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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physiological and sensory influences on food intake in learnt satiety

Dibsdall, Louise Anne January 2000 (has links)
This Thesis examined the contributions of gastrointestinal and/or sensory influences to the control of food intake in everyday life. The postingestional effects at first exposure to an unfamiliar variant of a familiar food were measured by correcting the observed satiating effects with what the eater expected them to be. Physical forms of fat or chemical compositions of carbohydrate in familiar foods differed in the timing of these postingestional satiating effects. Cream, which is hypothesised to empty rapidly from the stomach into the intestine, satiated rapidly but transiently. Conversely, oil that was liable to separation in the stomach produced a delayed and more prolonged satiating effect. Learning about the postprandial effects of foods containing unfamiliar levels of a form of nutrient occurred at first exposure to the after-effects of that variant: that is, sensory recognition of that variant at the second exposure resulted in participants' predictions of its satiating effect becoming more realistic. A more prolonged satiating effect was expected from yoghurts containing a higher amount of fat. At the same time, repeated exposure to a particular flavour of yoghurt induced more accurate predictions of the postprandial effects of the amount of fat associated with that flavour. Expected duration of hunger suppression by familiar and identifiable foods was related to some extent to the observed differences in the duration of postingestional satiating effects of a particular nutrient preparation. Pasta with an oily salad dressing was believed to satiate the eater for longer than a pasta with a creamy salad dressing. Breakfast cereal labelled as high in fibre was expected to produce a more prolonged satiating effect than protein and so on in order for starch, fat or sugar. These differences in expected postingestional satiating after-effects of a food or meal may contribute to the planning of meal contents and perhaps timing. Unexpected timing of a meal or a `surprise' in the postingestional effects of a food altered the composition of the next meal of another sort from the participant's usual choice towards one giving the appropriate after-effects.

Development of a Healthy and Satiating Snack / Development of a Healthy and Satiating Snack

