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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La cryoconservation : un outil performant pour la sauvegarde des coraux en danger : son application à Pocillopora damicornis / Cryopreservation : a performing tool for safeguarding threatened corals : application to Pocillopora damicornis

Feuillassier, Lionel 29 September 2015 (has links)
Les nombreuses pressions naturelles et anthropiques qui pèsent sur les écosystèmes coralliens font craindre leur disparition pour les années futures. Parmi les mesures de conservation, la cryoconservation permet de maintenir en sécurité les échantillons sur le long terme et à coût réduit. Les premiers travaux sur la cryoconservation des Anthozoaires incitent à développer davantage la méthode de vitrification plutôt que la congélation lente. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse propose d'expérimenter la technique de vitrification sur plusieurs formes pluricellulaires dont les apex, les planulae, les polypes primaires, les polypes isolés et les balles tissulaires (TB), toutes issues du Scléractiniaire Pocillopora damicornis. Les meilleurs résultats ont été produits avec les TB obtenues après exposition à une solution de KSW puis traitées selon la méthode V Cryo-plate. L'éthylène glycol (EG) s'est avéré le cryoprotecteur (CPA) le mieux toléré jusqu'à 4.0 M pendant 20 min à température ambiante (RT). Les mélanges binaires et ternaires de CPA ont cependant permis d'obtenir de meilleures tolérances des TB qu'avec les solutions individuelles. L'utilisation de solutions successives a permis d'obtenir des survies jusqu'à 4.5 M selon le protocole : 1.5 M EG + 0.5 M Glycérol (Gly) (5 min, RT) puis 1.5 M DMSO + 1.5 M EG + 1.5 M Gly (10 min, 0°C) et enfin 1.5 M EG + 0.5 M Gly (5 min, RT). L'intégrité des cellules épithéliales de l'ectoderme apparaît essentielle au maintien des TB durant et après les traitements. Si le protocole de vitrification n'a pu être mis au point, en revanche, l'utilisation des TB à des fins de cryoconservation apparaît très intéressante pour de futures investigations. / Numerous environmental and anthropic pressures threaten reef ecosystems, rising concerns on species loss in coming years. Among conservation measures, cryopreservation ensures the safe and cost-effective long-term conservation of biological material. The first publications focusing on Anthozoa cryopreservation reported that the vitrification approach was preferable to the slow-cooling approach. In this context, this thesis aimed at investigating a vitrification technique with several pluricellular forms of the Scleractinian Pocillopora damicornis including apexes, planulae, primary polyps, isolated polyps and tissue balls (TB). The best results were obtained using TBs produced by exposing coral branches to a KSW solution. TBs were cryopreserved using the V Cryo-plate method. The highest TB tolerance was obtained after exposure to solution containing ethylene glycol (EG) concentrated to 4.0 M for 20 min at room temperature (RT). Binary and ternary cryoprotectant (CPA) solutions were better tolerated by TBs compared with individual cryoprotectant solutions. Exposure of TBs to a series of cryoprotectant solutions with progressively increased concentration allowed obtaining TB tolerance to cryoprotectant with a concentration of 4.5 M with: 1.5 M EG + 0.5 M Glycerol (Gly) (5 min, RT), 1.5 M DMSO + 1.5 M EG + 1.5 M Gly (10 min, 0°C) and then 1.5 M EG + 0.5 M Gly (5 min, RT). Epithelial cells from the ectoderm were essential to maintain TB integrity during and following CPA treatments. Successful cryopreservation was not achieved in this work; however, it demonstrated that the use of TBs constitutes a promising way for further cryopreservation research.

