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HODNOCENÍ POŠKOZENÍ LESNÍCH POROSTŮ S VYUŽITÍM DRUŽICOVÝCH A LIDAROVÝCH DAT / Assessments of forest damage using satellite and LIDAR dataLihanová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
Assessment of forest damage using satellite and lidar data Abstract The main objective of this thesis is to create a methodical procedure used for the evaluation of forest damage in the chosen area of the National Park Sumava, Czech Republic. In this work were combined the multispectral satellite data and data of airborne laser scanning. The forests in this area are heavily damaged mainly due to bark beetle outbreak. You can find here as healthy so damaged forests. Based on this methodology will be differentiated greater number of classes than I found in the literature. In this work was used pansharpened multispectral image SPOT, multispectral image Landsat and airborne laser scanning data with low density points. Another task was to get height information from ALS data in the form of grid. Forest stands were classified using object-oriented classification, which included at first segmentation and then creation of classification base. In classification entered spectral information and height information obtained from the ALS data. Forests were classified into 5 classes and accuracy of both classifications was evaluated using the error matrix and kappa coefficient. SPOT image classification reached kappa coefficient of 68,5 % and Landsat image classification reached kappa coefficient of 72,3 %. From the...
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Využití dat LLS pro aktualizaci silniční sítě / Utilization of ALS data for update of a road networkKutišová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
Utilization of ALS data for update of a road network Abstract My thesis concerned problematics of automatic detection of communication data from aerial laser scanning. Goal of this method is to identify area of roads - tarmacs as accurate as possible. On its basis are counted attributes of specific parts. In first part of the thesis are summarized known procedures, which are used to deal with the issue and experiences and evaluation of the output of theirs authors. In practical part of the thesis is described procedure methodology, which is based on findings from the literature review. Subsequently, input data and model areas are introduced. In the final parts are described results and compared with the results of authors, who used such evaluation in their work. Key words: airborne laser scanning, digital topographic database, road network, database update
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Analýza bodových množin reprezentujících povrchy technické praxe / Analysis of Point Clouds Representing Surfaces of Engineering PracticeSurynková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Title: Analysis of Point Clouds Representing Surfaces of Engineering Practice Author: Petra Surynková Department: Department of Mathematics Education Supervisor: Mgr. Šárka Voráčová, Ph.D., Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague Abstract: The doctoral dissertation Analysis of Point Clouds Representing Surfaces of Engineering Practice addresses the development and application of methods of digital reconstruction of surfaces of engineering and construction practice from point clouds. The main outcome of the dissertation is a presentation of new procedures and methods that contribute to each of the stages of the reconstruction process from the input point clouds. The work is mainly focused on the analysis of input clouds that describe special types of surfaces. Several completely new algorithms and improvements of existing algorithms that contribute to individual steps of surface reconstruction are presented. New procedures are based on geometrical characteristics of the reconstructed object. An important result of the dissertation is an analysis of not only synthetically generated point clouds but above all an analysis of real point clouds that have been obtained from measurements of real objects. The significant contribution of the dissertation is also an...
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Interpolace digitálního modelu povrchu korun pro analýzu porostních mezer přírodního smrko-jedlo-bukového lesaKomárek, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this bachelor's thesis was to create, from a point cloud, a suitable digital surface model for analysis of vegetation gaps of natural spruce-fir-beech forest. The input data were obtained by means of 2010 airborne laser scanning and 2004 airborne photogrammetry in the territory of Žofín primaeval forest. To create the digital models, several interpolating methods were utilized by means of the AcrMap 10.2 software using the free LAStools toolbox. Subsequently, cuts were created from these models. The cuts were compared in the Pointools View 1.7 software and their capability to truly copy the canopy surface and suitability to search for vegetation gaps were evaluated.
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Výpočet radiace v lesních porostech na základě dat leteckého laserového skenováníPatočka, Zdeněk January 2014 (has links)
Leaf area index (LAI) is the most important variable influencing the penetration of solar radiation beams through the forest stand. Currently, the airborne laser scanning, as new indirect method, suggests itself for estimation of LAI. LAI was measured terrestrially using the hemispherical photographies analysis and compared with LiDAR Penetration Index - LPI. There were created several regression models describing the dependence of LAI and LPI with coefficients of determination from 0.71 up to 0.81. Leaf area index was also applied to the Beer-Lambert law for calculation of the solar radiation in forest stands. Practical application possibilities of LPI in forestry (estimation of stocking, optimization of shelterwood cuttings etc.) have been described in conclusion of this diploma thesis.
