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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo e projeto de um sistema de transferência de energia elétrica sem fio com compensação capacitiva e baseado no transformador de bobinas em espirais planas fracamente acopladas. / Study and design of a wireless power transfer system with capacitive compensation based on weakly coupled transformer made of flat spiral coils.

Moret, Alexandre Hotz 26 October 2018 (has links)
Recentemente os sistemas de transferência de energia sem fio WPT (do inglês Wireless Power Transfer) têm sido amplamente estudados com o propósito de alimentar eficientemente diversos tipos de cargas através de técnicas específicas, dentre elas destaca-se a transferência capacitiva de potência CPT (do inglês Capacitive Power Transfer) e a transferência indutiva de potência IPT (do inglês Inductive Power Transfer), sendo esta última objeto deste estudo. Em um sistema de transferência indutiva de potência a carga é alimentada através de um transformador fracamente acoplado. Em função do elevado espaçamento entre as bobinas primária e secundária, da ausência de núcleo magnético, ou o emprego do núcleos divididos e separados por um grande entreferro, o transformador apresenta alta reatância de dispersão e baixa reatância de magnetização, o que resulta em elevadas correntes, baixa eficiência e regulação da tensão ruim quando houver variação da carga. Com o intuito de aumentar a eficiência e melhorar a regulação de tensão (ou corrente) são aplicadas compensações capacitivas em ambos os lados do transformador, elevando o número de elementos reativos, o que dificulta a compreensão do seu comportamento. Adicionalmente, as diversas configurações geométricas possíveis para a construção das bobinas dificultam a otimização do projeto de transferência indutiva de potência. Esta dissertação analisa e compara as estratégias de compensação série-série (SS) e série-paralela (SP) sob diversos pontos de vista, identificando pontos de operação relevantes nos quais o sistema atua como uma fonte de corrente ou de tensão em malha aberta, modela os elementos que constituem um sistema de transferência indutiva de potência para alcançar à eficiência requisitada. Adicionalmente este trabalho lista os impactos na fonte e na carga quando do desvio das condições nominais de operação e dá diretrizes que permitem escolher os elementos de um sistema IPT. Na sequência esta dissertação propõe as diretrizes para a construção do transformador com valores predefinidos de fator de qualidade, indutâncias próprias e fator de acoplamento. Por fim, o presente trabalho dimensiona e confecciona alguns sistemas IPT a partir de uma lista de especificações, usando uma metodologia de projeto baseada em fórmulas aproximadas e a valida experimentalmente. / Recently Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) is widely studied in order to efficiently feed many different kinds of loads using specific techniques, such as Capacitive Power Transfer (CPT) and Inductive Power Transfer (IPT). IPT system relies on large air gap and loosely coupled transformer which will be studied in this work. Due to the large separation between the primary and secondary coils, the absence of a magnetic core, or the presence of split cores the transformer presents large leakage inductances, resulting in poor voltage regulation against load variation. Moreover, the low magnetizing inductance results in high magnetizing currents, reducing the overall efficiency. In order to improve the WPT performance, capacitive compensation techniques are applied in both sides of the transformer. Series compensation is commonly used at the primary side of the WPT transformer while Series or Parallel compensation is eligible to the secondary side. In addition, the loosely coupled transformer must be designed, in spite of the complex relationship between the various electrical and geometrical parameters of the coils that complicates the transformer construction and its optimization. This work compares Series-Series and Series-Parallel compensation strategies based on a simple approach, comprehensively highlighting the pro and cons of each one. Also the open loop operation in voltage source and current source modes, and the effect of the gap length for both compensation strategies are discussed. Moreover, the elements that constitute an inductive power transfer system are modeled in order to achieve the required efficiency. This research also proposes some guidance to build the transformer with high figure-of-merit and coupling. Finally, the present work designs and builds few IPT systems that satisfies a set of specifications, based on a simplified design procedure. The proposed design methodology is experimentally validated.

