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Avaliação do extrato aquoso da alfarroba (Ceratonia siliqua L.) e seus possíveis efeitos antioxidantes e sobre o metabolismo lipídico em Caenorhabdits elegans / Extract of evaluation of aqueous carob (ceratonia siliqua l.) and its possible effects and antioxidants on lipid metabolism in Caenorhabdits elegansRodrigues, Cristiane de Freitas 26 September 2015 (has links)
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Cristiane de Freitas Rodrigues.pdf: 1197178 bytes, checksum: 5dd8d78c2302bcebac49fdf2b31c3c10 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-09-26 / A Ceratonia siliqua L. popularmente conhecida como alfarroba, faz parte da classe dos diversos alimentos que apresentam uma grande quantidade de antioxidantes, principalmente pela composição dos compostos fenólicos. Além disso, este alimento tem sido utilizado como substituinte do cacau em diversos produtos alimentícios em função do sabor e cor similares, porém com reduzido conteúdo de lipídeos. Alguns estudos sugerem que o extrato aquoso de alfarroba apresenta uma ação protetora contra os radicais livres. Entretanto, são necessários testes in vitro e in vivo a fim de comprovar a eficácia deste alimento funcional. Para tanto, utilizamos o Caenorhabditis elegans como modelo experimental em prol de substituir o uso de mamíferos e oferecer novas possibilidades de ensaios para avaliar a eficácia de produtos naturais. Neste presente estudo observou que o extrato aquoso da alfarroba apresentou um excelente potencial sequestrador de espécies reativas in vitro pelos ensaios de redução do radical DPPH e de redução do Ferro. Tal efeito pode ser devido à presença dos compostos fenólicos, conforme verificado na análise bromatológica. A partir disso, no estudo percorreu as atividades in vivo. O extrato não apresentou toxicidade significativa até a concentração testada (62.0μg/mL), conforme observado nos ensaios de sobrevivência e longevidade. Também foi observado que o extrato de alfarroba protege contra a mortalidade induzida por paraquat em curto prazo, porém o mesmo não ocorreu ao longo prazo. Encontrou-se também redução da peroxidação lipídica e um aumento da atividade enzimática da catalase, sugerindo estar relacionada ao fator de transcrição DAF-16, importante para a defesa antioxidante nestes animais. Além disso, nosso estudo demonstrou que o extrato aquoso da alfarroba é mais eficiente do que o extrato de cacao na redução dos níveis de triglicerídeos em nematoides selvagens e em mutantes tub-1 (mais obesos), não alterando a ingestão alimentar. Este efeito pode estar relacionado com elevado de teor de fibras presentes no extrato, conforme observado pelo ensaio bromatológico. Em 8 conclusão, nosso estudo sugere que a utilização de alfarroba é segura e pode ser de fato bastante benéfica ao consumidor, fornecendo compostos fenólicos e fibras que podem auxiliar no envelhecimento e na redução de peso. / The Ceratonia siliqua L. popularly known as Carob, part of the class of many foods contain a large number of antioxidants, especially phenolic compounds of the composition. Moreover, this food has been used as cocoa substituent in many food products depending on the flavor and color similar, but with reduced lipid content. Some studies suggest that the aqueous extract of carob has a protective effect against free radicals. However, they are necessary in vitro and in vivo in order to prove the effectiveness of this functional food. Therefore, Caenorhabditis.elegans used as an experimental model towards replace the use of mammalian and offer new opportunities assays to assess the efficacy of natural products. Our study has shown that the aqueous extract of carob showed excellent potential kidnapper of reactive species by in vitro assays to reduce the DPPH radical and reduction of iron. This effect may be due to the presence of phenolic compounds as found in chemical analysis. From this, our study ran activities in vivo. The extract showed no significant toxicity to the tested concentration (62.0μg / ml), as noted in survival and longevity tests. It was also noted that the carob extract protects against mortality induced by paraquat in the short term, but the same was not true in the long run. It was found also reducing lipid peroxidation and an increase in the enzymatic activity of catalase, suggesting be related to the transcription factor DAF-16 important for the antioxidant defense in these animals. Furthermore, our study has demonstrated that the aqueous extract of carob is more efficient than cacao extract in reducing triglyceride levels in wild nematodes and tub-1 mutants (most obese) without altering food intake. This effect may be related to high content of fiber present in the extract, as observed by bromatological assay. In conclusion, our study suggests that the use of carob is safe and can be very beneficial to the consumer fact, phenolic compounds and providing fibers which can assist in aging and weight reduction.
