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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vers une approche linguistico-cognitive de la polysémie : Représentation de la signification et construction du sens / Towards a cognitive linguistic approach of polysemy : Meaning representation and sense construction

Mazaleyrat, Hélène 10 December 2010 (has links)
Tout d’abord perçue comme un phénomène marginal, presque un accident en langue, on considère aujourd’hui que la polysémie fait partie intégrante des systèmes linguistiques. De nombreuses théories se sont intéressées au phénomène des unités à sens multiples et reliés. La première partie de notre travail en dresse un panorama non exhaustif mais révélateur, montrant comment et pourquoi la polysémie s’est peu à peu imposée comme un phénomène incontournable qui doit nécessairement être au cœur de tout modèle de la signification. Aussi, à partir de la distinction établie par G. Kleiber (1999), nous considérons deux grands courants selon le rapport établi entre signification, référence et polysémie. Le premier décrit la polysémie en termes de sens premier référentiel dont sont dérivés des sens secondaires (courant objectiviste). Le second l’analyse en termes de potentiel sémantique aréférentiel à partir duquel est obtenu l’ensemble des sens du polysème par spécialisation ou enrichissement contextuel(le) (courant constructiviste). Notre réflexion porte ensuite sur la représentation de la signification des polysèmes – principalement des noms – en grammaire cognitive (R.W. Langacker). Nous postulons que toute expression est associée, dans l’appareil cognitif des locuteurs-auditeurs, à une structure conceptuelle d’informations représentant sa signification. Nous proposons une modélisation en réseau structuré autour de valeurs sémantiques plus ou moins schématiques et de sens élaborés. Ainsi, c’est la valeur la plus schématique qui permet de faire le lien en langue entre ses élaborations que sont les sens observables en discours. Sur la base des travaux de D. Tuggy (1993), nous déclinons les représentations de la signification des mots à sens multiples le long d’un continuum homonymie-polysémie-multifacialité-indétermination, selon les degrés d’enracinement, de saillance, et les possibilités d’accessibilité et d’activation des différents composants (valeur schématique et élaborations sémantiques). Et, nous mettons ainsi en avant certaines des régularités organisatrices propres aux représentations sémanticoconceptuelles des polysèmes nominaux, ainsi qu’une typologie des sens polysémiques. Nous abordons enfin la construction du sens en grammaire cognitive, notamment l’influence du contexte dans l’interprétation d’expressions complexes comportant un polysème. Ainsi, nous considérons qu’il s’agit d’un processus non modulaire, compositionnel et dynamique. L’analyse de syntagmes nominaux du type Adj-N et N-Adj révèle en outre certaines régularités dans l’activation des sens polysémiques des unités linguistiques mises en jeu, liées au cotexte (place et fonction de l’adjectif par rapport au substantif recteur) et au contexte extralinguistique / For a long time, polysemy used to be considered as a marginal or accidental phenomenon in language. Where as today, it is well known that polysemy is being part of linguistic systems. The first part of our thesis draws up a panorama of semantic theories dealing with polysemy. Although it is not exhaustive, it reveals how and why that phenomenon has become a problematic of the utmost significance in linguistics. From the distinction established by G. Kleiber (1999), we consider two major trends in accordance with the way they conceive the link between meaning, reference and polysemy. On one hand, polysemy is described in terms of one basic referential sense from which secondary senses derive (objectivism). On the other hand, polysemy is analyzed as an areferential semantic potential from which senses emerge by contextual mechanisms (constructivism). About the question of the meaning representation of polysems, we postulate that linguistic unities are associated with a structure of pieces of conceptual information into the mind of speakers-hearers, so that it is possible to elaborate of conceptual modeling of it. In the framework of Cognitive Grammar (R.W. Langacker), the structure is a network constituted of semantic values, which are more or less schematic, and of elaborated senses stemmed from them. The most schematic meaning corresponds to the linguistic conceptual link between its instantiations. Some elaborations are the senses which can be constructed in discourse. On the basis of D. Tuggy’s works (1993), we propose to organize the conceptual modelings of multiple meanings words along a continuum homonymy-polysemy-multifaciality-vagueness, in function of various parameters : entrenchment, cognitive salience, possibility of accessibility and of activation of the network components (schematic or elaborated values). So, we can highlight some organizational regularities specific to the semantic representation of polysems as well as a typology of polysemous senses. The third and last part of our thesis is dedicated to sense construction. In Cognitive Grammar, it is a non modulary, compositional and dynamic process. Focusing especially on the impact of context on the interpretation of complex expressions containing a polysem, the analysis of Adj-N and N-Adj noun phrases puts to the fore some regularities governing the activation of polysemic senses. These regularities are linked to the linguistic context (position and function of the adjective towards the qualified substantive) and to the extra-linguistic context

