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Vliv internetu a sociálních sítí na spotřební chování / Influence of the Internet and Social Networks on Consumer BehaviorGrigarová, Pavla January 2010 (has links)
Methods used in the thesis include online polling and personal interviews with experts. The goal was to theoretically cover the area of internet marketing and analyze own conducted research. Research has revealed that the internet had the biggest influence on the phases of assessing the options, buying and searching for information of the last purchases of the respondents. The categories which were mostly affected by the internet were electronics and tourism services. With the increasing price of goods the influence of the internet was also growing. The most important internet marketing tools were web sites, search engines and search tools to compare prices. Concerning the social networks, their influence on consumer decision-making was only marginal. The work includes a comparison of theoretical knowledge with research and expert opinions as well.
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The submitted thesis examines the issue of unemployment on the labor market by the age structure during the period of 1999-2009. Special attention is devoted to the unemployment of youth and older labor force. The thesis is focused on characterizing chosen age groups and inequalities between youth and older labor force in the labor market. The development of unemployment in selected age groups between 1999-2009 and the influencing factors (such as demographic structure, extending the retirement age, stage of the economic cycle) are also included. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the status development of selected age groups, particularly the status of youth and older labor force in the labor market and factors that influence the development. The main task is to evaluate the employment of youth and older labor force within the economic cycle.
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Trestněprávní nástroje v boji s organizovaným zločinem / The instruments of criminal law in the fight against organized crimeSchramhauser, Jan January 2011 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE Právnická fakulta Katedra trestního práva DISERTAČNÍ PRÁCE TRESTNĚPRÁVNÍ NÁSTROJE BOJE S ORGANIZOVANÝM ZLOČINEM Vedoucí disertační práce: Prof. JUDr. Jiří Jelínek, CSc. Zpracovatel: JUDr. Jan Schramhauser English summary This dissertation thesis addresses the issue of organised crime and the selected primarily criminal-law tools intended for the fight against organised crime. The thesis consists of four parts divided into individual chapters and sections. Having mainly a criminological focus, the introductory part defines organised crime and groups aimed at commission of such crime. It analyses certain definitions available from the Czech and foreign literature, compares them and discusses whether it is possible to define organised crime uniformly and universally. Afterwards it specifies the basic features of organised criminal groups, provides their characteristics and includes a brief excurse into selected criminal organisations. The first part also describes the historical development of certain criminal groups up to now and examines, in particular, the causes and the circumstances of the organised crime expansion in the Czech Republic after 1989, its main activities in our country and other issues. It refers to the legislation which was very insufficient at that time, the...
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Problematika nedokonalé subjektivity v obchodním právu / The issues of guasi-personality in business lawPelikán, Robert January 2011 (has links)
Imperfect Personality in Commercial Law Robert Pelikán Abstract In the theory of law, legal personality (the terms "legal person" and "legal personality" are used in this text in their continental sense, i.e. describing both non-human and human entities and their legal capacity) is usually seen as a simple quality having only values, true or false. The existing theories of legal personality were, therefore, trying to find such characteristics of legal personality, which will fully describe all legal persons existing in practice. Such an effort had to fail or, more precisely, the process of search for such a common denominator had to result in the disappearance of all the key characteristics necessary for understanding of the phenomenon of legal personality. The exploration of legal personality must hence begin with the finding that legal personality is not a quality having only values - true or false - but rather a full scale of values from nil to a (rarely seen) full legal personality, moreover appearing in many dimensions. In order to duly explain the phenomenon, the theory must not search for a common denominator of existing persons, but describe the concept of full legal personality and explain the consequences of imperfection of existing legal persons in any of such qualities. Those requirements cannot...
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Rizikové skupiny na trhu práce v Ústeckém krajiJäger, Petr January 2007 (has links)
Cílem práce je analýza a zachycení situace na trhu práce Ústeckého kraje za poslední období. Hlavní důraz kladu na rizikové skupiny nezaměstnaných, které jsou zde velice silně zastoupené, zejména potom kategorie absolventů a mladších 25 let, která je považována za jednu z nejpostiženějších a u které popisuji hlavní příčiny a faktory tuto skupinu ovlivňující. Dále zde také analyzuji politiku zaměstnanosti vedenou v tomto regionu, její rozsah, způsob a také její dopady v letech 2004 ? 2006.
