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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interaction and introspection with tangible augmented objects / Intéraction et introspection avec des objets tangibles augmentés

Gervais, Renaud 09 December 2015 (has links)
La plupart des métiers du travail de l’information requièrent maintenant de passer la majeure partie de nos journée devant un écran. Ceci s’ajoute au temps déjà consacré à ce médium dans nos temps libres pour le divertissement et la communication, que ce soit en utilisant des téléphones intelligents, tablettes ou ordinateurs. Alors que les avancées technologiques dans le domaine des écrans tactiles nous ont permis d’interagir avec ces appareils de manière plus expressive, par exemple en utilisant nos doigts pour interagir directement avec le contenu numérique, ce que nous voyons et manipulons sur écran reste “intouchable” ; nos doigts ne pouvant pénétrer la surface de l’écran pour toucher le contenu numérique qui se trouve derrière. Pour que l’interaction avec le monde numérique soit écologique dans le futur, elle doit mettre à profit l’ensemble des différentes capacités de l’humain au lieu de ne se concentrer que sur certaines d’entre elles (comme le toucher et la vision), laissant les autres sens s’atrophier. Une façon de considérer le problème est d’utiliser le monde réel physique comme support pour le monde numérique, permettant d’imaginer un futur où les objets du quotidien auront de riches et expressives fonctions numériques, tout en étant ancrés dans le monde réel. La réalité augmentée spatiale est une modalité permettant d’aller dans cette direction. Cette thèse s’intéresse principalement à deux aspects en lien avec ces objets tangibles augmentés. Dans un premier temps, nous soulevons la question de comment interagir avec du contenu numérique lorsqu’il est supporté par des objets physiques. Comme point de départ de notre investigation, nous avons étudié différentes modalités qui utilisent des dispositifs d’entrée/sortie typiquement retrouvés dans un environnement de bureau. Cette approche est justifiée par le désir d’utiliser au maximum l’expérience que les utilisateurs ont déjà acquise avec leurs outils numériques tout en se dirigeant vers un espace d’interaction comprenant des éléments physiques. Dans un second temps, nous sommes allés au delà du thème de l’interaction avec le contenu numérique pour se questionner sur le potentiel des objets tangibles augmentés comme support pour un médium plus humain. Nous avons investigué comment ces artéfacts augmentés, combinés à différents capteurs physiologiques, pourraient permettre d’améliorer notre conscience des processus internes de notre corps et de notre esprit, pour éventuellement favoriser l’introspection. Cette partie a pris la forme de deux projets où un avatar tangible a été proposé pour laisser les utilisateurs explorer et personnaliser le retour d’information sur leurs propres états internes en temps réel. / Most of our waking hours are now spent staring at a screen. While the advances in touch screens have enabled a more expressive interaction space with our devices, by using our fingers to interact with digital content, what we see and manipulate on screen is still being kept away from us, locked behind a glassy surface. The range of capabilities of the human senses is much richer than what screens can currently offer. In order to be sustainable in the future, interaction with the digital world should leverage these human capabilities instead of letting them atrophy. One way to provide richer interaction and visualization modalities is to rely on the physical world itself as a host for digital content. Spatial Augmented Reality provides a technical mean towards this idea, by using projectors to shed digitally controlled light onto real-world objects to augment them and their environment with features and content. This paves the way to a future where everyday objects will be embedded with rich and expressive capabilities, while still being anchored in the real world. In this thesis, we are interested in two main aspects related to these tangible augmented objects. In a first time, we are raising the question on how to interact with digital content when it is hosted on physical objects. As a basis for our investigation, we studied interaction modalities that leverage traditional input and output devices found in a typical desktop environment. Our rationale for this approach is to leverage the experience of users with traditional digital tools – tools which researchers and developers spent decades to make simpler and more efficient to use – while at the same time steering towards a physically enriched interaction space. In a second time, we go beyond theinteraction with the digital content of augmented objects and reflect on their potential as a humane medium support. We investigate how these augmented artifacts, combined with physiological computing, can be used to raise our awareness of the processes of our own bodies and minds and, eventually, foster introspection activities. This took the form of two different projects where we used tangible avatars to let users explore and customize real-time physiological feedback of their own inner states.

