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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trajectories of Peircean philosophical theology : scriptural reasoning, axiology of thinking, and nested continua

Slater, Gary January 2015 (has links)
The writings of the American pragmatist thinker Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) provide resources for what this thesis calls the “nested continua model” of theological interpretation. A diagrammatic demonstration of iconic relational logic akin to Peirce’s Existential Graphs, the nested continua model is imagined as a series of concentric circles graphed upon a two-dimensional plane. When faced with some problem of interpretation, one may draw discrete markings that signify that problem’s logical distinctions, then represent in the form of circles successive contexts by which these distinctions may be examined in relation to one another, arranged ordinally at relative degrees of specificity and vagueness, aesthetic intensity and concrete reasonableness. Drawing from Peter Ochs’s Scriptural Reasoning model of interfaith dialogue and Robert C. Neville’s axiology of thinking—each of which makes creative use of Peirce’s logic—this project aims to achieve an analytical unity between these two thinkers’ projects, which can then be addressed to further theological ends. The model hinges between diagrammatic and ameliorative functions, honing its logic to disclose contexts in which its theological or metaphysical claims might, if needed, be revised. Such metaphysical claims include love as that which unites feeling with intelligibility, hell as imprisonment within an opaque circle of interpretation whose distorted reflections render violence upon oneself and others, and the divine as both the center of aesthetic creativity and outermost horizon from which our many layers of interpretive criteria emerge. These are claims made from a particular identity in a particular cultural context, but the logical rules upon which they are based are accessible to all, and the hope of the model is to help people overcome problems of interpretation and orient themselves toward eternity without ignoring the world around them.

Evaluation critériée et approche par intégration des compétences de base scripturales en français langue étrangère

Ruzibiza, Aloys D. 23 June 2006 (has links)
Durant ces dernières années, les problèmes liés à l'amélioration de la qualité des systèmes éducatifs mondiaux préoccupent bon nombre de partenaires impliqués directement ou indirectement dans le domaine de l'enseignement. Le Rwanda, après le génocide de 1994, n'a pas échappé à une série de difficultés de retisser l'univers pédagogique. C'est dans ce contexte que nous avons voulu examiner la situation-problème d'apprentissage du français langue étrangère aux étudiants anglophones de l'Ecole Pratique des Langues Modernes (EPLM) qui fonctionne au sein de l'Université Nationale du Rwanda (UNR). Le thème abordé est intitulé : « Evaluation critériée et approche par intégration des compétences de base scripturales en français langue étrangère ». 72 sujets ont été tirés au hasard d'une population de référence estimée à 129 étudiants anglophones. La taille de l'échantillon représente 55.8% de l'univers de référence. Cet échantillon a été distribué aléatoirement dans un plan expérimental constitué de deux groupes expérimental (GE) et contrôle (GC). La condition expérimentale était basée sur la pratique de l'approche par intégration des compétences de base scripturales en français langue étrangère et la condition contrôle sur celle de la pédagogie traditionnelle. Notre hypothèse supposait la supériorité du niveau de maîtrise des performances scripturales du groupe expérimental à celui du groupe contrôle. La validation des résultats empiriques a été assurée par une série de procédures d'analyse statistique. Nous avons vérifié successivement le degré de fiabilité entre les scores des deux correcteurs indépendants au moyen de l'analyse statistique (1) du coefficient d'accords interjuges K de Cohen (1960), (2) du coefficient de corrélation r et (3) du coefficient de détermination R2 de Pearson. Toutes ces vérifications ont attesté le degré de fiabilité très significatif entre les scores des deux groupes indépendants. Le degré de fiabilité des résultats interjuges nous a permis d'appliquer le test d'hypothèse de Student pour échantillons indépendants sur les moyennes des deux groupes au prétest et au post-test. En définitive, nos résultats confirment l'effet supérieur de la pédagogie de l'intégration des compétences de base (Roegiers et De Ketele, 2000 ; Roegiers, 2005 ; De Ketele et Gérard, 2005 ; Tardif, 2006) à celui de la pédagogie plus transmissive des connaissances. Le groupe expérimental qui a été initié à l'approche par intégration des compétences de base du savoir-résumer en FLE a enregistré un taux de réussite de 66.7% contre un taux de réussite de 36.1% observé chez des sujets du groupe contrôle ayant suivi des activités d'apprentissage centrées sur la pédagogie de transmission des connaissances rédactionnelles. Bien plus, la méthode d'apprentissage intégrative des savoirs appris a enregistré un gain moyen d'apprentissage de 4.38 points sur 20 points qui s'avère légèrement supérieur au gain moyen d'apprentissage reconnu à l'échelle internationale selon la pratique pédagogique conçue en termes d'approche par compétences de base (Aden et Roegiers, 2003). / The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of the approach through the skills to those resulting from the traditional pedagogy in a learning situation of French as a foreign language (FLE). After the experimental processing and the statistical analysis of the results emerging from the experimental group and the control group, it appears that the approach through the basic skills produces more significant effects (66.7%) than those emerging from the transmission of knowledges pedagogy (36.1%) in writing production of the text summarizing.

