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Análise do desempenho de uma motobomba de superfície acionada por um motor CA indução tipo shaded pole alimentado por painel fotovoltaico / Analysis of a centrifugal surface pump supported by a shaded pole AC motor connected to photovoltaic panelBarin, Wilson Antonio 29 March 2012 (has links)
The proposed work evaluates the technical viability of a photovoltaic pumping system
and presents the main characteristics of the system application. The pumping system uses a
lead acid battery and a photovoltaic panel. The battery supplies energy to an alternating
current motor, namely Shaded Pole, which feeds the centrifugal surface pump. The energy
from the battery is changed to AC voltage by a DC-AC inverter, 12/220 V. The voltage level
applied on this battery is monitored by a load controller (solar power regulator). The whole
proposed system is made in Brazil, which facilitates the purchase, alteration and building of
the system. The amount of water pumped is related to the solar radiation, the solar exposition
period, the manometric height and the pumping power. By evaluating the proposed system is
possible to find the volume of pumped water and how this amount will be applied at small
rural municipalities, as human and animal water consumption, irrigation, among others. / O presente trabalho tem por finalidade determinar o comportamento e a viabilidade
técnica e energética de um sistema de bombeamento fotovoltaico utilizando uma bateria do
tipo chumbo-ácido, estacionária ou usada em veículos automotores, alimentada por um painel
fotovoltaico. A bateria fornecerá energia elétrica para um motor elétrico CA, tipo Shaded
Pole, que por sua vez acionará uma bomba centrífuga de superfície. A transformação da CC
da bateria em CA, para alimentar o motor da bomba, se dará através de um Inversor CC-CA,
12/220 V. A tensão elétrica aplicada na bateria, pelo painel, será monitorada por um
Controlador de Carga Solar. O conjunto motobomba será de fabricação brasileira, de modo a
facilitar a aquisição, reposição e montagem do sistema proposto. A quantidade de água diária
a ser bombeada pelo sistema dependerá da radiação solar do local, das horas em que o painel
alimentará a bateria, da altura manométrica e da potência da motobomba. A partir da
avaliação deste sistema de bombeamento em questão, com a motobomba alimentada pela luz
solar que incide no painel fotovoltaico e pela bateria, será possível determinar o volume de
água bombeado e como este será utilizada em pequenas propriedades rurais ou assentamentos,
visando atender as diversas necessidades destas localidades, como irrigação de produtos
hortigranjeiros, consumo humano, animal (bebedouro), entre outros.
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Vliv stínění na I-U charakteristiky fotovoltaických modulů / Influence of shading on I-V characteristics of photovoltaic modulesHájek, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
The presented thesis is concerned with the principles of Photovoltaics. It describes the basic principles of photovoltaic panels functioning and the unique periods of their developement. The thesis is also focused on the theoretical knowledge of equivalent circuits of photovoltaic panels. The primary objective of the thesis is a project of simulation environment in the programme Agilent VEE Pro 8.0. The programme enables a simulation of I-U characteristics of real photovoltaic panels.
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Developing outdoor map design guidelines using a real-world wayfinding taskSoh, Boon Kee 31 May 2002 (has links)
This exploratory study aims to elucidate the mental processes of wayfinding in an outdoor area and the effects of map contour representations, map color, individual differences of users (gender, brain dominance, experience level, and cultural differences), and environmental cues using a field study in an established trail network in Jefferson National Forest. Six maps with three different contour representations (contour lines, shaded relief, and schematic) and two color codes (color and black-and-white) were tested for wayfinding performance. Thirty-six participants of different nationalities (Locals versus Internationals), experience in map usage (experienced versus novice), handedness, and gender took part in the study. Three out of ten junctions on the test route had directional signs while the rest had no sign. The participants performed wayfinding tasks in a national forest trail park, using the think aloud and retrospective protocols to obtain the information processes used by the participants during wayfinding. Subjective feedback was also obtained to find out users' map preferences and opinions on their experience during the experiment.
Multiple regression analyses were used to predict the relationship of the predictor variables to wayfinding performance. It was found that cultural differences and signage presence were significant predictors of decision-making accuracy at trail junctions. The rest of the predictors were not significant in predicting total time of completion, time for decision-making at junction, accuracy of decision-making, and time deviated from route due to choosing a wrong path at junction. Cultural differences were also significant in the prediction of the time deviated from route.
