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A scanning electron microscope study of developing peripheral sensory neurites in amphibian embryosPatton, David Thomas January 1988 (has links)
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Sensory system contributions to the development of trace and delay eyeblink conditioningGoldsberry-Troyer, Mary 01 May 2016 (has links)
Research concerning the development of learning and memory suggests that there are multiple memory systems. These systems differ in complexity, underlying neural substrates, and consequently, their developmental emergence. Pavlovian conditioning, and specifically eyeblink conditioning (EBC), allows researchers to investigate both simple and complex forms of learning and memory early in development. Delay EBC, which is considered a relatively simple form of learning, involves the association of a conditioned stimulus (CS) with an unconditioned stimulus (US). Research from our laboratory suggests that the emergence of delay EBC is dependent on the development of sensory input to the pontine nucleus. Trace EBC, a more complex form of learning, involves the association of a CS with a US over a stimulus-free trace interval. Due to its relatively late emergence, the developmental time course of trace EBC has been traditionally regarded as independent of sensory system development. Rather, it is the involvement of late-developing structures such as the hippocampus which is considered the principle limiting factor in the emergence of trace EBC.
The current collection of studies investigates the developmental emergence of delay and trace conditioning. We found that both delay and trace conditioning are facilitated by using an early-developing somatosensory CS. This suggests that the sensory system development plays a role in even late-developing trace EBC. Moreover, hippocampal CA1 neuronal activity shows increased responsiveness in even very young animals when trained with an early-developing somatosensory CS compared to those trained with a tone CS. Combined, these data suggest that both hippocampal and sensory system development may play key roles in the developmental emergence of learning.
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Modality dominance in young children: the underlying mechanisms and broader implicationsNapolitano, Amanda C. 15 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Thyroid function of mother and child and their impact on the child’s neuropsychological developmentPäkkilä, F. (Fanni) 29 March 2016 (has links)
Maternal gestational thyroid dysfunction has been associated with adverse neuropsychological development in children. This study investigated the effects of maternal thyroid dysfunction in early pregnancy and/or antibodies on the thyroid function and antibody status of children, as well as their association with the offspring’s ADHD symptoms, scholastic performance and sensory development.
The study population consisted of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort of 1986. The mothers’ TSH, fT4 and TPO-Ab concentrations were evaluated in early pregnancy and in their offspring at 16 years of age. Data on the mothers and their families, their child’s health, development, behavior and scholastic performance were collected via parental questionnaires conducted in early pregnancy and when the children were 7-8 and 16 years old. Their teachers evaluated the children’s behavior and scholastic performance at 8 years of age, and at 16 years old the adolescents evaluated themselves.
Maternal gestational thyroid dysfunction associated with adolescents’ increased odds of having the same thyroid dysfunction type. Adolescents of TPO-Ab-positive mothers had increased odds of being TPO-Ab-positive themselves. TPO-Ab-positive children had increased odds of having thyroid dysfunction. Increasing maternal TSH concentrations increased a child’s odds of having ADHD symptoms (OR 1.4 [95% CI 1.1-1.8]). Children of hypothyroxinemic mothers had increased odds of repeating a class at school (OR 3.5 [1.1-11.5]), and those of hyperthyroid mothers had increased odds of Finnish language learning difficulties (1.6 [1.03-2.4]). Furthermore, thyroid dysfunction in adolescents increased their odds of learning difficulties. No association was observed between maternal thyroid dysfunction and a child’s diagnosed intellectual deficiency and sensory development.
Maternal thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy associated with thyroid dysfunction in the offspring. Maternal thyroid dysfunction may have a mild impact on her offspring’s neuropsychological development, but it had no effect on a child’s risk of diagnosed intellectual deficiency or sensory development. Children have compensatory mechanisms for overcoming early developmental thyroid hormone insufficiencies. Randomized trials for screening and treating maternal thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy are needed to evaluate the benefits to offspring. / Tiivistelmä
Äidin raskauden aikaiset kilpirauhasen toimintahäiriöt on yhdistetty lapsen neuropsykologisen kehityksen ongelmiin, mutta aiempi tutkimustieto aiheesta on ristiriitaista. Tämän vuoksi tutkimme äidin raskauden ajan kilpirauhasen toimintahäiriöiden ja/tai vasta-aineiden vaikutusta nuoren kilpirauhastoimintaan ja vasta-ainestatukseen, ja näiden molempien vaikutusta lapsen ADHD-oireisiin, koulumenestykseen ja aistien kehitykseen.
