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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Supplier Satisfaction: the Concept and a Measurement System:a study to define the supplier satisfaction elements and usage as a management tool

Maunu, S. (Susanna) 14 November 2003 (has links)
Abstract There is no commonly agreed theory available to define supplier satisfaction and to measure it. Qualitative research is the key to find the definition and metrics for supplier satisfaction. It gives the possibility to refer behaviours, interactions between companies and organizational functioning. This research has studied supplier satisfaction measurement and how it could be used as a management tool. Supplier Satisfaction Survey is a management tool for a company to improve and further develop its internal and external processes within its supply chain. The aim is to measure the quality of relationship between the supplier and 'the company' in terms of how the supplier views 'the company' both in business and communication- related aspects. The results highlight the areas where the supplier and 'the company' have together invested resources to improve processes but also to identify areas that can still be improved. Survey results are also inputs for the strategic planning of the company as well as everyday operations and business behaviour. Supplier satisfaction survey is the latest part of the continuous development of the supply chain management. A literature review tells how supply chain management has developed over time from setting a supply chain structure in place and further focusing more detailed parts such as cost structure and product customisation. The latest trend is to have close cooperation with supply chain partners and synchronize operations -in particular the supplier and manufacturing part of the supply chain need fine-tuning. / Tiivistelmä Toimittajatyytyväisyyden ja sen mittaamiseen ei vielä ole yleisesti hyväksyttyä (/sovittua) teoriaa. Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus antaa työkalut määritelmän ja mittareiden luomiseen. Se mahdollistaa tutkia käyttäymistä, vuorovaikutuksia yritysten ja organisaatioiden välillä. Toimittajatyytyväisyys on yrityksen johtamistyökalu, jonka avulla yritys voi parantaa ja edelleen kehittää niin sisäisiä kuin ulkoisia prosesseja toimittajaketjussa. Ideana on mitata toimittajasuhteen laatua - miten toimittaja arvostaa ostajayrityksen toimintaa kaupanteon ja kommunikaation näkökulmasta. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään ensin toimittajatyytyväisyyden konseptin luomiseen ja toiseksi toimittajatyytyväisyyden mittaamiseen ja kuinka sitä voidaan edelleen käyttää yrityksen johtamistyökaluna. Tulokset tuovat esiin alueet, mihin toimittaja ja ostajayritys ovat yhdessä jo investoinneet resursseja parantaakseen prosesseja, mutta myös ne alueet, joihin vielä pitää kiinnittää huomiota. Tulokset toimivat informaationa niin yrityksen strategisessa suunnittelussa kuin joka päiväisessä toiminnassa. Toimittajatyytyväisyyden mittaus on uusimpia menetelmiä jatkuvasti kehittyvässä toimittajaketjun hallinnassa. Kirjallisuuskatsaus kertoo kuinka toimittajaketjun hallinta on kehittynyt aikojen kuluessa alkaen toimittajaketjun rakenteen kuvaamisesta ja edelleen keskittyen yksityiskohtaisempiin alueisiin kuten kustannuksiin ja tuotteiden yksilöintiin. Viimeisimpinä trendeinä ovat olleet yhteistyön parantaminen toimittajaketjussa olevien yritysten välillä, aktiviteettien synkronointi ja erityisesti toimittaja - valmistaja lenkin kooperaation hiominen.

Analýza nabídek leteckých společností / Survey of satisfaction of Czech airlines customers

Pelcová, Andrea January 2009 (has links)
Survey of satisfaction of Czech airlines customers, satistaction with benefit program, which factors are important while buying the tickets.

Analýza sociálního klimatu ve vybrané organizaci / Social climate analysis in the manufacturing company

Čermáková, Věra January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of employees' satisfaction with individual areas of their work. The theoretical part describes the reasons for opinion ascertaining and factors influencing employee satisfaction and motivation. There are also listed the methods of employee satisfaction surveys and the approaches to statistical analysis of data from questionnaire surveys. The practical part is focused on the social climate analysis in the specific manufacturing company in areas such as remuneration, communication, work organization, teamwork, career growth, learning and development and other. The data analysis is based on categorial data analysis including detection of dependence in between individual answers and classification of employees, mainly by sex, age, department and position. For each area, there is a recommendation for the company management.


ŠPERLOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to evaluate importance of benefits in reward system in a selected company and to recommend steps that would lead to increased efficiency of their use. In the first part of this thesis there is a comprehensive look at the remuneration strategy, which consists of cash compensation and employee benefits. After definining the concept of benefits I concentrated on their structuring from different perspectives. The main part of the theoretical part is aimed to evaluate of different types of benefits. At the end of this section I describe current trends in the area of employee benefits. In the first section of the practical part of the thesis I mentioned a short characterization of the selected company. The practical part aims to analyze the provided benefits. Employee benefits system is divided into the following areas: vocational and language training, benefits and housing stabilization policy. I also evaluate importance of the current system of providing employee benefits in the selected company by conducting of satisfaction surveys. The conclusion focuses on the suggestion of possible improvements that would increase efficiency in the provision of benefits.