It was also found that the participants were using maps to derived route information for wayfinding. They utilized structural matching of the map with the terrain, by orientation principle, to continuously check the current position on the map. There was some evidence of participants gaining survey knowledge from the map during wayfinding but this could not be confirmed by the study. A set of design guidelines were given for map and trail design to improve the wayfinding performance of recreational users. / Master of Science
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Skuggad terrängmodell och historiska kartor : Identifiering av forn- och kulturhistoriska lämningar i skogsmark / Shaded terrain models and historical maps : Identificetion of cultural heritage in forestlandSaur, Angelica January 2018 (has links)
Forestry has major negative effect with damage on cultural heritage in forest land. To avoid this, forestry needs to find new methods to search for and identify remains. In this study it was examined if shaded terrain models and historical maps could be used to identify ancient and cultural heritage in forest land. A field inventory was conducted to compare the cultural heritage objects identified in the digital maps with those found in the forest. The result showed that it is possible to identify ancient and cultural heritage using shaded terrain models and historical maps. 8 of the identified objects were also identified in field as real remnants. In historical maps, two remains were interpreted and identified, one of which was also identified in shaded terrain model. The conclusion was that shaded terrain model is an uncertain method to use, but together with other data it can be helpful to find cultural heritage. Forestry has major negative effect with damage on cultural heritage in forest land. To avoid this, forestry needs to find new methods to search for and identify remains. In this study it was examined if shaded terrain models and historical maps could be used to identify ancient and cultural heritage in forest land. A field inventory was conducted to compare the cultural heritage objects identified in the digital maps with those found in the forest. The result showed that it is possible to identify ancient and cultural heritage using shaded terrain models and historical maps. 8 of the identified objects were also identified in field as real remnants. In historical maps, two remains were interpreted and identified, one of which was also identified in shaded terrain model. The conclusion was that shaded terrain model is an uncertain method to use, but together with other data it can be helpful to find cultural heritage. / Forn- och kulturlämningar är historiska spår från våra förfäder och som till stor del återfinns i våra skogar. Skogsbrukets framfart har visat sig ha en stor negativ påverkan på lämningarna. SCA, Länsstyrelsen, Skogsstyrelsen och andra skogliga bolag har år 2020 satt upp en nollvision, inga forn- och kulturlämningar ska skadas. För att uppnå detta behöver skogsbruket hitta nya metoder för att söka ut och identifiera lämningar. I denna studie utfördes en analys av skuggad terrängmodell och historiska kartor för att undersöka om det är möjligt att identifiera forn- och kulturlämningar i skogsmark. Efter analysen utfördes en fältinventering för att fastställa om de tolkade lämningarna var verkliga lämningar och vilka lämningstyper det i så fall var. Studien avgränsades till trakter i Västernorrland och till lämningstyperna; fångstgrop, kolbotten, tjärdal, röse, stenmur, stig och husgrund. Resultatet visar att det är möjligt att identifiera forn- och kulturlämningar med hjälp av skuggad terrängmodell och historiska kartor. 8 av de tolkade lämningarna identifierades som verkliga lämningar. I historiska kartor tolkades och identifierades 2 lämningar, varav en även var identifierade i skuggad terrängmodell. Slutsatsen blev att enbart använda sig av skuggad terrängmodell för identifiering av forn- och kulturlämningar bedömdes vara en osäker metod i sig, men som komplement till andra data kan det vara en hjälp för att identifiera lämningar.
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Vliv zvýšené koncentrace oxidu uhličitého na aktivitu a obsah enzymu Rubisco ve slunných a stinných jehlicích smrku ztepilého / Influence of elevated carbon dioxide concentration at Rubisco activity and its content in sunny and shaded needles of Norway spruceŠibravová, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis’s aim was to determine Rubisco activity and its content in sunny and shaded needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and confirm or refuse acclimation on Rubisco enzyme level. Samples were taken on the Experimental ecology station Czech Academy of Sciences at Bílý Kříž (Beskydy Mountains) where needles were cultivated in two cultivation spheres with different concetrations CO2. One cultivation sphere contains atmosphere with ambient (A) concentration CO2 (350 mol CO2 mol-1) and the other contains atmosphere with elevated (E) concentration CO2 (700 mol CO2 mol-1). Rubisco activities were determinated spectrophotometric, Rubisco content was determined by SDS-PAGE method. Samples were taken in the modele of June and in the end of September. Elevated concetration CO2 did not have significant influence on Rubisco activity. Whereas different exposition had significant influence on Rubisco activity in June, when was found lower Rubisco activity in shaded needles than in sunny needles. In September were not find significant differences in Rubisco activity beetwen sunny and shaded needles. We did not find statistically significant differences in Rubisco content between A and E needles in June. Incontrary, we found about 34 % lower Rubisco content in E needles than in A needles, which confirms acclimation on Rubisco enzyme level. In September Rubisco content was several time higher than in June, which evidences the long term building photosynthetic apparatus in coniferous trees.
