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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Funktionelle Analyse von bakteriellen W-xxx-E Rho GTPasen GEF Mimetika mittels Typ 3 Sekretionssystems von Yersinia enterocolitica / Functional analysis of bacterial W-xxx-E Rho GTPase GEF mimetics using the type 3 secretion system of Yersinia enterocolotica

Wölke, Stefan January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die zellulären Rho GTPasen kontrollieren und regulieren zentrale elementare Zellvorgänge wie Phagozytose, Migration und epitheliale Integrität. Aufgrund ihrer zentralen Stellung, interagiert eine Vielzahl von bakteriellen Cytotoxinen und Modulinen mit den Rho GTPasen und wirken so als Pathogenitätsfaktoren. Die zur W-xxx-E Familie gehörenden Effektoren IpgB1 und IpgB2 von Shigella und Map von E. coli (Pathotypen EHEC und EPEC) werden über ein Typ 3 Sekretionssystem (T3SS) in Wirtszellen injiziert und wirken als Rac1, RhoA bzw. Cdc42 GEF Mimetikum. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Effektor Funktionen von IpgB1 IpgB2 und Map mit Hilfe des Yersinia (Ysc)-T3SS untersucht, was zur Etablierung der „Yersinia-Toolbox“ führte. Damit können heterologe Effektoren isoliert im physiologischen Kontext der Erreger-Zell-Interaktion zellbiologisch untersucht werden unter Vermeidung von simultaner Injektion redundanter oder unbekannter Effektoren. Zur Etablierung der Yersinia-Toolbox wurden zunächst die Gene für die Rho GTPasen modulierenden Shigella Effektoren IpgB1 und IpgB2 sowie der E. coli (EHEC)-Effektor Map mit unterschiedlich langen Gensequenzen der N-terminalen Bereiche des Yersinia-Effektorproteins YopE fusioniert (Hybridproteine: YopEi-X:i = 18, 53 bzw. 138 Aminosäurereste, X = IpgB1, IpgB2 bzw. Map). In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass die Hybridproteine YopE53-X und YopE138-X (X=IpgB1, IpgB2, Map) in den Kulturüberstand sezerniert bzw. in Zielzellen injiziert wurden. In einem weiteren Schritt konnte die zellbiologische Aktivität der heterologen Proteine fluoreszenzmikroskopisch durch Aktinzytoskelettumlagerungen gezeigt werden. So wurden „Membrane Ruffles“ (Rac1-Aktivierung) durch YopE138-IpgB1, Stressfasern (RhoA-Aktivierung) durch E138-IpgB2 und „Mikrospikes“ (Cdc42-Aktivierung) durch YopE138-Map nachgewiesen. Invasionstudien zeigten, dass YopEi-IpgB1 (i = 53, 138) die Yersinia-Invasion induzierte, wohingegen YopEi-IpgB2 die Invasionsrate der Stämme WA (pT3SS, pEi-IpgB2) (i=53, 138) verglichen mit dem Stamm WA (pT3SS) reduziert war. Durch Kombination verschiedener Yersinia-Toolbox-Stämme konnte im Co-Infektionsmodell mit HeLa-Zellen gezeigt werden, dass (1) die YopE138-IpgB1 vermittelte Invasion durch YopE138-IpgB2 signifikant inhibiert werden kann, was auf eine antagonistische Wirkung zwischen IpgB1 und IpgB2 schließen lässt, dass (2) YopT ebenfalls die IpgB1 vermittelte Invasionsrate reduziert (inhibitorische Wirkung auf Rac1), und dass (3) YopE als GAP für RhoG/Rac1 (bevorzugt RhoG) praktisch nicht die IpgB1-vermittelte Invasion hemmt. Durch Klonierung der YopE138-IpgB1 und YopE138-IpgB2 kodierenden Fusionsgene in zwei kompatible Plasmidvektoren konnten die Hybridproteine simultan transloziert werden und die Co-Infektionsergebnisse bestätigt werden. In der Literatur ist beschrieben, dass die Ysc-Translokationspore YopB/YopD Rho-abhängig Membranporen-bedingte Zellschädigungen verursacht (LDH-Freisetzung, PI-Kernfärbung). Mit der Yersinia-Toolbox konnte mit dem Stamm WA (pT3SS) Zytoplasmamembranschädigung / Zytotoxizität nachgewiesen werden, nicht aber mit den Stämmen WA (pE138-X) X = IpgB1, IpgB2 oder Map. Co-Infektionen jedoch zeigen, dass vermehrt LDH bei der Infektion mit WA (pT3SS) + WA (pT3SS, pE138-IpgB1) detektiert wurde, wohingegen dieser Effekt von YopE138-IpgB2 in einer Co-Infektion von WA (pT3SS) + WA (pT3SS, pE138-IpgB2) inhibiert wurde. Auch hier wurde der Antagonismus zwischen IpgB1 und IpgB2 erneut sichtbar. Diese Befunde widersprechen publizierten Daten, die eine RhoA-Aktivierung/Aktinpolymerisierung mit verstärkter Porenbildung in einen Zusammenhang bringen. Rho GTPasen sind beteiligt an der Erhaltung der polarisierten Eipthelzellschichtintegrität über Adhäsionskomplexbildung. Mittels Infektion von polarisierten MDCK-Zellschichten mit verschiedenen Yersinia-Stämmen und Messung des transepithelialen elektrischen Widerstandes/Resistenz (TER) konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Ysc-T3SS vermittelte Injektion von YopE138-IpgB1 (Rac1-Aktivierung) oder YopE138-Map (Cdc42-Aktivierung) zur Abnahme der TER und damit Schädigung der Zellschichtintegrität führt, wogegen bei YopE138-IpgB2-Injektion der TER-Wert unverändert blieb. Um bakterielle Rho GTPasen-modulierende Effektorproteine detailliert untersuchen zu können und um die Rolle von Rho GTPasen im Mausinfektionsmodell mit Yersinia enterocolitica und Salmonellen zu bestimmen, wurden Mäuse mit deletierten Genen für RhoA, Rac1 bzw. Cdc42 in Makrophagen