Sinestesia e construção do sentido na Música Popular Brasileira

Paula, Juliana da Silva de 15 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:14:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana da Silva de Paula.pdf: 797008 bytes, checksum: fa3d34a7bfc6777c07f7b267749a7fe7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this work, we analyze synaesthetic evocations in lyrics of songs from Brazilian Folk Music. We started from the hypothesis that along with the current technological advancements and the confluence of media, we confront ourselves with syncretic feelings which can be surprised, under synaesthetic effects, on the discourse of the songs. The corpus of the research is constituted of the analysis of six lyrics from songs that, in their composition, evoke a mixture of the senses (sound, sight, touch, smell and taste). The theoretical reference involves conceptual definitions about what synaesthesia is and distinguishes this fenomenon from synaesthetic evocations, this one concerning language and poetry, while synaesthesia itself is closer to scientific questions and evidences. The authors used to treat synaesthesia were Simon Baron Cohen and John Harrison, Sérgio Roclaw Basbaum and Antônio Roberto Chiachiri Filho. Regarding the caracteristics and peculiarities of musical language, we used contributions from authors as Oliver Sacks, Murray Schafer and Jota Moraes. To treat the semiotic issues in the analyses of the songs, we count on the authors Lucia Santaella and Luiz Tatit, among others. The textual analyses were concieved under the Peircean semiotic concept, more especifically through the categories of firstness, secondness and thirdness and through trichotomy representamen, object and interpretant. More than classfications, we understand the lyrics of theses songs through meaning relations that emanate from the inner of verbal aspects and poetics, and, therefore, we mainly kept on those constructions that produce synaesthetic evocations, in other words, the ones that bring to memory the presence of feelings to compose a wide range of significations. Under the light of these significations, the analyses are based on the construction of interpretations that also value the global sense through observation of specific elements (concerning the five senses) and also the song as a whole, capable of communicating and conducting to the most miscellaneous sensible experiences / No presente trabalho analisamos evocações sinestésicas em letras de canções da Música Popular Brasileira. Partimos da hipótese de que com os avanços atuais da tecnologia e a confluência das mídias nos defrontamos cada vez mais com sentidos sincréticos que podem ser surpreendidos, sob a forma de efeitos sinestésicos, no discurso das canções. O corpus da pesquisa constitui-se da análise de seis letras de canções que, em suas composições, evocam a mistura dos sentidos (audição, visão, paladar, olfato e tato). O referencial teórico envolve as definições conceituais acerca do que é sinestesia e diferencia este fenômeno da evocação sinestésica, este último mais voltado às questões da linguagem e da poesia, enquanto a sinestesia propriamente dita está mais próxima das questões e comprovações científicas. Os autores utilizados para tratar de sinestesia foram: Simon Baron Cohen e John Harrison, Sérgio Roclaw Basbaum e Antônio Roberto Chiachiri Filho. Para abordar as características e peculiaridades da linguagem musical, utilizamos as contribuições dos autores Oliver Sacks, Murray Schafer e Jota Moraes. Para tratar a questão semiótica nas análises das canções, valemo-nos dos autores Lucia Santaella e Luiz Tatit, dentre outros. As análises textuais realizadas foram pautadas pelo modelo da semiótica peirceana, mais especificamente pelas categorias da primeiridade, secundidade e terceiridade e pela tricotomia representamem, objeto e interpretante. Mais do que classificações, compreendemos as letras das canções por meio das relações de significado que emanam do interior dos aspectos verbais e poéticos, e, portanto, nos detivemos sobretudo naquelas construções que produzem evocações sinestésicas, ou seja, que trazem à memória a presença dos sentidos para compor um amplo leque de significações. À luz destas significações, as análises estão pautadas na construção de interpretações que valorizam também o sentido global, por meio da observação de elementos específicos (no tocante aos cinco sentidos) e também da canção como um todo, capaz de comunicar e de conduzir às mais variadas experiências sencientes