Extinctions et recouvrements de coraux au cours de la crise Pliensbachien - Toarcien / Extinctions and recovery of corals during the Pliensbachian – Toarcian crisis

Vasseur, Raphaël 12 December 2018 (has links)
Le passage entre les étages géologiques du Pliensbachien et du Toarcien au Jurassique inférieur est suivi au Toarcien inférieur par un évènement anoxique d’importance planétaire (TOAE pour Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event). Dans les archives de l’histoire de la terre, ce moment correspond en bien des endroits à un temps de fossilisation massive de matière organique donnant ici où là des roches mères d’intérêt pétrolier. Si, en termes de fluctuation du niveau eustatique, ces évènements sont souvent situés dans une zone d’inondation maximale de 2ème ordre, ils sont aussi interprétés comme une perturbation globale du cycle du carbone avec acidification des océans, liée à la mise en place des provinces ignées du Karroo-Ferrar en Afrique du Sud et en Amérique du Sud, contrées jointives à ce moment-là. Il s’agit d’une période de réchauffement global faisant suite à une période particulièrement froide au Pliensbachien. Cette perturbation écologique globale a certainement affecté la biosphère dans une mesure qui reste aujourd’hui très mal connue. Nous connaissons des études par exemple sur des ammonites ou des bivalves dont la définition stratigraphique permet rarement de distinguer l’impact du passage de la limite entre les deux étages du passage au Toarcien inférieur de la TOAE et la seule étude disponible sur les coraux est une étude purement bibliographique (Lathuilière et Marchal 2009) qui laisse supposer une extinction significative sur la même période. Les coraux sont très généralement des marqueurs particulièrement précieux des perturbations écologiques majeures comme on peut le voir pour les cinq grandes extinctions et même pour la sixième extinction en cours. Cette extinction au Pliensbachien-Toarcien pour l’instant considérée de second ordre mérite donc d’être analysée de ce point de vue. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, des collectes de coraux ont été effectuées sur le terrain au Maroc et en Italie dans un contexte sédimentologique défini de part et d’autre de la limite Pliensbachien - Toarcien. Les prélèvements ont été réalisés de façon à pouvoir évaluer la diversité ainsi que, dans la mesure du possible, la variabilité intraspécifique. Le traitement statistique des données a été réalisé dans le souci d’assurer une bonne connaissance de la variabilité pour fournir une taxinomie fiable dans l’optique de comparer des populations comparables en termes d’analyse de la diversité, des extinctions et des apparitions de taxons. Au total, 107 espèces ont été décrites (dont au moins 19 nouvelles espèces) réparties parmi 60 genres (dont 5 nouveaux) dans au moins 22 familles (dont 1 nouvelle). Cette étude nous révèle pour les eaux froides et chargées en matière organique du Pliensbachien des assemblages de coraux présentant une grande part d’affinité avec les faunes du Trias (en termes de genres et familles). Ils partagent une partie de leurs niches écologiques sur les plateformes internes de l’ouest téthysien avec des bivalves constructeurs de récifs connaissant alors un succès évolutif fulgurant : les lithiotidés. Les données récoltées témoignent de conditions ayant contraint les coraux à s’adapter et à se diversifier pour se maintenir lors de cette période peu propice, au profit des formes solitaires et phacéloïdes et au détriment des formes de plus hauts niveaux d’intégration. Au Toarcien inférieur, le réchauffement global des eaux couplé à la disparition quasi-totale des concurrents des coraux a permis une explosion de diversité déterminante pour l’avenir de ce groupe avec la mise en place de faunes d’assemblages très similaires à celles du Jurassique moyen et supérieur (en terme de genres, familles et morphologies coloniales). Il s’agit d’un évènement d’extinction biphasé dont la première phase se produit au passage entre Pliensbachien et Toarcien, la seconde phase correspondant au passage du TOAE. L’évènement pris dans son ensemble amène à l’extinction de près de 97% des espèces de coraux présentes au Pliensbachien / The transition from the Pliensbachian to the Toarcian geological stages in Lower Jurassic is followed by a global oceanic anoxic event during the lower Toarcian (TOAE for Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event). This moment corresponds to a massive fossilization time for organic matter in the worldwide geological record that produced here and there source rocks of petroleum interest. Concerning the eustatic fluctuations, these events are associated to a second-order maximal flooding zone. They are also interpreted as the remains of a global carbon-cycle perturbation case associated with oceanic acidification and correlated with the setup of Karoo-Ferrar igneous provinces in the southern Pangea territories corresponding to present-day Southern Africa and Southern America. It corresponds to a period of global warming that directly follow a global cooling at the Pliensbachian. This worldwide ecological perturbation probably disturbed the biosphere in a degree that is still poorly quantified. For example, studies about ammonites and bivalvs are known but the stratigraphic definition generally do not allow to distinguish the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary itself to the TOAE effect on these fauna. One single available study about corals is purely bibliographic (Lathuiliere and Marchal 2009) and suggests a significant extinction event for this group at the same period. Corals are generally precious indicators for major ecological disruptions as it is testified in the case of the big-five major crisis and the current sixth one. The Pliensbachian-Toarcian extinction has been considered up-to-now as a second-order crisis event and require to be studied as such. In the context of this thesis, fossilized corals have been collected in the field in Morocco and Italy in a well-defined sedimentological context before and after the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary. Sampling has been in view to quantify the diversity and as far as possible, the intraspecific variability. The statistical treatment of the data has been realized in view to provide a satisfying quantification of the variability in order to supply a strong taxonomy and be able to compare comparable populations in analyses of diversity, extinctions and apparitions of taxons. In total, 107 species have been describes (including at least 19 new species) as part of 60 genera (including 5 new ones) among 22 families (including a new one). According to this study, the cold and highly concentrated in organic matter oceanic waters of the Pliensbachian contained corals faunas with an important affinity with Triassic faunas (in terms of genera and families). They shared the ecological niches of the western tethysian inner platforms with the lithiotids, a group of aberrants reefal bivalvs that demonstrated a stupendous evolutive success during the same period. Collected data attest of conditions that constrained corals to adapt and diversify in view to maintain during these unfavourable times, for the benefit of the solitary and phaceloid form but at the expense of the highly integrated forms. During the Lower Toarcian, global warming of oceanic waters associated with the almost total disparition of the competitors premised an explosion of diversity that is determinant for the future of the corals, with the apparition of faunal assemblages very similar to the typical Middle and Upper Jurassic ones (in terms of genera, families and colonial morphologies). It is a two-folded extinction event with a first phase during the Pliensbachian –Toarcian transition and a second phase at the onset of the TOAE. In the end, this pulsed event led to the extinction of approximately 97% of the Pliensbachian coral species

