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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of heat dissipation from railway and automotive friction brakes

Voller, Gordon Paul January 2003 (has links)
The thesis presents research into the understanding and improvement of heat dissipation from friction brakes. The investigations involved two brake types, considered to be the most thermally loaded and therefore most challenging; axle mounted high speed railway and commercial vehicle disc brakes. All three modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection and radiation) and airflow characteristics have been analysed experimentally and theoretically in order to increase the understanding of heat dissipation. Despite the very practical aspects of this research, a 'generic heat transfer approach' was applied, enabling wider engineering applications of the results. Experimental analyses conducted on a specially developed Spin Rig allowed measurements of cooling and airflow characteristics for different designs. Methodologies have been developed to determine thermal contact resistance, heat transfer coefficients, emissivity and aerodynamic (pumping) losses. Established values and relationships compared very favourably with theoretical work. Analytical, FE and CFD analyses were employed to further investigate design variations and perform sensitivity studies. Inertia dynamometer route simulations provided disc temperatures for validation of the overall work. Recommendations have been made for optimising heat dissipation, by proposing practically acceptable and economically viable design solutions. A proposed ventilated disc design efficiency ratio allows large, high speed ventilated disc designs, to be efficiently and accurately evaluated and compared, providing a valuable disc design optimisation tool. The determination of the methodologies, parameters and functions defining cooling characteristics, enable heat dissipation to be predicted confidently and accurately for brakes and other engineering assemblies at early design stages.

On Physical Relations in Driving: Judgements, Cognition and Perception

Eriksson, Gabriella January 2014 (has links)
Drivers need to make judgements of physical relationships related to driving speed, such as mean speed, risks, travel time and fuel consumption, in order to make optimal choices of vehicle speed. This is also the case for the general public, politicians and other stakeholders who are engaged in traffic issues. This thesis investigates how drivers’ judgements of travel time (Study I and II), fuel consumption (Study III) and mean speed (Study IV) relate to actual physical measures. A cognitive time-saving bias has been found in judgements of travel time. The time saving bias implies that people overestimate the time saved when increasing speed from a high speed and underestimate the time saved when increasing speed from a low speed. Previous studies have mainly investigated the bias from a cognitive perspective in questionnaires. In Study I the bias was shown to be present when participants were engaged in a driving simulator task where participants primarily rely on perceptual cues. Study II showed that intuitive time saving judgements can be debiased by presenting drivers with an alternative speedometer that indicate the inverted speed in minutes per kilometre. In Study III, judgements of fuel consumption at increasing and decreasing speeds were examined, and the results showed systematic deviations from correct measures. In particular, professional truck drivers underestimated the fuel saving effect of a decrease in speed. Study IV showed that subjective mean speed judgements differed from objective mean speeds and could predict route choice better than objective mean speeds. The results indicate that biases in these judgements are robust and that they predict behaviour. The thesis concludes that judgements of mean speeds, time savings and fuel consumption systematically deviate from physical measures. The results have implications for predicting travel behaviour and the design of driver feedback systems. / Förare bör göra bedömningar som relaterar till hastighet, såsom bedömningar av medelhastighet, risk, restid och bränsleåtgång. Dessa bedömningar är nödvändiga för att föraren ska kunna välja en optimal hastighet, men också för att allmänheten, politiker och andra intressenter som är involverade i trafikfrågor ska kunna fatta välgrundade beslut. Denna avhandling består av fyra delstudier där förares bedömningar av restid (Studie I och II), bränsleåtgång (Studie III) och medelhastighet (Studie IV) studeras i relation till faktiska fysikaliska mått. Tidigare enkätstudier har påvisat ett kognitivt bias i tidsvinstbedömningar vid höga och låga hastigheter som påverkar mänskligt beteende. Studie I visade att detta bias också förekommer i en primärt perceptuell motorisk uppgift där förarna i studien kör i en körsimulator. Studie II visade att dessa intuitiva tidsbedömningar kan förbättras genom att köra med en alternativ hastighetsmätare i bilen som indikerar den inverterade hastigheten i minuter per kilometer istället för hastigheten i kilometer per timme. I Studie III undersöktes bedömningar av bränsleåtgång vid hastighetsökningar och hastighetssänkningar, och resultaten visar att bedömningarna systematiskt avviker från faktisk bränsleåtgång. Ett intressant resultat var att lastbilsförare i allmänhet underskattade bränslebesparingen som kan göras till följd av en hastighetssänkning. Studie IV visade att subjektiva bedömningar av medelhastighet som avviker från objektiva medelhastigheter kan predicera vägval, vilket tyder på att systematiska fel i dessa bedömningar är robusta och kan predicera vägval. Sammanfattningsvis visar avhandlingen hur bedömningar av medelhastighet, tidsvinst och bränsleåtgång systematiskt avviker från fysikaliska mått. Resultaten har betydelse för modellering av resebeteende och design av förarstödssystem. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted. Paper 3: Submitted.</p>

