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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postavení a strategie České pojišťovny a.s. na domácím a zahraničním trhu / Position and strategy of Česká pojišťovna a.s. in a domestic and foreign market

Bartejsová, Gabriela January 2009 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of the position and strategy of Česká pojišťovna a.s. in the Czech and Romanian market. At the beginning the company Česká pojišťovna is introduced followed by a description of the current strategy whose part is a definition of marketing mix as well and then by the analysis of Czech insurance market from which the position of Česká pojišťovna in the Czech republic arises. At the close of these chapters an evaluation of activities of Česká pojišťovna in the Czech insurance market was performed including proposed recommendations on the improvement. Next parts of the thesis are already dedicated to Romania. Specifics of the entrepreneurial environment are summarized in the PEST analysis followed by Romanian insurance market analysis completed with information regarding the entry of the company in this market and evaluation of its activities in Romania. As the thesis was written during an economic crisis, it includes an identification of its impacts on both the company and above mentioned markets, namely in the economic sphere and incurance sector as well.

Transylvánská regionální identita a její politická reflexe po roce 1989 / Transylvanian Regional Identity after 1989: Political Reflection

Kocián, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
The thesis presents an analysis of the discourse of Transylvanian regional identity in Romanian newspaper from 1989 to 2014, opposing the hegemonic political and societal discourse promoting nationalism. In doing so, it emphasized inter-ethnic tolerance as a key principle that distinguished regional discourse from its centralist counterpart. The fact that the most important historical peoples of Transylvania were understood by the regional discourse as carriers of regional identity in the spheres of daily and political life not only confirmed the trans-ethnic inclusiveness of this construct, but also became its diversification factor. In addition to tolerance and acceptance of multiethnicity, regional discourse in the examined media relied predominantly on ideas of the region's essential democratic character, its cultural, social or economic specificities, as well as considerations of possible autonomy. These narratives, whether abstract or more pragmatic, represented the content of a discoursively constructed regional identity, conveyed its sharing by different ethnic groups, and defined Transylvania in the context of an era within Romania as a whole. The internal thematic composition of Transylvanian regional identity discourse was not entirely constant during the period under review, its shape...

Transylvánská regionální identita a její politická reflexe po roce 1989 / Transylvanian Regional Identity after 1989: Political Reflection

Kocián, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
KOCIÁN, Jiří. Transylvanian regional identity and its political reflection after 1989. The thesis deals with the question of reviving Transylvanian regional identity and its political use in Romania after 1989. It demonstrates that regional identity has gradually grown in political importance, and represents the content, actors and typology of models of its reflection. The Romanian Communist regime under Nicolae Ceaușescu followed longer-term centralizing tendencies that did not favor maintaining regional specificities. But regional identity, like other collective identities, is the result of a continuous process of daily interactions between its bearers and external actors, all of whom are involved in its construction. Because of that, it survived a period of suppression in its vernacular form. Contributing to its survival was the fact that the multi-ethnic region of Transylvania and its specificities, which represent the core of regional identity, have a thousand-year history. The thesis points, by applying a discourse analysis of the content of newspaper articles, to the fact that regional identity took the form of political discourse after 1989. This discourse rivaled the previous discursive hegemony of the country's centralist concept of state and nation in Romanian public sphere. At the same...

Potenciál Rumunska pre výjazdový cestovný ruch Českej republiky / Potencial of Romania for outbound tourism of Czech Republic

Tarabčáková, Lucia January 2010 (has links)
This paper focuses on introduction of Romania as a potential outbound tourism destination for Czech Republic. The aim of this paper is to present the real picture of Romania, pointing out some unjust prejudice against this country which can be found in Czech Republic as well as pointing out the real insufficiencies of Romania in the field of tourism which are often overlooked. This paper also contains results of on-line questionnaire which may help to create a better picture of how Romania is being perceived by the Czechs today and which are the possibilities for future developments in this area.

Rumunsko v reflexi českého samizdatu a českého exilového tisku / Romania in the reflection of Czech samizdat and Czech exile press

Ludvík, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to collect, organize and analyze references pertaining to Romania in the journals of Czechoslovak Samizdat and Czechoslovak Exile from the 1970's and 1980's. The paper focuses mostly on the analysis of the political situation and social development in Romania, as recorded in the articles of five Samizdat and two Exile Czechoslovak periodicals. Based on these sources, four main topics were selected for the comprehensive analysis. The result is a complex representation of the viewpoint of Czechoslovak Samizdat and Czechoslovak Exile regarding occurrences in the Socialist Republic of Romania, with particular emphasis on Czechoslovak acts of solidarity towards the Romanian population.

