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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

inSOA: uma linguagem de composição de serviços para dispositivos móveis

Barcelos, Giovane Oliveira de 19 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T14:01:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Composição de serviços em dispositivos móveis está se tornando indispensável para as atuais e futuras necessidades dos usuários de TI. Estas necessidades são suportadas pela convergência de arquiteturas centralizadas para arquiteturas distribuídas que estimulam a composição de serviços web. Estes serviços web, motivados pela arquitetura Web Services, logo evoluíram para SOA. Esta arquitetura por sua vez, no contexto de orquestração de serviços, tem exigido linguagens de composição para sua efetiva implementação. Linguagens estas, que têm progredido para linguagens interpretadas e declarativas. Neste contexto de evolução, este trabalho apresenta, uma linguagem declarativa de composição de serviços chamada inSOA. Esta linguagem foi desenvolvida para ser executada em dispositivos móveis como parte de um projeto de uma arquitetura ubíqua colaborativa chamada de U-SOA. inSOA é uma solução focada em Web Services com vocação SOA e aderente aos patterns de composição de serviços, além de poder ser embutida em lin / Services composition on mobile devices is becoming essential for current and future needs of IT users. These needs are supported by the convergence from centralized to distributed architectures that encourage the web services composition. These web services, motivated by the Web Services architecture, soon evolved into an SOA. This architecture in turn, in the services orchestration, has required composition language for their effective implementation. These languages, has advanced to interpreted and declarative languages. In this evolution context, this work presents, a declarative language of services composition services called inSOA. This language was developed to execute on mobile devices as part of a project of a collaborative ubiquitous architecture called USOA. InSOA is a solution focused on Web Services and SOA adherent to the patterns of services composition, and can be embedded in a language of general purpose and light in the better DSL languages style. As a way to test and evaluate the langu

Description Sémantique de Services et d'Usines à Services pour l'Intelligence Ambiante

Emonet, Rémi 23 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
L'intelligence ambiante est un domaine hautement interdisciplinaire et implique de nombreux domaines de recherche. C'est pourquoi les avancées dans ce domaine sont conditionnées par l'interaction et l'intégration entre ces nombreuses disciplines. Ce manuscrit s'intéresse à la problématique de capitalisation des travaux existants, ainsi qu'à l'intégration dynamique de logiciels et d'appareils développés indépendamment les uns des autres. Nous proposons une intergiciel à services et une interface graphique utilisables et extensibles par les différents spécialistes. En étendant les approches à services et les principes du web sémantique, nous proposons une méthode de conception facilitant l'intégration dynamique et la composition de services. Cette méthode se base sur le concept nouveau d'usines à services : un service capable d'en instancier d'autres sur demande. Nous proposons aussi un langage de description pour ce langage.

A Web-Services-Based Approach to Model Management

Chiu, Ching-Chih 26 July 2006 (has links)
Decision support systems (DSS) are increasingly important in this highly competitive environment in which organizations face frequent and complex decision problems. The increased popularity of web technology has pushed most information systems to be web-based; DSS is no exception. Model management as a major component in DSS is also moving toward this direction. Therefore, this research examines how web services technology can be used to implement model management for decision support. In this research, a model is treated as a service. The primary purpose of this research is to achieve model integration capabilities. We adopt existing techniques for web service composition to implement a system that can support model integration. In other words, we use WSDL and BPEL4WS to develop a model integration and management method to support organizational decision making. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a trend for future information systems. Web service technology is the foundation for this paradigm shift. The method developed in this research can facilitate an organization to better manage its decision models to increase its competitive advantages.

PAX : une vision des processus métier basée sur la co-ingénierie de compositions de services / PAX : a vision of business processes based on co-engineering of services compositions

