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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh řídícího algoritmu ABS pro nákladní vozidlo / Development of ABS Control Algorithm for Heavy Commercial Vehicle

Slepánek, David January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with ABS algorithm project for commercial vehicles. In the first part the reader is introduced to the history and first usage of the anti-blocking system, its principles and main functions. There are also driving algorithms and functionality system control. The second part is dedicated to the dynamic model, programs and ADAMS Car and MATLAB Simulink interfaces. It also contains the description of the algorithm, its parameters and basic functionality assay. Simulation, program interlink, testing and tuning are also described. The concluding part deals with results and their assessment.

Hydropneumatická jednotka vozidla / Vehicle Hydropneumatic Unit

Koudelka, Roman January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis, following the bachelor's thesis, is devoted to the gas-liquid unit of a vehicle, as the central element of hydropneumatic suspension. The aim is to dimension and construct this component and integrate it together with other elements into a complex suspension system. Based on possible forms listed in the research section, regarding to current development trends, the form of the unit is chosen. The practical part begins with simulations comparing a hydropneumatic with a conventional suspension system. After solving this issue, it is possible to proceed to the dimensioning of the basic parameters of the unit and then to its construction, respecting the relevant strength calculations. The last step is to build a conceptual design of the whole hydropneumatic suspension system.

Algoritmy pro systémy s technikou adaptivního frekvenčního skákání / Algorithms for adaptive frequency hopping spread spectrum systems

Zunt, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This master's thesis deal the system, which use the Frequency Hopping (FH). Is explained principle those techniques and her benefits and disadvantages. Follows description techniques Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH) that used the Bluetooth. Follows description other method for setup hopset such as Dynamic Frequency Hopping (DFH), which used standards 802.22. 22. Is an emerging standard for Wireless Regional Area Networks (WRAN) operating on a license-exempt and non-interference basis in the spectrum allocated to TV broadcast services (between 47–910 MHz). Other method introduces the Adaptive Frequency Rolling (AFR), a particular instance of frequency hopping (FH) that enables the collocated WPANs to cooperate and avoid the self-interference. The AFR uses as input solely the observed packet error rate (PER) and it does not require any exchange of information among the collocated WPANs. The effect of the FR over a longer time interval is that the WPANs use the complete set of disposable channels in an implicit time-division and cooperative manner. Last method described in this Thesis is Dynamic Adaptive Frequency Hopping (DAFH). The basic strategy applied in DAFH is a binary search for a hopset that offers smaller PER. The set of admissible hopsets depends on the total number of available channels and the maximal level of binary divisions. Practical part of the master's thesis describes proposal model AFH, with usage of Matlab Simulink programme. In thesis are described function each blocks a their setting. Simulation parameters can change in simple graphic interface. The model is able to simulate influence of static and dynamic interference in transmission band of two communicating devices.

Síťový prvek s pokročilým řízením / Network Element with Advanced Control

Zedníček, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deal with finding and testing neural networks, whose characteristics and parameters suitable for the active management of network element. Solves optimization task priority switching of data units from input to output. Work is focused largely on the use of Hopfield and Kohonen networks and their optimization. Result of this work are two models. The first theory is solved in Matlab, where each comparing the theoretical results of neural networks. The second model is a realistic model of the active element designed in Simulink

Optimalizace přepínače v konvergované síti / Switch optimization in converged network

Švec, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Switch Optimization in a Converged Network thesis discusses the role of the Ethernet switch in the network. It describes differences between the switch and the hub in the network and the impacts on the collision domain size. In the converged network, priority data switching according to their origin and thus the qualitative point of view is also addressed - e-mails, voice services and multimedia will each behave differently. A real element, switch L3 - a switch with services quality support - is mentioned. The tool Matlab - Simulink is briefly described and a functional simplified model of the ethernet switch was created. Furthermore, the topic was used as a theme for a laboratory task in the subject Services of Telecommunication Networks. A model for Simulink and an example of the laboratory protocol for the created task are attached to the thesis.