Vliv vyhlídek na vstup do EU na demokratizační proces v Rumunsku po roce 1989 / Influence of possible EU membership on democratization process in Romania after 1989 year

Kasper, Petr January 2017 (has links)
After 1989 a lot of non-democratic regimes crumbled in Central and Eastern Europe. These regimes had started their way towards democracy and its consolidation. This way differed case by case but some aspects that affected them were common. One of the most important aspects is European Union, a strong international actor and a possibility for future development for these countries. This paper tries to examine the influence of possible future accession of Romania into the EU on its democratic consolidation. It is mainly focused on issues of national minorities and their protection and on extreme nationalist political parties and their position within Romanian society. Additional topics are democratic consolidation in broader sense and Europeanization. The conclusion shows that Romanian democracy in studied fields has become more consolidated and the influence of the EU o this change can be traced.

Ion Iliescu a jeho role při formování moderní rumunské demokracie / Ion Iliescu and his role in the forming of the modern romanian democracy

Kocian, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The problematic of Romanian transition to democracy after the year 1989 was by its major part determined by the form of previous regime. Because of the extreme pressure and control exercised on the opposition and personal dictatorship of the regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu, no major dissent groups or centers existed, bearing the potential to take part in the overthrow of the regime. In the swift and still unclear events of December 1989, National Salvation Front rose to hold the power, being directed by Ion Iliescu. As a formerly top positioned communist apparatchik, who had been swept out from status and power after several conflicts with Ceausescu, he transferred almost complete communist structure to the newly formed regime, including Securitate, the secret service. Deconstruction of the former regime was actually performed by the execution of the former president and his wife and by trials of several Securitate generals. Iliescu concentrated most of the power around NSF and in contradiction with the original proclamation postponed transition to democracy. The new regime, which was led by Ion Iliescu demonstrated in its ideological presentation and exercise of power apparent similarities with the era of communist rule, nevertheless, it worked under formal democratic framework. Because of this fact,...

Vyjednávání a rozumění pojmu domov v rodině českých reemigrantů z rumunského Banátu / Negotiating and understanding of the concept of home in the family of Czech re-emigrants from the Romanian Banat

Baudyšová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis is based on a seven-month research of a family of Czech re-emigrants from the Romanian Banat. The aim of the research was to find out how these people understand the term home, how they negotiate it and what they related to it; the method employed here consisted of qualitative interviews. The researched sample does not represent the whole population, but rather the studied issue. The main focus was to gather as much exhaustive (and therefore related to understanding, negotiating and constructing of the meaning of the concept home) data related to the issue of home as possible within the given family rather than any universal application or generalization of the collected data to the whole of the Czech re-emigrants from the Banat. The author defines the term home as multidimensional, stemming from an individual and group experience, and from the current situation of an individual person; and as such she tries to depict it through different theoretical concepts. The thesis also presents an outline of a historical-sociological context of the existence of a Czech minority in Romania and its re-emigration. In relation to the main topic of home also emerged other topics, such as motivations for re-emigration, perceptions of Romania and the Czech Republic, response of the majority...

Vývoj a současnost ekonomiky Rumunska a jeho postavení v EU / Economic development and present state of Romania in European Union

Matei, Tatiana January 2010 (has links)
With regard to European Union joining, Romania and Eastern European region have much more attention of the rest of the world. Romania became a phenomenon of Balkan Peninsula during last five years. The aim of the thesis is to describe economic development of Romania before its admission to European Communities and summarize its current economic position in the Union. A part of the thesis is devoted to romanian market environment and assesses especially its attractivity in consideration of the Czech republic.

Analýza exportních příležitostí pivovaru Poutník / Analysis of export opportunities of the brewery Poutník

VESELÁ, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyze the brewery Poutník in terms of its foreign trade and possibilities for entering foreign markets. The first part provides the theoretical knowledge of foreign trade, forms of entry into foreign markets and possibilities of export support in the Czech Republic. In the main part there is a characteristic of the brewery Poutník, this part also contains the PEST analysis, the portfolio analysis, the characteristic of selected economic indicators and the SWOT analysis that is form of these analysis. The analysis of potential foreign markets is used in the next part. There are 3 selected states: Slovenia, Italy, Romania. The PEST analysis and the portfolio analysis are provided for each state. Possibilities of export support from the CzechTrade agency, Czech export bank and EGAP are also chosen. At the end of the thesis it was suggested suitable options of the entry to these markets.

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