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Optimalizace vibračního mikrogenerátoru. / Optimalization of vibration microgeneratorKurfűrst, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The article describes how to produce energy necessary for sensor supply. These generators are used as a local source operating on vibratory principle. Mechanical vibrations that occur in moving machines, in nature etc. are used in order to gain required energy. So are kinesis principles and analysis employed in some of the avaible generators. It also contains patent and literary background research. Work is oriented to solving mechatronic perimeter, in the concrete micro - generator. Mechatronic perimeter piles from seat power control parts and mechanical parts, where common solving equation system leads to correct solving. Mentioned analyses be of consequence for usage optimization methods artificial intelligence. Optimization method are used on optimum solving proposal micro - generator. To inquest dynamism system was used program Simulink (part of MATLAB), generator is buckthorn for f = 17 [Hz] acceleration yam = 0,5g [ms-2]. As a algorithm is used SOMA – All to one.
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Magneticky levitující vozítko / Magnetically levitated cartJančuš, Rastislav January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis is summarizing common theoretical knowledge about permanent magnets and electromagnetism. Represent DC electromagnet as basic part for levitated high-speed train. Work is analyzing basics under cart and principles used for magnetic levitation in high-speed transportation. Second practice part including projecting construction levitated cart and analyzing acquired mathematical model of electromagnet. Work is analyzing process for projecting control for side electromagnets and realization real model, including tuning computer communication with states of sensors and comparison real model with model simulated in program Simulink.
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Pokročilé algoritmy zpracování signálů pro družicovou komunikaci / Advanced Algorithms for Satellite Communication Signal ProcessingZáplata, Filip January 2016 (has links)
Dizertační práce je zaměřena na softwarově definované přijímače určené k úzkopásmové družicové komunikaci. Komunikační kanály družicových spojů zahrnujících komunikaci s hlubokým vesmírem jsou zatíženy vysokými úrovněmi šumu, typicky modelovaného AWGN, a silným Dopplerovým posuvem signálu způsobeným mimořádnou rychlostí pohybu objektu. Dizertační práce představuje možné postupy řešení výpočetně efektivní digitální downkonverze úzkopásmových signálů a systému odhadu kmitočtu nosné úzkopásmových signálů zatížených Dopplerovým posuvem v řádu násobků šířky pásma signálu. Popis navrhovaných algoritmů zahrnuje analytický postup jejich vývoje a tam, kde je to možné, i analytické hodnocení jejich chování. Algoritmy jsou modelovány v prostředí MATLAB Simulink a tyto modely jsou využity pro ověření vlastností simulacemi. Modely byly také využity k experimentálním testům na reálném signálu přijatém z družice PSAT v laboratoři experimentálních družic na ústavu radioelektroniky.
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A model-based design approach for heterogeneous NoC-based MPSoCs on FPGARobino, Francesco January 2014 (has links)
Network-on-chip (NoC) based multi-processor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs) are promising candidates for future multi-processor embedded platforms, which are expected to be composed of hundreds of heterogeneous processing elements (PEs) to potentially provide high performances. However, together with the performances, the systems complexity will increase, and new high level design techniques will be needed to efficiently model, simulate, debug and synthesize them. System-level design (SLD) is considered to be the next frontier in electronic design automation (EDA). It enables the description of embedded systems in terms of abstract functions and interconnected blocks. A promising complementary approach to SLD is the use of models of computation (MoCs) to formally describe the execution semantics of functions and blocks through a set of rules. However, also when this formalization is used, there is no clear way to synthesize system-level models into software (SW) and hardware (HW) towards a NoC-based MPSoC implementation, i.e., there is a lack of system design automation (SDA) techniques to rapidly synthesize and prototype system-level models onto heterogeneous NoC-based MPSoCs. In addition, many of the proposed solutions require large overhead in terms of SW components and memory requirements, resulting in complex and customized multi-processor platforms. In order to tackle the problem, a novel model-based SDA flow has been developed as part of the thesis. It starts from a system-level specification, where functions execute according to the synchronous MoC, and then it can rapidly prototype the system onto an FPGA configured as an heterogeneous NoC-based MPSoC. In the first part of the thesis the HeartBeat model is proposed as a model-based technique which fills the abstraction gap between the abstract system-level representation and its implementation on the multiprocessor prototype. Then details are provided to describe how this technique is automated to rapidly prototype the modeled system on a flexible platform, permitting to adjust the system specification until the designer is satisfied with the results. Finally, the proposed SDA technique is improved defining a methodology to automatically explore possible design alternatives for the modeled system to be implemented on a heterogeneous NoC-based MPSoC. The goal of the exploration is to find an implementation satisfying the designer's requirements, which can be integrated in the proposed SDA flow. Through the proposed SDA flow, the designer is relieved from implementation details and the design time of systems targeting heterogeneous NoC-based MPSoCs on FPGA is significantly reduced. In addition, it reduces possible design errors proposing a completely automated technique for fast prototyping. Compared to other SDA flows, the proposed technique targets a bare-metal solution, avoiding the use of an operating system (OS). This reduces the memory requirements on the FPGA platform comparing to related work targeting MPSoC on FPGA. At the same time, the performance (throughput) of the modeled applications can be increased when the number of processors of the target platform is increased. This is shown through a wide set of case studies implemented on FPGA. / <p>QC 20140609</p>
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Hardware-in-the-loop based-real-time simulations in robotic additive manufacturingSingh, Gurtej, Hajian Foroushany, Ali January 2022 (has links)
Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) is a concept for testing physical equipment by connecting itto a mathematical representation (model) of the physical process. HiL-testing reduces thecost and saves time before testing the physical equipment (hardware) on the real (physical)process. The physical process chosen for this study is wire+arc additive manufacturing(WAAM), an advanced additive manufacturing (AM) technology that deposits metalbased material layer-by-layer. In this study, simulations of the robot path are carried outwhile the physical robot performs a physical process (additive manufacturing). In robotadditive manufacturing, the desired CAD model is currently sliced down into layers usingslicer software, and the layers are then translated into a path. The robot then moves alongthe path of these pre-defined layers to produce a three-dimensional structure. The heightof the produced structures and desired CAD models have deviations because of processinstabilities and temperature variations among other factors. The robot path should beupdated every time a layer is printed to compensate for the height differences. This isachieved by parametrizing the CAD model, i.e., the CAD model of the structure to beprinted is replaced by a mathematical equation (model). In this study, the mathematicalmodel is updated for each layer in real-time with feedback data from sensors that monitorthe additive manufacturing process. The concept of updating a mathematical model andexecuting it in real-time is called real-time simulation (RTS). In this study, a HiL-basedreal-time simulation setup has been developed, which predicts the required printing layerheight and the number of layers (based upon the latest feedback data from the monitoringsensors), and the required height of the structure. By combining hardware and software,a cyber-physical system has been created, enabling the transition from automation toautonomous robotics and contributing to Industry 4.0.
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Koexistence mobilních komunikačních systémů WLAN a Bluetooth / WLAN and Bluetooth Systems CoexistenceMikulka, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with a WLAN and Bluetooth systems coexistence. A Bluetooth standard works in an unlicensed frequency band 2,402 – 2,480 GHz. This frequency band is also used by an IEEE 802.11b/g standard (Wi-Fi) which is the most extended representative of WLAN networks. Because Bluetooth and Wi-Fi systems operate in the same frequency band, a mutual signal degradation may appear, when devices are collocated in the same area. In the first part of the dissertation thesis there is a brief summary of 2,402 - 2,480 GHz frequency band regulations and its usage. There are described physical layers of Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b/g standards and techniques used for a collision avoidance. The main part of the dissertation thesis deals with a development of a new Matlab Simulink model for investigations of the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi standards coexistence. Physical layer models and results of the coexistence simulations are verified by a measurement in real conditions with a help of a modern vector signal analyzer. The results are presented in a graphical form and a brief summary is attached at the end of each chapter. Corresponding tables of simulated and measured values are available in the enclosed CD.
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Řízení dynamických systémů v reálném čase / Real Time Dynamic System ControlAdamík, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the methodology of controlling dynamic systems in real time. It contents a review of the control theory basis and the elementary base of regulators construction. Then the list of matemathic formulaes follows as well as the math basis for the system simulations using a difeerential count and the problem of difeerential equations solving. Furthermore, there is a systematic approach to the design of general regulator enclosed, using modern simulation techniques. After the results confirmation in the Matlab system, the problematics of transport delay & quantization modelling follow.
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Ride through Capability of medium-sized Gas Turbine Generators : Modelling and Simulation of Low Voltage Ride through Capability of Siemens Energy's medium-sized GTG and Low Voltage Ride through Grid Codes requirements at point of connectionAlmailea, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
In order to reduce emissions and achieve sustainable energy systems, renewable energy is increasingly being integrated into the power grid. However, the integration of renewable energy into the grid poses several challenges, including maintaining a stable power supply under changing and unpredictable conditions. Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) assesses a generator's ability to maintain stable voltage during grid voltage drops, which is crucial for renewables due to their low inertia and vulnerability to voltage disruptions caused by changes in wind or sunlight. LVRT requirements are defined by regional grid codes and regulations, which vary in their diversity. A study was conducted using Matlab Simulink to model and simulate the LVRT phenomenon on Siemens Energy's medium gas turbine generator. The entire power system generation system was simulated to observe the system's response and the generator's behavior during LVRT events. A previous gas turbine power plant project in Romania, delivered by Siemens Energy in Finspång, was simulated for analysis and compared against the grid code requirements. The findings indicated that the Siemens Energy gas turbine model SGT-750 satisfies the Romanian LVRT grid code requirements.
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A Component-based Model of a Fuel Cell Vehicle SystemSalomonsson, David, Eng, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Improving the efficiency and performance of vehicle propulsion systems has always been desirable, and with increasing environmental awareness this has become increasingly topical. A particularly strong focus today is at fossil-free alternatives, and there is a strong trend for electrification. Hybrid powertrains of different types can bring benefits in certain aspects, and there is a lot of research and development involved in the making of a new powertrain. In this thesis, a complete powertrain for a fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle is modeled, with the intention of contributing to this trend. The model can be used to investigate design choices and their impact on energy consumption. A component-based library is developed, with the purpose of being easy to implement for different configurations. The results show that it is possible to assemble and simulate a complete hybrid drivetrain, using the modeled components, while not being very computationally heavy. The developed models correspond well with reality while being modular and easy to implement.
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Spatial Pendulum Tuned Mass Damper with Two Tuning FrequenciesMohammed, Waled T. A. 20 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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