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Návrh simulátoru autonomního dopravního prostředku / Design of autonomous vehicle simulatorMachač, Petr January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá simulačními prostředky pro vývoj algoritmů pro řízení autonomních automobilů. V zásadě lze rozdělit na dvě části, na rešeršní, teoretickou, a praktickou, vývojovou. V té prvně zmíněné je uveden přehled dostupných nástrojů pro simulaci autonomních vozidel, jedná se jak o nástroje open-sourcové tak placené. Dále se v teoretické části popisuje princip a nástroje, resp. enginy pro řešení dynamických rovnic na počítači. Důraz je kladen na fyzikální engine Box2D který je dle zadání této práce využit ve druhé části teze pro vývoj vlastního prostředí simulujícího autonomní automobil.
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Security and Performance Testbed for Simulation of Proof-of-Stake Protocols / Security and Performance Testbed for Simulation of Proof-of-Stake ProtocolsKotráš, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá technologii blockchain se zaměřením na konsenzus protokoly, zvláště protokoly typu proof-of-stake. V této práci naleznete popis těchto protokolů následovaný popisem konsenzu v technologii blockchain. Prvotní kapitoly detailněji popisují a porovnávají jednotlivé proof-of-stake protokoly na základě teoretických znalostí. Druhá část práce se zaobírá návrhem a implementací testbedu, který je následně použitý pro praktické porovnání proof-of-stake protokolů. V závěrečné částí práce je diskutováno nad zjištěnými výsledky pozorováním testbedu a zjištěnými vlatnostmi protokolů. Na tomto základě práce ve svém konci naznačuje další směřování consesus protokolů, ba jejich případné zlepšení, a zvláště proof-of-stake typu protokolů.
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Molecular Simulation towards Efficient and Representative Subsurface Reservoirs ModelingKadoura, Ahmad Salim 09 1900 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the application of Monte Carlo (MC) molecular simulation and Molecular Dynamics (MD) in modeling thermodynamics and flow of subsurface reservoir fluids. At first, MC molecular simulation is proposed as a promising method to replace correlations and equations of state in subsurface flow simulators. In order to accelerate MC simulations, a set of early rejection schemes (conservative, hybrid, and non-conservative) in addition to extrapolation methods through reweighting and reconstruction of pre-generated MC Markov chains were developed.
Furthermore, an extensive study was conducted to investigate sorption and transport processes of methane, carbon dioxide, water, and their mixtures in the inorganic part of shale using both MC and MD simulations. These simulations covered a wide range of thermodynamic conditions, pore sizes, and fluid compositions shedding light on several interesting findings. For example, the possibility to have more carbon dioxide adsorbed with more preadsorbed water concentrations at relatively large basal spaces. The dissertation is divided into four chapters. The first chapter corresponds to the introductory part where a brief background about molecular simulation and motivations are given. The second chapter is devoted to discuss the theoretical aspects and methodology of the proposed MC speeding up techniques in addition to the corresponding results leading to the successful multi-scale simulation of the compressible single-phase flow scenario. In chapter 3, the results regarding our extensive study on shale gas at laboratory conditions are reported. At the fourth and last chapter, we end the dissertation with few concluding remarks highlighting the key findings and summarizing the future directions.
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Návrh a testování stochastické navigace v TRASI / Design and Testing of Stochastic Navigation in Traffic Simulator TRASIErben, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design and implementation of routing algorithms in trafic simulator TRASI. These algorithms are capable of planning vehicle's route by giving a set of crossroads that vehicle needs to go through. Furthermore, this work deals with design and implementation of stochastic navigation including implementation of communication between vehicles. Stochastic navigation suggests several alternative routes based on a traffic event. From these routes is randomly (stochastically) choosen one based on information about the throughput of particular found routes. In the introduction of this work is described the traffic simulator TRASI, it's user interface and basic control interface. Further is described theory of traffic flow on macroscopic and microscopic level, followed by the descripion of algorithms for oriented graphs traversal and their implementation in the simulator. In the following parts of this thesis is described communication layer, that takes care of the communication between vehicles, and it's implementation. Further is described design and implementation of stochastic navigation. In the final chapter is done verification of the functionality of the simulator and tests of particular routing algorithms.