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Compositional analysis of locally cultivated carob (Ceratonia siliqua) cultivars and development of nutritional food products for a range of market sectorsIipumbu, Lukas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Msc Food Sc (Food Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Carob (Ceratonia silliqua) is an evergreen, drought resistant tree of Mediterranean origin.
Popularly known as St John’s bread, the carob pod has a long history of use in food (over
4 000 years). Carob has a good nutritional value, a long shelf-life (2-3 years) and it is
relatively cheap. Due to its high sugar content, carob is naturally sweet. It also has a
nutty chocolate-like flavour, but unlike chocolate or cocoa, carob does not contain any
caffeine, thiobromine or oxalic acid. In addition, carob is normally regarded as a healthy
food because of its low fat content (0.2 – 2.3%). Carob trees are also found in South
Africa, especially in the Western Cape Province. Locally, carob trees have been used
mainly ornamentally or as a source of animal fodder, with minimal use of the pods as a
nutritious food source. Knowledge of the nutritional composition and the overall nutritional
potential of locally (South African) grown carob cultivars is also limited. Carob could
potentially be used as an alternative food source in South Africa as currently, most of this
nutritious product goes to waste each year.
In this study, the feasibility of using carob pods as an alternative source of food in
South Africa was investigated. This was done by firstly, analysing the cultivars for
proximate composition (moisture, carbohydrates, sugars, dietary fibre, protein,
polyphenols, fat and ash) as well as for amino acids, fatty acids and minerals, in order to
determine and compare their nutritional contents. Five cultivars (Tylliria, SFax,
Aaronsohn, Santa Fe and an “Unknown” cultivar) were examined. The average proximate
composition of raw carob pods was 8.17 – 9.56% moisture, 89.57 – 91.12% carbohydrates,
40.69 – 54.74% total sugars (33.70 – 45.09% sucrose, 1.79 – 4.95% glucose and 1.80 –
5.19% fructose), 29.88 – 36.07% dietary fibre, 3.07 – 4.42% protein, 2.58 – 3.08%
polyphenols, 0.45 – 0.86% fat and 2.13 – 2.69% ash. Seven essential amino acids were
present in all the cultivars, except for methionine which was not detected in the Single
unknown cultivar. This study has shown that all the cultivars had good long-chain fatty
acid (LCFA) proportions in terms of the saturated to polyunsaturated fatty acid (SFA:
PUFA) and n-6 to n-3 ratios. The short-chain fatty acid content of the cultivars was low.
All nine minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, manganese, iron,
copper and zinc) analysed for in this study were detected in all five carob cultivars and all
cultivars were very low in sodium.
The impact of various roasting times (45, 60 and 75 min) at 150ºC, on the
temperature sensitive components such as sugars, protein and fat, was also examined.
Roasting had no significant (P>0.05) effect on the fat content. Although roasting significantly (P<0.05) reduced the sugar and protein content from 54.74 to 32.53% and
3.59 to 3.18%, respectively, levels in both raw and roasted carob still represented a
potentially nutritious food source and alternative to cocoa.
A variety of food products targeted at the various food market sectors were
developed with carob as an ingredient. The formulations for five new food products
(bread, porridge, breakfast cereal, mousse and milk-based drink) were developed where
carob had successfully been incorporated as an ingredient. Microbiological and consumer
sensory analyses carried out showed that all products developed were safe and
acceptable. The findings of this study provide useful scientific evidence towards the fact
that carob could potentially be used as an alternative food source in South Africa.
