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Model rodinného domu v programu Revit / The model of a family house in RevitSoukup, Štěpán January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on processing and data collecting for the use of creating functional 3D informating model that we call BIM (Building Information Modelling) which is getting more and more attention throughout building industry and it is used by all of the participants in the industry from designers and architects to those who are dealing with building installations. This process is slowly getting into legislations of many countries including Czechia. The thesis is divided into two parts where one of them is describing the Building Information Modeling in general and the other part is describing the work which is behind the colleting good data which is needed when making the 3D documentation in Revit software which is wildly used for designing building constructions. Practical part of the land surveyor´s work is devided here into two parts where one of them is dedicated to collecting data by laser scanning process, GNSS and measuring by total station and levelling machine. Second part focuses on the description of the data processing in order to make 3D model. The example of the output production data is the BIM 3D model of the family house in selected level of detail and besides that we also have the visualization of both interior and exterior and 2D simplified building documentations.
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Rozměrová, tvarová a materiálová analýza bimetalových dílců s definovaným poloměrem ohybu / Dimensional, Shape and Material Analysis of Bimetal Parts with Defined Bending RadiusIvánek, Radim January 2020 (has links)
The thesis aim is an evaluation of achieved results coming from the analysis of pipe bend 180° for the critical bending / bend 1D and supercritical bending / bend 0,7D. The theoretical part is focused on material property of a bimetallic pipe and on methods applied to work out the analysis. The definition of critical points at a considered segment and possible defects arisen while bending is embodied in the thesis. The practical part of the thesis is based on presenting dimensional and proportional analysis based on using optical microscopes and 3D scanner GOM ATOS. The material analysis was aimed at macrostructure as well as microstructure of the bimetallic pipe material, at chemical composition and at the hardness when low-loaded. The analysis achieved results are assessed at the end of the thesis.
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Výpočtové modelování přenosu tepla v porézních strukturách / Computational modeling of heat transfer problems in porous structuresMráz, Kryštof January 2020 (has links)
Vrstva okují, skládající se z oxidů železa, která se tvoří na povrchu oceli při jejím tepelném zpracování, má velký vliv na tepelné metalurgické procesy. Tepelná vodivost okují je jeden z klíčových parametrů pro numerické modelování procesů odkujování a chlazení oceli. Tato vodivost je nicméně silně ovlivňována porézní strukturou okují a žádná všeobecně uznávaná materiálová data nejsou v současnosti dostupná. Cílem této práce bylo provést stacionární tepelnou analýzu za účelem stanovení tepelné vodivosti vrstvy okují. Byl vytvořen podrobný 3D MKP model vrstvy okují založený na datech získaných pomocí CT skenování. Je popsáno získání CT obrazu a jeho zpracování. Využity byly dva různé způsoby segmentace. Pravidelná krychlová výpočetní síť byla vytvořena přímo z voxelové matice zpracovaného CT obrazu. Výsledné hodnoty tepelné vodivosti získané z provedené MKP analýzy byly téměř identické pro obě metody segmentace, což prokazuje jejich vhodnost. Výsledná tepelná vodivost okují může být dále využita jako materiálová charakteristika v numerických modelech tepelného zpracování oceli
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3D model vybraného objektu / 3D model of the selected objectMrůzek, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the implementation of a 3D model of two objects using laser scanning. This paper deals with the accuracy evaluation of several data interpretation. The first two methods are the outputs of the results from the FARO SCENE program and other interpretations are the outputs from the TRIMBLE REAL WORKS program. To assess accuracy and veracity, the exact test field of points previously built in the AdMas complex was used. The result of the project is a georeferenced 3D model of two objects with the surrounding environment.
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Snímání otisku prstu / Fingerprint scanningKubiš, Michal January 2010 (has links)
Fingerprints are the oldest and most used form of biometric identification. A critical step is reliable extract minutiae from the fingerprint images. However fingerprint images are rarely of perfect quality, they may be degraded and corrupted due to natural variations in skin and sensing conditions. Thus, image enhancement techniques are necessary prior to minutiae extraction. This work includes implementation of three techniques for fingerprint image enhancement, minutiae extraction and consturction of fingerprint reading device. Experiments are realized with two sets of fingerprints to evaluate the performance of implemented techniques.