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Asynchronní motor se stíněným pólem / Shaded-Pole Induction motorŽuška, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Single-phase shade-pole motor has easy structure, and i tis chlap. It can be used as a drive of electrical fans, drive of small household appliancesor as a gramophonic motor. Motor is rotating one way only. Direction of roteting is given by positron of shading ring. Motor is not very effective, and i tis not efficient.
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Malé asynchronní motory pro specifické aplikace / Small Induction Motors for Specific ApplicationsBárta, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this master`s thesis is to introduce the principle of construction of a single-phase shade-pole motor and its utilization in automotive industry. It is very simple motor in its structure. The position of shading ring gives us the direction of rotation. It is used mainly when low efficiency is needed, e. g. to run electrical fans, small household appliancesor. Cheap construction is its undeniable advantage.
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Sustentabilidade de sistemas de produção de café sombreado orgânico e convencional / Sustainability of shaded organic and conventional coffee systemsMoreira, Cassio Franco 17 April 2009 (has links)
Produzido em mais de 60 países e movimentando anualmente US$ 70 bilhões, o café é a segunda commodity mais comercializada no mundo, atrás somente do petróleo. É também, depois da água, a bebida mais popular, com consumo mundial anual superior a 400 bilhões de xícaras. O mercado internacional de cafés especiais, como orgânicos, sombreados, gourmets e socialmente justos cresce 12% ao ano, gerando oportunidades para produtores de café do mundo todo. Apesar de o Brasil ser o maior produtor e exportador mundial de café, com 38 milhões de sacas de 60 kg produzidas e 26 milhões de sacas exportadas na média dos anos de 2003 a 2007, sua produção de café sombreado e orgânico é reduzida. O cultivo sombreado predomina na maioria dos países enquanto o Brasil é caracterizado por áreas de monocultivo a pleno sol. Assim, grande parte da produção brasileira de café é originada de sistemas com pouca biodiversidade, contrapondo-se à crescente preocupação mundial com o meio ambiente e a qualidade de vida. Sistemas sombreados de café aumentam a biodiversidade nas propriedades e contribuem para a mitigação do aquecimento global, além de apresentarem vantagens técnicas potenciais como menor pressão de pragas e doenças e melhoria das condições hídricas e térmicas locais. A discussão sobre cultivo sombreado versus a pleno sol já se desenvolve há mais de um século, contudo, até hoje, o assunto permanece controverso. Portanto, a pesquisa nacional deve avaliar cientificamente diferentes sistemas de produção de café, obtendo informações qualitativas e quantitativas, visando sustentabilidade e ganho de competitividade do produto brasileiro. A hipótese do trabalho é que o sombreamento do cafeeiro com uma espécie caducifólia no período de dias curtos, secos e frios, não reduz a produtividade em relação ao cafeeiro a pleno sol nesta região do país, além de promover maior ciclagem de nutrientes no sistema e melhor qualidade de grãos. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se o cultivo de café arábica, orgânico e convencional, sombreado com a espécie Platycyamus regnellii, leguminosa, nativa, caducifólia no período de dias curtos, no sul do Estado de Minas Gerais, resulta em vantagens técnicas. Os experimentos foram instalados no município de Machado, sul do Estado de Minas Gerais, em fazendas com distintos sistemas de produção, orgânico e convencional, em lavouras de café arábica variedade Catuaí Amarelo, espaçamento de 3,5 m x 1,5 m e idade de 17 anos. Parcelas dos tratamentos sombreado e a pleno sol foram implantadas em cada sistema, sendo o sombreamento proporcionado por indivíduos arbóreos adultos da espécie leguminosa Platycyamus regnellii, localmente chamada Pau Pereira. Avaliaram-se produtividade do cafeeiro, características