Dynamics and Survival of Coral and Octocoral Juveniles following Disturbance on Patch Reefs of the Florida Reef Tract

Bartlett, Lucy 28 October 2014 (has links)
Over the past several decades, rapid decline in adult stony-coral (comprising the Orders Scleractinia and Anthomedusae, specifically Family Milleporidae) cover has occurred concurrent with an increase in adult octocoral (Octocorallia/gorgonian) cover along the Florida Reef Tract. In January 2010, the Florida Keys experienced extremely cold air and water temperatures, below the lethal threshold for many reef organisms including corals. Very high stony-coral mortality occurred on some patch reefs. The newly-available space created by this disturbance event provided the opportunity for recruitment and settlement of new coral larvae and other reef organisms. The goal of this study was to examine post-disturbance recruitment and survival of juvenile stony corals and octocorals on patch reefs in the Middle and Upper Florida Reef Tract. Permanent quadrats were established at eight patch-reef sites. Stony-coral and octocoral juveniles, visible to the naked eye and having a maximum 4 cm diameter for stony corals or 4 cm height for octocorals, were identified, measured, and photographed to track each colony through spring and fall for two years. Juvenile densities increased significantly over that time; octocoral density increased with higher significance (p Opportunistic and/or hardy organisms are re-populating patch-reef sites, whereas slower growing, massive stony-coral species are declining. When a reef environment is plagued with chronic stressors, such as terrestrial runoff, overfishing, high temperature fluctuations and turbidity, the succession process may be inhibited following acute disturbances such as cold-water events. Patch reefs of the Florida Reef Tract now appear to be caught in a perpetually disturbed state, which supports opportunistic and hardy taxa and inhibits recovery of slower-growing climax taxa that dominated until the past few decades.

