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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hybrid computational scheme for antenna-human body interaction

Ramli, Khairun N., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, See, Chan H., Excell, Peter S., Noras, James M. January 2013 (has links)
No / A new hybrid method of moments (MoM)/finite-difference time-domain (FDTD), with a sub-gridded finite-difference time-domain (SGFDTD) approach is presented. The method overcomes the drawbacks of homogeneous MoM and FDTD simulations, and so permits accurate analysis of realistic applications. As a demonstration, it is applied to the short-range interaction between an inhomogeneous human body and a small UHF RFID antenna tag, operating at 900 MHz. Near-field and far-field performance for the antenna are assessed for different placements over the body. The cumulative distribution function of the radiation efficiency and the absorbed power are presented and analyzed. The algorithm has a five-fold speed advantage over fine-gridded FDTD.

Jämförelse av korta temperaturprognoser från SMHI och Meteorologisk institutt med fokus på post-processingmetodikens betydelse för prognoskvaliteten / Comparison of Short-Range Temperature Forecasts from SMHI and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute - Focus on the Importance of Post-Processing Methods for the Quality of the Forecasts

Petersson, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Temperaturprognoser är av stor betydelse för många i dagens samhälle, både privatpersoner och diverse olika sektorer. Förväntan på att prognoserna håller hög träffsäkerhet är stor och god kvalitet på dessa är viktigt av många olika aspekter. De numeriska vädermodellerna, som används för att göra väderprognoser, har brister som i stort sätt alltid leder till systematiska fel i prognoserna. Bristerna beror exempelvis på dålig representation av atmosfärens fysikaliska processer och för att korrigera och reducera dessa fel efterbehandlas prognoserna med olika metoder, så kallad post-processing. För att minimera de systematiska felen och öka träffsäkerheten för prognoserna pågår ständigt en utveckling och förbättring av både modellerna och post-processingmetodiken. Uppföljning och utvärdering av prognoser är av stor nytta för denna utveckling som ska leda till minimering av prognosfel och optimering av modell och metodik. I denna studie har temperaturprognosdata, med prognoslängd 0-12 timmar, från Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut (SMHI) och norska Meteorologisk institutt (met.no) jämförts med uppmätta värden för 2 m-temperatur. Observerad temperaturdata från 22 olika synoptiska väderstationer på platser utspridda över hela Sverige har använts i studien och perioden som studien är baserad på är 20 februari till 31 maj 2018. Statistiska mått, med mest fokus på korrelationskoefficient och bias, har analyserats och jämförts för att undersöka likheter och skillnader i temperaturprognoserna från de två olika väderinstituten. Resultaten av studien visar att temperaturprognoserna från met.no generellt sett har något högre träffsäkerhet än SMHI:s för de allra flesta av de 22 geografiska platserna. Båda institutens prognoser har för flertalet av stationerna i fjällen samt norra Sverige generellt sett lägre träffsäkerhet för februari än för mars, april och maj. / Temperature forecasts are of great importance for many different reasons in today's society, both for private individuals and various sectors. The expectations that the forecasts maintain high accuracy and good quality is important in many different aspects. The weather models, which are used to make the forecasts, have deficiencies which in large part always lead to systematic errors in the forecasts. The deficiencies are for example, due to poor representation of the physical processes of the atmosphere and to correct and reduce these errors, the forecasts are post-processed by various methods. To minimize the systematic errors and increase the accuracy of the forecasts, there is an ongoing development and improvement of both the models and the post-processing methods. Evaluation of forecasts is of great benefit to this development, which will lead to minimization of forecast errors and optimization of the model and methodology. In this study, temperature forecast data, with a forecast length of 0-12 hours, from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (met.no) were compared with measured 2 m-temperature values. Observed temperature data from 22 different weather stations in locations scattered all over Sweden have been used in the study and the period on which the study is based is from the 20th of February to 31st of May, 2018. Different statistical measures have been analyzed and compared to examine similarities and differences in temperature forecasts from the two different weather institutes. The results of the study show that met.no's temperature forecasts generally have slightly higher accuracy than SMHI's for most of the 22 locations. For any of the stations in the mountains and northern Sweden forecasts from both institutes generally have lower accuracy for February than March, April and May.

Contribuições à geração de tráfego fractal por meio da transformada wavelet. / Constributions for fractal traffic generation by wavelest transform.

