Spelling suggestions: "subject:"antireflection""
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Exploring interaction design for mindful breathing support: the HU II design case / Interaktionsdesign för ”mindfulness”-andning: Designfallet HU IIZhong, Tingye January 2018 (has links)
Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is an effective method of stress treatment and prevention. One of the interactive systems aiming at supporting MBSR is HU. As a continuous work of HU, a device aiding mindful breathing called HU II was developed and evaluated. The paper investigates the real-time interaction between the user and the HU II including the performance of the deployed sensor as well as the representation and mapping of chosen modalities. Ten participants with different backgrounds and knowledge levels of mindfulness evaluated the device and gave their subjective opinions and feedback. The results indicate that the employed sensor and modalities support real-time interaction for mindful breathing. Via these results, further research possibilities and guidelines, which can help the design of future mindfulness-based solutions were suggested. / Mindfulnessbaserad stressreduktion (MBSR) är en effektiv metod för att behandla och förhindra stress. HU är ett av flertal interaktiva system som ämnar att stödja MBSR. HU II är en apparat som hjälper medveten andning utvecklades och utvärderades som en fortsättning på HU. Detta arbete undersökte interaktionen mellan HU II och användaren i realtid, prestandan hos den användna sensorn samt representationen och kartläggningen av de valda modaliteterna. Tio deltagare med olika bakgrunder och kunskapsnivåer angående mindfulness utvärderade apparaten och gav sina subjektiva åsikter och feedback. Resultaten indikerar att den valda sensorn samt modaliteterna stödjer interaktion i realtid för medveten andning. Via dessa resultat föreslås framtida forskningsmöjligheter och riktlinjer som kan stödja designen av framtida mindfulness-baserade lösningar.
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Problematika sebereflexe v románu 20. století / Problems of Self-Reflection in the Novel of 20th Century.KOUDELKOVÁ, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the problems of the self-reflection in the prose of the 20th century. At first there are described the techniques of the narration, which appeared in the 20th century. Then there are defined the general signs of the self-reflection and the influence of social situation on the increase of the self-reflection. In the next section the work involves the analysis of the novel Život a názory blahorodého pana Tristrama Shandyho. The conception of the self-reflection is defined on this piece. In the last part of the work the self-reflection is showed on Czech prose of the 20th century.
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Člověk a kůň (Jiný přítel) / Man and horse (Another friend)Peštová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE PEDAGOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra výtvarné výchovy Téma diplomové práce ČLOVĚK A KŮŇ (Jiný přítel) Jana Peštová 7. ročník Učitelství výtvarné výchovy pro ZŠ, SŠ a ZUŠ Prezenční studium Vedoucí diplomové práce: Doc. ak. mal. Jiří Kornatovský Konzultant: Doc. PhDr. Marie Fulková, Ph.D. Doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Bláha, Ph.D. Korektury: Mgr. Zuzana Hrubá Praha, červen 2012 CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF EDUCATION Department of art education Master thesis: MAN AND HORSE (Another friend) Jana Peštová 7th year full-time studies Art education for Elementary school, Hight school and School of Arts Supervisor: Doc. ak. mal. Jiří Kornatovský Consultant: Doc. PhDr. Marie Fulková, Ph.D. Doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Bláha, Ph.D. Proofreading: : Mgr. Zuzana Hrubá Prague , June 2012 Prohlašuji, že jsem tuto diplomovou práci zpracovala samostatně a uvedla jsem veškeré použité zdroje. Práce byla prověřena systémem na kontrolu plagiátorství dostupném na www.odevzdej.cz. Praha, červen 2012 ............................................... Poděkování: Za podnětné nápady při zpracovávání práce děkuji Doc. ak. mal. Jiřímu Kornatovskému, Doc. PhDr. Marii Fulkové, Ph.D. a Doc. PhDr. Jaroslavu Bláhovi, Ph.D. Za korektury textu děkuji Mgr. Zuzaně Hrubé. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA: kůň, člověk, sebereflexe, kvalita, zkušenost, forma,...
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Člověk a kůň / Man and HorsePeštová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE PEDAGOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra výtvarné výchovy Téma diplomové práce ČLOVĚK A KŮŇ Jana Peštová 6. ročník Učitelství výtvarné výchovy pro ZŠ, SŠ a ZUŠ Prezenční studium Vedoucí diplomové práce: Doc. ak. mal. Jiří Kornatovský Konzultant: Doc.ak.mal. Ivan Špirk, PhDr. Lucie Hajdušková, Ph.D. Korektury: Mgr. Zuzana Beňová Praha, červen 2011 CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF EDUCATION Department of art education Master thesis: MAN AND HORSE Jana Peštová 6th year full-time single-fied studies Art education for Primary School, Hight School and ElementarySchool of Arts Supervisor: Doc. ak. mal. Jiří Kornatovský Consultant: Doc.ak.mal Ivan Špirk, PhDr. Lucie Hajdušková, Ph.D. Proofreading: : Mgr. Zuzana Beňová Prague , June 2011 Prohlašuji, že jsem tuto diplomovou práci zpracovala samostatně a uvedla jsem veškeré použité zdroje. Praha, červen 2011 ............................................... Poděkování: Za podnětné nápady při zpracovávání práce děkuji Doc. ak. mal. Jiřímu Kornatovskému a PhDr. Lucií Hajduškové, Ph.D. Za korektury textu děkuji Mgr.Zuzaně Běňové KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA: Kůň, člověk, já, sebereflexe, partnerství, symbol, znak, přirozená komunikace s koněm, komunikace, spojení, pohyb KEYWORDS: Horse, man, me, selfreflection, partnership, symbol, sign, natural horsmanship,...
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Psyche et soma. Výtvarná tvorba jako podpora zdraví / Psyche et soma. Art as health promotionSojková, Irena January 2016 (has links)
Sojková, I.: Psyche et soma. Art as health promotion. [Master's Thesis] Prague 2016 - Charles University, Faculty of Education, Art Education Department, 67 pages. This Master's Thesis explores opportunities to improve various aspects of health, as defined by the World Health Organization, through art. The research is backed up by appropriate sources from philosophy, physiology, pedagogy, and psychology. The art tasks and activities which make up the research portion of this thesis are also based on these sources. My own artwork as well as that of several contemporary artists serve as another source for the didactic direction. KEY WORDS body, health, individuality, selfreflection, artephiletics, expression game, experience, school and extracurricular enviroment.
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Zprostředkované učení - významný faktor pomoci sociálně znevýhodněným žákům (v procesu učení) / Mediated training as a possibility for socially disadvantaged studentsŠkopková, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
This Master thesis aims to solve the question of developmentally-creative possibilities in the schooling process. This question is contextualized education of socially disadvantaged pupils. Because in shaping the learning competencies, this area is not developed enough and specific methods are somewhat rigid, it will be introduced one of the option how to to develop learning skills and abilities of the pupils , and which are in the teaching competencies deemed as essential. In this context will be introduced stimulatory and intervention program of Instrumental Enrichment as a concrete form of execution of Mediated learning and also as an effort of perspective innovation of curriculum. With the intention to point out the limitless possibilities of developing pupil's learning potential, the text focuses on the theoretical and conceptual bases, which constitute the entire program. The program is the instrumental set of tools that lead to the activation of cognitive structures and their subsequent enrichment. Therefore, except the theoretical foundations are also presented cognitive strategies metacognitive training that simplify cognitive modifiability, and that lead to the development of pupils' learning potential.
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