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Polyfunkční dům ve Vyškově / Multifunctional building in VyškovMusil, Antonín January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the desing documentation of a multifunctional house. The building is three-storeyed. The roof structure is designed as a single-layer, flat roof. This building is divided into three working parts. First part is used for medical clinic and pharmacy business. This section is wheelchair accessible. The second part of the building is designed as office space. In incudles office space, archive and hygiene facilitites for staff. The third part of building is for housing. Includes 2 apartments and associated storages. The building is designed from the structural systém POROTHERM and has rectangular plan shape with beveled edges.
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Polyfunkční dům v Šumperku / The polyfunctional house in ŠumperkKropáč, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the implementation of the project documentation construction of polyfunctional house. The future object will be located in Šumperk Street Šumavská and fits seamlessly into the surrounding buildings. The building is detached, it has five floors and no basement. Construction system is primarily wall, only some elements of the framed. The roof of the object is flat and will not be operational. On the first floor there is a snack bar and two shops are also located on the first floor of technical facilities and common areas for residential units. On the second floor is office space for the two companies. In the amounts of ground floors for living spaces. Altogether there will be located fifteen housing units.
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[pt] O teste de injetividade é um procedimento que tem como objetivo otimizar
a produção e maximizar a recuperação de óleo dos reservatórios de petróleo.
Esse teste consiste em injetar um fluido (comumente água ou gás), em um
poço injetor para coletar informações sobre ele. Com base no comportamento
da pressão medida durante o período de injeção, é possível identificar uma
série de características relacionadas ao reservatório, incluindo volume de óleo
recuperável, parâmetros do reservatório, zonas de skin, permeabilidade e
condição de fronteira de reservatório. Atualmente, são encontrados poucos
estudos relativos a testes de injetividade em reservatórios homogêneos em
regimes de fluxo permanente e pseudopermanente. Por esse motivo, este
trabalho tem como objetivo propor uma solução analítica aproximada para o
comportamento de pressão em reservatórios homogêneos em regimes de fluxo
permanente e pseudopermanente. Os resultados calculados apresentaram uma
aproximação satisfatória em todos os casos. / [en] Injectivity testing is a procedure that aims to optimize production and maximize oil recovery from oil reservoirs. This test consists of injecting a fluid (usually water or gas) into an injection well to collect information about it. Based on the pressure behavior measured during the injection period, it is possible to identify a series of reservoir-related characteristics, including recoverable oil volume, reservoir parameters, skin zones, permeability and reservoir boundary condition. Currently, there are few studies on injectivity tests in homogeneous reservoirs in permanent and pseudo-permanent flow regimes. For this reason, this work aims to propose an approximate analytical solution for the pressure behavior in homogeneous reservoirs in permanent and pseudo permanent flow regimes. The calculated results showed a satisfactory approximation in allcases.
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Wave Transmission Characteristics in Honeycomb Sandwich Structures using the Spectral Finite Element MethodMurthy, MVVS January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Wave propagation is a phenomenon resulting from high transient loadings where the duration of the load is in µ seconds range. In aerospace and space craft industries it is important to gain knowledge about the high frequency characteristics as it aids in structural health monitoring, wave transmission/attenuation for vibration and noise level reduction.
The wave propagation problem can be approached by the conventional Finite Element Method(FEM); but at higher frequencies, the wavelengths being small, the size of the finite element is reduced to capture the response behavior accurately and thus increasing the number of equations to be solved, leading to high computational costs. On the other hand such problems are handled in the frequency domain using Fourier transforms and one such method is the Spectral Finite Element Method(SFEM). This method is introduced first by Doyle ,for isotropic case and later popularized in developing specific purpose elements for structural diagnostics for inhomogeneous materials, by Gopalakrishnan. The general approach in this method is that the partial differential wave equations are reduced to a set of ordinary differential equations(ODEs) by transforming these equations to another space(transformed domain, say Fourier domain). The reduced ODEs are usually solved exactly, the solution of which gives the dynamic shape functions. The interpolating functions used here are exact solution of the governing differential equations and hence, the exact elemental dynamic stiffness matrix is derived. Thus, in the absence of any discontinuities, one element is sufficient to model 1-D waveguide of any length. This elemental stiffness matrix can be assembled to obtain the global matrix as in FEM, but in the transformed space. Thus after obtaining the solution, the original domain responses are obtained using the inverse transform. Both the above mentioned manuscripts present the Fourier transform based spectral finite element (FSFE), which has the inherent aliasing problem that is persistent in the application of the Fourier series/Fourier transforms. This is alleviated by using an additional throw-off element and/or introducing slight damping in to the system. More recently wave let transform based spectral finite element(WSFE) has been formulated which alleviated the aliasing problem; but has a limitation in obtaining the frequency characteristics, like the group speeds are accurate only up-to certain fraction of the Nyquist(central frequency). Currently in this thesis Laplace transform based spectral finite elements(LSFE) are developed for sandwich members. The advantages and limitations of the use of different transforms in the spectral finite element framework is presented in detail in Chapter-1.