Fakhri, Myriam 14 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde la composition de services à un niveau « métier » : un processus métier est vu comme une composition de services permettant de réaliser un objectif en tenant compte d’informations contextuelles sur l’environnement. En outre, dans ces travaux de recherche, l’idée de rendre persistante les compositions est développée à des fins de réutilisation et de partage.L’approche PAX propose des modèles de spécification de compositions avec différents niveaux d’abstraction. Au niveau intentionnel, une composition de services est vue comme une composition de buts métier. À un niveau orchestré, une composition de services est spécifiée comme un processus métier dont les activités sont abstraites. À un niveau exécutable, une composition de services est un processus métier pour lequel les activités sont réalisées par des services identifiés. À un niveau trace, une compose de services est vue comme la trace de l’exécution d’un processus métier mis en œuvre par invocation de services.L’approche PAX fournit aussi une démarche flexible et de type co-ingénierie pour la définition de processus métier satisfaisant un besoin métier et basée sur la réutilisation de services et de composition de services. La démarche proposée est flexible dans la mesure où la réalisation de certaines activités est dépendante du contexte de mise en œuvre de l’approche PAX. La démarche est de type co-ingénierie : elle suggère de faire participer les acteurs métier à la conception d’un processus, i.e. d’une composition de services, pendant son exécution. La démarche de type co-ingénierie assure l’alignement entre le besoin métier et le processus permettant de le satisfaire. / This research work deals with the services compositions at a business level: a business process is seen as a composition of services to achieve an objective, taking into account contextual information on the environment. Also, in this research, the idea of considering the compositions as a persistent artefact is developed for reuse and sharing purposes.The PAχ approach offers models of compositions in order to specify compositions at different levels of abstraction. At the intentional level, a composition of services is seen as a composition of business goals. At the orchestrated level, a composition of services is specified as a business process in which some activities and operations are abstract. At the executable level, a composition of services is a business process in which the activities are carried out by identified services. At the trace level, a composition of services is seen as the trace of the execution of a business process implemented by invocation of services. The PAχ approach provides a flexible approach based on co-engineering paradigm for defining business processes which satisfies a business need and based on the reuse of services and composition of services. The proposed approach is flexible because the realization of activities depends of the context in which the PAχ approach is deployed. The approach is based on co-engineering paradigm: it suggests involving business actors to design a process, i.e. a composition of services during execution. Co-engineering improves alignment between business needs and processes to satisfy these needs.

Informations personnelles sensibles aux contextes : modélisation, interrogation et composition / Context-aware Personal Information : modeling, querying and composition

Khéfifi, Rania 26 September 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a été réalisée dans le cadre du projet PIMI, financé par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche. Elle porte sur la modélisation et l’utilisation d’informations personnelles dont la validité ou l'utilisabilité dépend du contexte. Plus particulièrement, elle a pour but d'aider l’utilisateur à réaliser des procédures en ligne. Elle aborde les problématiques de la représentation d’informations hétérogènes,d’interrogation d’espaces d’informations personnelles contextualisées, de remplissage automatique de formulaires et de réalisation automatique de procédures définies à un haut niveau d’abstraction par composition de services disponibles en ligne. Pour répondre à ces problématiques, nous avons proposé plusieurs contributions.La première contribution porte sur la gestion d’un espace d’informations personnelles. Nous avons proposé une modélisation permettant la description des informations personnelles en utilisant plusieurs ontologies de domaine. Ces informations personnelles sont ainsi instanciées avec différentes valeurs dont l’utilisabilité dépend du contexte et d'un degré d'utilisabilité. Nous avons également proposé deux algorithmes d’interrogation contextuelles SQE et FQE qui permettent la recherche par des requêtes sur des informations personnelles stockées.La seconde contribution porte sur l'utilisation de ces informations par de différents services en ligne, et ce dans deux cas. Dans le cas du remplissage automatique de formulaires, nous avons proposé un algorithme permettant de générer une requête sémantique à partir de la représentation annotée d’un formulaire. Cette requête est évaluée en utilisant les deux algorithmes d'interrogation SQE et FQE. Dans le cas de la réalisation d'un objectif utilisateur par composition de services, nous avons étendu l'algorithme de Graphplan pour prendre en compte la contextualisation des données et des politiques de sécurité spécifiées par l'utilisateur. Ces dernières permettent ainsi à l'utilisateur d'augmenter le contrôle sur ses informations et de limiter leur divulgation. / This thesis was conducted within the PIMI project, financed by the National Agency of the Research. It concerns the modeling, the querying and thecomposition of personal information. We considered that the use and the accessto personal information is context dependent (e.g., social, geographical). More particularly, it aims to support the user when realising online,administrative or personal procedures. In this setting, the tackled problems arethe representation of heterogeneous information, the context-aware personalinformation spaces querying, the automatic form-filling and the automaticrealization of procedures defined at a high level of abstraction by compositionof online available services.To solve these problems, we have developped several contributions. The first oneconcerns the management of the personal information space. We havedefined a model allowing the description of personal information using severaldomain ontologies. Our model can be instantiated on the user's personalinformation with several usability values depending on the context and with ausability degree. We have also proposed two contextualquerying algorithms SQE and FQE which allow to query the recorded information.The second contribution concerns the use of these information by several onlineservices. It presents two use cases. In the case of the automaticforms-filling, we have proposed an algorithm allowing to generate a semanticquery from an annotated form representation. This query is evaluated by usingboth querying algorithms SQE and FQE. Then, in the case of the user objectiverealization (an abstract procedure) by service composition, we have extendedthe Graphplan algorithm to take into account the contextualization of the dataand the access policy rules specified by the user. The latter allows the user toincrease the control of its information and to limit their leaking.

