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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Corporate Equity Warrant: Pricing Arbitrage-Free ed Implicazioni per la Finanza Aziendale / Corporate Equity Warrants: Arbitrage-Free Pricing and Implications for Corporate Finance

BARBI, MASSIMILIANO 06 March 2009 (has links)
I corporate equity warrant rappresentano un affascinante metodo di finanziamento “ibrido” disponibile per le imprese. In prima approssimazione, un warrant è assimilabile ad una opzione call e, pertanto, il pricing è spesso effettuato applicando le formule di valutazione sviluppate per tali strumenti dalla teoria finanziaria. Tuttavia, la valutazione dei warrant presenta complicazioni ulteriori rispetto alla determinazione del prezzo di opzioni call, e la ragione risiede principalmente in alcuni elementi distintivi di maggiore complessità, tra cui l’effetto diluitivo del capitale esistente derivante dall’esercizio, ed il c.d. effetto “risk-shifting”, in base al quale si verifica un trasferimento di rischio sistematico dagli azionisti ai possessori di warrant, non appena questi strumenti vengono emessi. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è di analizzare il tema dell’emissione dei corporate warrant dal punto di vista della finanza d’impresa e derivare un metodo di pricing innovativo per tener conto di un fenomeno (risk-shifting effect) tuttora non considerato dalla letteratura finanziaria. Dopo aver derivato formalmente tale approccio e le formule ad esso conseguenti, il lavoro propone una simulazione teorica ed un test empirico condotto su un campione di warrant quotati sul mercato italiano. Entrambi tali verifiche dimostrano come il modello presentato incorpori una maggiore bontà previsiva del prezzo di mercato rispetto agli approcci esistenti. / Corporate equity warrants are one of the more fascinating capital-raising tools available to corporate finance officers. At a first approximation, they are option-like securities and according to this similarity, the pricing is usually performed by application of the standard option pricing theory. However, the theoretical and empirical analysis of warrants still remains an interesting research field within the finance literature. The reason is that warrants are more complex than call options. From an asset pricing point of view, the presence of some specific features (e.g., the equity dilution) prevents from using simple plain-vanilla formulas, while from a corporate finance standpoint, warrants offer several implications, principally because they affect the systematic risk of common stocks and are related to the choice of the firm’s capital structure. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse corporate warrants and address some of the main open questions about their value. In particular, after reviewing the financial literature about warrant pricing and presenting some commonly accepted formulas, the relationship between warrants and the volatility of the underlying stock return is examined. Contrarily to the classical call options, in fact, warrants affect the capital structure of the issuing firm and produce a risk-shifting effect among equity claimants. We derive an alternative approach to pricing equity warrant, embedding this risk-shifting feature, and we propose both a theoretical simulation and an empirical test based on a sample of Italian warrants proving its accuracy.

避稅、租稅競爭與公共財提供 / Tax avoidance, tax competition and provision of public goods

謝馨儀, Hsieh, Hsin I Unknown Date (has links)
傳統探討利潤移轉效果的租稅競爭文獻中,忽略廠商租稅規避效果對公共財的影響。然而,在貿易自由化與國際化興盛的時代下,廠商對於國與國之間的租稅安排是複雜且不可避免,所以在探究租稅競爭時,租稅規避也是一項重要的考量因素。因此本文以Lai (2006) 一文為基礎,建構一個具有利潤移轉效果的國際租稅競爭模型,分別為Cournot數量競爭與Bertrand價格競爭,來探討廠商租稅規避效果對國際租稅競爭導致公共財提供量不足的影響問題。 本文章有幾點發現:Cournot 數量競爭下,避稅效果會強化稅基、稅收效果,和利潤移轉效果,加劇公共財提供數量不足的問題。而Bertrand價格競爭下,避稅效果同樣會使公共財提供量下降,但此模型下的利潤移轉效果對公共財影響為正向,使得公共財數量皆大於Cournot模型之下。此外,本文也探討眾多參數對政府最適決策的影響。 / The traditional literatures of tax competition, which include the rent shifting effect, ignore the impact of tax avoidance effect on public goods. However, the taxation arrangements between countries which firms face are complex and inevitable in this era of trade liberalization and internationalization. Therefore, when investigating tax competition, we should consider an important factor- tax avoidance. So, this paper is based on Lai (2006) to build an international tax competition model containing rent shifting effect. We will discuss the problem of insufficient public goods and how tax avoidance effect influence this question in Cournot competition and Bertrand competition. This conclusion shows that tax avoidance effect enhances tax-base effect, revenue effect and rent shifting effect in Cournot competition. In this condition, the issue of insufficient public goods will worsen. In Bertrand competition, tax avoidance effect will also make the quantity of public goods fall. But rent shifting effect in this model is so good for public goods that the quantity of public goods is larger than Cournot competition. Furthermore, this paper also uses software to test many parameters and finds the parameters how to influence government's optimal decision.

