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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using a geographic information system (GIS) and the water erosion prediction project model (WEPP) to obtain soil erodibility parameters for predicting sediment yields from urbanizing sub-basins in Montgomery County, Maryland, U.S.A.

Schnick, Lori H. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Delaware, 2006. / Principal faculty advisor: James E. Pizzuto, Dept. of Geological Sciences. Includes bibliographical references.

Fully coupled 1D model of mobile-bed alluvial hydraulics: application to silt transport in the Lower Yellow River

Huybrechts, Nicolas 10 September 2008 (has links)
The overall objective is to improve the one-dimensional numerical prediction of the fine and non-cohesive bed material load in alluvial rivers, especially during high intensity episodes during which sediment beds are strongly remobilized. For this reason, we attempt to reduce the major inaccuracy sources coming from the alluvial resistance and bed material load relations needed to close the mathematical system. Through a shared parameter called the control factor m, the interactions occurring in alluvial rivers are incorporated more deeply into the mathematical model and more particularly into the closure laws: bed material load (SVRD, Suction-Vortex Resuspension Dynamics) and the energy slope (Verbanck et al. 2007). The control factor m is assumedly related to the Rossiter resonance modes of the separated flow downstream the bed form crest. To further improve the representation of the flow-sediment-morphology interactions, a fully coupled model approach has been naturally chosen. In this work the terminology fully coupled means that the three equations forming the system are solved synchronously and that the terms often neglected by more traditional decoupled models are kept. The feasibility of the new closure methodology has been drawn up by reproducing numerically the silt-flushing experiment conducted by the Yellow River Conservancy Commission (Y.R.C.C.) in the Lower Yellow River (LYR) in Northern China. The objective of the silt flushing experiment is to reverse the aggradation trend of the Lower Yellow River which, in the last decades, has become a perched river. The numerical simulation specifically reproduces the silt-flush effects in a reach of LYR located in the meandering part of the river. This reach (around 100 km) is delimited by Aishan and Luokou hydrometric stations. Since the SVRD formulation has been developed from flume observations, the law has first been confronted to river datasets. The confrontation has revealed that the SVRD law becomes less suitable for fine sediment fluxes (ratio of water depth over median particle size > 5000). Therefore, a modified equation SVRD-2 has been built to enlarge the validity range. The suitability of the SVRD-2 equation to predict fine sediment fluxes has been tested on data available from several hydrometric stations located in the meandering reach of the LYR: historical observations and measures collected during the flushes. The SVRD-2 has also been compared with relations specifically calibrated for this configuration. The comparison has pointed out that the performance of the two formulas is similar, which is encouraging for the SVRD-2 approach as it has not been calibrated on those data. The closed equation system has been written on its quasi-linear form and is solved by a Finite Volume Method combined with a linearized Riemann algorithm. The numerical model has been checked up on two test cases: deposition upstream of a dam and the aggradation experiment conducted by Soni 1975. As it is not yet possible to predict dynamically the value of the control factor m, a possible solution would be to extract its value from the measured data at the inlet cross section. Unfortunately, the necessary data are not measured locally. Moreover, a uniform value of the control factor m may not suffice to reproduce the flow along the whole reach. Therefore, it has been proposed to work temporarily in the reverse way. From the comparison between the numerical results and the experimental data, a time evolution of the control factor m has effectively been extracted and it has been shown that it varies along the reach. At Aishan, the evolution of the control factor m corresponds to the evolution expected from the data analysis previously conducted on other data sets: the value of the control factor m decreases during the flush as it tries to reach the optimal value m=1. The time evolution at Luokou behaves differently to the one at Aishan, but remains in agreement with m evolution patterns observed historically for the river section flowing round Jinan City walls. For Luokou, the highlighted differences may come from three dimensional effects coming from the meander bend upstream the station. Generally, the results obtained for the hydraulics, the sediment transport and bed adaptation are encouraging but still need improvements and additional feeding from the experimental data. The results for the concentration and therefore the bed elevation are very sensitive to the value of the control factor m as it influences most of the terms of the bed material load equation (SVRD-2). The major remaining difficulties are, firstly, to deal with the rapid transients for which the model is less suitable and, secondly, to improve the prediction of the value of control factor m. Before paying more attention into the transients, enhancements concerning the flow along the reach (initial condition and discharge rates during the first days of the flush) must be conducted in priority. Indeed as the prediction of the bed or the cross section evolutions depend directly on the quality of the prediction of the sediment concentration and the hydraulics, one should first improve these aspects. To perform this study, more information about the water levels or sediment concentrations is necessary at some intermediate stations. One solution is to lengthen the studied reach, upstream to Sunkou and downstream to Lijin, totaling a river length of 456 Km. A more entire signal of the energy slopes and the associated bed configurations at different stations would enlighten how the control factor m evolves along the reach during the silt-flush events.