Significance of customer feedback:an analysis of customer feedback data in a university hospital laboratory

Oja, P. (Paula) 21 September 2010 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of customer satisfaction surveys and spontaneous customer feedback procedure in a university hospital laboratory. Questionnaires containing closed-ended statements and an open-ended question were used in the customer satisfaction surveys targeted at the clinical units of the university hospital and regional health centres. Customer feedback documents including the subject matters of the reports, the investigations carried out and the actions taken were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The highest dissatisfaction rates in the clinical units were recorded for computerised test requesting and reporting, turnaround times of tests, missing test results and the schedule of phlebotomy rounds. In addition, additional instructions were needed. The most common causes of dissatisfaction among regional health centres were related to electronic data transfer of laboratory test requests and reports between health centres and the university hospital laboratory, need of additional instructions for handling of samples and preparation patients for laboratory tests, problems with decentralised phlebotomy services to hospital outpatients, and unawareness of the schedule of some less common laboratory tests. Further clarifications with selected customers were needed to specify the causes of dissatisfaction. Erroneous, delayed and lacking test results were the most common errors or defects revealed in the investigations of the spontaneous customer feedback reports from both the clinical units and the external customers. The most common underlying causes of errors were unintended errors and non-compliance with operating instructions. Systematic errors were found in one-sixth of the cases. Corrective actions were carried out in three-fourths of the cases. Satisfaction survey can be used as a screening tool to identify topics of dissatisfaction. However, further clarifications are often needed to find out the customer-specific causes of dissatisfaction and to undertake targeted corrective actions. Every reported case of customer feedback should be investigated to find out possible errors and their underlying causes so that appropriate corrective actions can be taken.

Optimalizace zaměstnaneckých benefitů ve společnosti / Optimalization of Employee Benefits in Company

Novotná, Iveta January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is a comprehensive evaluation and optimization of employee benefits in a particular company. The theoretical part defines basic concepts related to the topic of work: definitions and classifications of benefits, incentive theory and tax solutions for frequently provided benefits in the Czech Republic. The practical part analyzes the present system of employee benefits, a tax analysis and a questionnaire survey of satisfaction with benefits are conducted. The findings are used to designed possible changes in employee benefits at the company in terms of both tax optimization, and in terms of employee satisfaction

Návrh na zlepšení úrovně spokojenosti zákazníků se zákaznickým centrem / Proposal of the improvement of customer satisfaction with support centre

Dvořák, Milan January 2018 (has links)
The Master’s thesis is focused on the customer satisfaction with support centre of the company Zebra Technologies. Based on analysis of the current state is selected critical site to be resolved by available resources. The Master’s thesis proposes possible approaches to solving this critical site based on the theoretical basics of quality management in enterprises.

Měření kvality služeb v knihovnách (se zaměřením na vysokoškolské knihovny) / Service quality monitoring in libraries (focused on university libraries)

Kopecká, Miroslava January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals with service quality monitoring in libraries and it focuses especially on the situation in university libraries. There are foreign tools described in this thesis, namely the American LibQUAL+® which uses user satisfaction surveys, and German Bibliothekxindex which compares libraries according to recieved statistical data. From the Czech environment there is an initiative of the National Library of the Czech Republic described, "Benchmarking of Libraries", which is based on the German Bibliotheksindex but it is not applicable in university libraries. The thesis includes a self made suggestion on how to monitor service quality according to both of the foreign tools which was also applied to a selected university library. The results of this research indicate that these foreign tools are applicable in the Czech Republic and that the selected university library provides services which its users are overall very satisfied with.

Prison Leadership: The Relationship Between Warden Leadership Style and Correctional Officer Job Satisfaction

Schofield, Derrick D. 23 February 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between Tennessee wardens’ leadership practices and correctional officer job satisfaction. Utilizing the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), the relationship between correctional officers’ perception of the warden’s leadership practices and the LPI norms were examined. Additionally, utilizing the LPI, the relationship between self-ratings of the warden’s leadership practices and the observer rating of the LPI were assessed. Lastly, utilizing the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) and observer LPI, correlations were examined between the correctional officers’ job satisfaction and their perception of the warden’s leadership practices. Findings of this study showed lower correctional officers ratings of the wardens on the five LPI subscales than the inventory’s norms. In a comparison of the LPI wardens’ self-perception and the correctional officers’ observer perception, correctional officers rated the wardens lower than the wardens rated themselves. The overall ratings of the correctional officer Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS)were neutral. However, of the nine JSS subscales, the results identified the nature of their work and supervision as the most positive. Pay, contingent reward, and promotional opportunities were rated as the primary reasons for job dissatisfaction. Additional findings indicated a positive relationship between job satisfaction and each of the five subscales of the LPI. / Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership

Care Transitions from the Patient Perspective: A Focus on the Communication of Discharge Instructions

Quigley, Laura 13 January 2011 (has links)
Communication of hospital discharge instructions between patient and provider is an important component of hospital discharge to ensure that patients have the information they need to manage their post-acute care. Patient perception of this interaction is a key indicator of the quality of services provided. This study examined whether there is a correlation between hospital continuity and transition scores (a measure of patient perceptions of hospital discharge instructions) and hospital readmissions in Ontario. The final regression model for the outcome of all medical readmissions within three days of hospital discharge, showed a significant positive relationship (coefficient=0.0090, p=0.011). The estimate was smaller and not significant once the data was restricted to only community hospitals located outside of Toronto (coefficient=0.0085, p=0.060), and when restricted to urban community hospitals outside of Toronto (coefficient=0.0041, p=0.384). For the outcome of specific medical readmissions within 28 days of hospital discharge, no statistically significant relationship was found.

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