Teste de composição de web services: uma estratégia baseada em um modelo de teste de programas paralelos / Web services composition testing: a strategy based on a test model of parallel programs

Endo, André Takeshi 17 April 2008 (has links)
WEb Services constituem uma tecnologia emergente utilizada para disponibilização de serviços na Web. Devido aos complexos processos de negócio existentes, esses serviços são combinados para que operem seguindo um fluxo de trabalho. Esse processo é chamado de composição de Web Services. Como no processo de desenvolvimento de um software tradicional, a atividade de teste é fundamental no processo de desenvolvimento da composição de Web Services. Neste trabalho é proposta uma estratégia de teste para a composição de Web Services, em que especificações de composições são transformadas para um modelo de teste de programas paralelos baseados em passagem de mensagens. É proposto o conceito de grupos de elementos requeridos para melhorar a cobertura dos critérios. Uma ferramenta de apoio à estratégia de teste foi desenvolvida. Alguns estudos experimentais para avaliar a aplicabilidade da estratégia proposta também são apresentados. Além disso, é proposto um método que utiliza redes de Petri para eliminar sincronizações não-executáveis no envio e recebimento de mensagens / WEb Services constitute an emerging technology for deploying services in the Web. Due to the complex business processes, these services are combined to operate, following a workflow. This process is named Web Services Composition. As in the development process of a traditional software, the testing activity is fundamental in the development process of Web Services Composition. This work proposes a test strategy for Web Services Composition, in that composition specifications are transformed into a test model of message-passing parallel programs. The concept of required elements groups is proposed to improve the criteria coverage. A tool that supports the test strategy was developed. Some experimental studies for evaluating the applicability of proposed strategy are also presented. Furthermore, it presents a method that uses Petri Nets to eliminate non-executable synchronizations in the sending and receiving of messages

Résolution de contraintes de déductibilité : application à la composition de services Web sécurisés / Resolution of constraint systems for automatic composition of security-aware Web Services

Avanesov, Tigran 19 September 2011 (has links)
Les contraintes de déductibilité ont été introduites pour vérifier les protocoles cryptographiques. Cette thèse présente une procédure de décision pour le problème de satisfaisabilité des systèmes généraux de contraintes de déductibilité. Deux cas sont envisagés: la théorie de Dolev-Yao standard et son extension par un opérateur associatif, commutatif, idempotent. Le résultat est utilisé pour résoudre le problème de l'orchestration automatique et distribué de services Web sécurisés. Comme seconde application nous proposons une procédure pour décider la sécurité d'un nombre fini de sessions de protocole en présence de plusieurs intrus qui ne communiquent pas. Nous montrons également comment il est possible de détecter certaines attaques par réécriture qui exploitent le format des messages en XML / Deducibility constraints have been introduced to verify cryptographic protocols. This thesis gives a decision procedure for the satisfiability problem of general deducibility constraints. Two cases are considered: the standard Dolev-Yao theory and its extension with an associative, commutative idempotent operator. The result is applied to solve the automated distributed orchestration problem for secured Web services. As a second application we give a procedure to decide the security of a cryptographic protocol in presence of several non-communicating intruders. We also show how it is possible to detect some XML rewriting attacks on Web services

Modelos e algoritmos para composição de Web services com qualidade de serviço / Models and algorithms for Web services composition with quality of service