Heresy vs. Orthodoxy: The Preus/Tietjen Controversy

Barnhart, Melody R. (Melody Ruth) 08 1900 (has links)
Using the framework set up by rhetorical critic Thomas M. Lessl in his article "Heresy, Orthodoxy, And The Politics Of Science", this study examines the ways in which heretical discourse defines community boundaries and shapes perceptions of right belief. Specifically, this study analyzes the historic conflict in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod which produced the doctrinal statement "A Statement of Scriptural and Confessional Principles". Comparison is made between this event and other "heretical" conflicts in other discourse communities. This study concludes that community boundaries must be drawn, and that a doctrinal or policy statement is a useful rhetorical tool to accomplish such a task. Rhetorical critics may assist in this by examining heretical conflicts as historical trends, rather than emotional dissonance.

Cassiodore, De Anima : introduction, traduction,et notes / Cassiodorus,De Anima : introduction, translation, notes

Gévaudan, Amand 14 December 2015 (has links)
Le De anima marque un tournant dans la vie de Cassiodore, aristocrate romain, né vers 484, dont la famille s'était mise au service des rois Goths. Ayant terminé son parcours politique, il a fait ce qu' il a appelé sa« conversion » qui l'amènera à fonder le monastère de Vivarium et à s'y retirer. C'est au moment de ce changement de vie qu'il écrivit un traité sur l'âme et ses vertus, réflexion anthropologique, psychologique et morale, qui s'appuyait sur des écrits philosophiques, des écrits physiologiques empruntés à la tradition médicale, mais aussi sur les écrits scripturaires et l'œuvre de saint Augustin. C'est un traité plein de dévotion ; cherchant à connaître son âme, Cassiodore veut arriver à la connaissance de Dieu, et cet itinéraire de l'âme à Dieu constitue le cœur du traité. Cassiodore a christianisé le précepte de Socrate « nosce te ipsum » , et a suivi la démarche de saint Augustin : deum et animam scire cupio.La seule traduction française, à peu prés complète (il manque le chapitre XII et la prière finale), que nous avons, est de Stéphane de Rouville ; elle date de 1874. Il nous a paru intéressant de proposer une nouvelle traduction de ce texte, de le commenter et de l'annoter. C'est le but de ce travail.Mots clés :Âme, antiquité tardive, Saint Augustin, Écritures Saintes, Littérature au Moyen Âge. / The De anima marks a turning point in the life of Cassiodorus, an Roman aristocrat, born around 484, whose family was at the service of the kings Goths. When he ended his political career, he made what he called his« conversion » which will bring him to create the the monastery of Vivarium where he retired. At this change of his life, he wrote a treaty on the soul and its virtues, an anthropological, psychological and moral reflection, which leaned on philosophic and physiological writings borrowed from the medical tradition, but it also leaned on scriptural writings and on the writings of saint Augustin. It is a treaty full of devotion seeking to find your soul. Cassiodore wants to attain the knowledge of God, and this route of the soul to God constitutes the heart of the treaty. Cassiodore christianized the rule of Socrates « nosce te ipsum », and followed the approach of saint Augustin : deum and animam scire cupio.The only french translation, almost complete (the chapter XII and the final prayer are missing), that we have, is of Stéphane de Rouville from 1874. It seems interesting to us to propose a new translation of this text with our comments and annotations. It is the purpose of this work.Key words : soul, late antiquity, saint Augustin, Holy Writings, Literature in the Middle Ages

Les tuteurs des centres d’aide en français au cégep : la représentation de leur rôle et les dispositifs d’enseignement utilisés

Thomas, Valérie 07 1900 (has links)
Lorsqu’ils éprouvent des difficultés en écriture, les cégépiens peuvent se tourner vers les centres d’aide en français, où le service le plus répandu est le tutorat. Peu de chercheurs se sont intéressés à cette mesure d’aide. Ainsi, cette recherche vise à mieux comprendre comment les tuteurs se représentent leur rôle et quels sont les dispositifs avec lesquels ils cherchent à soutenir les tutorés en écriture. À la suite d’une recension des écrits, nous avons opérationnalisé une définition du tutorat pour situer les représentations des tuteurs. Nous avons ensuite répertorié les dispositifs pédagogiques et didactiques susceptibles d’être utilisés lors des rencontres de tutorat. À partir de ce cadre de référence, nous avons conçu un questionnaire qui a été rempli par 116 tuteurs provenant de 12 cégeps différents. Des analyses quantitatives descriptives ont été effectuées et nous ont permis de cibler des questions à approfondir lors d’entrevues semi-dirigées qui ont été effectuées auprès de six tuteurs ayant des profils variés. Des analyses de contenu ont été menées. Les analyses des données quantitatives et qualitatives ont révélé que les tuteurs se voient comme des apprenants qui offrent surtout du soutien scolaire et motivationnel aux tutorés. Leur posture de tuteur-apprenant influence la façon dont ils entrent en relation avec les tutorés et le soutien qu’ils leur offrent. Lors des rencontres de tutorat, ils privilégient surtout des dispositifs de grammaire et de correction pour répondre aux attentes des centres d’aide en français, mais fondent aussi leurs choix des dispositifs sur les demandes des tutorés ainsi que sur leurs propres représentations et leur compétence scripturale. / The most common service for college students from CEGEP who have writting difficulties in French is tutoring. This institutional service is offered by writing centers. Few researchers have looked at the tutoring offered by these centers. The present research aims to describe and understand how tutors see their role and methods through which they seek to support the tutees in writing. Drawing inspiration from the literature on the subject, we operationalized a definition of tutoring to situate the tutors' representations. Then, we listed the pedagogical and didactic devices likely to be used during tutoring sessions. Based on this, we designed a questionnaire that was completed by 116 tutors from 12 colleges. Descriptive analyses were carried out. As this study seeks a deeper understanding, we target from those analyses questions to be explored during interviews. Thus, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six tutors of various profiles. Content analyses were conducted. The quantitative and qualitative data analyses revealed that tutors see themselves as learners who primarily provide academic and motivational support. Their tutor-learner posture influences how they relate to their tutees and support them. To help tutees in writing, tutors use grammar and correction devices. They base their choice of devices on the expectations of the writing centers, the requests of the tutees and their own representations and scriptural competence.