Sandwich structures are used in the space craft industry due to higher stiffness to weight ratio. Many issues considered in the design and analysis of sandwich structures are discussed in the well known books(by Zenkert, Beitzer). Typically the main load bearing structures are modeled as beam sand plates. Plate structures with kh<1 is analysed based on the Kirch off plate theory/Classical Plate Theory(CPT) and when the bending wavelength is small compared to the plate thickness, the effect of shear deformation and rotary inertia needs to be included where, k is the wave number and h is the thickness of the plate. Many works regarding the wave propagation in sandwich structures has been published in the past literature for wave propagation in infinite sandwich structure and giving the complete description of dispersion relation with no restriction on frequency and wavelength. More recently exact analytical solution or simply supported sandwich plate has been derived. Also it is seen by comparison of dispersion curves obtained with exact (3D formulation of theory of elasticity) and simplified theories (2D formulation as generalization of Timoshenko theory) made on infinite domain and concluded that the simplified theory can be reliably used to assess the waveguide properties of sandwich plate in the frequency range of interest. In order to approach the problems with finite domain and their implementation in the use of general purpose code; finite degrees of freedom is enforced. The concept of displacement based theories provides the flexibility in assuming different kinematic deformations to approach these problems. Many of the displacement based theories incorporate the Equivalent Single Layer(ESL) approach and these can capture the global behavior with relative ease. Chapter-2 presents the Laplace spectral finite element for thick beams based on the First order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT). Here the effect of different choices of the real part of the Laplace variable is demonstrated. It is shown that the real part of the Laplace variable acts as a numerical damping factor. The spectrum and dispersion relations are obtained and the use of these relations are demonstrated by an example. Here, for sandwich members based on FSDT, an appropriate choice of the correction factor ,which arises due to the inconsistency between the kinematic hypothesis and the desired accuracy is presented. Finally the response obtained by the use of the element is validated with experimental results.
For high shock loading cases, the core flexibility induces local effects which are very predominant and this can lead to debonding of face sheets. The ESL theories mentioned above cannot capture these effects due to the computation of equivalent through the thickness section properties. Thus, higher order theories such as the layer-wise theories are required to capture the local behaviour. One such theory for sandwich panels is the Higher order Sandwich Plate theory (HSaPT). Here, the in-plane stress in the core has been neglected; but gives a good approximation for sandwich construction with soft cores. Including the axial inertial terms of the core will not yield constant shear stress distribution through the height of the core and hence more recently the Extended Higher order Sandwich Plate theory (EHSaPT) is proposed. The LSFE based on this theory has been formulated and is presented in Chapter-4. Detailed 3D orthotropic properties of typical sandwich construction is considered and the core compressibility effect of local behavior due to high shock loading is clearly brought out. As detailed local behavior is sought the degrees of freedom per element is high and the specific need for such theory as compared with the ESL theories is discussed.
Chapter-4 presents the spectral finite element for plates based on FSDT. Here, multi-transform method is used to solve the partial differential equations of the plate. The effect of shear deformation is brought out in the spectrum and dispersion relations plots. Response results obtained by the formulated element is compared and validated with many different experimental results.
Generally structures are built-up by connecting many different sub-structures. These connecting members, called joints play a very important role in the wave transmission/attenuation. Usually these joints are modeled as rigid joints; but in reality these are flexible and exhibits non-linear characteristics and offer high damping to the energy flow in the connected structures. Chapter-5 presents the attenuation and transmission of wave energy using the power flow approach for rigid joints for different configurations. Later, flexible spectral joint model is developed and the transmission/attenuation across the flexible joints is studied.
The thesis ends with conclusion and highlighting futures cope based on the developments reported in this thesis.
