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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza verejného dlhu v EÚ s dôrazom na vývoj na Slovenskej republike / Analysis of public debt in the EU focused on the development of the Slovak Republic

Oravec, Radovan January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is providing us with evolution of public debt in European Union, focused on situation of the Slovak Republic. It was written in a period, when issue of deficit funding became one of the most frequent topics all over the world. Finding reasons of indebtedness and summarizing cases which should be warning for policy makers is one of the main tasks. Thesis is also describing actions and interventions of European institutions, which resulted to higher debt. Analysis of public debt in Slovak republic is focused on structure of debt in local and central scope in compliance with several criteria. Thesis is evaluating position of Slovak Republic compared with other European countries and analyzing data according to key economic thought to forecast possibilities of future evolution.


Showers-Curtis, Katka 01 January 2019 (has links)
This study examines Slovak dialect perceptions from 311 participants in 9 municipalities in Slovakia. Data were collected between 2016 and 2017, utilizing a map task, degree of difference ratings, and other Likert scale tasks to assess participants’ perceptions of and attitudes about dialects in Slovakia. Participants received blank maps of Slovakia on which to elicit participants’ perceptions of where isoglosses (dialect boundaries) lie. They drew their own isoglosses and were asked to label each dialect region contained within them. Content Analysis was used to code each label for semantic field in order to create composite maps for each label. After analyzing data from each municipality separately, 22 salient categories emerged. To be determined salient in this study, a category had to be marked by at least ten percent of participants per municipality. The most salient boundaries that emerged from this study were those between central (“correct”) Slovak and “other,” “not central” Slovak; those between “The East” and the rest of Slovakia, and those between “The South” (or, more accurately, “The Hungarian South”) and the rest of Slovakia. This thesis explores those ideologies in detail, and takes Nitra as a case study for the discussion.

Slovensko-srbský bilingvizmus vo Vojvodine (Slovačko-srpska dvojezičnost u Vojvodini) / members of ethnic minorities (as is the case ofSlovaks in Vojvodina). Whether a bilingualSlovak from Vojvodina will use one language(Slovak) or the other language (Serbian)depends on the communicative situation and theinterlocutor (if he/she is bilingual ormonolingual). Linguistic competence in bothlanguages is not the same with all Slovak-Serbian speakers and in their communicationthere is a lot of code-switching.This research in brief included thefollowing questions: 1) what forms of Slovak-Serbian bilingualism in Vojvodina are there; 2)where are these two languages uses in parallel;3) at what level is the competence of Slovak-Serbian bilingual speakers; 4) what are theattitudes of Slovak-Serbian bilingual speakersregarding their linguistic competence in one orthe other language. The general aim of theresearch was to present a detailed andcomprehensive picture of Slovak-Serbianbilingualism in Vojvodina.