Effect of Thinning on Ground-dwelling Beetle Communities in a Taiwania Plantation

Hung, Mei-jhu 26 July 2005 (has links)
The spatial distribution and monthly fluctuation of beetle species were studied in the experimental forests of Liu-Kuei Station, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Taiwan. Beetles were surveyed using pitfall traps from January to December, 2004. Our result showed that species richness, abundance and Shannon diversity of beetles were significant higher in Natural Forest than those of the others, and species richness and abundance were lowest in Taiwania Plantation. The composition and trophic structure of beetle community in the Thinning Plantation resulting from thinning were compared with that in the Taiwania Plantation and natural forest. Beetles communities of Natural Forest, Taiwania Plantation and Thinning Plantation were separated from each other by ordination (PCA), meaning three forest stands have distinct species assemblages. The three group assemblages were also revealed by cluster analysis. The ground-surface air humidity, litter litter depth and herbs cover were major environment factors influencing the beetle distribution. The relative size of trophic guilds in the Thinning Plantation has changed compared to Taiwania Plantation. Detritivores increased significantly in the Thinning Plantation, suggested an increase of nutrient-cycle in the Plantation. Eight dominant beetle families that were Carabidae, Scarabaeidae, Curculionidae, Staphylinidae, Scydmaenidae, Erotylidae, Nitidulidae and Biphyllidae showed different pattern of population fluctuation. The peak mainly from March to June, and Curculionidae, Scarabaeidae, Nitidulidae also show a moderate peak in August and September. In the two plantation areas, most dominant taxa showed a similarly fluctuation patterns, which are slightly different to those of Natural Forest.

Progresso temporal e padrão espacial de epidemias da podridão parda do pessegueiro / Temporal progress and spacial pattern of brown rot epidemics on peach

Souza, Davi Carvalho de 07 February 2007 (has links)
A podridão parda do pessegueiro é uma das principais doenças da cultura no Estado de São Paulo e na maioria das regiões produtoras do mundo. No Brasil, seu agente causal é o fungo Monilinia fructicola (Wint) Honey, que infecta ramos, flores e frutos tanto em pré como em pós-colheita. A compreensão do comportamento epidemiológico da podridão parda do pessegueiro em condições tropicais é fundamental para o estabelecimento de estratégias de controle mais eficientes nos pomares brasileiros. Neste contexto o presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o progresso temporal e a distribuição espacial da epidemia da podridão parda do pessegueiro, em pomares comerciais sob condições naturais de infecção. O estudo foi realizado em áreas comerciais não tratadas e tratadas com fungicidas, em dois pomares no Estado de São Paulo, em 2005 e 2006. Realizaram-se amostragens quinzenais de frutos durante 3 meses após o florescimento. Foram colhidos, pelo menos, 300 frutos por amostragem, os quais foram tratados com o herbicida gramoxone para detecção da infecção latente. A análise temporal dos dados foi realizada por regressão não-linear entre a incidência da doença e o tempo, enquanto a distribuição espacial de frutos doentes foi avaliada por meio do índice de dispersão (D) e da lei de Taylor modificada, que relacionam variâncias observada e binomial. Nos dois anos e locais estudados, a podridão parda apresentou tendência de crescimento exponencial, com baixa incidência no início das amostragens e aumento expressivo no início da maturação dos frutos. O modelo exponencial apresentou melhor ajuste aos dados, nos dois anos e locais de estudo. Em 2005, a incidência da doença chegou a valores máximos no ponto de colheita, atingindo 70% em frutos de plantas tratadas e 66,4% nos de não tratadas. Nesse ano, a incidência da podridão parda em frutos de plantas sem e com fungicidas não diferiram entre si (P>0,05), tanto nos parâmetros do modelo quanto na