químicas de solo, folhas e grãos, qualidade dos grãos de café produzidos (bebida, tipo e tamanho) e radiação solar incidente no solo. A ciclagem de nutrientes proporcionada pela queda de folhas da espécie arbórea também é ponto importante do trabalho. Resultados mostraram que além de produzirem quantidade de café similar aos tratamentos a pleno sol, os tratamentos sombreados apresentaram, em geral, teores mais elevados de nutrientes nos solos, folhas e grãos além de melhor qualidade dos grãos, concluindo-se que o sistema sombreado é tecnicamente mais sustentável. Devido ao crescimento de diferentes certificações na cafeicultura, foram também avaliadas as principais certificações de café no Brasil objetivando fornecer informações aos produtores e consumidores. / Produced in more than 60 countries and with an annual turnover of US$ 70 billions, coffee is the world second most traded commodity, only behind oil. It is also, after water, the most popular beverage, with an annual world consumption of 400 billion cups. International market for specialty coffees such as organic, shaded, gourmets and fair trade increases 12% a year, generating opportunities for coffee producers worldwide. In spite of Brazil being the largest world coffee producer and exporter, with 38 million bags of 60 kg produced and 26 million bags exported in the average of the years 2003 till 2007, its production of shaded coffee and organic coffee is still very low. Shaded coffee cultivation dominates in most of the producing countries while Brazilian production is characterized by full sun monoculture areas. Consequently most of Brazil coffee production originates from low biodiversity production systems, opposed to the rising world concern on environment and life quality. Shaded coffee systems increase biodiversity and contribute to mitigation of global warming besides presenting potential technical advantages such as lower pest pressure and improvement of the hydric and thermal local conditions. The discussion on shaded coffee versus full sun coffee has been going on for more than a century and still today the subject is controversial. Therefore the Brazilian science must study the distinct coffee systems in order to obtain qualitative and quantitative data aiming at sustainability and increase in the competitiveness of the national product. The hypothesis of this work is that coffee shading with a tree that loses its leaves in the period of short, dry and cold days, do not result in decrease of coffee productivity in comparison to full sun coffee for this region of Brazil besides promoting higher nutrient cycling and better coffee quality. The aim of this work is to verify if the cultivation of arabica coffee, organic and conventional, shaded with the Platycyamus regnellii specie, a leguminous, native tree that loses its leaves in the short days period, in the south of Minas Gerais state, will result in technical gain. Experiments were established at the municipality of Machado, south of Minas Gerais state, in farms from distinct systems, organic and conventional, in arabica coffee plantations, Catuaí Amarelo variety, spacing of 3,5 m x 1,5 m and 17 years of age. Plots from the shaded and full sun treatments were established for each system and the shading was provided by adult trees from the native leguminous specie Platycyamus regnellii, locally known as Pau-Pereira. Parameters of coffee productivity, soil, leaves and beans chemical characteristics, coffee quality (drink, type and size) and solar radiation were evaluated. Nutrient cycling from the fall of the shade tree leaves is also an important part of the work. Results show that besides producing the same amount of coffee than full sun treatments, the shaded treatments presented, in general, higher levels of nutrients on soils, leaves and coffee beans and better coffee quality, concluding that the shaded system is technically more sustainable. Due to the increase of distinct coffee certification, this work also studies the main coffee certification systems aiming to supply information to producers and consumers.
