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Cooperative context-aware setup and performance of surveillance missions using static and mobile wireless sensor networksFreitas, Edison Pignaton de January 2011 (has links)
Sistemas de vigilância são geralmente empregados no monitoramento de áreas de grandes dimensões nas quais seus usuários visam detectar ou observar fenômenos de seu interesse. O uso de redes de sensores sem fio nesses sistemas apresenta especial interesse, uma vez que essas redes podem apresentar soluções de baixo custo e robustas para cobrir áreas extensas. Neste contexto, novas aplicações têm surgido propondo o uso de redes de sensores sem fio compostas por nós sensores estáticos e móveis. Uma das motivações para esta tendência é a redução do custo de implantação e operação do sistema, além da possibilidade de proporcionar incremento em suas funcionalidades. O foco desta tese se concentra na proposta de soluções para redes de sensores sem fio com uso cooperativo de sensores estáticos e móveis, com particular atenção a sensibilidade ao contexto na configuração e execução de missões de sensoriamento. O objetivo é manter um baixo custo de comunicação associado às soluções propostas. Esta preocupação se dá pelo fato da comunicação aumentar o consumo de energia em redes de sensores, o que é um problema importante para nós sensores com limitada fonte de energia, i.e. baterias. No caso de nós sensores móveis, esta limitação pode não ser relevante, uma vez que seu movimento deve consumir uma quantidade muito mais expressiva de energia do que a comunicação. Neste caso, o problema se relaciona à estabilidade dos enlaces, bem como ao curto intervalo de tempo disponível para transmitir e receber dados. Logo, o melhor é comunicar o menos possível. Com relação à interação entre nós sensores estáticos, os problemas de disseminação e alocação de missões de sensoriamento são estudados e uma solução que explora o uso de informações locais é proposta e avaliada. Esta solução emprega agentes de software móveis que têm a capacidade de tomar decisões autônomas através do uso de informações de contexto local. Para redes de sensores móveis, o problema estudado se refere a como transferir missões entre os nós sensores de acordo com seu movimento e localização em relação aos locais onde as missões devem ser executadas. Para tratar este problema, uma abordagem baseada em agentes móveis é proposta, na qual os agentes implementam a migração das missões de sensoriamento usando informações de contexto geográfico para decidir a respeito de suas migrações. Para redes de sensores com sensores estáticos e móveis, a cooperação entre eles é abordada através de um mecanismo com inspiração biológica para realizar a realizar a entrega de dados emitidos pelos sensores estáticos aos sensores móveis. Para isto, explora-se uma analogia baseada no comportamento de formigas na construção e seguimento de trilhas. As soluções propostas são flexíveis, sendo aplicáveis a diferentes domínios de aplicação. Resultados experimentais evidenciam sua escalabilidade, avaliando, por exemplo, seu custo em termos de comunicação, além de outras métricas de interesse para cada uma das soluções. Estes resultados são comparados aos atingidos por soluções de referência (solução ótima teórica e baseada em inundação), indicando sua eficiência. Estes resultados são próximos do ótimo teórico e significativamente melhores que aqueles atingidos por soluções baseadas em técnicas de inundação. / Surveillance systems are usually employed to monitor wide areas in which their users are interested in detecting and/or observing events or phenomena of their interest. The use of wireless sensor networks in such systems is of particular interest as these networks can provide a relative low cost and robust solution to cover large areas. Emerging applications in this context are proposing the use of wireless sensor networks composed of both static and mobile sensor nodes. Motivation for this trend is to reduce deployment and operating costs, besides providing enhanced functionalities. This work focuses on the proposal of solutions for wireless sensor networks including static and mobile sensor nodes specifically regarding cooperative and context aware mission setup and performance. The goal is to keep the communication costs as low as possible in the execution of the proposed solutions. This concern comes from the fact that communication increases energy consumption, which is a particular issue for energy constrained sensor nodes often used in wireless sensor networks, especially if battery supplied. In the case of the mobile nodes, this energy constraint may not be valid, since their motion might need much more energy, but links instabilities and short time windows available to receive and transmit data. Therefore, it is better to communicate as little as possible. For the interaction among static sensor nodes, the problems of dissemination and allocation of sensing missions are studied and a solution that explores local information is proposed and evaluated. This solution uses mobile software agents that have capabilities to take autonomous decisions about the mission dissemination and allocation using local context information. For mobile wireless sensor networks, the problem studied is how to perform handover of missions among the nodes according to their movements and locations in relation to the place where the missions have to be performed. To handle this problem, a mobile agent approach is proposed in which the agents implement the sensing missions’ migration from node to node using geographical context information to decide about their migrations. For the networks combining static and mobile sensor nodes, the cooperation among them is approached by a biologically-inspired mechanism to deliver data from the static to the mobile nodes. The data delivery mechanism explores an analogy based on the behaviour of ants building and following trails, inspired by the ant colony algorithm. The proposed solutions are flexible, being able to be applied to different application domains. Obtained experimental results provide evidence of the scalability of these proposed solutions, for example by evaluating their cost in terms of communication, among other metrics of interest for each solution. These results are compared to those achieved by reference solutions (theoretical optimum and floodingbased), providing indications of the proposed solutions’ efficiency. These results are considered close to the theoretical optimum one and significantly better than the ones achieved by flooding-based solutions.