Identificação dos coralitos de pólipos fundadores de corais recifais do Brasil (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia)

Calderon, Emiliano Nicolas 06 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Alberto Vieira (martins_vieira@ibest.com.br) on 2017-10-18T21:04:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 617504.pdf: 10819251 bytes, checksum: 4c45611c345620bfb2c4538c883acdbe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-18T21:04:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 617504.pdf: 10819251 bytes, checksum: 4c45611c345620bfb2c4538c883acdbe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-06 / CAPES / FAPERJ / Para se estudar a história de vida de um organismo é fundamental que se possa identificá-lo ao longo de seu ciclo de vida. Em relação aos corais, um fator complicador é a dificuldade de sua identificação nos seus estágios iniciais. A taxonomia dos corais está fundamentada em caracteres presentes nos adultos. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever os juvenis de corais recifais brasileiros e analisar criticamente as características esqueléticas de importância taxonômica em suas diferentes fases de desenvolvimento. Foram analisadas placas de recrutamento colocadas no Banco de Abrolhos, Recifes Itacolomis e Arraial do Cabo. Foram identificados oito táxons com até um ano de idade de família e espécie. Os resultados indicaram que a identificação depende do desenvolvimento do coralo, da morfogênese dos caracteres e dos caracteres que definem cada táxon. É viável classificar os juvenis, apesar desta atividade se mostrar muito trabalhosa, exigindo considerável conhecimento e treino de identificação. Estas identificações são importantes em estudos de história de vida, de padrões de recrutamento e avaliações de manutenção e crescimento das populações de corais recifais. Estas são uma ferramenta fundamental na otimização de manejo, conservação e recuperação dos recifes de coral. / To study an organism's life history, it is important to identify them throughout their life cycle. ln corals, a complicating factor is the difficulty of identification at their initial stages. The taxonomy of corais is based on skeletal structures present in the adults. The purpose of this study was to describe the juveniles of Brazilian reef corals and critically analyze the taxonomic important skeletal characteristics at different developmental stages. Recruitment plates from Banco de Abrolhos, Itacolomis Reefs and Arraial do Cabo, were examined. Eight taxa, up to one year of age, were identified from family to species. Results show that recruitment identification depends on the corallum, its skeletogenesis, and the structures that define each taxa. This study demonstrates that it is possible to classify juvenile corals, although the process of identification can be demanding, requiring an extensive knowledge of the structures involved in the identification. Juvenile identification is important for life history and recruitment studies, as well as, the estimation of growth and maintenance of coral populations. The identification of recruits is an important tool for the optimization of management, conservation, and recovery of reef corals.

Effets de la disponibilité en sels nutritifs sur la réponse physiologique des coraux tropicaux dans le contexte du changement climatique / The effects of nutrient availability on the physiological response of tropical reef corals in the contexte of climate change

Ezzat, Leïla 22 September 2016 (has links)
Les coraux constructeurs de récifs se développent généralement dans des eaux oligotrophes (i.e. : faibles concentrations en azote et phosphore (N, P)). Cette limitation se voit accentuée avec le réchauffement climatique. Cependant, aux abords des côtes, l'eutrophisation des eaux entraîne un excès de sels nutritifs, pouvant provoquer la rupture de l'association corail-dinoflagellés. Les buts principaux de cette thèse ont été d'évaluer: 1) l'utilisation de l'azote et du phosphore inorganique par les coraux dans diverses conditions environnementales; 2) l'effet d'une limitation ou d'un enrichissement en azote et/ou phosphore sur la physiologie corallienne. Les résultats ont montré que la forme et la source de N n'ont pas les mêmes effets sur la physiologie des coraux et que cet effet dépend également de la disponibilité en P. Sous faibles concentrations de P, un enrichissement en NH4+ stimule le métabolisme et maintient l'association symbiotique en période de stress. Au contraire, un excès de NO3- affecte négativement les processus de photosynthèse et de calcification, entrainant un blanchissement. Ces effets sont exacerbés en présence de matière organique particulaire, mais estompés en présence de phosphore. En effet, les résultats ont montré une très grande dépendance entre la présence en P et la santé corallienne. Ainsi, en période de stress thermique, les coraux ont la capacité d'augmenter leur taux d'absorption de phosphore. Ces travaux apportent des éclaircissements sur les relations existant entre la disponibilité en sels nutritifs et l'équilibre nutritionnel au sein de la symbiose, et devraient permettre d'affiner les stratégies de gestions des écosystèmes récifaux. / Reef building corals are usually thriving in oligotrophic areas, characterized by low concentrations in inorganic nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. More, nutrient starvation is known to increase with global warming. However, along the urban coasts, water eutrophication induces nutrient excess, which could lead to the breakdown of the coraldinoflagellate symbiosis. The major aims of this thesis were to assess: 1) the use and uptake capacities of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus by tropical corals according to environmental parameters; 2) the effects of nutrient limitation or enrichments in nitrogen and/or phosphorus on reef coral physiology. Results showed that corals response differed according to the chemical form, source of nitrogen and to the availability of phosphorus in the reef environment. In the presence of low phosphorus concentrations, ammonium supplementation enhanced coral metabolism and allowed coral colonies to overcome thermal stress. Conversely, nitrate enrichments negatively impacted photosynthesis and calcification processes, increasing coral bleaching susceptibility. These deleterious effects were enhanced when combined with organic matter supplementation, but repressed with addition of phosphorus. Indeed, results highlighted the tight relationship existing between phosphorus availability and coral health. During thermal stress, corals were able to increase their phosphorus uptake, this latter nutrient being essential for the holobiont metabolism. These outcomes shed a light into how marine symbioses cope with eutrophication, which is urgently required to refine risk management strategies.