Lund, Isabelle Reis 26 June 2008 (has links)
Estudos mostraram que o tráfego nas redes de dados tanto locais quanto de grande área, possui propriedades fractais como dependência de longa duração - Long-Range Dependence (LRD) e auto-similaridade. Devido à heterogeneidade de aplicações nessas redes, os traces de tráfego podem apresentar dependência de longa duração - Long Range Dependence (LRD), dependência de curta duração - Short Range Dependence (SRD) ou uma mistura de LRD com SRD. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo sintetizar séries temporais gaussianas com flexibilidade de processamento no plano tempo-frequência a serem inseridas num gerador de tráfego com as características estatísticas específicas do tráfego encontrado em redes por comutação de pacotes reais, como autossimilaridade, LRD e SRD. Para isto foram desenvolvidos dois métodos para síntese de séries temporais gaussianas com LRD e simultânea introdução de SRD em diferentes faixas de frequência: Discrete Wavelet Tansform (DWT) com mapa de variâncias e Discrete Wavelet Packet Tansform (DWPT). Estes métodos utilizaram o mapa de variâncias cujo conceito foi desenvolvido neste trabalho. A validação dos métodos foi feita através de análise estatística e comparação com resultados de séries geradas pelo método Discrete Wavelet Transfom (DWT) de Backar utilizado em [1]. Além disso, também foi validada a ideia de que a DWPT é mais interessante que a DWT por ser mais flexível e prover uma maior flexibilidade de processamento no plano tempo-frequência. / Studies demonstrated that the data network traffic of Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network has fractal properties as long range dependence (LRD) and self-similarity. The traffic traces can show long range dependence, short range dependence or the both behaviors because of applications heterogeneity in these networks. This work objective is to synthetisize gaussian time series with processor flexibility in the time-frequency plan to be inserted in a traffic generator with the specific statistical traffic characteristics of real packet networks such as selfsimilarity, long range dependence (LRD) and short range dependence (SRD). Two methods were developed for the gaussian time series with LRD and SRD synthesis: Discrete Wavelet Tansform (DWT) with variance map and Discrete Wavelet Packet Tansform (DWPT). These methods used the variance map which concept was developed in this work. The methods validation was done by statistic analysis and comparison with the time series generated by the B¨ackar Discrete Wavelet Transfom (DWT) used by [1]. Besides of this, the idea that the DWPT is more because of its processing flexibility in the time-frequency plan was validated.

Contribuições à geração de tráfego fractal por meio da transformada wavelet. / Constributions for fractal traffic generation by wavelest transform.

Isabelle Reis Lund 26 June 2008 (has links)
Estudos mostraram que o tráfego nas redes de dados tanto locais quanto de grande área, possui propriedades fractais como dependência de longa duração - Long-Range Dependence (LRD) e auto-similaridade. Devido à heterogeneidade de aplicações nessas redes, os traces de tráfego podem apresentar dependência de longa duração - Long Range Dependence (LRD), dependência de curta duração - Short Range Dependence (SRD) ou uma mistura de LRD com SRD. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo sintetizar séries temporais gaussianas com flexibilidade de processamento no plano tempo-frequência a serem inseridas num gerador de tráfego com as características estatísticas específicas do tráfego encontrado em redes por comutação de pacotes reais, como autossimilaridade, LRD e SRD. Para isto foram desenvolvidos dois métodos para síntese de séries temporais gaussianas com LRD e simultânea introdução de SRD em diferentes faixas de frequência: Discrete Wavelet Tansform (DWT) com mapa de variâncias e Discrete Wavelet Packet Tansform (DWPT). Estes métodos utilizaram o mapa de variâncias cujo conceito foi desenvolvido neste trabalho. A validação dos métodos foi feita através de análise estatística e comparação com resultados de séries geradas pelo método Discrete Wavelet Transfom (DWT) de Backar utilizado em [1]. Além disso, também foi validada a ideia de que a DWPT é mais interessante que a DWT por ser mais flexível e prover uma maior flexibilidade de processamento no plano tempo-frequência. / Studies demonstrated that the data network traffic of Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network has fractal properties as long range dependence (LRD) and self-similarity. The traffic traces can show long range dependence, short range dependence or the both behaviors because of applications heterogeneity in these networks. This work objective is to synthetisize gaussian time series with processor flexibility in the time-frequency plan to be inserted in a traffic generator with the specific statistical traffic characteristics of real packet networks such as selfsimilarity, long range dependence (LRD) and short range dependence (SRD). Two methods were developed for the gaussian time series with LRD and SRD synthesis: Discrete Wavelet Tansform (DWT) with variance map and Discrete Wavelet Packet Tansform (DWPT). These methods used the variance map which concept was developed in this work. The methods validation was done by statistic analysis and comparison with the time series generated by the B¨ackar Discrete Wavelet Transfom (DWT) used by [1]. Besides of this, the idea that the DWPT is more because of its processing flexibility in the time-frequency plan was validated.