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WiFi Extension for Drought Early-Warning Detection System ComponentsPukhanov, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Excessive droughts on the African continent have caused the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute to launch a program of gathering data in hopes of producing models for rainfalls and droughts. A sensor capable of gathering such data has already been chosen, however there remains the problem of conveniently retrieving data from each of the sensors spread over a large area of land. To accomplish this goal, a small, cheap and efficient wireless capable module would need to be used. A possible candidate is the new WiFi-module from Espress if designated ESP8266. It is an extremely cheap and versatile wireless SoC that is able to perform the task of a wireless communications adapter for the sensor unit. The point of this thesis is to investigate the suitability of IEEE 802.11 for the task, and produce a piece of firmware for the ESP8266. The firmware shall enable it to be attached to a sensor and operate as a wireless mesh node in a self-organizing WLAN sensor network, enabling data retrieval via WiFi multi-hop deliveries.
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ZigBee 無線感測網路應用程式介面設計與實作 / Design and implementation of a ZigBee sensor network application programming interface陳文杰, Chen, Wen Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
ZigBee在無線網路技術中,乃屬較新之無線傳輸技術, 其特色為低電耗、可控制大量感測裝置、反應時間短、建置成本低廉等。其遵循IEEE802.15.4標準與ZigBee通訊協定標準,目前已有ZigBee Alliance制定相關標準與推動此技術,而控制晶片以德州儀器(TI)為主要制訂及生產供應商。ZigBee網路支援星狀、樹狀、網狀三種網路架構,其裝置角色有Coordinator、Router, End Device三種。目前主要應用有軍事為健康、環境、健康、家庭及商業等方面。應用上除了利用韌體方式實作裝置對裝置的控制,有些應用尚需借由應用程式才能達成。本論文主要強調利用API讓應用程式控制裝置取得感測資料更為容易,其亦可解決同時回報或監測所有裝置之問題。
目前整個API針對裝置晶片控制指令集定義成一類別,此部份可依不同晶片版本做類別庫切換。另外,定義如何與Serial Port溝通,以及傳輸指令或資料時是否符合ZigBee通訊協定要求之判斷。基於以上類別庫之定義,最後定義DeviceManager類別,當作管理裝置之物件,而該類別中,為讓開發者更容易操作,將各類感測讀取動作,封裝成方法(Method)定義之。
基於已定義完成之API,為讓開發者更了解ZigBee運作,列出主要七種運作流程, 並說明讀取感測資料之程式控制方式,以及如何擴充新類型感測裝置之方法(Method),而這些流程與控制方式透過整個網路管理軟體的實作更能體現之。 / ZigBee is a cutting-edge wireless transmission technology, characterized by consuming little power, controlling multiple sensor devices, reacting quickly, and needing low implementing costs, etc. This technology follows IEEE802.15.4 and ZigBee communications protocol. ZigBee-based sensors are widely used in many domains, such as military, natural environments, health, family, and business. Many existing applications of ZigBee use firmware controlling devices, but higher-level application programs are still required to realize some applications.
This thesis focuses on how to use Application Programming Interface (API) for controlling devices to collect sensor data and how to solve the problems on reporting data and monitoring all the devices used. In particular, we define the DeviceManager class that controls the set of instructions of device chips and communicates with serial ports as well as determines whether transfer instructions and data by following the standard of ZigBee protocol. For developers' convenience, we further encapsulate different sensor-reading actions into method.
Based on the above API definitions, we list seven implementation flows for developers to understand the implementation of ZigBee. This thesis also describes how to use programming control to read sensor data and how to expand new sensor devices. These flows and control methods can be easily achieved by network management software.