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Simulátor telefonního vedení / Phone line simulatorVítek, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on the problems of designing telephone lines which are 7 km long with a step of 1 km. The thesis contains a detailed description of the basic parameters of metallic transmission lines. There is also briefly mentioned the issue of interfering the transmission lines. The main part is devoted to a system design of artificial lines connection, including printed circuit board design. The next section deals with a design of prototype controlling. The last part verifies the activity of implemented artificial lines.
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Simulátor přenosových funkcí silnoproudého vedení v NS3 / Power Line Communication Simulator in Network Simulator-3Kolář, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the powerline communication focusing on the simulations of channel transfer functions. The introduction summarizes basic information about PLC followed by the analysis of the available PLC Software simulator (implemented in NS-3) and the analysis of implemented noises and interferences and its extensions. One chapter is devoted to possibilities of link capacity calculation. Within the thesis, various methods of calculation of primary parameters of transmission line were implemented and the simulator was compared with other freely available simulators. Subsequently, simulations were carried out focused on channel transfer functions in different topologies, on the impedance changes of branch, on the lengths of branch, and changes in the direct path between communicating nodes.
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Implementace komunikačního protokolu Wireless M-BUS v simulačním prostředí NS-3 / Implementation of Communication Protocol Wireless M-BUS in Simulation Environment NS-3Zeman, Kryštof January 2015 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on history and development of M2M com- munication, Wireless M-Bus protocol and NS-3 Network Simulator. It briefly describes characteristics of M2M communication, Wireless M-Bus and NS3 simulator. Physical and link layer of Wireless M-bus protocol are described in great detail to provide basics needed for understanding and orientation in the topic. Practical part of the thesis is focused on structure of used Simple Wireless module and basic simulation scenerio is built. The scenerio demostrates basic functions of the module.
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Simulátor přenosových funkcí silnoproudého vedení / Power line channel simulatorJedlička, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The master’s thesis is focused on the analysis and modeling of power line communication with aim to implement power line channel simulator in the programming environment Matlab. At the beginning of the thesis are summarized basic information about the PLC communication, its basic distribution in terms of frequency bands and are also mentioned advantages and disadvantages. The emphasis on the meaning and importance of modeling with the aim to analyze PLC communication channel is specified further. The following is a detailed description of the current power lines communication models. Power line channel simulator was created on the basis of mathematical analysis for low-voltage (LV) distribution networks. The created simulator uses a model of cascaded two-ports and works in random or fixed mode. Input parameters are real topologies, different types of loads and cables. RLC resonant circuit as a frequency selective impedance is also included in impedance models. Based on the obtained results was performed the analysis, determined the critical parameters and extreme values. Comparison of effectiveness of created simulator was processed on the basis of available simulators from other authors. Two versions of simulator were created using the results obtained under comparison of effectiveness. For comparison was also performed real measurement on a simple topology. The experimental measurements results have been implemented in the simulator.
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Návrh řídícího systému pro mobilní cirkulační systém pro transport plic / Mobile Control Unit for Transporting LungsSonnenschein, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
In the first part of this master’s thesis an overview about lungs (anatomy, physiology and respiratory mechanics) is given. Next sections are focused on description of the mechanical lung simulator and the mobile circulatory module. The use, construction, function, observed parameters and control scheme of the mobile circulatory module is described. Control unit which is divided into separate modules is introduced including description of power supply and communication. In following chapters a description of DCNM (Direct Control and Notification Module) is given.
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Využití simulátorů s pevnou základnou v pilotním výcviku / The use of fixed-base simulators in pilot trainingPalich, Kristián January 2013 (has links)
PALICH, K. The use of fixed-base simulators in pilot training. Brno: Brno university of technology, Faculty of mechanical engineering, 2013. 80 s. Diploma thesis head: Ing. Jiří Chlebek, Ph.D. This diploma thesis deals with aircraft simulators and syntethic training devices which are used for pilot training. One of the chapters consist of division of syntethic training devices, which is defined by ordinance. In the next chapter there is general description of the basic function of those devices, history of simulators and their development from the very beggining to the present. A significant part of this diploma thesis is about flight simulator Jeppesen Flite Pro, which is at Institute of Aerospace at VUT. In the following chapters there is information about usage of this simulator in the education at this institute and there are picked specific subjects, where this simulator can be used.
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