Model Predictive Control for Series-Parallel Plug-In Hybrid Electrical Vehicle

Engman, Jimmy January 2011 (has links)
The automotive industry is required to deal with increasingly stringent legislationfor greenhouse gases. Hybrid Electric Vehicles, HEV, are gaining acceptance as thefuture path of lower emissions and fuel consumption. The increased complexityof multiple prime movers demand more advanced control systems, where futuredriving conditions also becomes interesting. For a plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle,PIHEV, it is important to utilize the comparatively inexpensive electric energybefore the driving cycle is complete, this for minimize the cost of the driving cycle,since the battery in a PIHEV can be charged from the grid. A strategy with lengthinformation of the driving cycle from a global positioning system, GPS, couldreduce the cost of driving. This by starting to blend the electric energy with fuelearlier, a strategy called blended driving accomplish this by distribute the electricenergy, that is charged externally, with fuel over the driving cycle, and also ensurethat the battery’s minimum level reaches before the driving cycle is finished. Astrategy called Charge Depleting Charge Sustaining, CDCS, does not need lengthinformation. This strategy first depletes the battery to a minimum State of Charge,SOC, and after this engages the engine to maintain the SOC at this level. In thisthesis, a variable SOC reference is developed, which is dependent on knowledgeabout the cycle’s length and the current length the vehicle has driven in the cycle.With assistance of a variable SOC reference, is a blended strategy realized. Thisis used to minimize the cost of a driving cycle. A comparison between the blendedstrategy and the CDCS strategy was done, where the CDCS strategy uses a fixedSOC reference. During simulation is the usage of fuel minimized; and the blendedstrategy decreases the cost of the driving missions compared to the CDCS strategy.To solve the energy management problem is a model predictive control used. Thedesigned control system follows the driving cycles, is charge sustaining and solvesthe energy management problem during simulation. The system also handlesmoderate model errors. / Fordonsindustrin måste hantera allt strängare lagkrav mot utsläpp av emissioneroch växthusgaser. Hybridfordon har börjat betraktas som den framtida vägenför att ytterligare minska utsläpp och användning av fossila bränslen. Den ökadekomplexiteten från flera olika motorer kräver mera avancerade styrsystem. Begränsningarfrån motorernas energikällor gör att framtida förhållanden är viktigaatt estimera. För plug-in hybridfordon, PIHEV, är det viktigt att använda denvvijämförelsevis billiga elektriska energin innan fordonet har nått fram till slutdestinationen.Batteriets nuvarande energimängd mäts i dess State of Charge, SOC.Genom att utnyttja information om hur långt det är till slutdestinationen från ettGlobal Positioning System, GPS, blandar styrsystemet den elektriska energin medbränsle från början, detta kallas för blandad körning. En strategi som inte hartillgång till hur långt fordonet ska köras kallas Charge Depleting Charge Sustaining,CDCS. Denna strategi använder först energin från batteriet, för att sedanbörja använda förbränningsmotorn när SOC:s miniminivå har nåtts. Strategin attanvända GPS informationen är jämförd med en strategi som inte har tillgång tillinformation om körcykelns längd. Blandad körning använder en variabel SOC referens,till skillnad från CDCS strategin som använder sig av en konstant referenspå SOC:s miniminivå. Den variabla SOC referensen beror på hur långt fordonethar kört av den totala körsträckan, med hjälp av denna realiseras en blandad körning.Från simuleringarna visade det sig att blandad körning gav minskad kostnadför de simulerade körcyklerna jämfört med en CDCS strategi. En modellbaseradprediktionsreglering används för att lösa energifördelningsproblemet. Styrsystemetföljer körcykler och löser energifördelningsproblemet för de olika drivkällorna undersimuleringarna. Styrsystemet hanterar även måttliga modellfel.

Geração de expressões algébricas para processos de negócio usando reduções de digrafos série-paralelo / Generation of algebraic expressions for business processes using reductions on series-parallel digraphs

Oikawa, Márcio Katsumi 25 September 2008 (has links)
Modelagem e controle de execução são duas abordagens do gerenciamento de processos de negócio que, embora complementares, têm se desenvolvido independentemente. Por um lado, a modelagem é normalmente conduzida por especialistas de negócio e explora aspectos semânticos do processo. Por outro lado, o controle de execução estuda mecanismos consistentes e eficientes de implementação. Este trabalho apresenta um método algorítmico que relaciona modelagem e controle de execução, por meio da geração de expressões algébricas a partir de digrafos acíclicos. Por hipótese, assumimos que modelos de processos de negócio são formados por estruturas baseadas em grafos, e mecanismos de controle de execução são baseados na interpretação de expressões de álgebra de processos. Para a geração de expressões algébricas, esta tese apresenta as propriedades topológicas de digrafos série-paralelo e define um sistema de transformação baseado em redução de digrafos. Além disso, um algoritmo de identificação de digrafos série-paralelo e geração de expressões algébricas é apresentado. O texto também discute o tratamento de digrafos que não são série-paralelo e apresenta, para alguns desses casos, soluções baseadas em mudanças topológicas. Finalmente, o algoritmo é ilustrado com o estudo de caso de uma aplicação real. / Modeling and execution control are complementary approaches of business process management that have been developed independently. On one hand, modeling is usually performed by business specialists and explores semantical aspects of the business process. On other hand, execution control studies consistent and efficient mechanisms for implementation. This work presents an algorithmic method which joins modeling and execution control through algebraic expression generation from acyclic digraphs. By hypothesis, we assume that business process models are defined by graph structures, and execution control mechanisms are based on interpretation of process algebra expressions. For algebraic expression generation, this thesis presents the topological properties of series-parallel digraphs and defines a transformation system based on digraph reduction. Therefore, we present an algorithm for identification of series-parallel digraphs and generation of algebraic expressions. This work also discusses the treatment of non-series-parallel digraphs and presents solutions based on topological changing for some cases. Finally, the algorithm is illustrated with a case study based on a real system.

