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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedagogisk skicklighet : bedömning vid anställningsförfarandet och dess betydelse / Teaching skills : assessment in the employment process and its importance

Stjärnås, Emelie, Beroun, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem:  Med åren har många statliga utredningar understrukit vikten av att högskolans undervisning skall ha en så god utformning som möjligt och att den skall ledas av väl kvalificerade lärare. För högskolor gäller det att finna rätt lärare som har förmågan att undervisa på ett sätt som passar dagens mer heterogena grupper med tanke på att studenterna fördubblats de senaste åren. Det är välkänt att hänsyn till de vetenskapliga meriterna är betydande och oftast avgörande vid anställning. Tidigare studier menar att bedömningskriterierna för pedagogisk skicklighet måste ges skarpare och mer entydiga formuleringar, likt den vetenskapliga skickligheten. Först då kan lika stor omsorg ägnas den pedagogiska skickligheten vid rekrytering. Syfte och metod: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka den pedagogiska skicklighetens betydelse i sin sociala kontext för att på så sätt ge en ökad kunskap kring fenomenet. Dessutom undersöktes hur fenomenet bedöms i praktiken och vilka underlag som används i förfarandet för att därmed kunna dra slutsatser kring varför betydelsen kan te sig på skilda sätt i olika sammanhang. Fem stycken semistrukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes. Intervjupersonerna, som är väletablerade inom akademin, har på ett eller annat sätt en inblick i hur bedömningen av den pedagogiska skickligheten går till och har kännedom om vilka uppfattningar som råder kring dess betydelse. Utöver intervjuerna har även flertalet olika dokument granskats som supplement till empirin. Intervjuerna och de granskade dokumenten utgör studiens triangulering vilket gör att ett bredare perspektiv erhålls och därmed en mer fullständig bild av den pedagogisk skicklighets betydelse och hur bedömningen av den går till. Dessutom används trianguleringen för att öka studiens trovärdighet och träffsäkerhet. Resultat och slutsatser: Under intervjuerna framkom att det föreligger en statusskillnad mellan forskning och undervisning, där forskningens status upplevs som högre. Detta resultat tyder på att betydelsen av den pedagogiska skickligheten är lägre och att resultatet bekräftar tidigare studier. Bedömningsunderlag för den pedagogiska skickligheten måste utvecklas på ett sätt som gör att bedömningen blir kvalitetsmässig. / Background and problem: Over the years many government investigations have underlined the importance of higher education being as excellent as possible, and that the education should be managed by qualified teachers. Universities have to recruit the right teachers who have the ability to teach in a way that fits the more heterogeneous groups of today, since the amount of students have doubled in the recent years. It is well known that consideration of scientific qualifications is significant and usually crucial in employment. Former studies mean that the assessment criteria for teaching skills must be given sharper and more unambiguous formulations, similar to the scientific skills. Only then equal attention can be paid to the teaching skills within recruitment. Aim and method: The purpose of this study was to examine the importance of teaching skills in order to increase knowledge about the phenomenon. In addition, the study examined how teaching skills are assessed in practice, and which basis that are being used in the procedure, in order to draw conclusions about why the significance can be different in various contexts. Five semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted. The interviewees, who are well established within the academy, have in different ways insight into the assessment of teaching skills, and they have knowledge about the perceptions of its significance. In addition to the interviews, several different documents have been examined as supplement to the empirical results. The interviews and reviewed documents constitute the method triangulation of the study, which empirically empowers and thus provides a more complete view of the teaching skills significance and how it is assessed. Furthermore, triangulation is used to increase the credibility and accuracy of the study. Results and conclusions: This study revealed a status difference between researching and teaching, where the status of researching is considered higher. This result indicates that the importance of teaching skills is lower, a fact that also is confirmed in previous studies. The assessment basis of teaching skills must be developed in a way that makes the assessment qualitatively.

Účinnost badatelsky orientované výuky v tématu Chemický děj na základních školách a gymnáziích / Effectiveness of inquiry-based science education in the topic Chemical process at elementary schools and grammar schools

Sotáková, Ivana January 2018 (has links)
The Dissertation work is focused on finding the effectivity of the inquiry-based science education of Chemistry subject at elementary schools and grammar schools concerning the topic of Chemistry process. The theoretical part proves the knowledge of inquiry-based science education (IBSE) in the 21 century, specifies the level of research, learning cycle 5E, its positives and negatives. The practical part is created by the files of methodology, particularly the methodological worksheets for teachers and worksheets for pupils as well, regarding the topic Substance Transformation for the elementary schools and for the grammar schools the topic Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equations. In the research part, there are shown the results of paedagogical research aiming at verifying the influence IBSE on to develop the higher mind operations according to Bloom taxonomy, to develop the scientific skills, as well as the survey of pupils' attitudes to this particular educational teaching process. The results obtained from the IBSE implementation and its verification performed by the cognitive tests and further by statistical evaluation, have confirmed the validity of the set hypotheses - the level of pupils' knowledge and skills has been increased, especially at weaker pupils in both degree of schools. By...

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