Oudah, Dayana January 2008 (has links)
<p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p>The demand of healthier products is increasing, and more people are more interested of what they eat. Statistics show that the consumption of snacks is rising.</p><p>Hyperglycemia leads to an increased risk for complications in type II diabetes mellitus. Increased levels of postprandial plasma glucose may also lead to equal or maybe more harmful effects than fasting hyperglycemia. When the levels of postprandial plasma glucose are decreased, the development of cardiovascular complications is delayed, why it is important to lower the snacks consumption especially snacks that brings hunger quickly after they are eaten. Because of these factors, healthier products were developed in this study. The aim was to develop a wafer chocolate product that gives higher satiating effect and healthier blood glucose levels compared to one of Cloetta’s chocolate products. Two raw materials were used, a new carbohydrate and a new fat. The new carbohydrate is a healthier sugar alternative than sucrose, since it leads to lower and prolonged increase in blood glucose and insulin levels. The new fat is based on natural oil that is believed to be healthy, mainly due to its satiating effect. The effects of these two materials on blood glucose response and satiety were examined in two products. Furthermore, the products were made of fat reduced milk chocolate in which sucrose in the chocolate mass was 100 % replaced with the new carbohydrate, dietary fibre and fruit concentrate. Only one of the products contained the new fat. The products, together with Cloetta’s chocolate product were consumed by 17 healthy subjects. Blood glucose response and satiating effect after product intake were examined during a period of 3 days.</p><p>When blood glucose response was analyzed, a slight indication that the products were relatively healthier than placebo, due to placebo’s unhealthy fluctuations, was found. No clear differences regarding blood sugar maxima were found. Placebo showed, as expected, the highest blood glucose maxima and the largest incremental area under curve, but the maxima of the new fat-lacking product was less than half as high as that of the new fatcontaining product and the area was smaller too, which was not expected. The results regarding the hunger levels were not as expected either since the new fat-lacking product was most satiating while the new fatcontaining product was the least satiating. Despite that, 57 % of the subjects reported they would by such products in the future.</p><p>Several biases may have played a role in the results, for example whether or not subjects followed the criteria (e.g. lunch time, exercise), stress, worry, individual energy requirement and how serious and focused the subjects were. However, for further research, increasing the new fat content to 3 g, a bigger sized product, different filling, more subjects and more repeats of same measurements is recommended.</p><p> </p><p> </p> / <p> </p><p><strong><p>SVENSK SAMMANFATTNING</p></strong></p><p>Efterfrågan på hälsosammare produkter ökar, och fler människor blir mer intresserade av vad de äter. Statistik visar att konsumtionen av mellanmål ökar.</p><p>Hyperglykemi leder till en ökad risk för komplikationer i typ II-diabetiker. Ökade nivåer av postprandiell plasmaglukos kan leda till lika eller mer skadliga effekter än fastande hyperglykemi. När nivåerna av postprandiell plasmaglukos är lägre reduceras utvecklingen av kardiovaskulära komplikationer, därför är det viktigt att minska småätandet, speciellt av mellanmål som leder till hunger snart efter att de har ätits. På grund av dessa faktorer har hälsosammare produkter utvecklats i denna studie. Syftet var att utveckla en kexchokladprodukt som har högre mättnadseffekt samt hälsosammare blodsockernivåer jämfört med en av Cloettas chokladprodukter. Två produkter som alternativ till Cloettas chokladprodukter utvecklades. I dessa användes en ny kolhydrat och ett nytt fett. Den nya kolhydraten är ett hälsosammare sockeralternativ än sukros, då den leder till en lägre och förlängd ökning av blodglukos- och insulinnivåer. Det nya fettet är baserat på en naturlig olja som är hälsosam på grund av dess mättande effekt. Effekten av dessa två ämnen undersöktes. Vidare så gjordes de två produkterna av fettreducerad mjölkchoklad i vilken sukros i chokladmassan var 100 % ersatt med den nya kolhydraten, kostfiber samt fruktkoncentrat. endast en av produkterna innehöll det nya fettet. Produkterna, tillsammans med Cloettas chokladprodukt (placebo) konsumerades av 17 friska personer. Blodsockerresponsen och den mättande effekten efter produktintaget undersöktes under 3 timmars period per dag i totalt 3 dagar.</p><p>När blodglukosrespons analyserades hittades en svag indikation på att produkterna var relativt hälsosammare än placebo, på grund av de ohälsosamma fluktuationerna. Inga klara skillnader med avseende på blodsockermaxima hittades. Placebo visade, som väntat, det högsta blodglukosmaximum och den största arean under kurvan, men maximum för produkten utan det nya fettet var mindre än hälften så högt som det för produkten med det nya fettet och även arean under kurvan var mindre, vilket inte var förväntat. De upplevda hungernivåerna var inte heller som förväntat då produkten som saknar det nya fettet mättade flest personer medan produkten innehållande nya fettet mättade minst antal personer. Trots det så kunde 57 % av deltagarna tänka sig köpa sådana produkter i framtiden.</p><p>Flera faktorer kan ha påverkat resultatet, till exempel huruvida försökspersonerna följde kriterierna (t.ex. lunchtid, träning), stress, oro, individuella energibehov samt hur allvarliga och fokuserade personerna var när de angav hungernivåerna. För vidare studier rekommenderas ett högre innehåll av det nya fettet (3 g), en större produkt, annorlunda fruktbaserad fyllning och fler deltagare och flera upprepningar av samma mätningar.</p><p> </p>

Etude de l'effet combiné des fibres et des protéines sur la satiété et influence des paramètres psychologiques / Study of the single and combined fibres and proteins effects on satiety and influence of psychological parameters