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Méthodes et outils pour la compilation et l'optimisation logicielle des systèmes embarqués sans fil dédiés à des applicationsChis, Andréea 11 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les réseaux de capteurs communicants sont fortement contraints en ressources: calcul, mémoire et énergie. Dans ce contexte, une attention particulière doit être portée lors de la conception des application, des protocoles de communication et du système d'exploitation qui vont être exécutés sur les plateformes. Le but de cette thèse a été d'adapter les modèles de logiciels utilisés classiquement pour la programmation d'applications au domaine des réseaux de capteurs et de proposer des méthodes et outils permettant de construire une version adaptée du logiciel devant s'exécuter sur les cibles à partir d'un modèle de l'application. Une des composantes qui consomment le plus d'énergie d'un micro-capteur c'est son interface radio. Le comportement d'une couche MAC peut être exprimé comme un automate temporisé avec des états fixes (qui correspondent à des états spécifiques du dispositif physique) ou des états libres (dont le choix de mappage est laissé au programmeur). Le comportement d'un périphérique radio peut lui-même être exprimé comme un automate temporisé composé d'états transitoires (avec durée fixe de l'état) et non transitoires (avec une durée illimitée mais avec une contrainte de temps minimal à passer dans l'état). Le problème de mapper un état software libre de durée fixe sur un chemin dans l'automate du dispositif physique en minimisant l'énergie est prouvé NP-complète. Une heuristique permettant de mapper les états libres d'un automate correspondant à un protocole software sur des états ou chemins entre les états d'un dispositif physique est proposée. L'approche amène à des gains théoriques de 60% pour B-MAC- une couche MAC classique. Pour les 2 catégories de système d'exploitation dédiés à ce type d'applications (modèle à événements et modèle à threads), des squelettes de code sont générés. Adapté a Mantis OS, le squelette de code pour B-MAC confirme en simulation sur la plateforme Worldsens les gains théoriques. Des experimentations sur la plateforme réelle Senslab ont prouvé que l'optimisation en terme d'energie ne modifie pas les performances fonctionnelles du protocole.
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Low power receivers for wireless sensor networksNi, Ronghua 25 March 2014 (has links)
Wireless sensor networks are becoming important in several monitoring and sensing applications. Ultra low power consumption in the sensor nodes is important for extending the battery life of the nodes. In this dissertation, two low power BFSK receiver architectures are proposed and verified with prototype implementations in silicion.
A 2.4 GHz 1 Mb/s polyphase filter (PPF) BFSK receiver demonstrates ±180 ppm frequency offset tolerance (FOT) and 40 dB adjacent channel rejection (ACR) at a modulation index (MI) of 2, with a power consumption of 1.9 mW. High FOT at low MI is achieved by a frequency-to-energy conversion architecture using PPFs without any frequency correction. The proposed hybrid topology of the PPF provides an improved ACR at reduced power.
To further improve the energy efficiency, a low energy 900 MHz mixer-less BFSK receiver is designed. High gain frequency-to-amplitude conversion and better sensitivity is achieved by a linear amplifier with Q-enhanced LC tank, eliminating the need for local oscillators and mixers. With a power consumption of 500 μW, the receiver achieves sensitivities of -90 dBm and -76 dBm for data rates of 0.5 Mb/s and 6 Mb/s, respectively. The energy efficiency is 80 pJ/b when operating at 6 Mb/s. / Graduation date: 2013 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from March 25, 2013 - March 25, 2014
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A Sleep-Scheduling-Based Cross-Layer Design Approach for Application-Specific Wireless Sensor NetworksHa, Rick Wan Kei January 2006 (has links)
The pervasiveness and operational autonomy of mesh-based wireless sensor networks (WSNs) make them an ideal candidate in offering sustained monitoring functions at reasonable cost over a wide area. To extend the functional lifetime of battery-operated sensor nodes, stringent sleep scheduling strategies with communication duty cycles running at sub-1% range are expected to be adopted. Although ultra-low communication duty cycles can cast a detrimental impact on sensing coverage and network connectivity, its effects can be mitigated with adaptive sleep scheduling, node deployment redundancy and multipath routing within the mesh WSN topology. This work proposes a cross-layer organizational approach based on sleep scheduling, called Sense-Sleep Trees (SS-Trees), that aims to harmonize the various engineering issues and provides a method to extend monitoring capabilities and operational lifetime of mesh-based WSNs engaged in wide-area surveillance applications. Various practical considerations such as sensing coverage requirements, duty cycling, transmission range assignment, data messaging, and protocol signalling are incorporated to demonstrate and evaluate the feasibility of the proposed design approach.