Tirova Zuzana 05 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije je slovačkosrpska<br />dvojezičnost u Vojvodini. Dvojezičnost<br />je vrlo česta pojava u svetu te je i slovačkosrpska<br />dvojezičnost u savremenoj multijezičkoj<br />vojvođanskoj sredini sasvim prirodna. Postoji vi&scaron;e oblika dvojezičnosti, a prirodni dvojezični govornici su upravo pripadnici manjina (kao &scaron;to</p><p>je slučaj Slovaka u Vojvodini). Da li će<br />dvojezični Slovak iz Vojvodine upotrebiti jedan<br />(slovački) ili drugi (srpski) jezik zavisi od<br />komunikativne situacije kao i od sagovornika<br />(da li je i on dvojezičan ili jednojezičan).<br />Jezička kompetencija u oba jezika kod svih<br />slovačko-srpskih govornika nije uvek ista i u<br />njihovoj komunikaciji često dolazi do me&scaron;anja<br />kodova. Ovo istraživanje u najkraćem obuhvata<br />sledeća pitanja: 1) kakvi sve oblici slovačkosrpske<br />dvojezičnosti u Vojvodini postoje,<br />2) gde se sve paralelno koriste ova dva jezika,<br />3) na kom nivou je jezička kompetencija<br />slovačko-srpskih dvojezičnih govornika i<br />4) stav slovačko-srpskih dvojezičnih govornika<br />o svojoj jezičkoj kompetenciji na jednom ili<br />drugom jeziku. Op&scaron;ti cilj istraživanja bio je<br />detaljnije i sveobuhvatnije sagledavanje<br />slovačko-srpskog bilingvizma<br />u Vojvodini</p> / <p>The topic of the research in this PhD<br />thesis is Slovak-Serbian bilingualism in<br />Vojvodina. Bilingualism is a frequent<br />occurrence in the world so Slovak-Serbian<br />bilingualism in the contemporary multilingual<br />Vojvodinian setting is quite natural. There are<br />several forms of bilingualism, one of which<br />includes natural bilingual speakers who are members of ethnic minorities (as is the case of</p><p>Slovaks in Vojvodina). Whether a bilingual<br />Slovak from Vojvodina will use one language<br />(Slovak) or the other language (Serbian)<br />depends on the communicative situation and the<br />interlocutor (if he/she is bilingual or<br />monolingual). Linguistic competence in both<br />languages is not the same with all Slovak-<br />Serbian speakers and in their communication<br />there is a lot of code-switching.<br />This research in brief included the<br />following questions: 1) what forms of Slovak-<br />Serbian bilingualism in Vojvodina are there; 2)<br />where are these two languages uses in parallel;<br />3) at what level is the competence of Slovak-<br />Serbian bilingual speakers; 4) what are the<br />attitudes of Slovak-Serbian bilingual speakers<br />regarding their linguistic competence in one or<br />the other language. The general aim of the<br />research was to present a detailed and<br />comprehensive picture of Slovak-Serbian<br />bilingualism in Vojvodina.</p>

Kritická analýza vstupu české energetické společnosti na trh na Slovensku / Critical Analysis of the Czech Energy Company on the Slovak Market

Pekárek, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
Práce se za pomocí podrobné analýzy odvětví charakterizuje doporučení malým společnostem působících v segmentu distribuce elektrické energie zajímající strategii vstupu společnosti na trh v zahraničí. Nejdůležitější část práce se soustředí na podrobnou analýzu vnějšího prostředí slovenského trhu a vnitřního prostřední zvolené firmy, čili PEST a SWOT analýzu. Za pomocí těchto metod jsou charakterizovány příležitosti a hrozby zvoleného trhu a současně silné a slabé stránky zvolené společnosti. Závěr diplomové práce zaujímá konkrétní návrh strategie a doporučení společnosti vstupu na slovenský trh.

Vývoj češtiny Andreje Babiše z pohledu osvojování druhého jazyka / The development of Andrej Babiš's Czech from a second-language acquisition viewpoint

Benešovský, Vít January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the develompent of Andrej Babiš's Czech. Babiš is a Slovak politician and businessman, who lives in the Czech Republic and whose speeches and media appearances have been part of Czech public discourse for the past few years. The aim of this thesis is to describe how Babiš's language changes over time and how Slovak interference influences it. Hypotheses focus on the number of errors in Babiš's speech, the specific types of errors he makes and the interlingual / intralingual error ratio. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces basic second-language acquisition terminology, which is later used in the practical part. The practical part consists mainly of an error analysis of recordings of interviews with Babiš. Lexical, syntactic, morphological, phonetic, phonological and other differences between Czech and Slovak, which are the source of negative language transfer in Babiš's Czech, are also described. The conclusion shows how parameters of the politician's speech changed over six years and offers an explanation of the change.

Jozef Tiso ve slovenské historiografii / Josef Tiso into Slovak Historiography

Vostruha, Matěj January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to Jozef Tiso. It deals with the time of his reign amd the subsequent evaluation of his goverment in slovak historiography. It comes partly from authors who directly collaborated with Jozef Tiso as well as from those who are against this person strongly determine the events between 1948 does not forget nor authors who have worked abroad and then in 1989 returned to Slovakia. It is also the current controversies about Jozef Tiso, which are still present among Slovak historians. A separate chapter is devoted to the Catholic Church and its attitude to Jozef Tiso.