Evaluating Public Transportation Alternatives In The Metu Campus With The Aid Of Gis

Gulluoglu, Cem Naim 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have been rapidly developed in the fields that need spatial data and transportation planning is one of these fields. Since transportation data is spatially distributed and need spatial, statistical and network based analysis / GIS applications have contributions to transportation planning. In this study, it is aimed to determine a new public transportation mode and route in the METU campus with the aid of GIS by considering the stations of &Ccedil / ayyolu metro route. Besides, it is also aimed to show that GIS can be a useful tool for constructing transport planning database and exploring, analyzing planning data. Gross settlement area of the campus, covering about 220 hectare land on the southern side of the Ankara &amp / #8211 / EskiSehir highway, is the study area of this thesis. First, campus land-use, topography, population characteristics and transportation structure are explored. Then, campus trip demand and pedestrian traffic are estimated. Afterwards, eight public transport route alternatives are proposed with their stops or stations for three different modes as / guided light transit, modern trolleybus and monorail. Proposed routes and stops or stations are evaluated with their physical characteristics and in terms of service areas shaped relative to pedestrian accessibility for determining the suitable public transport service in the METU campus. Consequently, Trolleybus B alternative is selected as the first degree suitable public transport service in campus. Besides, Monorail B and Trolleybus A services are determined as the second degree suitable services in campus.

En route speed optimization for continuous descent arrival

Lowther, Marcus Benjamin 01 April 2008 (has links)
Continuous Descent Arrival (CDA) procedures have been shown to minimize the thrust required during landing, thereby reducing noise, emissions, and fuel usage for commercial aircraft. Thus, implementation of CDA at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the world's busiest airport, would result in significant reductions in environmental impact and airline operating costs. The Air Transportation Laboratory at Georgia Tech, Delta Air Lines, and the local FAA facilities (Atlanta Center and Atlanta TRACON) collaborated to design CDA procedures for early morning arrivals from the west coast. Using the Tool for Analysis of Separation and Throughput (TASAT), we analyzed the performance of various aircraft types over a wide range of weights and wind conditions to determine the optimum descent profile parameters and to find the required spacing between aircraft types at a fixed metering point to implement the procedure. However, to see the full benefits of CDA, these spacing targets must be adhered, lest there will be a loss in capacity or negation of the noise, emissions, and fuel savings benefits. Thus a method was developed to determine adjustments to cruise speeds while aircraft are still en route, to achieve these spacing targets and to optimize fleet wide fuel burn increase. The tool in development, En route Speed Change Optimization Relay Tool (ESCORT), has been shown to solve the speed change problem quickly, incorporating aircraft fuel burn information and dividing the speed changes fairly across multiple airlines. The details of this tool will be explained in this thesis defense. Flight tests were conducted in April-May of 2007, where it was observed that the spacing targets developed by TASAT were accurate but that delivery of these aircraft to the metering point with the desired spacing targets was very challenging without automation. Thus, further flight tests will be conducted in 2008 using the en route spacing tool described above to validate the improvement it provides in terms of accurately delivering aircraft to the metering point.

