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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Absorção de água, germinação e dormência de sementes de mucuna preta /

Galindo, Carlos Afonso Magalhães. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Teresinha de Jesus Deléo Rodrigues / Banca: Maria Lidia Stipp Paterniani / Banca: Ana Regina Pimentel de Almeida / Resumo: Com o objetivo de estudar a dormência tegumentar e caracterizar possíveis relações entre tamanho e qualidade fisiológica e permeabilidade dos tegumentos, qualidade fisiológica e permeabilidade dos tegumentos, teor de água inicial e qualidade fisiológica de sementes de mucuna preta, foram conduzidos os seguintes experimentos: determinação do teor inicial de água dos lotes (RAS); DIC, 4 repetições de 25 sementes cada; peso de 100 sementes, 4x100, DIC; teste de %G e IVG 4x25 cada, DIC; 12 tratamentos para superação de dormência; classificação dos lotes em três classes de tamanho; teor inicial de água das sementes de diferentes tamanhos (RAS), DBC, repetições 4x25, fatorial 6 lotes x 3 tamanhos; curvas de embebição com dados em dispersão e uso de função polinomial de quarto grau, dados obtidos pela razão peso final(PF)/peso inicial(PI); teste de CE com repetições 4x25, DIC, fatorial 6 lotes x 3 tamanhos, substrato solo/areis. Os lotes apresentaram relação positiva inversa para teor de água inicial em relação à germinação; resultados dos tratamentos para superação de dormência com interações para lotes e para tamanhos dentro dos lotes; os testes demonstraram haver maior interação entre lotes, ocorrendo o contrário para a variável tamanho de sementes. Concluiu-se que: sementes pequenas são mais permeáveis em lotes não dormentes; entre lotes de germinações semelhantes o de menor teor de água inicial é o de maior vigor; sementes grandes produzem mais fitomassa e o tratamento mais eficiente para quebra de dormência foi escarificação com ácido sulfúrico concentrado (98%) por 7 minutos. / Abstract: Aiming to study damage and characterize possible relationships between size and physiological quality; size and coat permeability; physiological quality and tegument permeability; initial content of water and physiological quality of mucuna preta sedes (Stizolobium aterrimum Pierce & Tracy) the following experiments were conducted: análisis of water content of seed lots by oven meted at 105°C during 24 hours using with four replications of 100 seeds each; germination test (%G) and speed of germination index (SGI) with four replications of 25 seeds in complete randomized design; twelve treatments to break dormancy The seed lots presented inverse positive relationship for water content related to germination; treatment to break dormancy with interaction between lotsand seed sizes within lots; the tests demonstrated higher interaction between lots, occuring the inverse for the variable seed size; the imbibition curve proved to be na important tool in studies related with tegument permeabillity and levels of vigor among lots. The following conclusion can be withdrawn form data: small sedes are more permeable in nondormant lots; seed lots with similar germination or with lower water content, higher is the vigor; large sedes produce higher amount of phytomass. The best treatment to break seed dormancy of mucuna preta seed was acid escarification during seven minutes. / Mestre

Duchovní brownfield Olomouc - Zlín / Spiritual brownfield Olomouc - Zlín

Kloz, Lukáš Unknown Date (has links)
The assignment of this diploma thesis followed previous analysis of the regions of Valašsko and Haná. The outcome of this analysis showed several problems. One of the most serious problems is a lack of spiritual and liturgical sites in the area of Zlín. The analysis and synthesis preceding this diploma thesis are enclosed. The analysis of sites of pilgrimage in the area of Zlín was one of the studied subjects. The assignment of the diploma thesis was created using a combination of discovered data – design of the site of pilgrimage including a church and spiritual centre. This building is to support local community, christian religion and rehabilitation of the present site of pilgrimage Svatá voda – Kaménka. This diploma thesis deals with the design of a church as a site of pilgrimage, with facilities and café for the public. It also deals with the design of a spiritual centre with weekly spiritual programme. There are also four flats designed as accommodation for clergymen. The designed buildings are located 250 metres away form the present site of pilgrimage Svatá voda.

