used by the gas company workers is then the result of the thesis. Furthermore, the thesis presents specific corporate savings possibly brought by using the presented program.

Contribution à l'étude de sols latéritiques du Sénégal et du Brésil / A contribution to the study of lateritic soils from Senegal and Brazil

Ndiaye, Massamba 09 September 2013 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur les matériaux graveleux latéritiques utilisés dans de nombreux pays pour la construction des couches de fondation et de base des chaussées routières. Au Sénégal, les matériaux sont sélectionnés par référence aux règles du CEBTP de 1972, révisées en 1980. Les graveleux latéritiques doivent respecter des fuseaux granulométriques avant ou après compactage. Des conditions sont aussi imposées à l'indice CBR, à l'indice de plasticité et à l'optimum Proctor. Les recherches présentées dans ce rapport concernent différentes questions :- quel est l'effet du compactage à différentes énergies sur la fragmentation des particules solides et la modification de la courbe granulométrique ? Comment en tenir compte dans la sélection des matériaux et donc leur classification ? Comment se comportent ces matériaux dans les chaussées sous l'effet du compactage à la mise en œuvre puis de la circulation ?- peut-on trouver une corrélation entre l'indice CBR et les paramètres granulométriques ou géotechniques du sol ? Les corrélations sont-elles valables pour tous les sites ou seulement à l'échelle d'une carrière ?- comment réagit le sol graveleux latéritique lorsqu'on le mélange avec un autre matériau dépourvu de particules fines pour améliorer sa plasticité et sa résistance ?- comme une partie des recherches a eu lieu au Brésil, le rapport compare les procédures expérimentales utilisées au Brésil et au Sénégal. La pertinence de l'utilisation des coefficients de fragmentabilité et dégradabilité, introduits dans la classification des sols latéritiques de Rodrigues et al. pour caractériser l'évolution des graveleux latéritiques, a été évaluée par des essais de laboratoire sur le matériau de la carrière de Lam-Lam et le même matériau mis en œuvre en couche de base sur deux routes du Sénégal. Le coefficient de dégradabilité ne différencie pas les matériaux et le coefficient de fragmentabilité semble être un meilleur paramètre. L'étude de l'évolution des classes granulaires des latérites de deux carrières du Sénégal et deux carrières du Brésil sous compactage CBR confirme l'importance de la fragmentation des particules les plus grandes et le décalage des courbes granulométriques vers les sols plus fins, mais ces changements dépendent de la nature des latérites testées. Il en résulte que l'étude des matériaux graveleux latéritiques doit continuer de se faire à l'échelle de la carrière. La méthode de régression linéaire multiple a été appliquée à la prévision de l'indice CBR des matériaux prélevés dans deux carrières sénégalaises (40 prélèvements à Sindia et 46 à Dougar). Cette étude a montré que l'on peut trouver des approximations acceptables à l'échelle de chaque carrière pour calculer l'indice CBR à partir des courbes granulométriques et à partir de six paramètres choisis pour leur influence potentielle sur cet indice : le passant au tamis 80µm, les caractéristiques de courbure et d'étendue de la courbe granulométrique, l'indice de plasticité et les caractéristiques Proctor. Mais les formules établies sur un site sont inadaptées à la prévision de l'indice CBR sur d'autres sites, ce qui confirme que les analyses doivent se faire à l'échelle de la carrière. La lithostabilisation des latérites de Lam-Lam et de Sindiapar mélange avec 30% et 10% de sable de KeurMassar pour abaisser leur indice de plasticité naturel a eu l'effet attendu sur la plasticité, tout en respectant les critères granulométriques. Mais l'effet de l'ajout du sable sur l'indice CBR est inattendu et devra être étudié : diminution pour la latérite de Lam-Lam et augmentation pour la latérite de Sindia. La comparaison des normes françaises et brésiliennes a montré que, malgré de légères différences, les résultats sont globalement équivalents. La plus grande différence concerne l'indice CBR, qui est déterminé avec des énergies de compactage différentes et donne des résultats plus faibles au Brésil. Mais les conditions imposées aux matériaux sont adaptées à ces valeurs / This study is devoted to the gravelly lateritic soils used in many countries as foundation and base layers of road structures. In Senegal, road materials are selected according to the CEBTP 1972 rules, which were revised in 1980. Lateritic gravel grain size curves must lay between lower and upper limit curves before or after compaction. Additional conditions are put on CBR index, plasticity index and modified Proctor optimum. The researches presented in this report concern various aspects of the use of lateritic soils:- what is the influence of compaction at different energy levels on the fragmentation of solid particles and the changes in the grain-size curve? How can particle fragmentation be taken into account in the selection and classification of materials? What is the behaviour of lateritic gravels in road pavements once they have been compacted then submitted to traffic?- can a relation be found between CBR index and grain size curve and other geotechnical properties of the soil? Are correlations valid for all sites or only for a particular quarry?- what is the evolution of a gravelly lateritic soil when it is mixed with another material without fines to improve its plasticity and resistance?- since part of the research was made in Brazil, experimental procedures used in Brazil and Senegal, where French standards are used, are compared. The relevance of fragmentability and degradability coefficients, which are used in the classification for lateritic soils proposed by Rodriguez et al., to characterize the evolution of lateritic gravels was assessed by means of laboratory tests on samples from Lam-Lam quarry and samples of the same material taken from the base layer of two roads sections in Senegal. The degradability coefficient does not differentiate the materials and the coefficient of fragmentability seems to be a better parameter. The evolution of granular classes of laterites taken from two quarries in Senegal and two quarries in Brazil, which were submitted to CBR compaction, confirms the importance of the fragmentation of the bigger particles and the shift of grain size curves towards finer soils, but these changes depend on the nature of the tested laterites. As a consequence, the study of gravelly lateritic materials must still be done at the scale of a quarry. Multilinear regression techniques were applied to the prediction of CBR index of materials taken from two Senegalese quarries (40 samples from Sindia quarry and 46 from Dougar quarry). It was shown that acceptable approximations can be found for each quarry to calculate CBR index from grain size curves, on one side, and from the values of six parameters, which were deemed to influence the CBR index value: mass percentage of particles finer that 80µm (C0,08mm), curvature and extension coefficients of the grain size curve (CUL et CCL), plasticity index (IP) and Proctor characteristics (wOPM et ρdOPM). Nevertheless, the formula established for a given site cannot be used for predicting CBR index on another site. This confirms that analyses should be made at the scale of a quarry. Lithostabilisation of Lam-Lam and Sindia laterites by adding 30% and 10% of sand from KeurMassar quarry, which aimed at reducing the plasticity index of these laterites, had the expected effect on plasticity, while conforming to granularity criteria. But the addition of sand on CBR index had contradicting effects, which should be further studied: decrease of CBR index for Lam-Lam laterite and increase of CBR index for Sindia laterite. The comparison of French and Brazilian standards showed that, despite slightly differing procedures, the results are globally equivalent. The biggest difference concerns CBR index, which is determined using different compaction energies and yields smaller values in Brazil. But the conditions put on materials are adapted to these values