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Sportovní centrum Velké Meziříčí / Sports centre in Velké MeziříčíSedláček, Adam January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the elaboration of project documentation for the construction of a new sports center with a specialization in the field of health technology. The building will be located in the town of Velké Meziříčí, on the street Školní and will be located on the plot 5917/16 with a total area of 17 820,2 m2. The total built-up area of the proposed building is 919,88 m2. The object is designed as stand-alone. It has a ragged shape, which consists of three adjoining rectangles, has two above ground floors with a partial basement. The building will be based on concrete foundation girders. The support system is chosen as a brick longitudinal with reinforcing walls. Perimeter masonry will be designed from cut ceramic blocks in above-ground floors and lost formwork in the basement. The ceiling structure consists of prestressed ceiling panels. The entire building is designed with a ventilated facade of two types of cement-bonded slabs. The grille of the ventilated facade will be made of glass fiber fiberglass. The roof of the building is designed as flat single-skinned. The building is designed for sports, including a sports bar and a clubhouse, which are open to the general public. There are 40 parking spaces, of which 3 for people with reduced mobility. During processing the emphasis was put on the appropriate layout, building-technical and architectural design and safe use of the building.
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Střelnice & lasergame aréna „Eagle eye“ / Shooting range & lasergame arena "Eagle Eye"Javůrek, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this project is a new building of a shooting range and lasergame arena in Brno, district Královo pole. The aim of the thesis is to create a documentation for realization of a shooting range and lasergame arena. It is a stand-alone two-storey building without the basement. The building is based on piled foundations, the construction system is reinforced concrete frame, infill material is light concrete brick. There is an exception: in the tunnel shooting range, there are monolithic reinforced concrete walls. The ceilings above the first floor are made also of reinforced concrete, the ceiling above the second floor / roof is made of pre-stressed reinforced concrete roof panels of spiroll type. There is flat, single-layer roof. The walls are designed as double-layered, contact-insulated with fiber-cement cladding.
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Analýza a návrh vinutí střídavých strojů / Analysis and design of the AC machines winding.Vorel, Luboš January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on an analysis and design of an AC machines windings. In the theoretical part of the thesis, differences between single-layer and double-layer windings are explained. Next, the properties of a stator winding of synchronous machines are described. Finally, the winding factor is determined by means of a standard calculation method and by means of a new progressive calculation method, too. In the experimental part of this thesis, the stator winding of a high-speed synchronous generator excited by permanent magnets on the rotor is designed. This generator is driven by a steam turbine.
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Sportovně relaxační centrum / Sports and relaxation centerBárta, Hynek January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the new building is the construction of sports and relaxation center in Jihlava in the Vysocina. The building will serve as a sports and leisure center also contains the 1st floor squash courts, relaxation area with jacuzzi, sauna and massage. In the 2nd floor will be located with aerobic fitness, office manager, a children's playground and a bar with seating. The building consists of two floors and a basement. External walls are lined with masonry elements of Heluz Family tl. 300 mm 3 square inches with excellent thermal insulation properties, the internal load-bearing walls of thick STI Heluz system. 300mm. The building can escape three unprotected pathways into the open towards the northwest and south. The building is situated in a slightly sloping terrain. From the main road to get to the building access road to the 1st floor. The overall height of the first floor is 4.00 m, the second floor is 4m and also underground floor is 3.40 m The building consists of three wings in the longitudinal structural system. The building has three floors: a basement and two floors. The roof is flat, single-layer, above the squash courts is inclined with an inclination of 6 degrees. The ground plan is mass divided into 3 wings on 1st floor with main entrance and staircase connecting all the floors in the middle of disposition. Ground object is longitudinally divided into differently sized parts of the corridor, which on each side of the staircase joining the center of the building. Check the plot is solved its own parking with direct entrance from the road.
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Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional buildingVácl, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with new building of the basement multifunctional building with flat roof in town Klatovy. The building has four aboveground and one underground floor. The whole building offers barrier free access. The entrance to the residental part of the building and the stores are on the east side. The entrance to the wine is situated on the west. There are collective garages on the first basement floor. On the first abovegroung floor are selling space, a wine and technical facilities of the building. On the second floor one flat for disabled people and five flats. Six flats are situated od third floor and four flats on fourth floor. The combined construction is made from support system Porotherm and reinforced concrete. The building is based on grillage base from reinforced concrete. The structure of ceiling is made from reinforced concrete. Two elevators and two reinforced concrete monollithic staircases can be found in the building. The roof over the whole building is single-layer with aggravating gravel. The parking is situated in the undergroung part and on the plot belonging to the building and is designed for physiccally disabled people.
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Komerční a obytný objekt, ul. Brněnská, Kuřim, stavebně technologická příprava stavby. / the Commercial and Residential Building situated on the Brněnská street in Kuřim, civil technological project.Humelič, Robin January 2014 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the construction and technological preparation of construction of commercial and residential building in Kuřim. The work includes a study of the implementation of all works, site, time and financial plan, design the main building mechanisms, time standard, schedule, technical regulations of selected stages, inspection and test plan, a contract for work, thermal technical assessment of circuit design and label envelopes building.
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