L’analyse cinématique de manipulateurs parallèles et reconfigurables / Kinematic analysis of reconfigurable parallel manipulators

Nayak, Abhilash 14 December 2018 (has links)
Un manipulateur parallèle à mobilité réduite a moins de six degrés de liberté et présente généralement différents types de mouvement connus sous le nom de modes d'opération. Ainsi, ce type de manipulateur peut être classifié comme reconfigurable selon sa capacité de transition entre les différents modes d'opération. Cette thèse de doctorat s'articule principalement autour de l'analyse cinématique de manipulateurs parallèles à mobilité réduite, de manipulateurs parallèles en série obtenus à partir de leur empilement en série et de mécanismes conformes conçus à partir de leurs configurations singulières à contraintes. La transformation cinématique de Study est utilisée pour dériver les équations algébriques de contraintes. Ensuite, elles sont interprétées à l'aide d'outils de géométrie algébrique pour effectuer des analyses de mobilité, de cinématique et de singularité. Les techniques de ‘‘screw theory’’ et ‘‘line geometry’’ sont utilisées à côté de l'approche algébrique au besoin. / A lower mobility parallel manipulator has less than six degrees of freedom and usually exhibits different motion types known as operation modes. Thus, it can be classified as reconfigurable on account of its ability to transition between different operation modes. This doctoral thesis mainly revolves around the kinematic analysis of some lower-mobility parallel manipulators, series-parallel manipulators obtained from their serial stacking and compliant mechanisms designed using their constraint singular configurations. Study's kinematic mapping is used to derive the algebraic constraint equations. They are further interpreted using algebraic geometry tools to perform mobility, kinematic and singularity analysis. Screw theory and line geometry techniques are used adjacent to algebraic approach wherever necessary.

Designing scientific workflow following a structure and provenance-aware strategy / Conception de workflows scientifiques fondée sur la structure et la provenance