Studies on bikeability in a metropolitan area using the active commuting route environment scale (ACRES)

Wahlgren, Lina January 2011 (has links)
Background: The Active Commuting Route Environment Scale (ACRES) was developed to study active commuters’ perceptions of their route environments. The overall aims were to assess the measuring properties of the ACRES and study active bicycle commuters’ perceptions of their commuting route environments. Methods: Advertisement- and street-recruited bicycle commuters from Greater Stockholm, Sweden, responded to the ACRES. Expected differences between inner urban and suburban route environments were used to assess criterion-related validity, together with ratings from an assembled expert panel as well as existing objective measures. Reliability was assessed as test-retest reproducibility. Comparisons of ratings between advertisement- and street-recruited participants were used for assessments of representativity. Ratings of inner urban and suburban route environments were used to evaluate commuting route environment profiles. Simultaneous multiple linear regression analyses were used to assess the relation between the outcome variable: whether the route environment hinders or stimulates bicycle-commuting and environmental predictors, such as levels of exhaust fumes, speeds of traffic and greenery, in inner urban areas. Results: The ACRES was characterized by considerable criterion-related validity and reasonable test-retest reproducibility. There was a good correspondence between the advertisement- and street-recruited participants’ ratings. Distinct differences in commuting route environment profiles between the inner urban and suburban areas were noted. Suburban route environments were rated as safer and more stimulating for bicycle-commuting. Beautiful, green and safe route environments seem to be, independently of each other, stimulating factors for bicycle-commuting in inner urban areas. On the other hand, high levels of exhaust fumes and traffic congestion, as well as low ‘directness’ of the route, seem to be hindering factors. Conclusions: The ACRES is useful for assessing bicyclists’ perceptions of their route environments. A number of environmental factors related to the route appear to be stimulating or hindering for bicycle commuting. The overall results demonstrate a complex research area at the beginning of exploration. / BAKGRUND: Färdvägsmiljöer kan tänkas påverka människors fysiskt aktiva arbetspendling och därmed bidra till bättre folkhälsa. Studier av färdvägsmiljöer är därför önskvärda för att öka förståelsen kring möjliga samband mellan fysiskt aktiv arbetspendling och färdvägsmiljöer. En enkät, ”The Active Commuting Route Environment Scale” (ACRES), har därför skapats i syfte att studera fysiskt aktiva arbetspendlares upplevelser av sina färdvägsmiljöer. Huvudsyftet med denna avhandling var dels att studera enkätens psykometriska egenskaper i form av validitet och reliabilitet, dels att studera arbetspendlande cyklisters upplevelser av sina färdvägsmiljöer. METODER: Arbetspendlande cyklister från Stor-Stockholm rekryterades via tidningsannonsering och via direkt kontakt i anslutning till färdvägen. Deltagarna besvarade enkäten ACRES. Tillsammans med skattningar från en grupp av experter och redan existerande objektiva mått användes förväntade skillnader mellan färdvägsmiljöer i inner- och ytterstaden för att studera kriterierelaterad validitet. Reliabiliteten studerades som reproducerbarhet via upprepade mätningar (test-retest). Jämförelser mellan skattningar av deltagare rekryterade via annonsering och via direkt kontakt i färdvägsmiljöer användes för att studera representativitet. Skattningar av färdvägsmiljöer i inner- och ytterstaden användes vidare för att studera färdvägsmiljöprofiler. Multipel linjär regressionsanalys användes även för att studera sambandet mellan utfallsvariabeln huruvida färdvägsmiljön motverkar eller stimulerar arbetspendling med cykel och miljöprediktorer, såsom avgasnivåer, trafikens hastighet och grönska, i innerstadsmiljöer. RESULTAT: Enkäten ACRES visade god kriterierelaterad validitet och rimlig reproducerbarhet. Det var en god överrensstämmelse mellan skattningar av deltagare rekryterade via annonsering och via direkt kontakt. Färdvägsmiljöprofilerna visade tydliga skillnader mellan inner- och ytterstadsmiljöer. Ytterstadens färdvägsmiljöer skattades som tryggare och mer stimulerande för arbetspendling med cykel än innerstadens färdvägsmiljöer. Vidare verkar vackra, gröna och trygga färdvägsmiljöer, oberoende av varandra, vara stimulerade faktorer för arbetspendling med cykel i innerstadsmiljöer. Däremot verkar höga avgasnivåer, höga trängselnivåer och färdvägar som kräver många riktningsändringar vara motverkande faktorer. SLUTSATSER: Enkäten ACRES är ett användbart instrument vid mätningar av cyklisters upplevelser av sina färdvägsmiljöer. Ett antal faktorer relaterade till färdvägsmiljön verkar vara stimulerande respektive motverkande för arbetspendling med cykel. Generellt sett på visar resultaten ett relativt outforskat och komplext forskningsområde. / Faap-projektet "Fysiskt aktiv arbetspendling i Stor-Stockholm"

Context-specific route directions : generation of cognitively motivated wayfinding instructions /

Richter, Kai-Florian. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Universität Bremen, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 155-168).