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Parallel algorithms for target tracking on multi-coreplatform with mobile LEGO robotsWahlberg, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis was to develop a versatile and reliable experimentalplatform of mobile robots, solving tracking problems, for education and research.Evaluation of parallel bearings-only tracking and control algorithms on a multi-corearchitecture has been performed. The platform was implemented as a mobile wirelesssensor network using multiple mobile robots, each using a mounted camera for dataacquisition. Data processing was performed on the mobile robots and on a server,which also played the role of network communication hub. A major focus was toimplement this platform in a flexible manner to allow for education and futureresearch in the fields of signal processing, wireless sensor networks and automaticcontrol. The implemented platform was intended to act as a bridge between the idealworld of simulation and the non-ideal real world of full scale prototypes.The implemented algorithms did estimation of the positions of the robots, estimationof a non-cooperating target's position and regulating the positions of the robots. Thetracking algorithms implemented were the Gaussian particle filter, the globallydistributed particle filter and the locally distributed particle filter. The regulator triedto move the robots to give the highest possible sensor information under givenconstraints. The regulators implemented used model predictive control algorithms.Code for communicating with filters in external processes were implementedtogether with tools for data extraction and statistical analysis.Both implementation details and evaluation of different tracking algorithms arepresented. Some algorithms have been tested as examples of the platformscapabilities, among them scalability and accuracy of some particle filtering techniques.The filters performed with sufficient accuracy and showed a close to linear speedupusing up to 12 processor cores. Performance of parallel particle filtering withconstraints on network bandwidth was also studied, measuring breakpoints on filtercommunication to avoid weight starvation. Quality of the sensor readings, networklatency and hardware performance are discussed. Experiments showed that theplatform was a viable alternative for data acquisition in algorithm development and forbenchmarking to multi-core architecture. The platform was shown to be flexibleenough to be used a framework for future algorithm development and education inautomatic control.
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A Sleep-Scheduling-Based Cross-Layer Design Approach for Application-Specific Wireless Sensor NetworksHa, Rick Wan Kei January 2006 (has links)
The pervasiveness and operational autonomy of mesh-based wireless sensor networks (WSNs) make them an ideal candidate in offering sustained monitoring functions at reasonable cost over a wide area. To extend the functional lifetime of battery-operated sensor nodes, stringent sleep scheduling strategies with communication duty cycles running at sub-1% range are expected to be adopted. Although ultra-low communication duty cycles can cast a detrimental impact on sensing coverage and network connectivity, its effects can be mitigated with adaptive sleep scheduling, node deployment redundancy and multipath routing within the mesh WSN topology. This work proposes a cross-layer organizational approach based on sleep scheduling, called Sense-Sleep Trees (SS-Trees), that aims to harmonize the various engineering issues and provides a method to extend monitoring capabilities and operational lifetime of mesh-based WSNs engaged in wide-area surveillance applications. Various practical considerations such as sensing coverage requirements, duty cycling, transmission range assignment, data messaging, and protocol signalling are incorporated to demonstrate and evaluate the feasibility of the proposed design approach.
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IEEE 802.15.4 Protocol Stack Library Implementation,Hardware Design, and Applications in Medical MonitoringYang, Cheng-Yen 12 July 2010 (has links)
Due to the rapid development of semiconductor technology, the number of transistors of integrated circuits in unit area increases by double in roughly every two years. We then can add more circuits and functionality into a single chip. The size of electronic products certainly is reduced. Besides, because of the blooming popularity of wireless network standards in recently year, sensors have been wireless connected to provide more functionality and intelligence. They are, namely, wireless sensor network (WSN). Before long, the integrated circuit design will not only be emphasized on front-end circuits and hardware design, but also integration and functionality, which is so-called the system-on-chip (SOC) design.
The first topic of this thesis is the implementation of IEEE 802.15.4 network prototype and hardware design. The main purpose of prototyping is to realize the highly portable IEEE 802.15.4 protocol stack library which can be quickly transferred to different hardwares. Thus, it shortens the time to market. In ASIC hardware design, we use WISHBONE bus as the interconnection architecture which can be easily integrated into current SOC design for an embedded system.
The second topic is an application of IEEE 802.15.4 in medical monitoring, including system prototyping and ASIC hardware design, which collects the bladder pressure readings by a wireless link and ECG signals from our ASIC sensors. Finally, we realize the medical monitoring in a prototypical system.
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Anti-sensor Network: Distortion-based Distributed Attack In Wireless Sensor NetworksKaraaslan, Ibrahim 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, a novel anti-sensor network paradigm is introduced against wireless sensor networks (WSN). Anti-sensor network (ASN) aims to destroy application reliability by adaptively and anonymously introducing adequate level of artificial distortion into the communication of the event features transported from the sensor nodes (SN) to the sink. ASN is composed of anti-sensor nodes (aSN) randomly distributed
over the sensor network field. aSNs pretend to be SNs tomaintain anonymity and so improve resiliency against attack detection and prevention mechanisms. Performance
evaluations via mathematical analysis and simulation experiments show that ASN can effectively reduce the application reliability of WSN.
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