hergestellt. / Phagocytosis, migration and regulation of epithelial integrity are central cellular aspects that are controlled by the cellular Rho GTPases. In this regard, Rac1, RhoA and Cdc42 have important regulatory roles mediating various cytoskeletal rearrangements in many cell types including epithelial cells as well as professional phagocytes. Because of the central role of the Rho GTPases in cellular integrity and function, bacterial cytotoxins and modulins targeting these cellular switches are very efficient pathogenicity factors. Recently, the T3SS effectors, IpgB1, IpgB2 of Shigella and Map of E. coli (pathotype EHEC/EPEC) were assembled in one protein family sharing the common motif W-xxx-E. Members of this protein family are described to act as GEF mimics for the cellular Rho GTPases. In this study the effector functions of IpgB1, IpgB2 and Map were analyzed with the Yersinia (Ysc)-T3SS which led to the development of the “Yersinia-Toolbox”. Yersinia enterocolitica is very suitable to be used as “T3SS-Toolbox” because (1) a plasmid solely carrying the DNA fragment encoding the Ysc-T3SS without T3SS-effectors is available, (2) in difference to Salmonella and E. coli (EPEC/EHECH) the Ysc-T3SS-effector genes of Yersinia are not localized on the chromosome and (3) heterologous proteins fused to the Ysc-T3SS-effector YopE are secreted and translocated into cells. This allows the analysis of single heterologous effectors without simultanous injection of other (unknown/redundant) T3SS-effectors in a physiological context during the interaction of Yersinia with cells. To develop the Yersinia-Toolbox, the genes of the GTPase modulating effectors IpgB1, IpgB2 of Shigella and Map of E. coli (EHEC) were fused to different long sections of the N-Terminus of the Yersinia-Ysc-T3SS-effector YopE (hybrid proteins: YopEi-X: i = 18, 53 or 138 amino acid residues, X = IpgB1, IpgB2 or Map). This study demonstrates the secretion to the culture supernatent and the injection into target cells of the hybrid proteins YopE53-X and YopE138-X (X = IpgB1, IpgB2 and Map). Furthermore, cell biologic activity was detected for the YopE-X hybrid proteins by fluorescence microscopy as membrane ruffles (Rac1 activation), stress fibres (RhoA activation) and micro spikes (Cdc42 activation) occurred after injection of YopE138-IpgB1,.YopE138-IpgB2 and YopE138-Map, in respective. Invasion studies showed that YopEi-IpgB1 (i = 53, 138) induced invasion of Yersinia, whereas YopEi-IpgB2 reduced invasion of the strains WA (pT3SS, pEi-IpgB2) (i = 53, 138) compared to the strain WA (pT3SS). Combination of different Yersinia-Toolbox strains in the co-infection model with HeLa cells showed that (1) YopE138-IpgB2 reduced the YopE138-IpgB1 induced invasion suggesting an antagonism between IpgB1 and IpgB2, (2) YopT also reduced the YopE138-IpgB1 induced invasion (inhibitory function on Rac1) and (3) that YopE as GAP for RhoG/Rac1 (predominantly RhoG) did not inhibit the YopE138-IpgB1 induced invasion. Because of the construction of two different compatible plasmids carrying the genes for either YopE138-IpgB1 or YopE138-IpgB2, simultanous translocation of the hybrid proteins of one single strain was possible. These studies confirmed the results of the co-infection studies. It has been reported that the Ysc translocation pore YopB/YopD induces Rho dependent membrane pores in cells which leads to cellular damage (LDH release, PI-staining of the nucleus). In this study cellular damage / cytotoxicity was detected after an infection of HeLa cells with the Yersinia-Toolbox strain WA (pT3SS). In contrast to that no cytotoxicity was detected after an infection of HeLa cells with the Yersinia-Toolbox strains WA (pT3SS, pE138-X) X = IpgB1, IpgB2 and Map. Additionally, co-infections with the strains WA (pT3SS) and WA (pT3SS, pE138-IpgB1) resulted in an increased LDH release whereas a co-infection with the strains WA (pT3SS) and WA (pT3SS, pE138-IpgB2) led to the decrease of LDH release compared to single infections with WA (pT3SS), again suggesting an antagonism between IpgB1 and IpgB2. These results are contrary to published data, which suggest a correlation between RhoA activation dependent actin polymerisation and pore formation. The cellular Rho GTPases are involved in the maintenance of epithelial integrity of polarized cells. Infections of polarized MDCK cell layers with different Yersinia-Toolbox strains resulted in a decrease of the transepithelial electric resistance (TER) indicating a damage of the epithelial integrity after injection of YopE138-IpgB1 or YopE138-Map. The TER value was not altered after injection of YopE138-IpgB2 indicating an intact epithelial integrity. To study bacterial Rho GTPase modulating proteins in more detail and to get a deeper insight to the role of Rho GTPases in the murine infection model with Yersinia enterocolitica and Salmonella, mice with gene deletions for RhoA, Rac1 or Cdc42 in macrophages were constructed.