Turf algal/sediment (TAS) mats: a chronic stressor on scleractinian corals in Akumal, México

Roy, Roshan Elizabeth Ann 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Hong Kong's scleractinian coral communities: status, threats and proposals for management

McCorry, Denise. January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Ecology and Biodiversity / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Esforço reprodutivo de Mussismilia braziliensis (Verrill, 1868) (Cnidaria, Scleractinia, Mussidae) no complexo recifal dos Abrolhos, BA, Brasil

Caparelli, Alice Castor 03 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Alberto Vieira (martins_vieira@ibest.com.br) on 2017-10-18T22:31:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 618298.pdf: 2907310 bytes, checksum: cdf370de05f6bb5e54de53817a26d468 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-18T22:31:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 618298.pdf: 2907310 bytes, checksum: cdf370de05f6bb5e54de53817a26d468 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-03 / CAPES / FAPERJ / Mussismilia braziliensis é endêmica da Bahia, sendo uma das principais espécies formadoras de recife da região. Dez fragmentos de colônias foram coletados em três áreas do Complexo Recifal dos Abrolhos, as quais se encontram a diferentes distâncias da costa. O esforço reprodutivo foi estimado pela fecundidade (número de ovócitos por: pólipo, cm 2, mesentérios e colônias). Foi desenvolvido um novo método de coloração para observação dos ovócitos nos pólipos dissecados. Não foi observada diferença significativa na acurácia da fecundidade por gônada obtida pela dissecção e a histologia. A fecundidade média encontrada por pólipo foi 338,7 (73,5 d.p.) e o número máximo de ovócitos observado foi 987. A fecundidade por pólipo apresentou correlação significativa com sua área, volume, altura e o número de mesentérios férteis do pólipo. A porcentagem de mesentérios férteis por pólipo foi similar entre os locais. Entretanto, a fecundidade por mesentério variou entre colônias e locais. Os dados mostraram que a fecundidade é um parâmetro variável. A área mais próxima da costa (Pedra de Leste) apresentou a maior fecundidade média por pólipo e cm 2 (410 [159,29 d.p.] e 233,47 [219,44 d.p.], respectivamente). Essa área apresenta a maior contribuição de siliciclásticos nos sedimentos depositados nos recifes, e também tem a maior cobertura de Palythoa caribaeorum. Sugerimos que M. braziliensis aumenta a chance de sobrevivência da espécie em ambientes com mais distúrbios ao investir maior energia na produção de gametas. O trabalho fornece dados que podem ser usados como uma ferramenta caso haja impactos ambientais na área. / Mussismilia braziliensis is endemic to Bahia State. lt plays an important role as one of the major reef builders in the area. Ten fragments of colonies were collected at three sites in the Abrolhos Reef Complex, located at different distances from the coast. Reproductive effort was estimated through fecundity (number of eggs per: polyp, cm 2, mesenteries and colony). A new staining method was used to ease identifying and counting eggs in the dissected polyps. The accuracy of the fecundity per gonad obtained through dissection was compared with histological analyses, and showed no significant difference. Mean fecundity per polyp was 338,7 (73,5 s.d.) and the higher number of eggs per polyp was 987. Fecundity per polyp increases as its area, volume, height and number of fertile mesenteries increases. Percentages of fertile mesenteries per polyp were similar among sites. However, the fecundity per mesenteries varied among colonies and sites. Our data showed that the fecundity is variable. The area closest to the coast (Pedra de Leste) presents the highest mean fecundity per polyp and cm 2 (410 [159,29 s.d.] and 233,47 [219,44 s.d.], respectively). This area presents the highest contribution of siliciclastics to the sediment depositing on the reefs and has also the highest cover of Palythoa caribaeorum. We suggested that M braziliensis invest a lot of energy in egg production to increases its chance of survival of the species in more disturb habitats. The study shows data that can be used as a tool if environment threat occur in the area.