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Využití optických a laserových dat k modelování lesních porostů / Utilization of optical and laser data for modeling forest areasJebavá, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the possible use of optical data for modeling forest area compared with utilization of airborne laser scanning data. At first these two datasets are compared and causes of differences are explained. Then canopy height models are made and object-oriented classification is applied for separation of vegetation stands. Methodical procedure is suggested for delineation and detection individual trees in forest. Then their height is detected. There are summarized and other possibilities for improvement in detection and delineation of trees. The results show that optical data with resolution about 25 cm are suitable for dermining the characteristics of the forest stands up to individual tree level. The outputs of this research can be used for forest inventory. Key words: aerial imagery, image matching, laser scanning, point cloud, forest inventory
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Využití doplňkových informací o pulsu pro klasifikaci dat LLS v členitém terénu / Utilization of additional information on the pulse for ALS data classification in rugged terrainPoláková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
Utilization of additional information of the pulse for ALS data classification in ragged terrain Abstract The diploma thesis deals with airborne laser scanning filtering problem in sandstone landscape which is characterized by ragged terrain and in our country also by dense vegetation that makes difficult to transit laser pulse to terrain that can lead to lower accuracy of created DTM. In the first part the basic filtering algorithm that are systematic divided into several groups are described. The emphasis is also put on theoretic problems which we have to deal with during the filtering of laser scanner data acquired in sandstone landscape. The main goal of the thesis is to suggest changes in one of the existing algorithm to additional information of the pulse (mainly amplitude and width of the pulse) be used, and to test this method over the real data. At the end the results of the method and its implementation are critically evaluated. Keywords: airborne laser scanning, point cloud segmentation, point cloud classification, sandstone landscape, DTM
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Tvorba kartograficky správných vrstevnic z dat LLS v rovinatém terénu / Production of cartographically correct countour lines from airborne laserscanning data in flat terrainPicek, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Production of cartographically correct countour lines from airborne laserscanning data in flat terrain Abstract The thesis is dedicated to the creation of contour lines from the data of airborne laserscanning in flat areas. For creation of contour lines in these parts is necessary specific generalization, that smooths unwanted artifacts, but does not delete the shapes, which are characteristic for the relief. The first part of the thesis is to serve as a short insight into the areas on which it is built, this thesis: the principle of airborne laserscanning and basic information on the contour line model. On the basis of technical literature are defined the requirements for the correct representation of the contour and cartographicly presented the different types of the DEM and generalization of contours. The main aim of this work is to design an algorithm that will combine several methods of generalization of contour while maintaining altitude accuracy as well as other requirements on their cartographicly the right terms, and to test this approach in several territories. In conclusion, the results of the methods of work and its implementation critically evaluated and outlined other possible developments of this issue. Keywords hypsography, airborne laserscanning, digital cartography, contour lines,...
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Návrh výroby držáků řízení předního kola pro studentskou formuli TU Brno Racing / Proposal for Control of Manufacture Holders of the Front Wheel for Formula Student TU Brno RacingVašek, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and production of wheel control holders for the right front wheel of the formula Dragon 4 of TU Brno Racing team. In the theoretical part, the Formula Student competition is described, including the steering holders themselves and description of their function and location. Later the analysis of aluminium and its alloy was made, including description of the CERTAL material of which the holders were made. The practical part includes the design of prototype holders in the Autodesk Inventor CAD software, the design and application of machining strategies in the PowerMILL CAM software. Further, the practical part includes production on milling machines at the MCV 754 QUICK and DECKEL MAHO DMU 50 machining centre. At the end, the dimensional analysis of the part is performed, manufactured holders were compared to the CAD model of the given components and the technical and economical evaluation of the production was made.
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Digitální model terénu pro morfologické účely / Digital terrain model for morphological purposesOlšovský, Vít January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is measuring a part of a Svratka’s meander by the means of the FARO focus 3D X 130 scanner and a total station. Another part of the thesis is creating 3D models from individual methods and their comparison. The acquired data is processed in the SCENE, Microstaion Power Draft V8 and Atlas DMT programmes. The accuracies of the scan registrations and the resulting differences among individual methods are evaluated.
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