Kuehne, Bruno Tardiole 27 November 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho de mestrado apresenta a modelagem, a prototipação e os resultados do desenvolvimento de um middleware para composição dinâmica de Web Services denominado DWSC-M (Dynamic Web service Composition Middleware). O objetivo principal desse middleware é permitir que serviços sejam compostos dinamicamente considerando aspectos de qualidade de serviço na escolha dos serviços que fazem parte de um fluxo de composição. Para complementar o funcionamento do middleware DWSC-M foram propostos dois algoritmos para seleção de Web Services: o primeiro utiliza seleção aleatória e o segundo utiliza distância Euclidiana para seleção de serviços e considera, para tal finalidade, os parâmetros de QoS enviados pela requisição do cliente do serviço / This work presents the modeling, the prototype and the results of the developing of a middleware for dynamic composition of Web Services named DWSC-M (Dynamic Web Service Composition Middleware). The main focus of this middleware is to allow services being dynamically composed, considering aspects of quality of service in the choice of services that are part of the composite flow. Complementing the operation of the DWSC-M middleware two algorithms were proposed for Web Services selection : the first one uses Random selection and the second one uses Euclidean Distance for the selection of services and considers for this purpose the QoS parameters sent by the client service request

Teste de composição de web services: uma estratégia baseada em um modelo de teste de programas paralelos / Web services composition testing: a strategy based on a test model of parallel programs

André Takeshi Endo 17 April 2008 (has links)
WEb Services constituem uma tecnologia emergente utilizada para disponibilização de serviços na Web. Devido aos complexos processos de negócio existentes, esses serviços são combinados para que operem seguindo um fluxo de trabalho. Esse processo é chamado de composição de Web Services. Como no processo de desenvolvimento de um software tradicional, a atividade de teste é fundamental no processo de desenvolvimento da composição de Web Services. Neste trabalho é proposta uma estratégia de teste para a composição de Web Services, em que especificações de composições são transformadas para um modelo de teste de programas paralelos baseados em passagem de mensagens. É proposto o conceito de grupos de elementos requeridos para melhorar a cobertura dos critérios. Uma ferramenta de apoio à estratégia de teste foi desenvolvida. Alguns estudos experimentais para avaliar a aplicabilidade da estratégia proposta também são apresentados. Além disso, é proposto um método que utiliza redes de Petri para eliminar sincronizações não-executáveis no envio e recebimento de mensagens / WEb Services constitute an emerging technology for deploying services in the Web. Due to the complex business processes, these services are combined to operate, following a workflow. This process is named Web Services Composition. As in the development process of a traditional software, the testing activity is fundamental in the development process of Web Services Composition. This work proposes a test strategy for Web Services Composition, in that composition specifications are transformed into a test model of message-passing parallel programs. The concept of required elements groups is proposed to improve the criteria coverage. A tool that supports the test strategy was developed. Some experimental studies for evaluating the applicability of proposed strategy are also presented. Furthermore, it presents a method that uses Petri Nets to eliminate non-executable synchronizations in the sending and receiving of messages

Modelos e algoritmos para composição de Web services com qualidade de serviço / Models and algorithms for Web services composition with quality of service

Bruno Tardiole Kuehne 27 November 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho de mestrado apresenta a modelagem, a prototipação e os resultados do desenvolvimento de um middleware para composição dinâmica de Web Services denominado DWSC-M (Dynamic Web service Composition Middleware). O objetivo principal desse middleware é permitir que serviços sejam compostos dinamicamente considerando aspectos de qualidade de serviço na escolha dos serviços que fazem parte de um fluxo de composição. Para complementar o funcionamento do middleware DWSC-M foram propostos dois algoritmos para seleção de Web Services: o primeiro utiliza seleção aleatória e o segundo utiliza distância Euclidiana para seleção de serviços e considera, para tal finalidade, os parâmetros de QoS enviados pela requisição do cliente do serviço / This work presents the modeling, the prototype and the results of the developing of a middleware for dynamic composition of Web Services named DWSC-M (Dynamic Web Service Composition Middleware). The main focus of this middleware is to allow services being dynamically composed, considering aspects of quality of service in the choice of services that are part of the composite flow. Complementing the operation of the DWSC-M middleware two algorithms were proposed for Web Services selection : the first one uses Random selection and the second one uses Euclidean Distance for the selection of services and considers for this purpose the QoS parameters sent by the client service request

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