Reservoir sedimentation in dryland catchments : modelling and management

Mamede, George Leite January 2008 (has links)
Semi-arid environments are mainly characterized by scarce water resources and are usually subject to risks of water stress. In these regions, water supply for drinking and irrigation purposes depends strongly on storage in surface reservoirs and sediment deposition in these reservoirs affects adversely the water storage. In order to reproduce the complex behaviour of sediment deposition in reservoirs located in semi-arid environments and the effects of using sediment management techniques, a reservoir sedimentation model is developed and coupled within the WASA-SED model, which simulates rainfall-runoff processes and sediment transport at the hillslope and river network. The reservoir sedimentation model consists of two modelling approaches, which may be applied according to reservoir size and data availability. For reservoirs with information about their geometric features (reservoir topography, stage-area and stage-volume curves) and physical properties of sediment deposits, such as deposition thickness, grain size distribution of sediment deposits and sediment densities, a detailed modelling approach of reservoir sedimentation may be applied. For reservoirs without those characteristics, a simplified modelling approach is used. The detailed modelling approach of reservoir sedimentation enables the assessment of sediment deposition pattern in reservoirs and the evaluation of sediment release efficiency of sediment management techniques. It simulates sediment transport along the longitudinal profile of a reservoir. The reservoir is divided into cross sections to elaborate the sediment budget. The sediment transport component is calculated using a non-uniform sediment transport approach based on the concept of sediment carrying capacity. Four different sediment-transport equations can be selected for the simulations. The simplified modelling approach of reservoir sedimentation is suitable to simulate water and sediment transfer in dense reservoirs network. Nevertheless, it allows simulating neither sediment management techniques, nor spatial distribution of sedimentation. In this approach, the reservoirs are classified into small and strategic reservoirs according to their location and size. Strategic reservoirs are medium and large-sized reservoirs located on main rivers at the sub-basin’s outlet or reservoirs of particular interest. The small reservoirs are located at tributary streams and represented in the model in an aggregate manner by grouping them into size classes according to their storage capacity. A cascade routing scheme is used to describe the upstream-downstream position of the reservoir classes. The water and sediment balances of small reservoirs are computed for one hypothetical representative reservoir of mean characteristics. Sediment trapping efficiency and effluent grain size distribution are estimated using the overflow rate concept. Three model applications are carried out within this research, as follows: • The detailed modelling approach of reservoir sedimentation is applied to the 92.2 Mm³ Barasona Reservoir, located in the foothills of the Central Pyrenees (Aragon, Spain). A two-stage calibration was performed to account for changes on the sediment deposition pattern caused by sediment management. The reservoir sedimentation model is then validated for another simulation period which confirms that the processes related to reservoir sedimentation are well represented by the model. • An application is carried out to the 933-km² Benguê catchment, located in the semi-arid region of Northeast Brazil. The catchment is characterized by a dense reservoir network, covering almost 45% of the catchment area, with a significant lack of data. Water and sediment balances of those reservoirs are computed using the simplified modelling approach. Three spatial configurations describing the cascade routing scheme are tested. • The reservoir sedimentation model is applied again to the Barasona reservoir to evaluate the sediment release efficiency of sediment management strategies. Cost analysis is presented to help in the choice of the most promising sediment management technique for that situation. Thus, the model enables the assessment of technical features of the sediment management strategies. Overall, simulation results are characterized by large uncertainties, partly due to low data availability and also due to uncertainties of the model structure