A Study of the Definition of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and its Theological Implications in Latter-Day Saint Literature

Perry, David Earl 01 January 1969 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis attempts to treat four problems: What is the gospel, as defined in Latter-day Saint literature? Do ancient and modern sources agree? Has there been an historical development of the definitions? Can any disagreements be rationalized? The results of this research reveal that the gospel is complex in that it is capable of handling all the problems of eternity, yet it is simple in that it is a plan of specific principles which lead man step by step to perfection. The author determined that ancient and modern sources do agree in placing six "first principles" at the beginning of man's gospel knowledge, but they then add many advanced principles of the gospel to aid man in his climb to eternal life. In the broad sense of the term, the gospel does include all truth, but all truth in a systematic structure. There has been an historical development of the definitions, for they gradually became more explicit in including all truths and principles. The differences in definitions are apparently due to the progressive revelation of principles, and to the authors' efforts to teach the principles needed by their audiences.

Ecotheology and the Parables of Jesus: Creative Re-readings of Parables In Light of the Environmental Crisis

Peebles, Anita L. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Irimbert of Admont and his Scriptural Commentaries: Exegeting Salvation History in the Twelfth Century

Li, Shannon January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding the Book of Job : 11Q10, the Peshitta and the Rabbinic Targum. Illustrations from a synoptic analysis of Job 37-39

Gold, Sally Louisa January 2007 (has links)
This synoptic analysis of verses from Job chapters 37-39 in 11Q10, the Peshitta version (PJob) and the rabbinic targum (RJob) aims to identify the translators’ methods for handling the Hebrew text (HT) and to assess the apparent skills and knowledge brought by them to their task. Additionally, the study engages with recent discussion which challenges the nature of 11Q10 as targum. To this end, PJob and RJob provide accepted models of ‘translation’ and ‘targum’ alongside which to assess 11Q10. The following translation methods are identified, described, compared and contrasted in the three versions: selection,extension, alternative translation, expansion, substitution, adjustment of the consonantal HT, adjustment of the Hebrew word order or division, omission, and conjecture. PJob is confirmed as an attempt to transpose the difficult Hebrew of Job into Syriac. RJob is confirmed as a conservative translation with clear underpinnings in allusion to scripture and to rabbinic traditions attested elsewhere. Significant observations are made regarding an interpretative quality in 11Q10, and new light is cast on its richness and subtlety as an allusive translation. It is proposed that the translation displays deep knowledge of scripture and skill in applying this knowledge. It is further proposed that careful comparison with methods which have been identified in Onqelos is warranted. 11Q10 is identified as an important early witness to scripturally-based motifs which are also found in other intertestamental and rabbinic sources. It is argued that 11Q10’s nature suggests that its purpose was not simply to translate but to understand and subtly explicate the HT, and that it was intended for use alongside it, not as a replacement. The study refutes the categorization of 11Q10 as ‘translation’ rather than ‘targum’, and agrees with its orginal editors that its value lies in its unique witness to the early nature of targum.

A comparative study of the mysticism of Elizabeth of the Trinity (1880-1906) and the Eastern Orthodox Church

Carratu, Catherina Maria 30 November 2003 (has links)
In this investigation key elements of the mysticism of Elizabeth of the Trinity (1880-1906) are compared and contrasted with the mysticism of the Eastern Orthodox Church, and as a result, the true nature of the relationship between their respective mysticism is elucidated. Key doctrines which exhibit a remarkable consonance are: the trinitarian foundation of their mysticism, the indwelling of the Trinity in the human soul, asceticism, desert spirituality, sacrificial love, liturgical spirituality, scriptural spirituality, deification and the doxological nature of their mysticism. Elements of divergence exist within the following: election and predestination, apophatic versus cataphatic mysticism, the Roman Catholic dogma of the immaculate conception of the virgin Mary, and the mode of God's presence in the human soul. Elizabeth's relevance for today is also considered, namely, her ecclesial mission which she now continues in heaven: to intercede for people seeking union with God and to draw people to interior recollection. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th.

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