Les seus episcopals de Girona i Empúries i les terres del nord-est de Catalunya a les fonts escrites d'època tardoantiga (segles IV-VII)

Amich, Narcís M. 13 June 2002 (has links)
La present tesi pretèn ser,tal com el seu mateix nom indica, un estudi de totes aquelles informacions que ens proporcionen les fonts escrites d'època tardoantiga (segles IV-VII)i que fan referència, directament o indirecta, a les terres del nord-est de Catalunya.Fou aquesta àrea geogràfica la que, d'ençà el segle IX, i un cop superada la invasió sarraïna que suposà, entre altres coses, la definitiva desaparició de la seu episcopal emporitana, acabà per convertir-se en el futur territori del bisbat de Girona, una demarcació que englovava els antics dominis eclesiàstics i territorials de les seus visigòtiques de Gerunda i Impurias. És una realitat que l'estudi de la tardoantiguitat al nord-est de Catalunya ha experimentat un important impuls en els darrers anys. Es en aquest marc, que la investigació que presentem, pretén ser una aportació a una millor comprensió d'aquest període, amb la sistematització i catalogació de tots aquells textos, la cronologia dels quals abraça el període comprés entre els segles IV-VII, on es fa menció expressa a l'àrea geogràfica que ens ocupa.Aquest estudi s'estructura en set parts clarament diferenciades encara que interdependents entre si, cadascuna de les quals amb una especificitat i una metodologia pròpia.A la primera d'elles (caps.2-3), i a mode d'introducció, es fixen els límits territorials (marc geogràfic) i cronològics (marc històric) de la investigació, elements del tot indispensables i necessaris per a comprendre millor l'escenari on tenen lloc els fets descrits.Un segon gran apartat està enterament dedicat a l'estudi i anàlisi de les principals aportacions realitzades per la historiografia del nostre país en els darrers segles, del XVII fins a l'actualitat, en l'estudi del tema que ens ocupa.En tercer lloc, es passa a analitzar individualment totes i cadascuna de les referències textuals recollides en aquest estudi. L'anàlisi l'hem divididida en cin grans apartats, atenent i respectant la diversa tipologia de les fonts consultades: 1) els itineraria romana; 2) els textos de la patrologia tardoantiga; 3) les actes conciliars; 4) els textos litúrgics; i 5) l'epigrafia. L'estudi de cada text es realitza d'una manera global i sitemàtica, analitzant l'autor, el text i l'època de composició, i tot això en el marc més ampli de la societat del seu temps.Un apartat certament important és enterament dedicat a l'estudi dels orígens i difusió del culte al màrtir Feliu de Girona durant l'antiguitat tardana, a partir sobretot de la informació proporcionada per les fonts escrites i epigràfiques de l'època. El culte al màrtir gironí del segle IV fou, sense cap mena de dubtes, un dels elements característics i definidors en la vida de la Gerunda tardoantiga i, al mateix temps, un signe del gran prestigi assolit per la seu episcopal gironina a la resta d'Hispània durant l'antiguitat tardana.Finalment, i després de presentar, a tall de síntesi, les principals conclusions d'aquesta investigació, un darrer gran apartat ve constituït per un apèndix documental, en el qual s'hi recullen, seguint un criteri cronològic, tots els textos estudiats, transcrits segons les principals edicions crítiques citades. Val a dir, que en aquesta investigació hem utilitzat en la majoria dels casos les millors edicions crítiques de cadascuna de les obres estudiades, un fet que ha permès, en ocasions, corregir antigues transcripcions molt menys acurades i crítiques que s'havien inclòs en moltes de les obres dels darrers dos-cents anys on s'estudiava el període històric que ens ocupa. / This doctoral thesis, as its name suggests, tries to be a study of all the information which can be obtained from the written sources in the late antique period (from the fourth to the seventh century) and which directly or indirectly refer to the lands in the northeast of Catalonia. From the ninth century onwards and once its people got over the Saracen invasion which, among other things, led to the end of the episcopal see in Impurias, this geographical area ended up becoming the future territory of the diocese of Girona. This area included the old ecclesiastical and territorial dominions of the visigothic sees of Gerunda and Impurias. It is a fact that the study of late antiquity has shown a major boost in the last years. It is within this framework that we are presenting this study, which tries to contribute to a better understanding of this period, by systematizing and cataloguing all the texts with a chronology between the fourth and seventh century A.D., where the geographical area we are dealing with is specifically mentioned.This study is organized into seven clearly different parts which are nevertheless interdependent, each one with its own specificity and methodology.In the first part (chs.2-3), and by way of introduction, the territorial and chronological boundaries of the study (geographical and historical framework) have been fixed, essential elements to better understand the scene in which the events described take place.There is a second big section which is etirely dedicated to the study and analysis of the main contributions from historiography to the study of the subject we are dealing with in our country in the last centuries, from the seventeenth century until today.Thirdly, there is an individual analysis of ace of the textual references collected in this study. The analysis has been divided into five big sections , following and respecting the diverse tipology of the sources consulted: 1) the itineraria romana; 2) text from the late antique patrology; 3) council minutes; 4) liturgical texts; and 5) epigraphy. Each text is studied globally and systematically by analysing the author, the text and the period of composition, and everything within the wider framework of the society of their time.A really important section is completely dedicated to the study of the origins and spreading of the worship of the martyr of Sant Feliu from Girona during late antiquity, especially from the information obtained from the written and epigraphic sources of that time. The worship of the martyr from Girona of the fourth century was without doubt one ot the characteristic and distinctive elements in the life of the late antique Gerunda and , at the same time, a sign of the great prestige achieved by the episcopal see from Girona to the rest of Hispania during late antiquity.Finally, and after synthetically presenting the main conclusions of this study, there is a final big section with a documentary appendix in which there are all the texts which have been studied, in chronological order, transcribed according to the main critical editions which have been quoted. It must be said that in this study we have mostly used the best critical editions of each of the works studied, which has occasionally allowed us to correct old much less accurate or critical transcriptions which had been included in many of the works of the last two hundred years, where the historical period we are dealing with was studied.

Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu a komunitního centra Salesiánského Brno - Líšeň / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - Líšeň

Bortlová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The content of the diploma thesis was an architectural study of a sacral building in Brno - Líšeň. The subject of the study was the elaboration of an ideological design of a sacral complex, which consisted of a church and a parish. The main operator of the whole complex will be the Salesian community, whose background is in close proximity to the area. The basic idea of the design was to design a spiritual place, which in its form conveys clear information about the use of the object and at the same time supports the development of ideas of the Salesian community. It is a structure that conveys the mission itself, not by one element, but by a set of several elements that together create a story, vision, mission. The ideological solution in this case thus becomes an equilateral triangle, which symbolizes the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. With its dominant vertical direction facing the sky, the object symbolically points to the spiritual path and self-realization. The given area is solved as a complex, the elements of which complement each other and thus create a harmonious whole. The design creates a space for both liturgical celebrations in the interior and exterior, which is used by the outdoor presbytery, which is complemented by residential stairs. These elements are intended to encourage residents to meet and establish friendly relations.

A glorious and salutiferous Œconomy ...? : an ecclesiological enquiry into metropolitical authority and provincial polity in the Anglican Communion

Ross, Alexander John January 2018 (has links)
For at least the past two decades, international Anglicanism has been gripped by a crisis of identity: what is to be the dynamic between autonomy and interdependence? Where is authority to be located? How might the local relate to the international? How are the variously diverse national churches to be held together 'in communion'? These questions have prompted an explosion of interest in Anglican ecclesiology within both the church and academy, with particular emphasis exploring the nature of episcopacy, synodical government, liturgy and belief, and common principles of canon law. However, one aspect of Anglican ecclesiology which has received little attention is the place of provincial polity and metropolitical authority across the Communion. Yet, this is a critical area of concern for Anglican ecclesiology as it directly addresses questions of authority, interdependence and catholicity. However, since at least the twentieth century, provincial polity has largely been eclipsed by, and confused with, the emergence of a dominant 'national church' polity. This confusion has become so prevalent that the word 'province' itself is used interchangeably and imprecisely to mean both an ecclesial province in its strict sense and one of the 39 'member- churches' which formally constitute the Anglican Communion, with a handful of 'extra-provincial' exceptions. The purpose of this research project is to untangle this confusion and to give a thorough account of the development of provincial polity and metropolitical authority within the Communion, tracing the historical origins of the contemporary status quo. The scope of this task is not in any way intended to be a comprehensive history of the emergence of international Anglicanism, but rather to narrowly chart the development of this particular unit of ecclesial polity, the province, through this broader narrative. The historical work of Part One in itself represents an important new contribution to Anglican Studies; however, the project aims to go further in Parts Two and Three to identify from this context key questions concerning the problems facing contemporary Anglican polity as the basis for further theological and ecclesiological reflection. Part Two examines how provincial polity has given way to an assumption of the 'national church' as the building block of the Communion. To what extent is it consonant with Anglican tradition? How is it problematic? What tensions exist with a more traditional understanding of the province? How might all this relate to wider political understandings and critiques of the 'nation- state' in an increasingly globalised world? Along with the emergence of a 'national church' ecclesiology, so too has the role of the 'Primates' been magnified. Part Three charts this development, culminating in a critique of the recent 2016 Primates' Meeting. What is the nature of primacy within Anglicanism and how does it relate to metropolitical authority? What is the right balance of honour and authority as it relates to primacy? How do Anglican understandings of primacy correspond to those of the Roman and Orthodox Communions? Finally, Part Four attempts to give some concrete focus to the preceding discussion through the illustrative example of the Anglican Church of Australia, which is frequently cited as being analogous to the Communion in having a loose federal system and resolutely autonomous dioceses. The prevalence of this 'diocesanism' has recently been criticised by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. However, there has been a recent revival of provincial action within the Province of Victoria in response to these issues which will be evaluated to discern what the Australian example might offer toward a theologically robust and credible ecclesiology for Anglicanism into the twenty-first century.

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