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Zavedení mýtného v Praze z pohledu zájmových skupin / Introduction of tolls in Prague from viewpoint interest groupsHubená, Martina January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the possibility of enforcing a toll in Prague's central region, which has long been struggling with congestion. The central objective was to determine how interest groups affect the problem of introducing tolls in the area of Prague. Interest groups underwent an analysis at whose beginning they were identified and searched out. A determination of its benefits and costs followed to rovide a more detailed assessment establishing the motivation and the influence that various interest groups may have. In this thesis, a relatively strong interest group from the corporate sector was identified, which would be significantly affected by the toll -- the providers of courier services. Experts anticipate an assumption of negative attitudes by this group to the introduction of tolls, which is also confirmed in the/an interview with the stakeholders.
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Důchodová reforma v České republice / The Pension Reform in the Czech RepublicDrýk, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The Pension system in the Czech Republic seems to be financialy unsustainable because of demographic development and economic consequences which is why it requires detailed systemathic change. This thesis will, in theory, describe and analyze reform possibilities which are derived primarily from conclusions of the Bezděk comission. At the same time it will also focus on alternatives which are presented by political parties or which are known from experiences from abroad. This thesis will also mention particular social groups which the pension system is related to, as well as pension funds and the state. The goal is to present comprehensive overview on the pension system issues and also show possible solutions.
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Motivace a spokojenost mládeže se spotřebou náboženských statků v Církvi bratrské / Youth Motivation and Satisfaction in Consumption of Religious Goods in the Brethren ChurchMareček, Benjamín January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this master's thesis is to carry out an empirical research, which leads to describing current situation and to suggestions to raise satisfaction in consumption of religious goods. The first part concentrates on theoretical basis. Key terms and concepts are being defined, church marketing is being developed and secondary data analyzed. The second part deals with the descriptive research among youth and their motivation and satisfaction. In the conclusion of this thesis specific suggestions for improvement are offered.
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Využití supervize ve zdravotnických zařízeních / The usage of supervision in medical facilitiesZETKOVÁ, Bohumila January 2011 (has links)
There are basic concepts relating to the presented topic, such as supervision and health care institutions, explained in the theoretical part of this master thesis. In its practical part, there are results of the research undertaken by means of a questionnaire survey and amended by two half-standardized interviews in the end. The questionnaires were sent to health care institutions to the regions of Zlin and South Bohemia. Interviews were done with managers of health care institutions, on in the region of Zlin and the other in the region of South Bohemia. The target of research was to find out if supervisions are really provided in health care institutions in the regions of Zlin and South Bohemia. The partial target of research was to map occurrence of supervision used individual types of health care institutions (in the two mentioned region of Czech Republic). There are two hypotheses stated in the thesis. Hypothesis no. 1 is determined in the following way: ?Supervision is more often used in the region of Zlin than in the region of South Bohemia?. Hypothesis no. 2 is: ?Supervision is more often is ordered by a manager and regarded as a duty than prevention of a ?burnout? by nurses. Neither of the hypotheses is proved. I will be very pleased if the thesis provokes a few people at least to think about issues of supervision in health care institutions. Further, the thesis can serve as study material for students studying the field of health services. And last but not least, the thesis could serve as an initial impulse to perform other researches in the field of supervision in health care institutions in other regions.
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CIRKADIÁNNÍ AKTIVITA PULCŮ PRALESNIČEK PHYLLOBATES VITTATUS. / Circadian activity of tadpoles of Phyllobates vittatus.DOSTÁLOVÁ, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Tadpoles are known to behaviorally respond to visual, auditory or chemical cues. I examined the influence of group size and light conditions on the activity of Phyllobates vittatus. I performed laboratory experiments to measure locomotor activity. Activity levels of tadpoles were higher in the groups. Light conditions did not influence activity level of tadpoles. My results suggest that the group size is one of the main factors influencing tadpole locomotor activity of Phyllobates vittatus.
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