Možnosti zvyšování konkurenceschopnosti letecké dopravy / The possibilities of increasing the competitiveness of air transport

Mikulenka, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on selected concepts of air transport, which have a potential of increasing the competitiveness of the sector. The main objective of this paper is to analyze and quantify the economic and environmental benefits of introducing the electronic taxiing concept and the Free Route Airspace concept under conditions of use in the Czech Republic. First two parts of the thesis describe the theoretical background and important international aviation organizations. The main part describes the concepts, the methodology of benefit analyzes and presents the results. The results of analyzes show the main benefits of introducing both the concepts and the economic impact in case of airlines in the form of cost savings associated with fuel and environmental impact in terms of reducing the amount of produced gas emissions.

Nové trendy v logistice a jejich význam pro zahraniční obchod / New trends in logistics and its impact on international commerce

Koplík, Dan January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this master thesis is Northern Sea Route and its potential economic feasibility in maritime transportation between Europe and Asia. Theoretical part of the study begins by definition of maritime container transportation and then it continues by description of discovery of the Northern Sea Route, its geographical and weather conditions. The empirical part is concentrating on the Russian legislation adjusting using of Northern Sea Route, infrastructure and ports in arctic waters and the services of Russian icebreaker fleet that operates in arctic waters. Last part of the thesis is the case study, where is calculated the price of transport of one TEU between Asia and Europe via Northern Sea Route and the costs of this transport are compared with the costs of transport via Suez canal.

Európske kultúrne trasy / European cultural routes

Capík, Juraj January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work is to create a proposal for a new European cultural route in accordance with the rules adopted by the Council of Europe. The route has to pass regions outside the traditional tourist centers, and through the promotion of their cultural heritage to contribute to their economic development. To meet this objective, methodology developed under the CERTESS has been used. The first step is theme selection and justification. Subsequently, elements of cultural heritage that correspond to the theme are identified. Range of services linked to tourism - transport, accommodation and catering - is analyzed in the regions. Then the destination management organizations with the potential to be members of the umbrella organization are identified. In conclusion, itinerary for selected customer segment is created.