Algoritmy pro řízení asynchronního motoru / Algorithms for the Control of the Induction Motor

Hundák, Vladimír January 2014 (has links)
Hlavným cieľom tejto práce je vytvorenie simulácií rôznych algoritmov riadenia asynchrónneho motora a vzájomné porovnanie ich vlastností. Zaoberá sa taktiež možnosťami konfigurácie náhradného zapojenia na T-článok, -článok a -článok. Obsahuje jednak teoretický rozbor, a taktiež aj simulácie jednotlivých spôsobov riadenia spolu s podrobným návodom na ich realizáciu. Celkovo budú vykonané 3 simulácie – simulácia vektorového riadenia s orientáciou na rotorový tok, vektorového riadenia s orientáciou na statorový tok a simulácia takzvaného prirodzeného riadenia. Ide o úplne nový typ riadenia, ktorého autorom je vedúci tejto diplomovej práce. Jeho simulácia bola vôbec prvým pokusom o funkčnú realizáciu tohto typu riadenia.

Matematický model parní turbíny / Mathematic model of steam turbine

Kroliczek, Filip January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to create a mathematical model of a steam turbine based on the data acquired by measurement, and to verify its behaviour. The first part contains research, which is supposed to introduce basic principles of the steam turbine and description of important construction parts and the possibilities of control. The second part describes the experimental identification method of least squares, used for the calculation of an ARX model of the steam turbine. Finally, the last part focuses on the program environment used for creation of the mathematical model and explanation of measured data analysis process. Furthermore this segment describes the created simulation program as well as a visualisation of the dynamic processes in the steam turbine, including the design of control.

Model větrné elektrárny pro výzkumné a laboratorní využití / Wind Turbine Model for Research and Laboratory Applications

Števček, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
A major portion of this thesis is devoted to the Whisper 200 wind turbine model in Matlab-Simulink environment. The turbine is installed at the Department of Electrical Power Engineering, FEEC BUT. In the model, several types of simulations can be executed. On that basis, the power curve and mathematical relationships between wind speed and other physical quantities, such as RPM, electic current, and voltage, were obtained. Comparisons of the simulations' results with measurement data illustrate adequate agreement, but limitations of the model remain significant, as is exhaustively documented and commented upon in the thesis. As a partial advancement towards elimination of the model's deficiencies, conditions for substantial performance improvements of the dynamic simulation have been elaborately derived.

Řízení laboratorního modelu nestabilního balancujícího vozidla / Control of laboratory model of unstable balancing vehicle

Horák, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a part of HUMMER project. The project deals with three student’s development of two-wheeled unstable vehicle Segway type and its diminished laboratory model. This thesis deals with reviviscence of laboratory model, design of its control and realization of its actuating (a more detailed breakdown of tasks in the project is shown below). At the beginning of the work is presented reviewed study. The first part of study deals with similar models in the world, their construction and way of control. In the next part of reviewed study follows description of a real model and derivation of model basic equations, in the last part of search is given principle of operation of some used sensors. The next step was the selection and design of required electronics. In this capture are described all designed electronic modules and used sensors. There are also given parameters of used batteries and motors. The next task was the estimation of system parameters. The estimation was made by sections, in the capture is in detail described way of measuring data and structuring of estimation model. The penultimate step was design of PID and LQR controller using I/O card MF 624 and their comparing. Following thing was choice of better regulator and its implementation to the microprocessor. The last step was the realization of actuating driving of model by joystick and supreme PC.

Simulace kombinace dvou kniplů Active Side Stick a algoritmus potlačení pilotem indukovaných oscilací / Twin Active Side Stick Configuration Model and Pilot-Induced Oscillations Suppression Algorithm

Vadlejch, Filip January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá představením, popisem a vytvořením modelu postranní řídicí páky pilota s aktivní silovou zpětnou vazbou firmy Honeywell International Inc. v prostředí MATLAB Simulink. Dále pak představením problému pilotem indukovaných oscilací a možnostmi jejich předcházení, detekce a potlačení. Model řídicí páky se silovou zpětnou vazbou je použit pro potlačení detekovaných oscilací v simulaci letounu.

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