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Alfarroba como substituto do cacau no desenvolvimento de bebida sem lactose: otimizaÃÃo, perfil sensorial e comportamento reolÃgico / Carob as cocoa substitute in the development of lactose free beverage: optimization, sensory profile and rheological behaviourAna Cristina da Silva Morais 10 April 2015 (has links)
nÃo hà / Diversos efeitos benÃficos sÃo associados ao consumo de cacau em pÃ, como propriedade antioxidante e efeito cardioprotetor. No entanto, devido a algumas desvantagens como amargor e presenÃa de substÃncias estimulantes e alergÃnica, vÃrios produtos tÃm sido testados como substitutos do cacau, dentre os quais se destaca a alfarroba em pÃ. O produto nÃo apresenta tais desvantagens, alÃm de ser naturalmente adoÃada e fonte de fibras. Diante do exposto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a viabilidade de substituiÃÃo total do cacau em pà pela alfarroba em pà em bebida sem lactose a base de amÃndoas da castanha de caju (ACC) e avaliar as alteraÃÃes das caracterÃsticas sensoriais, da aceitabilidade e do comportamento reolÃgico da bebida otimizada. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas fases, onde na primeira adotou-se um planejamento fatorial do tipo 2 para avaliar, atravÃs de superfÃcie de resposta, os efeitos da substituiÃÃo do cacau por alfarroba em pà (concentraÃÃo total de 2 g/100 mL), do teor de sacarose e de carragena no pH e no teor de sÃlidos solÃveis da bebida. Na segunda fase, as amostras otimizadas foram submetidas Ãs anÃlises microbiolÃgicas e à determinaÃÃo de atividade de Ãgua (aw), visando garantir a inocuidade para as anÃlises sensoriais. Aplicou-se a anÃlise descritiva quantitativa (ADQ) para verificar as principais propriedades sensoriais da bebida. Na medida de aceitabilidade das amostras, utilizaram-se os testes com escala hedÃnica e escala relativa ao ideal. O comportamento reolÃgico foi avaliado a 10 ÂC utilizando reÃmetro com placas paralelas. A proporÃÃo de cacau/alfarroba influenciou sutilmente somente o pH da bebida. Desta forma, decidiu-se pela substituiÃÃo total do cacau pela alfarroba em pÃ. As contagens microbianas estavam em nÃveis baixos aceitÃveis, garantindo a seguranÃa do produto, e a atividade de Ãgua situou-se em torno de 0,9838-0,9958. As propriedades sensoriais que apresentaram maior variaÃÃo entre as amostras foram cor marrom, aparÃncia viscosa, aroma de torrefaÃÃo, gosto doce e textura encorpada. As sete formulaÃÃes alcanÃaram boa aceitaÃÃo sensorial. No entanto, as duas amostras com menores teores de sacarose apresentaram menor aceitaÃÃo indicando a grande influÃncia da doÃura para a aceitaÃÃo da bebida. Recomenda-se 16% de sacarose para obter a doÃura ideal. As amostras apresentaram comportamento nÃo Newtoniano. Conclui-se que a substituiÃÃo do cacau pela alfarroba em pà na bebida de ACC (2 g/100 mL) à viÃvel, resultando em um produto de boa aceitaÃÃo sensorial. / Several benefits are associated with cocoa powder consumption as antioxidant properties and cardioprotective effect. However, due to some disadvantages, such as bitterness and the presence of stimulating and allergenic substances, many other products have been tested as a cocoa substitute, and among them carob powder has stood out. The product does not have the same disadvantages of cocoa, besides being naturally sweetened and source of fiber. According to the informations presented, the objective of this research was to investigate the feasibility of full replacement of cocoa powder by carob powder in lactose-free beverage cashew nut almond (CNA)-based as well as to evaluate changes in sensory characteristics, acceptability and rheological behaviour of the optimized beverage. The survey was conducted in two phases, in the first phase a factorial planning type 2 was carried out in order to evaluate, through response surface, the effects of cocoa replacement by carob powder (total concentration of 2 g/100 mL), of sucrose and carrageenan content in the pH and also in the soluble solids content of the beverage. As for the second phase, the optimized samples were subjected to microbiological analyzes, just as well to the determination of water activity (aw), in order to ensure safety for the sensory analysis. A quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) was applied to verify the main sensory properties of the beverage. Tests with hedonic scale and just about right scale were used to verify the acceptance level of the samples. The rheological behaviour was evaluated at 10 ÂC with a rheometer with parallel plates. The proportion of cocoa/carob just slightly influenced the pH of the beverage. Thus, it was decided to full substitution of the cocoa by carob powder. Microbial counts were in low acceptable levels, ensuring product safety, and water activity stood at around 0.9838 to 0.9958. The sensory properties which presented greater variation among the samples were brown color, viscous appearance, roasting aroma, sweet taste and thickness. The seven formulations achieved good sensory acceptance. However, the two samples with lower sucrose levels presented a lowers acceptance indicating the great influence of sweetness level to the acceptance of the beverage. It is recommended the use of 16% sucrose for optimal sweetness. The samples presented a non-Newtonian behaviour. Finally it was possible to conclude that the replacement of cocoa by carob powder (2 g/100 mL) in lactose-free beverage CNA-based is feasible, resulting in a product of good sensory acceptance.
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