to adequately represent the processes related to reservoir sedimentation. / Semiaride Gebiete sind hauptsächlich durch geringe Wasserressourcen gekennzeichnet und unterliegen häufig dem Risiko der Wasserknappheit. In diesen Gebieten ist die Wasserbereitstellung für Bewässerung und Trinkwasserversorgung stark von der oberflächlichen Speicherung in Stauseen abhängig, deren Wasserverfügbarkeit nachteilig durch Sedimentablagerung beeinflusst wird. Zur Wiedergabe des komplexen Sedimentablagerungsverhaltens in Stauseen von semiariden Gebieten und die Auswirkungen von Sedimentmanagementmaßnahmen wird ein Sedimentationsmodell entwickelt und mit dem WASA-SED Modell gekoppelt, das für die Modellierung der Abflussbildung und des Sedimenttransportes in Einzugsgebieten geeignet ist. Das Sedimentationsmodell beinhaltet zwei Ansätze, die unter der Berücksichtigung verschiedener Stauseengrößenklassen und Datenverfügbarkeit eingesetzt werden können. Für die Stauseen mit verfügbaren Informationen über ihre geometrischen Eigenschaften (wie Stauseetopographie und Höhe-Fläche-Volumen-Beziehung) und weitere Kenngrößen wie Ablagerungsmächtigkeit, Korngrößenverteilung und Sedimentdichte, kann ein detaillierter Modellansatz für die Sedimentablagerung verwendet werden. Wo diese Informationen nicht verfügbar sind, wird auf einen vereinfachten Ansatz zurückgegriffen. Der detaillierte Modellansatz ermöglicht die Betrachtung von Ablagerungsmustern im Stausee und Einschätzungen über die Effektivität von Sedimentmanagementmaßnahmen hinsichtlich der Sedimententlastung. Dieser Ansatz beruht auf der Simulation des Sedimenttransportes entlang eines Stauseelängsprofils. Für die Berechnung des Sedimenttransfers wird der Stauseekörper in einer Folge von Querprofilen repräsentiert. Der Sedimenttransport wird dabei korngrößenspezifisch entsprechend der Transportkapazität berechnet. Dafür stehen vier verschiedenen Sedimenttransportgleichungen zur Verfügung. Der vereinfachte Modellansatz ist für die Simulation des Sedimenttransfers in Gebieten mit hoher Stauseedichte geeignet, jedoch können weder Sedimentmanagementmaßnahmen noch die räumliche Verteilung der Ablagerungen berücksichtigt werden. Dafür werden die Stauseen in Abhängigkeit von ihrer Größe und Position in kleine und strategische Stauseen unterteilt. Dabei sind strategische Stausseen solche mit mittlerem bis großem Volumen sowie einer Lage im Hauptgerinne oder solche mit sonstiger besonderer Bedeutung. Kleine Stauseen hingegen befinden sich an den Nebenflüssen und werden im Modell in aggregierter Form durch ihre Einteilung in Stauseegrößenklassen repräsentiert. Ein Kaskadenverfahren wird für den Wasser- und Sedimentlauf zwischen den Stauseeklassen verwendet. Dabei werden für jede Stauseeklasse der Wasser- sowie Sedimenthaushalt für einen hypothetischen repräsentativen Stausee mit mittleren Eigenschaften berechnet. Die Sedimentaufnahme und die Korngrößenverteilung des abgegebenen Sediments werden mit dem Überlaufanteil-Ansatz berechnet. In dieser Studie werden drei Modellanwendungen vorgestellt: • Für den 92,2 Mio.m³-großen Barasona-Stausee (Vorland der Zentralpyrenäen, Aragon, Spanien) wird die Modellierung der Sedimentablagerung mit dem detaillierten Modellansatz vorgenommen. Die Kalibrierung dafür wurde in zwei Schritten durchgeführt, um Änderungen im Stauseemanagement Rechnung zu tragen. Die ModellValidierung wird schließlich für eine andere Simulationsperiode vorgenommen. Dabei wird ersichtlich, dass die Prozesse der Sedimentablagerung gut durch das Modell wiedergegeben werden. • Das Modell wird auf das 933 km²-große Benguê-Einzugsgebiet, das sich im semiariden Nordosten Brasiliens befindet, angewendet. Dieses Einzugsgebiet ist durch eine hohe Dichte an kleinen Stauseen, charakterisiert, die fast 45% des Gebietes umfasst, wofür jedoch wenige Messdaten verfügbar sind. Deshalb werden der Wasser- und Sedimenttransport mit dem vereinfachten Modellansatz berechnet. Dabei werden drei Konfigurationen des Kaskadenverfahrens getestet. • Die Modellanwendung erfolgt erneut für den Barasona-Stausee bezüglich der Effektivität der Sedimentmanagementmaßnahmen. Eine Kostenanalyse ermöglicht die Auswahl geeigneter Maßnahmen für den Stausee. Dadurch wird eine Beurteilung der verschiedenen Sedimentmanagementstrategien ermöglicht. Im Allgemeinen unterliegen die Simulationsergebnisse großen Unsicherheiten, teilweise wegen der geringen Datenverfügbarkeit, andererseits durch die Unsicherheiten in der Modellstruktur zur korrekten Wiedergabe der Sedimentablagerungsprozesse.