La sécurité routière sur les axes urbains avec sections commerciales /

Samson, Luc. January 1997 (has links)
Thèse (M.ATDR)--Université Laval, 1997. / Bibliogr.: f. [190]-199. Publié aussi en version électronique.

Les accidents de la route liés à l'exercice d'une profession, caractéristiques et prévention /

Charbotel, Barbara. January 2000 (has links)
Th. doct.--Méd.--Lyon I, 1999. / INRETS-LÉAT = Institut national de recherche sur les transports et leur sécurité-Laboratoire d'épidémiologie appliquée à la sécurité des transports. Bibliogr. p. 149-151. Résumé.

Evaluation of traffic simulation models for work zones in the New England area

Khanta, Pothu Raju, January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.C.E.)--University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 71-72).

Ontwikkeling van 'n driedimensionele netwerkmodule vir optimale roetebepaling

Van Lill, S. W. P. (Schalk Willem Petrus) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A shortest or most economical route can easily be determined by using a geographical information system (GIS). Unfortunately, most systems compute distances in two dimensional space. As computer-technology moves towards three dimensional applications, it is essential that GIS keeps up with this trend. In this research, the network module of Arc View (using Avenue) is customized, so that topographical slope is considered in determining the shortest or most economical route. Two buttons were added to the normal Arc View interface. By doing it this way, the user has the full functionality of Arc View, as well as the use of the new application. One button initiates a dialogue for capturing the economic parameters (fuel efficiency, oil usage, tyre usage, maintenance costs and capital costs) of a vehicle. The other button selects a route network and uses a vehicle's economic parameters (as determined by the user) to calculate a most economical route. This thesis describes the procedure, logic and methodology followed in adding a most economical route-selection function to Arc View. It also demonstrates the importance of incorporating three dimensional space for determining a most economical route. The new function currently calculates a most economical route, based on vehicle running costs for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV's). The application performs satisfactorily, but there is scope for further development and refinement, both of the economical formulae for computing costs as well as of the graphic user interface (GUl). The flexibility of the system can be enhanced by providing for additional classes of vehicles. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Kortste of mees ekonomiese ritroete kan maklik met behulp van 'n GIS (Geografiese Inligtingstelsel) vasgestel word, maar die meeste stelsels bereken afstande in 'n plat vlak (in twee-dimensionele ruimte). Soos die rekenaartegnologie ontwikkel, word meer drie-dimensionele ruimtelike toepassings geskep, dus moet GIS-tegnologie ook toenemend die derde dimensie inkorporeer. In hierdie navorsing is Arc View se netwerk module met Avenue aangepas dat dit topografiese helling outomaties inreken by die bepaling van 'n kortste of mees ekonomiese roete. Twee knoppies is tot die normale Arc View koppelvlak bygevoeg. Deur dit so te doen, het die gebruiker toegang tot die volle funksionaliteit van Arc View en dié van die nuwe funksie. Een knoppie inisieer die koppelvlak waarmee die ekonomiese parameters (brandstof verbruik, olie verbruik, band verbruik, kapitaal koste en onderhoudskoste) van 'n voertuig opgestel word. Die ander knoppie selekteer 'n padnetwerk en gebruik 'n voertuig se ekonomiese parameters (soos gedefinieer deur die gebruiker) om 'n mees ekonomiese roete vas te stel. Hierdie tesis beskryf die prosedures, logika en metodologie waarvolgens die nuwe roeteseleksie funksie by Arc View geïnkorporeer is. Dit het ook gedemonstreer dat dit noodsaaklik is om drie-dimensionele ruimte by die bepaling van 'n mees ekonomiese roete in te sluit. Die nuwe funksie bepaal tans 'n ekonomiese roete gebaseer op die voertuig-loopkoste van swaarvoertuie. Dit funksioneer bevredigend, maar daar is steeds moontlikhede vir verdere ontwikkeling en verfyning, beide van die ekonomiese kosteberekeningsformules en die gebruikers-koppelvlak. Deur ook vir ander klasse voertuie voorsiening te maak kan die plooibaarheid van die stelselook uitgebrei word.

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