Chen, Jiuqiang 11 October 2013 (has links)
Les expériences bioinformatiques sont généralement effectuées à l'aide de workflows scientifiques dans lesquels les tâches sont enchaînées les unes aux autres pour former des structures de graphes très complexes et imbriquées. Les systèmes de workflows scientifiques ont ensuite été développés pour guider les utilisateurs dans la conception et l'exécution de workflows. Un avantage de ces systèmes par rapport aux approches traditionnelles est leur capacité à mémoriser automatiquement la provenance (ou lignage) des produits de données intermédiaires et finaux générés au cours de l'exécution du workflow. La provenance d'un produit de données contient des informations sur la façon dont le produit est dérivé, et est cruciale pour permettre aux scientifiques de comprendre, reproduire, et vérifier les résultats scientifiques facilement. Pour plusieurs raisons, la complexité du workflow et des structures d'exécution du workflow est en augmentation au fil du temps, ce qui a un impact évident sur la réutilisation des workflows scientifiques.L'objectif global de cette thèse est d'améliorer la réutilisation des workflows en fournissant des stratégies visant à réduire la complexité des structures de workflow tout en préservant la provenance. Deux stratégies sont introduites. Tout d'abord, nous proposons une approche de réécriture de la structure du graphe de n'importe quel workflow scientifique (classiquement représentée comme un graphe acyclique orienté (DAG)) dans une structure plus simple, à savoir une structure série-parallèle (SP) tout en préservant la provenance. Les SP-graphes sont simples et bien structurés, ce qui permet de mieux distinguer les principales étapes du workflow. En outre, d'un point de vue plus formel, on peut utiliser des algorithmes polynomiaux pour effectuer des opérations complexes fondées sur les graphiques (par exemple, la comparaison de workflows, ce qui est directement lié au problème d’homomorphisme de sous-graphes) lorsque les workflows ont des SP-structures alors que ces opérations sont reliées à des problèmes NP-hard pour des graphes qui sont des DAG sans aucune restriction sur leur structure. Nous avons introduit la notion de préservation de la provenance, conçu l’algorithme de réécriture SPFlow et réalisé l’outil associé.Deuxièmement, nous proposons une méthodologie avec une technique capable de réduire la redondance présente dans les workflow (en supprimant les occurrences inutiles de tâches). Plus précisément, nous détectons des « anti-modèles », un terme largement utilisé dans le domaine de la conception de programme, pour indiquer l'utilisation de formes idiomatiques qui mènent à une conception trop compliquée, et qui doit donc être évitée. Nous avons ainsi conçu l'algorithme DistillFlow qui est capable de transformer un workflow donné en un workflow sémantiquement équivalent «distillé», c’est-à-dire, qui est libre ou partiellement libre des anti-modèles et possède une structure plus concise et plus simple. Les deux principales approches de cette thèse (à savoir, SPFlow et DistillFlow) sont basées sur un modèle de provenance que nous avons introduit pour représenter la structure de la provenance des exécutions du workflowl. La notion de «provenance-équivalence» qui détermine si deux workflows ont la même signification est également au centre de notre travail. Nos solutions ont été testées systématiquement sur de grandes collections de workflows réels, en particulier avec le système Taverna. Nos outils sont disponibles à l'adresse: https://www.lri.fr/~chenj/. / Bioinformatics experiments are usually performed using scientific workflows in which tasks are chained together forming very intricate and nested graph structures. Scientific workflow systems have then been developed to guide users in the design and execution of workflows. An advantage of these systems over traditional approaches is their ability to automatically record the provenance (or lineage) of intermediate and final data products generated during workflow execution. The provenance of a data product contains information about how the product was derived, and it is crucial for enabling scientists to easily understand, reproduce, and verify scientific results. For several reasons, the complexity of workflow and workflow execution structures is increasing over time, which has a clear impact on scientific workflows reuse.The global aim of this thesis is to enhance workflow reuse by providing strategies to reduce the complexity of workflow structures while preserving provenance. Two strategies are introduced.First, we propose an approach to rewrite the graph structure of any scientific workflow (classically represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG)) into a simpler structure, namely, a series-parallel (SP) structure while preserving provenance. SP-graphs are simple and layered, making the main phases of workflow easier to distinguish. Additionally, from a more formal point of view, polynomial-time algorithms for performing complex graph-based operations (e.g., comparing workflows, which is directly related to the problem of subgraph homomorphism) can be designed when workflows have SP-structures while such operations are related to an NP-hard problem for DAG structures without any restriction on their structures. The SPFlow rewriting and provenance-preserving algorithm and its associated tool are thus introduced.Second, we provide a methodology together with a technique able to reduce the redundancy present in workflows (by removing unnecessary occurrences of tasks). More precisely, we detect "anti-patterns", a term broadly used in program design to indicate the use of idiomatic forms that lead to over-complicated design, and which should therefore be avoided. We thus provide the DistillFlow algorithm able to transform a workflow into a distilled semantically-equivalent workflow, which is free or partly free of anti-patterns and has a more concise and simpler structure.The two main approaches of this thesis (namely, SPFlow and DistillFlow) are based on a provenance model that we have introduced to represent the provenance structure of the workflow executions. The notion of provenance-equivalence which determines whether two workflows have the same meaning is also at the center of our work. Our solutions have been systematically tested on large collections of real workflows, especially from the Taverna system. Our approaches are available for use at https://www.lri.fr/~chenj/.

圖之和弦圖數與樹寬 / The Chordality and Treewidth of a Graph

游朝凱 Unknown Date (has links)
對於任何一個圖G = (V;E) ,如果我們可以找到最少的k 個弦圖(V;Ei),使得E = E1 \ \ Ek ,則我們定義此圖G = (V;E) 的chordality為k ;而一個圖G = (V;E) 的樹寬則被定義為此圖所有的樹分解的寬的最小值。在這篇論文中,最主要的結論是所有圖的chordality 會小於或等於它的樹寬;更特別的是,有一些平面圖的chordality 為3,而所有系列平行圖的chordality 頂多為2。 / The chordality of a graph G = (V;E) is dened as the minimum k such that we can write E = E1 \ \ Ek, where each (V;Ei) is a chordal graph. The treewidth of a graph G = (V;E) is dened to be the minimum width over all tree decompositions of G. In this thesis, the principal result is that the chordality of a graph is at most its treewidth. In particular, there are planar graphs with chordality 3, and series-parallel graphs have chordality at most 2.