Applications of Bayesian Statistics in Fluvial Bed Load Transport

Schmelter, Mark L. 01 May 2013 (has links)
Fluvial sediment transport is a process that has long been important in managing water resources. While we intuitively recognize that increased flow amounts to increased sediment discharge, there is still significant uncertainty in the details. Because sediment transport---and in the context of this dissertation, bed load transport---is a strongly nonlinear process that is usually modeled using empirical or semi-empirical equations, there exists a large amount of uncertainty around model parameters, predictions, and model suitability. The focus of this dissertation is to develop and demonstrate a series of physically- and statistically-based sediment transport models that build on the scientific knowledge of the physics of sediment transport while evaluating the phenomenon in an environment that leads us to robust estimates of parametric, predictive, and model selection uncertainty. The success of these models permits us to put theoretically and procedurally sound uncertainty estimates to a process that is widely acknowledged to be variable and uncertain but has, to date, not developed robust statistical tools to quantify this uncertainty. This dissertation comprises four individual papers that methodically develop and prove the concept of Bayesian statistical sediment transport models. A simple pedagogical model is developed using synthetic and laboratory flume data---this model is then compared to traditional statistical approaches that are more familiar to the discipline. A single-fraction sediment transport model is developed on the Snake River to develop a probabilistic sediment budget whose results are compared to a sediment budget developed through an ad hoc uncertainty analysis. Lastly, a multi-fraction sediment transport model is developed in which multiple fractions of laboratory flume experiments are modeled and the results are compared to the standard theory that has been already published. The results of these models demonstrate that a Bayesian approach to sediment transport has much to offer the discipline as it is able to 1) accurately provide estimates of model parameters, 2) quantify parametric uncertainty of the models, 3) provide a means to evaluate relative model fit between different deterministic equations, 4) provide predictive uncertainty of sediment transport, 5) propagate uncertainty from the root causes into secondary and tertiary dependent functions, and 6) provide a means by which testing of established theory can be performed.

The sediment budget of a highl y erodible catchment. The river Isábena (Ebro basin, central pyrennes). / Balanç de sediment d'una conca altament erosionable. El riu Isàbena (conca de l'Ebre, pirineu central)

López Tarazón, José Andrés 17 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Experimental studies on the erodibility and transport behaviour of dreissenid mussel deposits in an annular flume