Fundamental Properties of Functional Magnetic Materials

Wikberg, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
Magnetic properties of powders, thin films and single crystals have been investigated using magnetometry methods. This thesis provides analysis and conclusions that are supported by the results obtained from spectroscopic and diffraction measurements as well as from theoretical calculations. First, the magnetic behavior of transition metal (TM) doped ZnO with respect to doping, growth conditions and post annealing has been studied. Our findings indicate that the magnetic behavior stems from small clusters or precipitates of the dopant, with ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic interactions. At the lowest dopant concentrations, the estimated cluster sizes are too small for high resolution imaging. Still, the clusters may be sufficiently large to generate a finite spontaneous magnetization even at room temperature and could easily be misinterpreted as an intrinsic ferromagnetic state of the TM:ZnO compound. Second, influence of lattice strain on both magnetic moment and anisotropy has been investigated for epitaxial MnAs thin films grown on GaAs substrates. The obtained magnetic moments and anisotropy values are higher than for bulk MnAs. The enhanced values are caused by highly strained local areas that have a stronger dependence on the in-plane axis strain than out-of plane axis strain. Finally, spin glass behavior in Li-layered oxides, used for battery applications, and a double perovskite material has been investigated. For both Li(NiCoMn)O2 and (Sr,La)MnWO6, a mixed-valence of one of the transition metal ions creates competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions resulting in a low temperature three-dimensional (3D) spin glass state. Additionally, Li(NiCoMn)O2 with large cationic mixing exhibits a percolating ferrimagnetic spin order in the high temperature region and coexists with a two-dimensional (2D) frustrated spin state in the mid temperature region. This is one of the rare observations where a dimensional crossover from 2D to 3D spin frustration appears in a reentrant material. / Felaktigt tryckt som Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 720

Changement dans la construction sociale de la production alimentaire localisée : analyse à partir du cas drômois / Social change in the construction of local food production : analysis case with the Drôme

Fiamor, Anne-Emmanuelle 24 October 2014 (has links)
Les productions alimentaires régionales, dites « de terroir » ou « localisées » se sont remarquablement développées à partir du tournant des années 80, selon des modes de valorisation variés allant du petit producteur à l’industriel labélisé. A l’aune d’une enquête de terrain portant sur la diversité des modalités de valorisation des nombreuses productions du département de la Drôme, nous nous sommes rendus compte que la diversité des modes de valorisation sur ce territoire n’était pas seulement de nature organisationnelle et stratégique. En effet, le terrain nous a conduit à supposer l’existence d’une diversité de significations sociales associées à la production localisée. Cette diversité s’incarnait dans le fait que la référence à la tradition n’était plus le seul vecteur de légitimation pour une production localisée. C’est ainsi que nous avons cherché à analyser la diversité organisationnelle mais aussi symbolique des différents processus de valorisation. Au vu de la fonction sociale d’aliment identifié dans un contexte industrialisé qu’ont les productions localisées, nous avons alors compris, qu’un nouveau sens social associé à la production locale serait signifiant d’un rapport nouveau au besoin d’identification de l’alimentation dans un contexte industrialisé et mondialisé. Pour analyser cette diversité organisationnelle et symbolique, nous avons pensé les processus de valorisation comme des systèmes de domination, au sens où l’entend Max Weber. Ainsi, le système et la stratégie de valorisation ont été mis au jour, de même que la forme de la légitimation sur laquelle repose la signification sociale de la production. Dans ce cadre, nous avons analysé six variations de localisation par référence à la tradition ainsi qu’une manière de localiser émergente. Dans cette dernière, l’ancrage local de la production s’effectue par le fait d’avoir été produite, transformée et vendue localement par le petit fermier local, souvent néo-rural, selon des savoirs et des savoir-faire de production, de transformation et d’organisation de vente construits à travers les réseaux de partage et de vente existants entre ces exploitants. Ces réseaux, formels et informels, sont créés soit par le biais du monde associatif agricole soit en toute autonomie. Dans ce cadre, chaque exploitant a pour objectif de produire et de vendre mais aussi de « faire groupe » tout en gardant son indépendance face à ses pairs et face aux acteurs institutionnels. Ainsi, ces producteurs, dans leur rapport à la production et au groupe, permettent l’émergence de savoirs et de savoir-faire de production localisée ancrés dans un « ici et maintenant » culturel associé à leur figure de petits fermiers locaux. / This research emanates from a field survey we conducted in the Department of Drôme, France, which deals with the analysis of a variety of valorization methods of local food productions we sought to explain. Local food productions are a traditional production rooted in time and space, regardless the organizational and strategic variety of valorization methods. In the Drôme territory, we found a variety of productions and a variety of organizational and strategic valorization methods. But those patterns are not sufficient to explain what we observed in the field. We observed also another form of reference to location of these productions than only the reference to tradition. From there, in addition to the analysis of the organizational diversity of valorization methods of local food production in Drôme, the characterization of a new form of reference to location of production we spotted is the main issue of this research. To analyze the organizational and symbolic diversity, we conceptualize the valorization methods as systems of domination (in the sense of Max Weber). Indeed, the system and the strategy of valorization are pointed out as well as the shape of the legitimacy on which the social significance of the production is expressed. In this framework, we analyzed six variations of localization types by reference to tradition and one emergent way of localizing productions. This last is assessed through the fact that productions are produced, processed and sold locally by small local farmers, often neo-rural, according to production knowledge and expertise, processing and selling organization built through sharing and selling networks constructed among these farmers. These networks, either formal or informal, are either created through agricultural associations, or either were built autonomously. In this framework, each farmer aims to produce and sell, but also to “build a community” while keeping its independence from peers and institutional actors. Therefore, these farmers, through their relationships to the production and to their community, induce the emergence of knowledge and know-how rooted in “here and now” cultural bedrock crystallized in the representation of the small local farmer