Functional analysis of Shigella encoded IpaH E3 ubiquitin ligases in cell-autonomous immunity

Pathe, Claudio January 2018 (has links)
Shigella flexneri is a highly adapted pathogen that invades the host cytosol and causes bacillary dysentery. Shigella has evolved powerful countermeasures to disarm host defense mechanisms; amongst them a family of twelve bacterial E3 ubiquitin ligases (IpaH) that are structurally unrelated to eukaryotic enzymes. IpaH ligases are injected into the host cytosol via the bacterial type III secretion system (T3SS) to manipulate the host cell and counteract anti-bacterial defense pathways. My work demonstrated that IFN-induced guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs) are novel targets for IpaH9.8. GBPs inhibit actin-dependent motility and cell-to-cell spread of bacteria unless they are ubiquitylated by IpaH9.8 and consequently degraded by the proteasome. IpaH9.8 targets GBP1, GBP2, and GBP4, thereby causing a transient poly-ubiquitin coat comprising K48 and K27-linked chains around S. flexneri, which leads to the proteasome-dependent destruction of existing GBP coats and the re-establishment of bacterial motility and cell-to-cell spread. So far, ubiquitylation of bacteria has mostly been associated with anti-bacterial autophagy or immune signaling. However, the ubiquitin coat assembled around intracellular Shigella by IpaH effectors, in particular IpaH9.8, serves a pro-bacterial function, the first observed so far. In addition, I characterized IpaH1.4 and IpaH2.5 for their ability to prevent NF-κB activation by targeting LUBAC. I found that IpaH1.4 specifically binds the LUBAC component HOIP and mediates its proteasomal degradation, thus abolishing linear ubiquitylation of bacteria and consecutive NF-κB activation via NEMO and autophagy induction via optineurin. Lastly, I identified novel potential ubiquitylation targets for IpaH effectors in human cells using a mass spectrometry-based approach. The resulting IpaH interactome presents the groundwork for further investigations and will help to identify potentially unknown cellular defense mechanisms that are antagonized by Shigella flexneri.

Iron acquisition by Shigella dysenteriae and Shigella flexneri

Davies, Nicola Mary Lisa 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Role of DksA and Hfq in Shigella flexneri virulence

Sharma, Ashima Krishankumar 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Role of DksA and Hfq in Shigella flexneri virulence

Sharma, Ashima Krishankumar, 1979- 18 August 2011 (has links)
Not available / text

Characterization of the rfb region of Shigella flexneri / Debbie Freda Macpherson.

Macpherson, Debbie Freda January 1995 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references and addendum. / vii, 116, [187] leaves, [17] leaves of plates : ill. ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Studies the rfb region of the Shigella flexneri chromosome which determines the biosynthesis of the O-antigen component of the lipopolysaccharide virulence determinant. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, 1995

Bacteriophage SfII mediated serotype conversion in Shigella flexneri / by Maria Mavris.

Mavris, Maria January 1998 (has links)
Includes bibliography (27 leaves). / 109, [160] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / The isolation of bacteriophage SfII has provided information regarding the molecular mechanism by which modifications are carried out by the serotype converting bacteriophages of S. flexneri. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, 1998?

Characterisation of proteins involved in Shigella flexneri O-antigen biosynthesis / by Craig Daniels.

Daniels, Craig January 1999 (has links)
Corrigenda pasted onto back end-papers. / Bibliography: leaves 163-182. / [xiii], 183, [155] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Analyses the proteins involved in Shigella flexneri O-antigen biosynthesis at the molecular level in order to gain a more concise understanding of the biosynthesis machinery and how it functions. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, 1999

Role of DksA and Hfq in Shigella flexneri virulence

Sharma, Ashima Krishankumar, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2007. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Characterisation of proteins involved in Shigella flexneri O-antigen biosynthesis

Daniels, Craig. January 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Corrigenda pasted onto back end-papers. Bibliography: leaves 163-182. Analyses the proteins involved in Shigella flexneri O-antigen biosynthesis at the molecular level in order to gain a more concise understanding of the biosynthesis machinery and how it functions.

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