Tämän väitöskirjatyön aineistona oli väestöpohjainen Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1986, johon kuuluu yli 99 % alueen raskaana olevista naisista. Äitien TSH, T4-V ja TPO-Ab – mittaukset tehtiin alkuraskaudessa ja kohortin lasten mittaukset 16-vuotiaana. Molempien kohdalla käytettiin väestöpohjaisia viitevälejä toimintahäiriön määrittämiseksi. Tietoja raskaudesta, äidin ja muun perheen sairastavuudesta, elintavoista ja sosioekonomisista tekijöistä ja lapsen terveydestä, kehityksestä, koulumenestyksestä ja käyttäytymisestä kerättiin kyselylomakkeilla raskauden aikana, 7-8-vuotiaana ja 16-vuotiaana. Myös luokanopettajat arvioivat lapsen koulumenestystä ja käyttäytymistä, ja nuoret itse arvioivat koulumenestystään 16-vuotiaina.
Äidin raskauden aikainen kilpirauhasen toimintahäiriö nosti nuoren riskiä saada sama kilpirauhasen toimintahäiriö kuin äidillään. Äidin TPO-vasta-aine-positiivisuus nosti nuoren riskiä vasta-ainepositiivisuuteen. Nuoren positiiviset vasta-ainepitoisuudet nostivat riskiä poikkeaville kilpirauhasarvoille. Äidin nouseva TSH-pitoisuus yhdistyi lapsen suurempaan riskiin saada ADHD oireita 8-vuotiaana, mutta selkeää raja-arvoa sille ei löytynyt. Äidin hypo- tai hypertyreoosi eivät nostaneet lapsen ADHD-oireiden riskiä. Äidin kilpirauhastoimintahäiriöt nostivat hieman nuoren riskiä oppimisvaikeuksille ja luokan kertaamiselle. Myös nuoren oma kilpirauhastoiminta vaikutti vähäisessä määrin oppimiseen ja keskittymiseen. Äidin kilpirauhastoiminnalla ei ollut vaikutusta lapsen matalaan älykkyysosamäärään tai aistien kehitykseen
Äidin raskaudenaikainen kilpirauhasen toimintahäiriö vaikutti lapsen neuropsykologiseen kehitykseen lievästi, mutta löydösten kliininen merkitys on vähäinen. Lasten keskushermoston korjaavat mekanismit todennäköisesti kompensoivat varhaiskehityksen kilpirauhashormonien vajetta. Randomoidulla tutkimuksella voitaisiin selvittää, hyötyisivätkö lapset äidin kilpirauhassairauden seulomisesta ja hoitamisesta alkuraskaudessa.
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Mezioborové vazby výtvarné výchovy a rozvoj smyslové citlivosti v kontextu mateřské školy / Interdisciplinary contextures of Art Education and development of sensory sensibility in the context of kindergartenKušková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
SUMMARY: The theoretical part outlines the historical and contemporary ideas about development of sensory sensibility of preschool age children, reflected in the Art Education and creation. Another part of labour deals with the probe to methodology of sensory education, explanation of the term, familiarization with the significance, and potential to settings the targets of preschool education. The last section of theoretical part is dedicated to possible frameworks of interdisciplinary contextures based on the children's aesthetic interactions with the living nature appointed in the Education programme framework for preschool education (RVP PV). The empirical part deals with the qualitative research of teaching activities of colleague from the discipline Teaching for kindergarten and their possibilities and the experience with the development of sensory sensibility and inclusion of this practice to tuition of Art Education. The practical part analyses the transformation of children in social skills, made within long-term sensory art project. The transformation of children is documented by proposals activities and interdisciplinary linkage from other subjects, from which the process of art creating based on, or conversely towards to, by art creating, further competencies, which are developed in the project,...
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