Root-Driven Weathering Impacts on Mineral-Organic Associations Over Pedogenic Time Scales

Garcia Arredondo, Mariela 19 March 2019 (has links)
Plant roots are critical weathering agents in deep soils, yet the impact of resulting mineral transformations on the vast deep soil carbon (C) reservoir are largely unknown. Root-driven weathering of primary minerals may cause the formation of reactive secondary minerals, which protect mineral-organic associations (MOAs) for centuries or millennia. Conversely, root-driven weathering may also transform secondary minerals, potentially enhancing the bioavailability of C previously protected in MOAs. Here we examined the impact of root-driven weathering on MOAs and their capacity to store C over pedogenic time scales. I compared soil that experienced root-driven weathering, resulting in the formation of discrete rhizosphere zones in deep soil horizons (100-160 cm) of the Santa Cruz Marine Terrace chronosequence (65 ka-226 ka), with adjacent soil that experienced no root growth. Using a combination of radiocarbon, mass spectrometry, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and X-ray spectromicroscopy approaches, we characterized MOA transformations in relation to changes in C content, turnover and chemistry across four soils ranging in age (65 ka-226 ka). We found that the onset of root-driven weathering (65-90 ka) increased the amount of C associated with poorly crystalline iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) phases, particularly highly-disordered nano-goethite. The increase in C coincided with greater overall C concentrations, longer C residence times, and a greater abundance of microbially-derived C. Continued root-driven weathering (137-226 ka) did not significantly change the amount of C associated with crystalline Fe and Al phases, but resulted in a decline in the amount of C associated with poorly crystalline metal phases. This decline in C associated to poorly crystalline phases coincided with a decrease in C concentrations and potential turnover rates, and a shift toward plant-derived C. In contrast, soil not affected by root-driven weathering showed low amounts of C bound to poorly crystalline Fe and Al phases regardless of soil age and, correspondingly, lower C concentrations and estimated residence times. My results demonstrate that root-driven formation and disruption of poorly crystalline Fe and Al phases directly controls both C accrual and loss in deep soil. Hence root impacts on soil C storage are dependent on soil weathering stage, a consideration critical for predictions of the vulnerability of deep soil C to global change.