Lesdema, Aurélie 20 December 2012 (has links)
Dans le contexte général du contrôle du poids, le développement de produits à haut pouvoir satiétogène apparaît comme une alternative intéressante ou une réponse complémentaire aux propositions de régimes réduits en calories. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer le pouvoir satiétogène simple et combinés des fibres et des protéines dans une matrice biscuitière ainsi que l'influence de facteurs psychologiques telle que l'information fournie sur un aliment sur la satiété. Concernant l'influence de paramètres psychologiques, si l'on s'en réfère aux limites du TFEQ couramment utilisées par Stunkard et Messick, une cohorte de jeunes adultes français a de faibles score de TFEQ pour la restriction cognitive, la désinhibition et la faim. Ce résultat nous a permis de proposer de nouvelles limites plus basses que celles couramment utilisées et adaptées à cette catégorie de la population, souvent étudiée dans les études cliniques de comportement alimentaire. Ces limites ont été utilisées pour définir nos groupes de volontaires pour l'étude sur l'effet d'un message sur la satiété. Nous avons conclu qu'un message sur les propriétés satiétogènes d'un produit pourrait influencer un sous-groupe de la population, que sont les femmes faiblement restreintes et fortement désinhibées. Afin d'optimiser la sélection des prototypes utilisés dans l'étude clinique sur l'effet des fibres et des protéines sur la satiété, nous avons développé avec succès un nouvel outil pour entraîner un panel d'experts sensoriels à évaluer leur satiété. Un mélange de fibres et de protéines réduit les sensations d'appétit de manière plus importante que les biscuits enrichis simplement en un des ingrédients. Cette combinaison d'ingrédients actifs stimule des mécanismes qui sont induits par les fibres (comme la réduction de l'insulinémie et le ralentissement de la vidange gastrique) et les protéines (comme la diminution de la glycémie). En conclusion, cette approche intégrative de la satiété a permis d'apporter de nouvelles connaissances sur les effets synergique des fibres et des protéines sur les sensations d'appétit. Nous avons aussi proposé de nouvelles méthodes pour évaluer le pouvoir satiétogène de différents produits en utilisant l'expertise des domaines des sciences du sensoriel et de la nutrition. Ce travail souligne aussi l'importance des aspects psychologiques dans les études de nutrition humaine.Mots clés: Satiété, Fibres, Protéines, Three-Factor Eating questionnaire, Message satiété, entraînement à l'évaluation de la satiété / In the general context of weight management, the development of food with higher satiating power appears to be an interesting alternative or a complementary answer to the proposition of calorie-reduced diets. The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate the single and combined satiating effects of proteins and fibres in biscuits and the influence of psychological factors, such as a given message about a food, on satiety. As for cognitive parameters, considering Stunkard and Messick guidelines about TFEQ limits, young French adults aged 20–39 yrs have low cognitive restraint, disinhibition and hunger scores. This finding makes it possible to suggest new limits for the TFEQ scores better adapted to this category of the population which is often used in clinical studies. We used these limits to define our groups of volunteers in the study about the influence of a message on satiety. It was found that giving a message on the satiating potential of a food may affect a sub-group of the population, such as low-restrained high-disinhibited women. To optimize the selection of the prototypes used in the clinical study about fibre and protein effects on satiety, we developed a new successful methodology to train a panel of sensorial experts in satiety assessment. A combination of fibre and protein in biscuits reduces appetite sensations more than do single enrichment in fibre or protein. The mixing of fibre and protein activates mechanisms which are induced by fibre (such as reduced insulinemia and slowed gastric emptying) and protein (such as reduced glycaemia). In conclusion, this integrative approach on satiety brings new knowledge about the synergistic effect of fibre and protein on appetite sensations. It proposes a new methodology using sensory and nutrition expertise to assess the satiety power of products and it also highlights the importance of psychometric traits in human food studies.Key words: Satiety, Fibres, Proteins, Three-Factor Eating questionnaire, Satiety message, training in satiety assessment

Development of a Healthy and Satiating Snack / Development of a Healthy and Satiating Snack