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Physiological and metabolic effects of irrigation and drought regimen in two clones early dwarf cashew tress. / Respostas fisiolÃgicas e bioquÃmicas de dois clones de cajueiro anÃo precoce submetidos aos cultivos irrigado e nÃo irrigadoMichella de Albuquerque Lima 14 February 2008 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa AgropecuÃria / Os efeitos dos regimes irrigado e de sequeiro foram avaliados em folhas sombreadas e a pleno sol nos clones de cajueiro anÃo precoce (Anacardium occidentale L) CCP 76 e BRS 189. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na EstaÃÃo Experimental da Embrapa AgroindÃstria Tropical, em Paraipaba, CearÃ, entre setembro de 2006 e agosto de 2007. Mensalmente, foram investigados a condutÃncia estomÃtica, a taxa transpiratÃria, a taxa fotossintÃtica, a relaÃÃo entre a concentraÃÃo interna e externa de CO2, o potencial osmÃtico. O teor de Ãgua, de proteÃnas solÃveis, de prolina, de N-aminossolÃveis, de carboidratos (aÃÃcares totais, redutores e nÃo redutores e de amido), a atividade das enzimas do metabolismo do carbono, sintase da sacarose fostato (SPS), sintase da sacarose (SuSy), pirofosforilase do ADP glicose (AGPase) e das amilases (alfa, beta e total) foram determinados nas folhas das plantas bi-mensalmente.AlÃm disso, foram analisadas a qualidade pÃs-colheita dos pedÃnculos dos clones em ambos os tratamentos. Em geral, nÃo foram encontradas diferenÃas significativas entre os dois tipos de cultivos para os dois clones e tipos de folha em relaÃÃo aos parÃmetros fisiolÃgicos, tais como, fotossÃntese, transpiraÃÃo e condutÃncia estomÃtica. Essas variÃveis foram afetadas apenas em funÃÃo da Ãpoca do ano. Carboidratos, tais como amido e aÃÃcares redutores, tiveram uma tendÃncia de acÃmulo nas folhas de sol e de sombra no mÃs de maio, exibindo teores menores no mÃs de setembro, Ãpoca em que os teores de aÃÃcares nÃo-redutores (sacarose) aumentaram para suprir a formaÃÃo de frutos. Sob o regime nÃo irrigado, as enzimas SPS, SuSy e AGPase tiveram suas atividades justificadas parcialmente quando relacionadas com as variaÃÃes nos teores de aÃÃcares totais e amido. A atividade amilÃsica total variou para os regimes de irrigaÃÃo, clone e folhas em relaÃÃo ao perÃodo do ano. A supressÃo da irrigaÃÃo para os clones CCP 76 e BRS 189 durante o experimento nÃo foi capaz de modificar a qualidade pÃs-colheita dos pedÃnculos de caju. As variaÃÃes ao longo do experimento comprovam o efeito da forÃa dos drenos nas diversas fases fenolÃgicas e para os ÃrgÃos reprodutivos das plantas de cajueiro. As plantas de cajueiro anÃo precoce possuem, portanto, uma plasticidade, quando cultivadas em condiÃÃes de sequeiro, conseguindo manter suas atividades metabÃlica e fisiolÃgica vitais sem maiores danos à planta como um todo. / Effects of irrigation and drought regimen were evaluated on
shaded and sunny leaves in
clones of early dwarf cashew trees (Anacardium occidentale
L) CCP 76 and BRS 189. The
experiments were conducted at the Embrapa Agro
indÃstria Tropical experimental station in
Paraipaba, CearÃ, between Setember of
2006 and August of 2007. The means for the
obtained data were statistically analysed
at a 5% level of significance. Stomatal
conductance(gs), respiratory rate(E),
photosynthetic rate (A), relation between inner and
outer concentration of CO2 (Ci/Car), osmotic potential (Ψs) and water usage efficiency
were accessed monthly. The relative water cont
ent, of soluble proteins, prolin, N-amino
soluble, of sugars (soluble, reductants, non-
reductants, starch) and activity of carbon metabolism enzymes, sucrose-phosphate synt
hase (SPS), sucrose synthase (SuSy), ADP
phosphorylase, glucose and amylases (alfa, beta
and total) were determined on leaves each
two months. Beyond that, the postharvest qual
ity of pseudofruits of the clones on both
treatments was accessed. In general, no significant differences were found among
cultivations for both clones in relation to
physiological parameters, like photosynthesis,
transpiration and stomatal conductance. These variants were affected only in function of
the time of year. Independently of irrigation regimen, wate
r usage efficiency was lower
during the drought (from June to December)
in relation to the months with higher
pluviometric precipitation (from January to May). Carbohydr
ates such as starch and
reductant sugars tend to accumulate on both sunny and shaded leaves on May, while their
contents are smaller on September, a time when
non-reductant sugars (sucrose) increase in
order to supply fruit formation. Under a
drought regimen, enzymes SPS, SuSy and ADP
correlate partially with the variations of contents of soluble sugars and starch. Total
amylasic activity varied for irrigation regimens, clones and kind
of leaves in relation to the
period of the year. The supression of the hydric regimen for the clones CCP 76 and BRS
189 during the experiment wasn't able to chan
ge the postharvest quality of the cashew
pseudofruits. The variations shown during the experiment confirm the effect of drainage
strength on several phenological
phases and for the reprodutive or
gans of the cashew trees.
The trees of early dwarf cashew have, therefore, some plasticity when exposed to drought
conditions, being able to maintain metaboli
cal and physiological activity without major
damage to the individual as a whole.