Strategies to design a cost-effective hub network for sparse air travel demand in Africa

Ssamula, Bridget 24 July 2008 (has links)
The aviation industry worldwide is changing dynamically in reaction to trends such as globalisation and with the need to increase market share to remain competitive. The African aviation industry still faces many problems in the institutional, technical and operational areas. Despite its potential for enhancing economic development, air travel to and from Africa remains a small percentage of world air travel. The African air route network is characterised by sparse demand, with long sector distances, low frequencies and high fares. This study investigates cost-effective hub-and-spoke (H&S) network design strategies for the African route network. An H&S network would minimise the cost of air transport and improve accessibility and connectivity. The study challenges the typical characteristics of H&S networks which are usually found in denser route networks. The design methodology used was the one most appropriate for the African region, using the datasets and tools available. As a first-cut analysis for Africa, the results of the research contribute to understanding the effectiveness of H&S networks in markets with sparse demand. A cost model previously developed by the author to calculate operating costs on a route was used. It eliminated the need to assume discount coefficients on links, as passenger demand increases, in a field with limited data. The cost indicators derived from the model were used as criteria for choosing the most efficient hubs within a cluster. These were compared with the hub location criteria in the literature which use distances and passengers. It was found that using the cost indicators gives a reasonably consistent method that lowers passenger travel time. The optimum number of clusters and hubs was found to be four. The geo-political network design method yielded the lowest network costs. The hubs are centrally located within the clusters: Morocco in the north, South Africa in the south, Kenya in the east and Nigeria in the west. They are characterised by high passenger demand and short node-hub sectors. There are significant benefits to be gained from using this hub network design, resulting from the economies of scale with higher passenger densities on routes. Furthermore, the benefits of higher service frequencies and better connectivity outweigh the extra travel time when routing through hubs. The study found that for sparse networks, the cheapest hub-location options have high passenger demand. The sector distance is crucial in lowering operating costs as smaller, more efficient short range aircraft can be operated. It is therefore more efficient to assign nodes to the closest hub to lower node-hub costs. The optimum number of hubs/clusters is thus determined by the distance threshold for the efficient aircraft. The effect of changing the cluster boundaries on network costs also depends on the change in node-hub distances between the clusters. As sparsity reduces, the economies-of-scale benefits outweigh the increasing operating costs of longer distances, allowing efficient operation of larger-capacity aircraft. This means that the location of the hubs and the number of clusters becomes more flexible, implying that node-hub links can become longer, reducing both the clusters and the number of hubs. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Civil Engineering / PhD / Unrestricted

Modelagem de pedestres : comportamento em travessia e escolha de rota

Werberich, Bruno Rocha January 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca identificar aspectos carentes de melhorias na modelagem de pedestres. A modelagem do comportamento de pedestres se inicia pelo entendimento de seu processo decisório, entendendo como ele se desloca, realiza escolha de rotas, interage com outros pedestres, veículos, obstáculos, etc. Os modelos de simulação de pedestres estão hoje aptos a representar de forma bastante realista o deslocamento dos mesmos, entretanto, a simulação conjunta com veículos apresenta ainda alguns aspectos fracos devido as grandes diferenças de abordagem na modelagem dos dois modos. A representação da travessia de pedestres nos modelos de simulação tradicionais apresenta limitações que podem impactar nos resultados gerados pelos simuladores. Este trabalho enumera diversos comportamentos de pedestres decorrentes da interação com veículos, no momento da travessia, que geralmente não estão presentes nos simuladores. Uma vez identificados estes comportamentos, uma pesquisa foi realizada com usuários do sistema viário, com idades entre 22 e 60 anos, para avaliar o quanto estes comportamentos são frequentes e importantes na estimativa de tempos de viagem dos pedestres. O comportamento indicado pelos entrevistados como mais impactante nos tempos de viagem foi o de “busca por brecha em caminhada”, onde o pedestre percorre trechos na lateral da via, enquanto observa possíveis brechas na corrente de tráfego para realizar sua travessia. O referido comportamento foi então modelado e agregado a um modelo de simulação de pedestres. Os resultados mostraram que a inclusão do novo comportamento provoca redução significativa dos tempos médios de viagem dos pedestres e que a simulação pode ser mais condizente com o comportamento real de pedestres em diversos ambientes urbanos. Para representar o comportamento de um pedestre em um ambiente urbano, é preciso também estudar como ele escolhe suas rotas. No processo de escolha de rotas, o pedestre é influenciado por diversos fatores, como hábitos pessoais, o número de cruzamentos, níveis de poluição e de ruído, segurança, abrigo de condições climáticas ruins, e estimulação do ambiente. Para representar o comportamento de escolha de rota dos pedestres, foi desenvolvido um modelo que considera a interação entre pedestres como uma impedância alterando a rota do pedestre. O estudo foi inspirado por equações de forças de atrito, considerando que pedestres tendem a evitar passar próximo de outros pedestres com elevada velocidade relativa. Para escolher uma rota o pedestre realiza uma ponderação entre a impedância e a distância a ser percorrida. O modelo foi capaz de reproduzir comportamentos emergentes da interação entre os agentes, permitindo concluir que as equações de forças de atrito adotadas nesta modelagem podem ser uma abordagem válida na representação da escolha de rotas de pedestres, podendo também ser uma forma indireta de avaliação de atrasos. / This dissertation aims to identify aspects in need of improvement in modeling pedestrians. The modeling of pedestrian behavior begins by understanding their decision making process, understanding how people move, make route choice, interact with other pedestrians, vehicles, obstacles, etc. Simulation models of pedestrians are able to represent the way they move quite realistically, however, the combined simulation of pedestrians and vehicles still presenting some poor aspects due to the wide differences in the modeling approach of the two modes. The pedestrian road crossing representation in the traditional simulation models has limitations that may impact on the results generated by the simulators. This dissertation lists several behaviors arising from the interaction of pedestrians with vehicles at road crossing situations, which are generally not present in the simulators. Having identified these behaviors, a survey was conducted with pedestrians, aged between 22 and 60 years old, to evaluate how these behaviors are frequent and important to estimate travel times. The behavior indicated by the interviewees as more impactful in the travel times was the “search for a gap while walking”, describing the pedestrian that walks laterally to the road, in the sidewalk, at the same time that is trying to cross the road, looking for gaps in the traffic stream. Such behavior was modeled and then aggregated at a simulation model of pedestrians. Results showed that the inclusion of the new behavior causes significant reduction in average travel time for pedestrians and that the simulation can be more consistent with the actual behavior of pedestrians in different urban environments. To represent a pedestrian behavior in an urban environment, it is also necessary to study how he chooses their route. At the route choice process, the pedestrian is influenced by several factors, such as personal habits, the number of road crossings, levels of pollution and noise, safety, shelter from bad weather, and other stimulation of the environment. In order to represent the pedestrians route choice behavior was devised a model that considers the interaction between pedestrians as an impedance to alter pedestrians route. The study is inspired by friction forces equations, considering that pedestrians avoid passing near other pedestrians with high relative velocity. To choose a route a pedestrian consider a balance between the impedance and the path length. The model is able to reproduces emergent behavior between agents, allowing the assumption that friction equations adopted in this modeling may provide a suitable approach to route choice behavior and can also be used as an indirect measure of pedestrians delay.