Oudah, Dayana January 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT The demand of healthier products is increasing, and more people are more interested of what they eat. Statistics show that the consumption of snacks is rising. Hyperglycemia leads to an increased risk for complications in type II diabetes mellitus. Increased levels of postprandial plasma glucose may also lead to equal or maybe more harmful effects than fasting hyperglycemia. When the levels of postprandial plasma glucose are decreased, the development of cardiovascular complications is delayed, why it is important to lower the snacks consumption especially snacks that brings hunger quickly after they are eaten. Because of these factors, healthier products were developed in this study. The aim was to develop a wafer chocolate product that gives higher satiating effect and healthier blood glucose levels compared to one of Cloetta’s chocolate products. Two raw materials were used, a new carbohydrate and a new fat. The new carbohydrate is a healthier sugar alternative than sucrose, since it leads to lower and prolonged increase in blood glucose and insulin levels. The new fat is based on natural oil that is believed to be healthy, mainly due to its satiating effect. The effects of these two materials on blood glucose response and satiety were examined in two products. Furthermore, the products were made of fat reduced milk chocolate in which sucrose in the chocolate mass was 100 % replaced with the new carbohydrate, dietary fibre and fruit concentrate. Only one of the products contained the new fat. The products, together with Cloetta’s chocolate product were consumed by 17 healthy subjects. Blood glucose response and satiating effect after product intake were examined during a period of 3 days. When blood glucose response was analyzed, a slight indication that the products were relatively healthier than placebo, due to placebo’s unhealthy fluctuations, was found. No clear differences regarding blood sugar maxima were found. Placebo showed, as expected, the highest blood glucose maxima and the largest incremental area under curve, but the maxima of the new fat-lacking product was less than half as high as that of the new fatcontaining product and the area was smaller too, which was not expected. The results regarding the hunger levels were not as expected either since the new fat-lacking product was most satiating while the new fatcontaining product was the least satiating. Despite that, 57 % of the subjects reported they would by such products in the future. Several biases may have played a role in the results, for example whether or not subjects followed the criteria (e.g. lunch time, exercise), stress, worry, individual energy requirement and how serious and focused the subjects were. However, for further research, increasing the new fat content to 3 g, a bigger sized product, different filling, more subjects and more repeats of same measurements is recommended. / SVENSK SAMMANFATTNING Efterfrågan på hälsosammare produkter ökar, och fler människor blir mer intresserade av vad de äter. Statistik visar att konsumtionen av mellanmål ökar. Hyperglykemi leder till en ökad risk för komplikationer i typ II-diabetiker. Ökade nivåer av postprandiell plasmaglukos kan leda till lika eller mer skadliga effekter än fastande hyperglykemi. När nivåerna av postprandiell plasmaglukos är lägre reduceras utvecklingen av kardiovaskulära komplikationer, därför är det viktigt att minska småätandet, speciellt av mellanmål som leder till hunger snart efter att de har ätits. På grund av dessa faktorer har hälsosammare produkter utvecklats i denna studie. Syftet var att utveckla en kexchokladprodukt som har högre mättnadseffekt samt hälsosammare blodsockernivåer jämfört med en av Cloettas chokladprodukter. Två produkter som alternativ till Cloettas chokladprodukter utvecklades. I dessa användes en ny kolhydrat och ett nytt fett. Den nya kolhydraten är ett hälsosammare sockeralternativ än sukros, då den leder till en lägre och förlängd ökning av blodglukos- och insulinnivåer. Det nya fettet är baserat på en naturlig olja som är hälsosam på grund av dess mättande effekt. Effekten av dessa två ämnen undersöktes. Vidare så gjordes de två produkterna av fettreducerad mjölkchoklad i vilken sukros i chokladmassan var 100 % ersatt med den nya kolhydraten, kostfiber samt fruktkoncentrat. endast en av produkterna innehöll det nya fettet. Produkterna, tillsammans med Cloettas chokladprodukt (placebo) konsumerades av 17 friska personer. Blodsockerresponsen och den mättande effekten efter produktintaget undersöktes under 3 timmars period per dag i totalt 3 dagar. När blodglukosrespons analyserades hittades en svag indikation på att produkterna var relativt hälsosammare än placebo, på grund av de ohälsosamma fluktuationerna. Inga klara skillnader med avseende på blodsockermaxima hittades. Placebo visade, som väntat, det högsta blodglukosmaximum och den största arean under kurvan, men maximum för produkten utan det nya fettet var mindre än hälften så högt som det för produkten med det nya fettet och även arean under kurvan var mindre, vilket inte var förväntat. De upplevda hungernivåerna var inte heller som förväntat då produkten som saknar det nya fettet mättade flest personer medan produkten innehållande nya fettet mättade minst antal personer. Trots det så kunde 57 % av deltagarna tänka sig köpa sådana produkter i framtiden. Flera faktorer kan ha påverkat resultatet, till exempel huruvida försökspersonerna följde kriterierna (t.ex. lunchtid, träning), stress, oro, individuella energibehov samt hur allvarliga och fokuserade personerna var när de angav hungernivåerna. För vidare studier rekommenderas ett högre innehåll av det nya fettet (3 g), en större produkt, annorlunda fruktbaserad fyllning och fler deltagare och flera upprepningar av samma mätningar.

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