The status of scleractinian corals in Hong Kong and theirconservation

Wan, Manna., 溫雯娜. January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Environmental Management / Master / Master of Science in Environmental Management

The trophic ecology of parrotfish of Zanzibar application of stable isotope analysis / Trophic ecology of parrotfish in Zanzibar : applications of stable isotope analysis

Plass-Johnson, Jeremiah Grahm January 2012 (has links)
Parrotfish are a critical component of the herbivore functional group on tropical coral reefs around the world because they mediate competition that occurs between algae and scleractinian corals. Also, because of their feeding technique, which consists of rasping at the substratum with their beak-like teeth, they play an important role in carbonate turnover and the clearing of reef surface area for the settlement of new sessile organisms. Because of these roles, parrotfishes are an important structuring component of coral reef communities. However, individual species can play different roles depending on their physiology, behaviour and ecology. Despite the possible ecological differences that may exist amongst species, specific roles of the fishes remain unclear as the group is most often studied at higher community levels. This thesis applied stable isotope analysis to differing levels of organisation within a parrotfish community to help elucidate their trophic ecology on coral reefs in Zanzibar. Firstly, blood and muscle tissues were compared to identify differences in their isotope signatures. In other organisms, blood turns over faster than muscle tissue so that muscle tissue represents the diet as integrated over a longer period of time. In most species of parrotfish the blood and muscle δ¹³C signatures were not found to be significantly different, but the δ¹⁵N signatures were significantly different between tissues. This indicated that the δ¹³C signature of both tissues would reveal similar dietary information. Conversely, differences in the δ¹⁵N signature indicated that the nitrogen relationship between tissues was more complicated. Secondly, spatial variability in parrotfish, coral, detritus and macroalgae isotope signatures was assessed at different scales. In macroalgae and coral tissues (zooxanthellae and polyp treated separately), the δ¹³C signatures were shown to differ with depth, presumably because of changes in photosynthetic processes related to depth-associated changes in light. While δ¹⁵N signatures were not affected by depth, all organisms showed enrichment at the Nyange reef, the closest reef to the capital of Zanzibar, Stone Town, presumably reflecting the effects of sewage outfall. These results show that processes that impact the δ¹⁵N signatures of primary producers (macroalgae and zooxanthellae) can be traced to higher trophic levels (coral polyps and fish). Lastly, δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N signatures were used to identify ontogenetic dietary changes in multiple species of parrotfish. Four of the species showed stages that varied from the diets that are normally assumed on the basis of their dentition and feeding technique. This indicates that functional roles based on taxonomy or morphology may fail to include possible ontogenetic dietary changes, and may also fail to elucidate the full impact a species could have on coral reef communities. The conclusions from these studies indicate that the species-specific ecological role of parrotfish in coral reef communities can be complex within and between species, and may differ amongst reefs. In light of the natural and anthropogenic pressures that affect coral reef systems, management decisions based on a more complete understanding of the role of these fish in coral reef communities will help decisions that maintain resilience in these fragile systems.

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