área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AUDPC). Em 2006, as curvas de progresso da doença, para frutos de plantas não tratadas com fungicidas, foram semelhantes entre si e caracterizaram-se pelo rápido aumento da incidência de infecções a partir da maturação dos frutos, chegando, na última avaliação, a 59,17% em Holambra II e 74,37% em Jarinu. O controle químico foi eficiente em 2006, havendo baixa incidência de podridão parda em frutos de plantas tratadas, durante toda safra e nos dois locais. No pomar avaliado em 2005, a agregação de frutos doentes (4,7<D<6,8) foi observada a partir da metade da safra e atribuída a pilhas de frutos mumificados na proximidade do pomar. O padrão espacial aleatório predominou na safra de 2006 nos dois pomares avaliados (0,88<D<1,52). Agregação de frutos doentes foi observada apenas por ocasião da colheita, quando a doença estava distribuída em todo o pomar, indicando haver árvores com muitos frutos doentes e outras com predominância de frutos sadios. O rápido progresso e a distribuição heterogênea da epidemia mostram a importância da eliminação das fontes de inóculo para o controle da doença. / The brown rot of peach is one of the main diseases in peach orchards in the State of São Paulo and in most peach producing regions in the world. In Brazil, brown rot is caused by the fungus Monilinia fructicola and it attacks stems, blossoms and fruits in the pre and post harvest periods. The understanding of the brown rot epidemiologic behavior in tropical conditions is essential to the establishment of more efficient control strategies in Brazilian orchards. In this context, the present work aimed to characterize the temporal progress and the spatial distribution of the peach brown rot in commercial orchards under natural infection conditions. The study was carried out in untreated and fungicide-sprayed commercial areas in Paranapanema and Jarinu, SP, in 2005 and 2006. Fruit samplings were performed fortnightly during 3 months after blooming. At least 300 fruits were collected in each sampling and treated with gramoxone herbicide to detect latent infection. Temporal data analysis was done by non-linear regression between disease incidence (y) and time (x). The spatial pattern of diseased fruit was assessed by the dispersion index (D) and the modified Taylor?s power law which relate observed and binomial variances. During these two years in the area studied, brown rot presented a tendency for exponential growth with low incidence in the beginning of the season and expressive increase in the beginning of fruit ripening. The exponential model presented a better fit to the data for the two year study period. In 2005, the brown rot incidence reached maximum values during the harvest: 70% in treated trees and 66,4% in untreated trees. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in brown rot incidence in trees with or without fungicide treatment in model parameters as well as in the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). In 2006, the disease progress curves for treated and untreated trees were not similar. Disease progress curves for untreated trees were characterized by the rapid increase in infections incidence after the ripening of the fruit, reaching in the last evaluation, 59,17% for Holambra II and 74,37% in Jarinu. Chemical control was effective in 2006, with low brown rot incidence in treated trees throughout the harvest in both sites. In the orchard evaluated in 2005, the aggregation of diseased fruit (4,7<D<6,8) was observed in the second half of the season and attributed to piles of mummified fruit in the orchard?s vicinity. The random spacial pattern was predominant in the 2006 harvest in both orchards evaluated (0,88<D<1,52). Diseased fruit aggregations were observed only at harvest time, while the disease was spread throughout the orchard, indicating that some trees had many diseased fruits while in others the healthy fruit predominated. The quick progress and the heterogeneous distribution of the epidemics demonstrate the importance of eliminating the inoculum sources for the control of this disease.