McLean, Kelly January 2011 (has links)
Dreissenid mussels alter particle transport dynamics in the near shore environment of the Great Lakes by intercepting, retaining and recycling suspended solids that might otherwise be exported to the offshore environment (Hecky et al., 2004). Particulate materials filtered from the water column by dreissenids are subsequently released as either feces or pseudofeces (Walz, 1978). This bio-transformation process alters the nature (grain size distribution, settling velocity and density) and transport properties (critical shear stress for erosion, erosion rates and bed stability) of particulate matter in surficial sediments. While knowledge of the transport characteristics of this material is required to refine particle transport dynamics and energy flow models in the Great Lakes, few studies have been specifically conducted to directly quantify these processes. An annular flume was used to determine the bed stability, rate of erosion and critical shear stress for erosion of dreissenid biodeposits. Materials studied in the flume consisted of 1) a combination of biodeposits and surface sediments collected from dreissenid beds and 2) biodeposits harvested in a weir box with dreissenids. The results show that erosion characteristics and sediment transport properties were strongly influenced by bed age; however particle sizes did not increase in the presence of mussels as originally speculated. Bed stability increased after 7 days, with a τcrit of 0.26 Pa compared to the 2 and 14 day consolidation periods (τcrit= 0.13 and 0.15 Pa respectively). In 2010, following a 2 day consolidation period, pure biodeposits harvested in the weir box had a critical shear stress for erosion of 0.052 Pa. The decrease in bed stability found in biodeposits from 2010 compared to the 2008 biodeposit mixture, may be a result of a more diffuse biofilm developing on the highly organic substrate. The mixture of biodeposits collected in 2008 were a combination organic and inorganic materials which may be creating a nutrient limited environment, where biofilm structure consists of more tightly organized biofilm cells and as a result enhance stability in the bed sediments. The decrease observed after 14 days is likely a result of the microbes depleting their resources and dying off. Due to the added roughness the mussels created in the flume, τcrit could not be measured and critical revolutions per minute (RPM) for erosion are reported for flume runs with mussels. During experiments conducted in 2009 with pure biodeposits and mussels the critical RPM was 5.83 while in 2010 in the presence of mussels a critical RPM was not observed. Settling experiments found biodeposits from both years (2008 and 2010) had decreased settling velocities when compared to different sediment types from lacustrine environments. I speculate that the added enrichment of the surficial sediments by mussel biodeposits is enhancing the process of biostabilization and increasing the bed stability and that the presence mussels themselves may additionally be enhancing bed stability by inhibiting flow from reaching the surface sediments/biodeposits.

Analysis of Longshore Sediment Transport on Beaches

Check, Lindsay A. (Lindsay Anne) 02 December 2004 (has links)
The present study investigates longshore sediment transport for a variety of bathymetric and wave conditions using the National Oceanic Partnership Program (NOPP) NearCoM Model. The model is used to determine the effects of wave shape and bathymetry changes on the resulting longshore sediment transport. The wave drivers, REF/DIF 1 and REF/DIF S, are used to assess the effects of monochromatic and spectral waves on longshore sediment transport, respectively. SHORECIRC is used as the circulation module and four different sediment transport models are used. Longshore transport comparisons are made with and without skewed orbital velocities in the shear stress and current velocities. It is found that the addition of skewed orbital velocities in shear stress and transport formulations increases longshore sediment transport by increasing time-varying effective shear stress. The addition of skewed orbital velocities greatly increases the transport due to advection by waves. The localized longshore sediment transport is calculated using a generic physics based method and formulas by Bagnold, Bailard, and Bowen, Watanabe, and Ribberink. The transport results for each scenario are compared to the total transport CERC, Kamphuis, and GENESIS formulas. The bathymetries tested include an equilibrium beach profile, cusped beach profiles, and barred beach profiles with different bar locations. The longshore transport on an equilibrium beach profile is modeled for a 0.2 mm and 0.4 mm grain size and transport is compared to the CERC formula. The longshore sediment transport for d=0.2 mm is larger than d=0.4 mm when wave power is small, but as wave power increases the transport for the larger grain size dominates. The transport is also affected by the addition of cusps and bars on an equilibrium beach profile. The barred beach is modified to compare transport between waves breaking at the bar, before the bar, and after the bar. The features affect the transport when the wave powers are small, but as wave heights increase the cusp and bar features induce little change on the longshore sediment transport.

Seasonal sediment transport pathways and sources in the Jhoushuei river delta and tidal flat complex based on grain-size distributions