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Jasové skenování svítidel a světelných zdrojů / Luminance scanning of luminaires and light sourcesŠevčík, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
Práce se zabývá měřením křivek svítivosti světelných zdrojů a svítidel konvenčními a nekonvenčními metodami. Úvodní část práce je věnována popisu zrakového systému a základních fotometrických veličin. Hlavní teoretická část je zaměřena na popis současných metod měření křivek svítivosti a nových metod měření pomocí jasového analyzátoru. Současně jsou pro jednotlivé metody uvedeny zdroje nejistot, které ovlivňují výsledky měření. Těžiště práce spočívá v návrhu metodiky měření křivek svítivosti z jasových skenů svítidla a následném ověření tohoto postupu vlastním měřením. Dále bylo provedeno srovnání naměřených výsledků navrženým postupem, s výsledky konvenčního měření na goniofotometru s luxmetrem.
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Souřadnicové měřicí stroje (CMM) s optickým snímacím systémem a optické CMM / Coordinate measuring machinesPalásek, Vítězslav January 2009 (has links)
This graduation work is about co-ordinal measuring machines (CMM) with optical reader system and optical CMM. In accordance with submission and in terms of survival well known contactless systems the direction is to make methodology objective classification of rating with granting summary of these systems. The first part contains optical principles for visual scanner in CMM and optical CMM. Ist is described there principle of contactless obtaining steric digital version of measured object with using laser and optical facilities. The second part contains brief makes survey of these contactless systems and their component which are used for co-ordinal measuring. The survey is devided into optical readers, which are put on CMM brake or on mobile measuring brake and on optical CMM, which localize position measuring/sensing head in the space or they read measured object from specific distance – fotogrammetric. Characteristic of offered systems and chart with technical data are mentioned with each maker. The third and fourth part is about submission methodology for objective choice suitable sort of reader, optical CMM in target of characteristic reader system quality. And from this methodology is given the choice of suitable exponent stationary measuring machine with contact and contactless way of reading and their comparison.
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Design detektoru kovu a rentgenu zavazadel / Design of metal detector and X-ray luggage scannerFridrichová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
Subject of this Diploma thesis is the design of metal detector and luggage X-ray screening. The thesis concerns with design of frame metal detector and luggage x-ray with focus on visual appeal, keeping of functional elements and concept of construction solution. Main objective is to find solution how to connect aesthetic, ergonomic and technical aspect. Complete analysis leads to design of metal detector and luggage X-ray screening. These appliances then appeal as compact system with uniform design. Also the machines can be used separately. Design of this system of appliances is solved through ergonomic, psychologic, technical and aesthetic aspects.
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Automatické generování pozic optického skeneru pro digitalizaci plechových dílů / Automatic Generation of Scanning Positions for Sheet Metal Parts DigitizationKoutecký, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of a new methodology for automatic generation of scanning positions based on a computer model of the part for digitization of sheet metal parts. Manufacture and related inspection of sheet metal parts are closely connected to automotive industry. Based on increasing general requirements on accuracy, there is also a requirement for accurate inspection of manufactured parts in serial-line production. Optical 3D scanners and industrial robots are used more often for that purpose. Measuring positions for accurate and fast digitization of a part need to be prepared as the manufacturing of the new part begins. Planning of such positions is done manually by positioning of the industrial robot and saving the positions. The planning of positions proposed by this methodology is done automatically. A methodology of positions planning, their simulation for true visibility of the part elements using reflectance model and a simulation of the positions for robot reachability is presented in this thesis. The entire methodology is implemented as a plug-in for the Rhinoceros software. High reduction of time in positions planning compared to the manual approach was observed in the performed experiments.
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Projekce dat do scény / Projector camera cooperationWalter, Viktor January 2016 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is the cooperation of cameras and projectors in projection of data into a scene. It describes the means and theory necessary to achieve such cooperation, and suggests tasks for demonstration. A part of this project is also a program capable of using a camera and a projector to obtain necessary parameters of these devices. The program can demonstrate the quality of this calibration by projecting a pattern onto an object according to its current pose, as well as reconstruct the shape of an object with structured light. The thesis also describes some challenges and observations from development and testing of the program.
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