Progresso temporal e padrão espacial de epidemias da podridão parda do pessegueiro / Temporal progress and spacial pattern of brown rot epidemics on peach

Davi Carvalho de Souza 07 February 2007 (has links)
A podridão parda do pessegueiro é uma das principais doenças da cultura no Estado de São Paulo e na maioria das regiões produtoras do mundo. No Brasil, seu agente causal é o fungo Monilinia fructicola (Wint) Honey, que infecta ramos, flores e frutos tanto em pré como em pós-colheita. A compreensão do comportamento epidemiológico da podridão parda do pessegueiro em condições tropicais é fundamental para o estabelecimento de estratégias de controle mais eficientes nos pomares brasileiros. Neste contexto o presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o progresso temporal e a distribuição espacial da epidemia da podridão parda do pessegueiro, em pomares comerciais sob condições naturais de infecção. O estudo foi realizado em áreas comerciais não tratadas e tratadas com fungicidas, em dois pomares no Estado de São Paulo, em 2005 e 2006. Realizaram-se amostragens quinzenais de frutos durante 3 meses após o florescimento. Foram colhidos, pelo menos, 300 frutos por amostragem, os quais foram tratados com o herbicida gramoxone para detecção da infecção latente. A análise temporal dos dados foi realizada por regressão não-linear entre a incidência da doença e o tempo, enquanto a distribuição espacial de frutos doentes foi avaliada por meio do índice de dispersão (D) e da lei de Taylor modificada, que relacionam variâncias observada e binomial. Nos dois anos e locais estudados, a podridão parda apresentou tendência de crescimento exponencial, com baixa incidência no início das amostragens e aumento expressivo no início da maturação dos frutos. O modelo exponencial apresentou melhor ajuste aos dados, nos dois anos e locais de estudo. Em 2005, a incidência da doença chegou a valores máximos no ponto de colheita, atingindo 70% em frutos de plantas tratadas e 66,4% nos de não tratadas. Nesse ano, a incidência da podridão parda em frutos de plantas sem e com fungicidas não diferiram entre si (P>0,05), tanto nos parâmetros do modelo quanto na área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AUDPC). Em 2006, as curvas de progresso da doença, para frutos de plantas não tratadas com fungicidas, foram semelhantes entre si e caracterizaram-se pelo rápido aumento da incidência de infecções a partir da maturação dos frutos, chegando, na última avaliação, a 59,17% em Holambra II e 74,37% em Jarinu. O controle químico foi eficiente em 2006, havendo baixa incidência de podridão parda em frutos de plantas tratadas, durante toda safra e nos dois locais. No pomar avaliado em 2005, a agregação de frutos doentes (4,7<D<6,8) foi observada a partir da metade da safra e atribuída a pilhas de frutos mumificados na proximidade do pomar. O padrão espacial aleatório predominou na safra de 2006 nos dois pomares avaliados (0,88<D<1,52). Agregação de frutos doentes foi observada apenas por ocasião da colheita, quando a doença estava distribuída em todo o pomar, indicando haver árvores com muitos frutos doentes e outras com predominância de frutos sadios. O rápido progresso e a distribuição heterogênea da epidemia mostram a importância da eliminação das fontes de inóculo para o controle da doença. / The brown rot of peach is one of the main diseases in peach orchards in the State of São Paulo and in most peach producing regions in the world. In Brazil, brown rot is caused by the fungus Monilinia fructicola and it attacks stems, blossoms and fruits in the pre and post harvest periods. The understanding of the brown rot epidemiologic behavior in tropical conditions is essential to the establishment of more efficient control strategies in Brazilian orchards. In this context, the present work aimed to characterize the temporal progress and the spatial distribution of the peach brown rot in commercial orchards under natural infection conditions. The study was carried out in untreated and fungicide-sprayed commercial areas in Paranapanema and Jarinu, SP, in 2005 and 2006. Fruit samplings were performed fortnightly during 3 months after blooming. At least 300 fruits were collected in each sampling and treated with gramoxone herbicide to detect latent infection. Temporal data analysis was done by non-linear regression between disease incidence (y) and time (x). The spatial pattern of diseased fruit was assessed by the dispersion index (D) and the modified Taylor?s power law which relate observed and binomial variances. During these two years in the area studied, brown rot presented a tendency for exponential growth with low incidence in the beginning of the season and expressive increase in the beginning of fruit ripening. The exponential model presented a better fit to the data for the two year study period. In 2005, the brown rot incidence reached maximum values during the harvest: 70% in treated trees and 66,4% in untreated trees. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in brown rot incidence in trees with or without fungicide treatment in model parameters as well as in the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). In 2006, the disease progress curves for treated and untreated trees were not similar. Disease progress curves for untreated trees were characterized by the rapid increase in infections incidence after the ripening of the fruit, reaching in the last evaluation, 59,17% for Holambra II and 74,37% in Jarinu. Chemical control was effective in 2006, with low brown rot incidence in treated trees throughout the harvest in both sites. In the orchard evaluated in 2005, the aggregation of diseased fruit (4,7<D<6,8) was observed in the second half of the season and attributed to piles of mummified fruit in the orchard?s vicinity. The random spacial pattern was predominant in the 2006 harvest in both orchards evaluated (0,88<D<1,52). Diseased fruit aggregations were observed only at harvest time, while the disease was spread throughout the orchard, indicating that some trees had many diseased fruits while in others the healthy fruit predominated. The quick progress and the heterogeneous distribution of the epidemics demonstrate the importance of eliminating the inoculum sources for the control of this disease.

Essays in Spatial Analysis of Land Development and Recreation Demand

Kim, Seung Gyu 01 August 2011 (has links)
This dissertation considers three topics under the themes of wetland restoration, urban sprawl, and recreation demand employing spatial data and analysis. A key question addressed in the first essay is how we can identify priority areas for wetlands restoration along the Louisiana coast under the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act by estimating amenity values received by nearby residents from hypothetical wetlands restoration projects. The second essay evaluates the effectiveness of alternative land-use policy variables for controlling development in a sprawling metropolitan area during two extreme market conditions. The third essay estimates the effect on consumer welfare from improved satisfaction of recreation information availability.

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