關稅調升、技術選擇、技術授權與策略性貿易政策 / Tariff Escalation, Technology choice, Technology Licensing and Strategic Trade Policy

吳世傑, Shih-jye Wu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文應用策略性貿易理論的觀點,分別探討三個獨立的研究主題:各國關稅結構中普遍存在的「關稅調升」現象、外銷比例政策與外籍廠商技術選擇的關係、及關稅與配額政策對於外籍廠商技術授權決策的影響。 壹、 關稅調升與連續性壟斷 「關稅調升」為世界上大部分國家關稅結構中普遍存在的現象,惟這種現象的理論探討卻十分匱乏。因此,本章的目的即在補充「關稅調升」成因的理論探討。藉由連續性壟斷產業模型的建立,我們的研究顯示:政府若對下游進口產品課徵關稅,此一關稅除了具備新貿易政策理論所稱之「利潤萃取」效果之外,尚具備萃取外國生產上游產品廠商部份獨佔利潤的功能,我們稱此為下游產品關稅的「垂直」效果。在連續性壟斷產業的架構之下,隨著生產階段的遞增,下游產品關稅能夠萃取這些上游獨佔利潤的外國廠商家數亦將增加,「關稅調升」現象因而產生。因此,本章發現關稅之「利潤萃取」效果與「垂直」效果的聯合作用是造成關稅調升現象的重要因素。 貳、 外銷比例政策與技術選擇 在實務上,外銷比例政策常為開發中國家對於多國籍廠商在其國內設廠營運時的一項管制措施。在台灣的發展經驗中,外銷比例政策亦常被政府的財經官員認為具有移轉外國優越技術的有效政策工具,其理由乃在於藉由對多國籍廠商內銷比例的管制,誘使其提升在台的生產技術以面對高度競爭性的國際市場,並同時讓本國廠商透過技術擴散或技術移轉的方式獲得多國籍廠商的技術水準。 本章的目的在於探討外銷比例政策是否真能達到提升外籍廠商技術水準的效果。本章的研究結果發現:在外籍廠商獨占本國市場的情況下,除非政府允諾給於外籍廠商高度比例的內銷市場,否則外銷比例政策非但不會促使外籍廠商選擇較為優良的技術,反而會導致其採取較劣等的技術。另一方面,當本國市場有本國廠商參與競爭時,外銷比例對於外籍廠商技術水準的選擇除了受到前述比例值高低之影響外,也受到市場策略性競爭效果的影響。當本國市場的需求函數為線形時,市場競爭的策略性效果會使得外籍廠商在面對外銷比例的管制增加時會選擇較差之技術。因此,一般而言,外銷比例政策並無法確保外籍廠商會使用較為先進之技術水準。 參、 外籍廠商技術授權:關稅與配額政策的比較 貿易保護政策的實施有可能改變廠商海外市場的營運選擇,譬如改採以技術授權的方式間接進入海外市場,因此地主國的貿易保護政策可以促使該國廠商獲取外籍廠商先進技術的授權。 本章的研究乃在於提供貿易保護政策與國際間授權技術選擇關係的理論分析。藉由比較不同的貿易政策對於對於多國籍廠商市場進入方式與授權技術選擇的影響,本章發現對應於一特定之關稅稅率,等量配額政策在市場需求曲線為凹性(凸性)的情況下,將比關稅政策更易於(更不易於)誘使外國廠商授權先進的技術給本國廠商;而當市場需求曲線為線性的情況下,關稅政策與等量配額政策對於外籍廠商授權技術水準的影響是完全相同的。然而,若本國採取的是等率配額政策,則不論其對應之關稅稅率為何,外籍廠商在等率配額限制之下一定會授權給本國廠商最先進之技術。 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 關稅調升與連續性壟斷 6 第一節 本章前言 6 第二節 基本模型 11 (1) 最終財貨關稅 13 (2) 原物料關稅 20 第三節 關稅調升現象 23 第四節 n層次加工產業下的關稅結構 32 第五節 本章結語 35 附錄 37 第三章 外銷比例政策與技術選擇 39 第一節 本章前言 39 第二節 外籍廠商獨佔下的技術選擇 42 第三節 寡占下的外籍廠商技術選擇 48 第四節 本章結語 54 附 錄 56 第四章 外籍廠商技術授權:關稅與配額政策的比較 58 第一節 本章前言 58 第二節 基本模型 61 第三節 外籍廠商在關稅政策下的授權技術選擇 62 第四節 外籍廠商在等量配額政策下的授權技術選擇 70 第五節 外籍廠商在等率配額政策下的授權技術選擇 78 第六節 範例說明 82 第七節 本章結語 86 第五章 結論 87 參考文獻 89

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