Eco-routing and scheduling of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

Houshmand, Arian 19 May 2020 (has links)
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) benefit from both connectivity between vehicles and city infrastructures and automation of vehicles. In this respect, CAVs can improve safety and reduce traffic congestion and environmental impacts of daily commutes through making collaborative decisions. This dissertation studies how to reduce the energy consumption of vehicles and traffic congestion by making high-level routing decisions of CAVs. The first half of this dissertation considers the problem of eco-routing (finding the energy-optimal route) for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) to minimize the overall energy consumption cost. Several algorithms are proposed that can simultaneously calculate an energy-optimal route (eco-route) for a PHEV and an optimal power-train control strategy over this route. The results show significant energy savings for PHEVs with a near real-time execution time for the algorithms. The second half of this dissertation tackles the problem of routing for fleets of CAVs in the presence of mixed traffic (coexistence of regular vehicles and CAVs). In this setting, all CAVs belong to the same fleet and can be routed using a centralized controller. The routing objective is to minimize a given overall fleet traveling cost (travel time or energy consumption). It is assumed that regular vehicles (non-CAVs) choose their routing decisions selfishly to minimize their traveling time. A framework is proposed that deals with the routing interaction between CAVs and regular uncontrolled vehicles under different penetration rates (fractions) of CAVs. The results suggest collaborative routing decisions of CAVs improve not only the cost of CAVs but also that of the non-CAVs. This framework is further extended to consider congestion-aware route-planning policies for Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand (AMoD) systems, whereby a fleet of autonomous vehicles provides on-demand mobility under mixed traffic conditions. A network flow model is devised to optimize the AMoD routing and rebalancing strategies in a congestion-aware fashion by accounting for the endogenous impact of AMoD flows on travel time. The results suggest that for high levels of demand, pure AMoD travel can be detrimental due to the additional traffic stemming from its rebalancing flows, while the combination of AMoD with walking or micromobility options can significantly improve the overall system performance.

Alternative Route Training: Implications for Elementary Education and Special Education

Sindelar, Paul T., Marks, Lori J. 01 April 1993 (has links)
In this paper, we review findings from 19 studies of alternative route programs and conclude that they have not been shown to be inferior to traditional programs. These programs are program evaluations and lack many of the controls typical of experimental work; as a result, the findings may be less trustworthy than necessary for reasoned decision-making. Problems inherent in conducting studies of this sort are discussed and illustrated with examples from this literature. The appropriateness of the secondary content area model for elementary and special education is considered from both theoretical and empirical perspectives.

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