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Measurement of the Partial Branching Fraction for Inclusive Semileptonic B Meson Decays to Light Hadrons B->Xu l nu and an Improved Determination of the Quark-Mixing Matrix Element |V_ub|Volk, Alexei 15 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents an analysis of inclusive semileptonic $B \to X_u e \nu$ decays using approximately 454 million $\Upsilon(4S) \to B \bar{B}$ decays collected during the years 1999 to 2008 with the BABAR detector.
The electron energy, $E_e$, and the invariant mass squared of the electron-neutrino pair,$ q^2$, are reconstructed, where the neutrino kinematics is deduced from the decay products of both B mesons.
The final hadronic state,$ X_u$, consists of a sum of many hadronic channels, each of which contains at least one $u$ quark.
The variables $q^2$ and $E_e$ are then combined to compute the maximum kinematically allowed invariant mass squared of the hadronic system, $s_h^{max}$.
Using these kinematic quantities, the partial branching fraction, $\Delta BR(B \to X_u e \nu)$, unfolded for detector effects, is measured to be
$\Delta BR(E_e>2.0 GeV, s_h^{max}<3.52 GeV^2) = (3.33 \pm 0.18 \pm 0.21) \times 10^{-4}
in the $\Upsilon(4S)$ and
\Delta \tilde{\BR}(\tilde E_e>1.9 GeV, \tilde {s}^{max}_{h} < 3.5 GeV^2) = (4.57 \pm 0.24 \pm 0.32) \times 10^{-4}
in the $B$ meson rest frames. The quoted errors are statistical and systematic, respectively.
The CKM matrix element $|V_{ub}|$ is determined from the measured $\Delta \tilde{\BR}$ using theoretical calculation based on Heavy Quark Expansion. The result is
$|V_{ub}| = (4.19 \pm 0.18{}^{+0.26}_{-0.20} {}^{+0.26}_{-0.25}) \times 10^{-3}, where the errors represent experimental uncertainties, uncertainties from HQE parameters and theoretical uncertainties, respectively.
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