Impacts of Changing the Transit Signal Priority Requesting Threshold on Bus Performance and General Traffic: A Sensitivity Analysis

Sheffield, Michael Harmon 17 June 2020 (has links)
A sensitivity analysis was performed on the transit signal priority (TSP) requesting threshold to evaluate its impact on bus performance and general traffic. Two distinct bus routes were evaluated to determine the optimal requesting threshold that would balance the positive impacts on bus performance with the negative impacts on general traffic. Route 217, a conventional bus route, and the Utah Valley Express (UVX), a bus rapid transit line, utilize a dedicated short-range communication (DSRC)-based TSP system as part of their normal, day-to-day operations. Using field-generated data exclusively, bus performance and general traffic were evaluated over a 7-month period from February through August 2019. Bus performance was evaluated through on-time performance (OTP), schedule deviation, travel time, and dwell time, while the traffic analysis was performed by evaluating split failure, change in green time, and the frequency at which TSP was served. The requesting thresholds evaluated for Route 217 were 5-, 3-, 2-, and 0-minutes, which stipulate how far behind schedule the bus must be in order to request TSP. For UVX, 5-minutes and 2-minutes, as well as ON and OFF scenarios were evaluated; ON meant the buses were always requesting regardless of how late they were, while OFF meant that no requests were made and operations would be as if there were no TSP at all. A combination of observational and statistical analyses concluded with convincing evidence that OTP, schedule deviation, and travel time improve as the requesting threshold approaches zero with negligible impacts to general traffic. For Route 217, as the requesting threshold changed from 3, to 2, to 0 minutes, OTP increased 2.0 and 2.5 percent, respectively, mean schedule deviation improved 15.9 and 20.9 seconds, respectively, and travel time decreased at 72 percent of timepoints. Meanwhile, negative impacts to traffic occurred if an increase in split failure was measured after TSP was served, a phenomenon observed a maximum of once every 43 minutes. For UVX, as the requesting threshold changed from 5, to 2 minutes, to ON, OTP increased 7.6 and 4.7 percent, respectively, mean schedule deviation improved 24.3 and 15.0 seconds, respectively, and travel time decreased between 72 percent of timepoints. Thus, it is concluded that under the TSP system as implemented, bus performance improves as the requesting threshold approaches zero with inconsequential impacts to general traffic.


Thomas Bsaibes (16617384) 30 August 2023 (has links)
<p>As successful as the Standard Model has been in describing particle interactions, there are still many open questions it does not answer; the strong CP violation and the existence of dark matter among them. To address these issues many extensions to the Standard Model have been devised. Some of these extensions propose a new force mediating particle; a massive particle results in a potential described by a Yukawa-like interaction, while a massless exchange particle leads to power law type potentials. Limits on the strength of these interactions at the sub-micron range of separation between two particles are poorly characterized, but previous experiments conducted at IUPUI placed the best limits to date on the strength of a Yukawa-like interaction. Those experiments used a spherical test mass and a planar source mass. However, if a cylindrical test mass was used, the increased interaction volume of the cylinder would result in an increased sensitivity of about an order of magnitude over the spherical test mass experiment. Building such a system presents many challenges, namely the alignment of the cylinder with respect to the planar source mass. A capacitance based scheme to determine the alignment of a cylinder with respect to a plane will be discussed. The thesis concludes with an outline for a new type of measurement system. The new experiment attempts to induce a gravitational Π-pulse in a nanoshphere to probe extensions to the Standard Model.</p> <p> </p>

Short-Range Magnetic Correlations, Spontaneous Magnetovolume Effect, and Local Distortion in Magnetic Semiconductor MnTe

Baral, Raju 19 December 2022 (has links)
The antiferromagnetic semiconductor MnTe has recently attracted significant interest as a potential high-performance thermoelectric material. Its promising thermoelectric properties are due in large part to short-range magnetic correlations in the paramagnetic state, which enhance the thermopower through the paramagnon drag effect. Using magnetic pair distribution function (mPDF) analysis of neutron total scattering data, we present a detailed, real-space picture of the short-range magnetic correlation in MnTe, offering a deeper view into the paramagnon drag effect and the nature of the correlated paramagnetic state. We confirm the presence of nanometer-scale antiferromagnetic correlations far into the paramagnetic state, show the evolution of the local magnetic order parameter across the N\'eel temperature T_N=307 K, and discover a spatially anisotropic magnetic correlation length. By combing our mPDF analysis with traditional atomic PDF analysis, we also gain detailed knowledge of the magnetostructural response in MnTe. We observed a spontaneous volume contraction of nearly 1\%, the largest spontaneous magnetovolume effect reported so far for any antiferromagnetic system. The lattice strain scales linearly with the local magnetic order parameter, in contrast to the quadratic scaling observed for the conventional magnetostriction properties of this technologically relevant material. Using neutron and X-ray PDF analysis, we also investigated the local distortion on MnTe and Mn-based systems, MnS and MnO as a function of temperature. Such local distortion on MnTe increases with the rise in temperature and becomes more pronounced at 500 K.

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