Do formal para o informal: executivos em trabalhos flexíveis

Kim, Han Na 26 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:48:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 Tese - Executivos Flexiveis - Han Na Kim _versao final_.pdf.jpg: 11855 bytes, checksum: 8e1230528825685a249e8f1b4c01672c (MD5) Tese - Executivos Flexiveis - Han Na Kim _versao final_.pdf: 2657200 bytes, checksum: 07ab33b69865629c484841e71002bad0 (MD5) Tese - Executivos Flexiveis - Han Na Kim _versao final_.pdf.txt: 837487 bytes, checksum: 96150fccc857040313702003dedf5fdb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-26T00:00:00Z / Quando observamos o mundo do trabalho atual, percebemos que, há um movimento em direção à maior flexibilidade, tanto em relação aos empregados formais quanto aos trabalhadores que passam a atuar por meio de formas flexíveis de contrato de trabalho. O contrato de emprego flexível refere-se àquele que não segue o modelo formal de contrato de trabalho, regido por CLT (Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho), e, vem sendo estudado ultimamente como um resultado das mudanças na organização do trabalho, em geral, associado à busca por trabalhadores mais produtivos e de menor custo. Devido à amplitude dos fenômenos envolvidos nestas transformações, delimitamos o tema e o público a ser estudado: adotando a idéia de construção social da realidade, de Berger e Luckmann (1966/2002), analisamos os processos de “migração” de 30 executivos, residentes no município de São Paulo, ex-empregados de grandes corporações, que tiveram experiências em cargos de gerência média e alta em organizações nacionais e multinacionais, e, que atualmente, trabalham no mercado sob regime de contratos flexíveis. Para nosso estudo, entendemos os executivos como trabalhadores formais que ocupam posições de alta e média gerência na hierarquia organizacional e detêm posições de poder e prestígio. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é descrever o sentido atribuído por executivos, ao processo de “migração” para formas mais flexíveis de trabalho e à nova realidade vivida no trabalho. A pesquisa segue uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizando-se de entrevista em profundidade semi-estruturada, para a coleta de dados; para a análise das entrevistas realizadas, usamos, como base, as idéias de práticas discursivas e produção de sentidos, de Spink e Medrado (1999/2004). A abordagem construcionista permitiu verificar que os executivos em trabalhos flexíveis possuem alto nível de autoconfiança, uma visão missionária sobre o seu trabalho, e diversos motivos diferentes para a “migração”. Por meio de seus relatos, pode-se observar as estratégias para a sobrevivência e obtenção de sucesso como um trabalhador flexível; a percepções dos entrevistados sobre o mercado brasileiro; a mudança de relacionamento com os clientes, a família e a rede de contatos. Apesar dos problemas enfrentados para se estabilizar, a maioria demonstra a vontade de permanecer no trabalho flexível, contrariando grande número de estudo que enxergam a flexibilização de contratos de trabalho como precarização para os trabalhadores. Para os executivos em regime flexível, a vida como trabalhador CLT parece fazer parte do passado: agora, eles precisam se mostrar competentes a qualquer custo, planejar-se para as “entressafras”, buscar melhorar a rede de contatos, aumentar o conhecimento e passar um tempo com a sua família. Os motivos de permanência são diversos, mas possuem um ponto de conversão: a sensação de deter o domínio sobre a sua vida, seu tempo, seu dinheiro, seu conhecimento, seu futuro. Talvez, o cotidiano apresente muitas situações de submissão à vontade do cliente e de dedicação maior do que na época de empregado formal; mas, na “realidade cotidiana”, a sensação é de ser o “dono” da sua vida. / When we observe the present work in the world, we can notice a move towards the direction of greater flexibility in regards to formal employees and workers that act through flexible forms of labor contracts. The flexible employment contract refers to the contract that does not follow the formal model of labor contract, governed by CLT (Consolidation of the Labor Laws), and, has been studied lately as a result of changes in the workplace organization, usually associated with the search of more productive and cheaper workers. Due to the enlargement of the involved phenomena of these transformations, we delimited the subject and the public to be studied: adopting the idea of social construction of reality, from Berger and Luckmann (1966/2002), we analyzed the "migration" processes of 30 executives, residents of São Paulo city, ex-employees of large corporations, that had experiences in high and middle management at multinational and national organizations, and, at present, work in the markets under flexible labor contracts. For our study, we understand that the executives are formal workers that occupy positions of high and middle management in the organizational hierarch and have the power of decision and prestige. Being so, the objective of this study is to describe the sense attributed by executives, to the "migration" process to more flexible forms of work and to the new reality lived in the workplace. The research follows a qualitative approach, utilizing semi-structured in-depth interviews to gather the information; for the interview analysis, we used, as the basis, the ideas of speeches practices from Spink and Medrado (1999/2004). The constructionist perspective permitted to verify that executives in flexible workplaces possessed high level of selfconfidence, a missionary vision of his/her work, and different motives for the "migration". Through their statements we can observe the survival strategies and how to become successful as a flexible worker; the interviewees perceptions of the Brazilian market; the change in customer relationships, the family and the personal network. Despite the problems faced to settle in, the majority want to continue with flexible work, even though a large number of studies have shown that flexible labor contracts as a factor that make workers’ lives more precarious. For the executives in flexible employment, life as a formal CLT worker is a thing of the past: now, they need to show themselves as competent at any cost, plan themselves for the "dry spells" improve their network, increase their knowledge and to spend time with their family. The motives to stay are diverse, but all possesses a conversion point: the sensation that they dominate their own lives, time, money, knowledge, and future. Perhaps, many situations will present themselves in daily life to give in to the customer and greater dedication than a formal employee; but, in the "everyday reality", the sensation is that they are the "owner" of their lives.

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