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Rozpad sedimentů díky kapilárně stlačenému vzduchu: přehlížený erozní mechanismus / Sediment disintegration due to air compressed by capillarity: overlooked erosion mechanismVaculíková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Cílem této práce bylo orientačně otestovat, do jaké míry je rozpad díky vzduchu stlačovanému kapilární vodou nasávanou do sedimentu (kapilárně-pneumatický rozpad, KP rozpad) významným procesem při erozi různých sedimentů, jako jsou písky až slabě cementované pískovce, spraše, jíly, jílovce a případně i jílovité půdy. Dílčím cílem bylo především vytvořit a na několika vybraných materiálech otestovat jednoduchou metodiku, prokazující, zda sediment podlehne KP rozpadu, dále vypočítat destrukční tlak daný KP rozpadem v pórech sedimentu a porovnat ho s tahovou pevností materiálu a konečně posoudit vliv mineralogie a porosity sedimentů na KP rozpad. Pro odlišení KP rozpadu od jiných destrukčních procesů jsem zvolila pozorování rozpadu dvojic vzorků, kdy jeden byl saturován za běžného atmosférického tlaku vzduchu a druhý ve vakuu. Tato metoda je schopná odlišit KP působení od jiných erozních procesů a zároveň je přiměřeně rychlá a vhodná pro různé sedimenty a zeminy. Pozorování potvrzuje, že KP působení je schopno rozložit různé sedimenty a zeminy na jemné částice, jedná se o velmi důležitý proces rozpadu, který probíhá i ve stojaté vodě, může být iniciátorem pipingu a měl by být proto intenzivně studován. Srovnání vypočtených hodnot pórového tlaku s tahovou pevností ukázala, že vypočtené pórové tlaky...
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Impact of calcination temperature and time on quicklime slaking reactivityBjörnwall, Erik January 2021 (has links)
In this master thesis work calcination parameters' impact on the resulting quicklimes slaking reactivity is investigated. This is done by calcination of three different sedimentary limestones in an N2 atmosphere according to a design of experiment matrix. The limestones are from Wolica Poland, Slite Sweden and Jutjärn Sweden. The temperatures and residence times are varied between 1000ºC, 1050ºC, and 1100ºC for 5 min, 27.5 min, and 60 min. There were seven experiments per limestone sample. The calcination experiments were conducted in an electrical muffle furnace.When the limestone samples were calcined, the resulting quicklimes slaking reactivity was tested according to standard SS-EN 459-2:2010 Building lime - Part 2: Test methods. Four different parameters were used to determine the slaking reactivity, these were the maximum temperature, how much the temperature increases under the initial 30 s, the time it takes for the temperature to reach 60ºC, and the time for the slaking to become 80% finished.From the slaking reactivity experiments, the calcination parameters to produce the most reactive quicklime for the limestone from Wolica and Jutjärn are 1000ºC for 60 min, and for the limestone from Slite 1100ºC for 5 min. For all three limestones the least reactive quicklime was received by calcining at 1100ºC for 60 min. The most and least reactive quicklimes were analyzed in SEM, where it could be seen that the least reactive quicklime samples were coarser compared to the most reactive samples. Depending on what slaking reactivity parameter is of interest, the calcination settings should be different and can be an indication for operation parameters for industrial kilns. The statistical analysis on the experimental model showed that the experiment had a poor statistical fit for most of the experiment. This could be due to that the model possibly was too simple to describe the calcination parameters complex impact on the slaking reactivity.
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Low energy pre-blended mortars: Part 1-Control of the sand drying process using a lime drying techniqueHughes, David C., Illingworth, J.M. 10 November 2015 (has links)
No / Produttion control methods allow factory produced mortars to be supplied to a more consistent formulation than site produced mortars. However, there is scope to enhance their "sustainability" credentials by addressing the methods of drying the wet sand and the use of lower energy hydraulic components. This paper describes the development of a technique in which quicklime is added in controlled quantities to remove free water by both chemical combination and evaporation. The slaked lime so generated is porous and a third mechanism of absorption is suggested which, however, might have adverse effects during storage of the pre-blended mortar. The principal process-control factors are lime addition based upon a ratio of the stoichiometric requirements for complete slaking of the quicklime, free moisture content of the sand, mixing time of the combined sand and quicklime, and storage of the mixed material. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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An Investigation of Disintegration Behavior of Mudrocks Based on Laboratory and Field TestsGautam, Tej P. 29 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Kanály vzniklé prouděním podzemní vody v lomu Střeleč: erozní procesy a faktory ovlivňující vznik kanálů / Channels eroded by groundwater flow in Strelec quarry: erosion processes and factors influencing channel evolutionSoukup, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Large depression cone in water table was formed due to mining in surroundings of Střeleč quarry. The concentrated inflow from conduits to quarry is up to 70 l/s. Large conduit systems are created by flowing water into the quarry. The biggest conduit system was at least 300 m long and 17 m high with maximum calculated volume of 22 thousands m3 . Evolution of these conduits usually takes several months to few years. Fast conduit evolution allows to study erosion processes in detail in situ. In the thesis I am describing conduits, character of flow and erosion processes. Measured flow velocities in conduits are up to 0,4 m/s with hydraulic gradient 1 to 5%. Flow velocities and hydraulic gradients are typical for piping erosion. Piping initially forms small protoconduits. The bigger conduits are formed as water is progressively drained from larger area. Conduits are following fracture surfaces, which are also limiting the conduit propagation to the sides. Above water table the conduits are enlarged mainly by mass wasting of undercut sandstone slabs. For distinguishing less and more erodible parts of sandstone, we adapted and partially developed a method for measuring erodability (REI) and drilling resistance (DR). Both are used to compare different types of sandstone surfaces. In lowermost part of the...
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