Chen, Chun-wei 13 February 2012 (has links)
This study used the sediment samples collected in May (dry season) and September (wet season) 2010 in a river delta and tidal flat complex around Jhoushuei River mouth in Central Taiwan to examine seasonal sediment transport pathways and sources. Four different approaches were used in the analysis of grain-size distribution pattern. They include (1) the McLaren-Bowles method, and (2) the transport vector technique (Gao-Collins method), and (3) a combination of `filtering' and the empirical orthogonal (eigen) function (EOF) analysis technique, and (4) C/N elemental ratios of organic sediments. The results of surface grain size distributions of sediment range from clay to medium sand towards the sea, and very fine sand deposited in the river delta. On the upper tidal flat, mud content of the wet season is higher than dry season due to higher river output of organic sediment and low-energy sediment transport. In wet season, according to the fine-grained sediment from the Jhoushuei River is therefore mainly discharged to the offshore area and little remain around the tidal flat, the influence of river on the grain-size distribution is the least. The results based on McLaren-Bowles method indicate that there were two type sediment transport pathways, (1) the river carried sediment to the coast, then alone the northeast-southwest direction by the longshore current, and (2) during the flood tide, the riverine sediment move to northeast and east through the river delta and tidal creek to the upper tidal flat, respectively. The results based on Gao-Collins method indicate that there was possible seasonal variation of sediment transport pathways on the river delta front, where the significant transport was seaward in the wet season whereas the transport was the opposite in the dry season. On the tidal flat, the model results indicate that seaward transport seems to be controlled by ebb tidal current perhaps due to the sampling at low-tide.

Coastal Sediment Transport Patterns off Southern Taiwan

Yang, Yu-chiao 17 July 2007 (has links)
Abstract Water-born sediments can be transported from land to the ocean. Subsequently, waves and currents influence the sediments in their transport processes and distribution, leading to the change of the nearshore morphology and bedforms. The purpose of this study is to analyze the coastal sediments transport patterns in southern Taiwan. Two major approaches are used in this study. One is a statistical method called McLaren Model and it¡¦s derivative Transport Vector, and another is in situ process-response observation. McLaren Model uses three granulo-metric parameters to analyze net sediment transport vectors in coastal area near the Tsengwen River mouth and Kaohsiung Harbor. Transport Vectors represent the time-averaged trends. The another method is to make in situ observation on the Kaoping continental shelf. Between December 12 and December 28, 2004, an instrumented tetrapod was deployed with an upward-looking ADCP and two LISST-100s. Another downward-looking ADCP was mounted at 2 m above bed (mab). Water samples were pumped at 1 and 0.5 mab hourly on December 13, December 20 and December 27 for suspended sediment concentration (SSC) analysis. The echo intensity (EI) can reflect the SSC. The volume concentration of thirty-two grain sizes were observed by LISST-100, so we can transform the volume concentration to suspended sediment concentration by linear correlation equation. The residual sediment transport patterns for the north of Tsengwen River are directed towards the north-west along the coastline, and the sediments around the Tsengwen River mouth are transported offshore in a radial pattern. The transport directions of sediments north of Kaohsiung Harbor are also directed towards the northwest along the coastline and southeastwards south of the harbor. The observed SSC fluctuations on Kaoping continental shelf are dominated by waves and currents. The cross-correlation of EI with current shear velocity is better than with other shear velocities. The results indicate that the SSC fluctuations are dominated by currents. In this area, the net sediment transport is northwestward, in which the amount of grain-size of 63-250£gm (very fine sand and fine sand) is the greatest. This indicates that very fine-grained and fine-grained sediments are more easily transported by currents.

Analytical And Experimental Investigation Of Temporal Variation Of Clear Water Scour Depth At Bridge Abutments

Kose, Omer 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Computation of temporal variation of clear water scour is important for the design of bridge foundations. Previous studies conducted for determining equilibrium scour depth at bridge abutments indicated that very long flow duration was needed to achieve equilibrium scouring situations. However, the corresponding durations in the prototype conditions may yield considerably greater values than time to peak of the design flood. Therefore, there is a need to estimate the temporal variation of scour depth. An experimental study was carried out to observe temporal variation of scour depth and contours around vertical-wall and wing-wall abutments. The results of the experiments have been interpreted. A semi-empirical model has been developed for determining time-dependent variation of clear water scour depth at vertical-wall abutments. This approach is based on the application of sediment continuity equation to the scour hole around the vertical-wall abutment. To this end, time-dependent geometric features of the scour hole were investigated and a recent sediment pickup function was used to formulate the rate of sediment transport out of the scour hole. The results of the proposed model were compared with those of some empirical models. The findings of the model agree well with the experimental results.

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