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The impact of the radiation balance on snowmelt in a sparse deciduous birch forestTurton, Rachael Heather January 2017 (has links)
The representation of high-latitude surface processes and quantifying surface-climate feedbacks are some of the most serious shortcomings of present day Arctic land surface modelling. The energy balance of seasonally snow-covered sparse deciduous forests at high latitudes is poorly understood and inaccurately represented within hydrological and climate models. Snow cover plays an important role in wintertime fluxes of energy, water and carbon, controlling the length of the active growing season and hence the overall carbon balance of Arctic ecosystems. Snow cover is non-uniform and spatially variable, as wind redistributes snow from areas of exposed open tundra to sheltered areas within the forest, where a deeper snowpack develops. Low solar zenith angles, coupled with sparse deciduous leafless trees, cast shadows across the snow surface. The spatial distribution of canopy gaps determines the timing of direct radiation which penetrates down through the canopy to the snow surface. The forest canopy also excludes incoming longwave radiation and yet also emits longwave radiation to the snow surface. Consequently the forest canopy plays a key role in the radiation balance of sparse forests. To improve our knowledge of these complex processes, meteorological and field observations were taken in an area of highly heterogeneous birch Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii forest in Abisko, Sweden during the spring of 2008 and 2009. Detailed measurements of short and longwave radiation above and below the canopy, hemispherical photographs, tree temperatures and snow surveys were conducted to quantify the radiation balance of the sparse deciduous forest. An array of below canopy pyranometers found the mean canopy transmissivity to be 74 % in 2008 and 76 % in 2009. Hemispherical photographs taken at the pyranometer locations analysed with Gap Light Analyzer (GLA) showed reasonable agreement with a mean canopy transmissivity of 75 % in 2008 and 74 % in 2009. The canopy transmissivity was found to be independent of the diffuse fraction of radiation as the canopy is very sparse. A series of survey grids and transects were established to scale up from the below canopy pyranometers to the landscape scale. Hemispherical photographs analysed with GLA showed the sparse forest canopy had a mean transmissivity of 78 % and a mean LAI of 0.25, whereas the open tundra had a mean transmissivity of 97 % and a mean LAI of < 0.01. Snow surveys showed the sparse forest snow depth to vary between 0.34 and 0.55 m, whereas the snow depth in the open tundra varied between 0.12 and 0.18 m. Observations of canopy temperatures showed a strong influence of incident shortwave radiation warming the tree branches to temperatures up to 15 °C warmer than ambient air temperature on the south facing sides of the trees, and up to 6 °C on the north facing sides of the trees. To reproduce the observed radiation balance, two canopy models (Homogenous and Clumped) were developed. The Homogeneous canopy model assumes a single tree tile with a uniform sparse canopy. The Clumped canopy model assumes a tree and a grass tile, where the tree tile is permanently in shade from the canopy and the grass tile receives all the incoming radiation. These canopy models identified the need for a parameter that accounts for the spatial and temporal variation of the shaded gaps within the sparse forest. JULES (Joint UK Land Environment Simulator) is the community land surface model used in the UK Hadley Centre GCM suite. Modifications of the land-surface interactions were included in JULES to represent the shaded gaps within the sparse deciduous forest. New parameterisations were developed for the time-varying sunlit fractions of the gap (flit), the sky-view fraction (fv), and the longwave radiation emitted from the canopy (LWtree). These model developments were informed by field observations of the forest canopy and evaluated against the below canopy short and longwave radiation observed data sets. The JULES Shaded gap model output showed a strong positive relationship with the observations of below canopy shortwave and longwave radiation. The JULES Shaded gap model improves the ratio of observed to modelled short and longwave radiation on sunny days compared to the JULES model. The JULES Shaded gap model reduces the time to snow melt by 2 to 4 days compared to the JULES model, making the model output more aligned with in-situ observational data. This shortening of the modelled snow-season directly impacts on the simulated carbon and water balance regionally and has wider relevance at the pan-Arctic scale. When JULES Shaded Gap was evaluated on the global scale, it improved the modelled snowmass across large areas of sparse forest in northern Canada, Scandinavia and Northern Russia with respect to GlobSnow. The performance of the land surface-snow-vegetation interactions of JULES was improved by using the Shaded gap to model the radiation balance of sparse forests in climate-sensitive Arctic regions. Furthermore these observational data can be used to develop and evaluate high latitude land-surface processes and biogeochemical feedbacks in other earth system models.
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