系列平行圖的長方形數與和絃圖數 / The Boxicity and Chordality of a Series-Parallel Graph

周佳靜 Unknown Date (has links)
一個圖形G = (V,E),如果可以找到最小k個和弦圖,則此圖形G = (V,E)的和弦圖數是k。 在這篇論文中,我們呈現存在一個系列平行圖的boxicity是3,且和弦圖數是1或2,存在一個平面圖形的和弦圖數是3。 / The chordality of G = (V,E) is dened as the minimum k such that we can write E = E1n...nEk, where each (V,Ei) is a chordal graph. In this thesis, we present that (1) there are series-parallel graphs with boxicity 3, (2) there are series-parallel graphs with chordality 1 or 2, and (3) there are planar graphs with chordality 3.

Geração de expressões algébricas para processos de negócio usando reduções de digrafos série-paralelo / Generation of algebraic expressions for business processes using reductions on series-parallel digraphs

Márcio Katsumi Oikawa 25 September 2008 (has links)
Modelagem e controle de execução são duas abordagens do gerenciamento de processos de negócio que, embora complementares, têm se desenvolvido independentemente. Por um lado, a modelagem é normalmente conduzida por especialistas de negócio e explora aspectos semânticos do processo. Por outro lado, o controle de execução estuda mecanismos consistentes e eficientes de implementação. Este trabalho apresenta um método algorítmico que relaciona modelagem e controle de execução, por meio da geração de expressões algébricas a partir de digrafos acíclicos. Por hipótese, assumimos que modelos de processos de negócio são formados por estruturas baseadas em grafos, e mecanismos de controle de execução são baseados na interpretação de expressões de álgebra de processos. Para a geração de expressões algébricas, esta tese apresenta as propriedades topológicas de digrafos série-paralelo e define um sistema de transformação baseado em redução de digrafos. Além disso, um algoritmo de identificação de digrafos série-paralelo e geração de expressões algébricas é apresentado. O texto também discute o tratamento de digrafos que não são série-paralelo e apresenta, para alguns desses casos, soluções baseadas em mudanças topológicas. Finalmente, o algoritmo é ilustrado com o estudo de caso de uma aplicação real. / Modeling and execution control are complementary approaches of business process management that have been developed independently. On one hand, modeling is usually performed by business specialists and explores semantical aspects of the business process. On other hand, execution control studies consistent and efficient mechanisms for implementation. This work presents an algorithmic method which joins modeling and execution control through algebraic expression generation from acyclic digraphs. By hypothesis, we assume that business process models are defined by graph structures, and execution control mechanisms are based on interpretation of process algebra expressions. For algebraic expression generation, this thesis presents the topological properties of series-parallel digraphs and defines a transformation system based on digraph reduction. Therefore, we present an algorithm for identification of series-parallel digraphs and generation of algebraic expressions. This work also discusses the treatment of non-series-parallel digraphs and presents solutions based on topological changing for some cases. Finally, the algorithm is illustrated with a case study based on a real system.

Development and Testing of Control Strategies for the Ohio State University EcoCAR Mobility Challenge Hybrid Vehicle

Rangarajan, Hariharan January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Serial and Parallel Elastic Cable Driven Actuator (SPECA) to Achieve Efficient and Safe Human Robot Physical Interaction

Al-Ani, Al-Muthanna 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, design, integration and validation of Serial and Parallel Elastic Cable Actuator (SPECA) is presented with an aim to enhance human-device interaction in cable-driven systems of wearable robots and to optimize actuator force and power delivery to the user. Adding springs in series and in parallel to the cables acted on the mechanical joint for motion or force control have been shown individually to reduce mechanical power consumption and therefore electrical power consumption. SPECA combines both serial elastic (SE) and parallel elastic (PE) components to explore the compounded effects on a dual cable driven system controlled by a single actuator. A bi-articulating winch attached to the actuator allows control of two cables to achieve a bidirectional control of a revolute joint. Expanding the control of the single actuator, the dual cables route to a mechanical clutch that can engage up to two external winches, or four cables, simultaneously. SPECA is built as an isolated system with only the two winches of the clutch leading to end effectors creating a design capable of being integrated into many cable driven systems. A Simulink model is developed of a simple two degree of freedom (DOF) system to confirm that SE and PE elements not only increase the effective range of a system but lower the mechanical power. SPECA undergoes static and dynamic experiments to explore SE and PE in an applied system confirming the conclusions of the model along with recommendations based on observed characteristics from the experiments. SPECA serves as an exploratory and modular proof of concept for the integration of SE and PE components into many cable driven systems.

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