Legislativní zajištění provozu a služeb knihoven v České republice, Polsku a Slovensku: komparativní analýza / Legislative framework of operation and services of libraries in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia: comparative analysis

Haraštová, Simona January 2018 (has links)
Following thesis has a task to analyse free library laws - czech, slovak and polish. Thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. In theoretical part is analysed firstly czech library law. Later slovak and polish library law are analysed. In practical part is firstly explained method - comparative analysis. Further there are formulated a research questions. Sampling and coding with indicators follow. Then method of analysis is solved - in our case comparation, where czech and slovak library law and czech and polish library law are compared with help of the indicators. In the end there is a brief final summary.

Genealogická štúdia vývoja pasu a jeho používanie na území Slovenskej republiky / Genealogical study of the development of the passport and its use on the territory of the Slovak Republic

Lanková, Janka January 2018 (has links)
Genealogical study of the development of the passport and its use on the territory of the Slovak Republic Author: Bc. Janka Lanková University: Charles University in Prague Thesis Advisor: PhDr. Sarah Komasová Place, year: Prague, 2018 Number of pages: 66 pages Academic Degree: Master degree (Mgr.) Key words: passport, Slovak Republic, development, security, panopticon Abstract The thesis analyzes fundamental functions of passport and its development. Specifically, it elaborates on how passports are used in practice, their symbolism, and mainly what is the link between passport and security. Theory of a significant French philosopher, Michel Foucault, serves as lens the issue is looked through. In other words, the research considers Foucault's theory portrayed in "Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison" as one of the main ideas that has led to the maintenance of order by the sense of constant surveillance. Therefore, primary objective of this thesis is to investigate how passport as the document has developed in the territory of the current Slovak Republic, which of its qualities have changed over time, and why the passport is highly relevant and significant for society as well as a legal system. Michel Foucault claims human nature is conditioned to a better self-reflection when it is under the...

Legislativní zajištění provozu a služeb knihoven v České republice, Polsku a Slovensku: komparativní analýza / Legislative framework of operation and services of libraries in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia: comparative analysis

Haraštová, Simona January 2019 (has links)
Following thesis has a task to analyse free library laws - czech, slovak and polish. Thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. In theoretical part is analysed firstly czech library law. Later slovak and polish library law are analysed. In practical part is firstly explained method - comparative analysis. Further there are formulated a research questions. Sampling and coding with indicators follow. Then method of analysis is solved - in our case comparation, where czech, slovak and polish library law are compared with help of the indicators. Further there are results of interviews with V. Richter and Z. Matušík. In the end there is a brief final summary.

Koncepce materiálního jádra Ústavy Slovenské republiky ve světle nálezu Ústavního soudu Slovenské republiky Pl. ÚS 21/2014 / The doctrine of substantial core of the constitution of the Slovak Republic in the light of rulling Pl. ÚS 21/2014 issued by the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic

Jambor, Dominik January 2021 (has links)
The Doctrine of Substantial Core of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic in the Light of Rulling Pl. ÚS 21/2014 Issued by the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic Abstract Presented paper is concerned with the question of substantive core of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic. The aim of the paper is to analyze the theory of substantive core of constitution in terms of doctrinal debate and of rulling PL. US 21/2014 issued by the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic. The author considers it as a crucial subject that is even more current in the light of the abovementioned rulling of Constitutional Court, which may be deemed as groundbreaking. Author of presented paper has focused on several questionable aspects of substantive core theory, analyzing its theoretical and practical development. The paper analyzes especially questions of justification of the existence of constitutional substantive core, its content and its protection, mainly provided by the Constitutional Court. Anylisis of the abovementioned rulling of the Constitutional Court and critical examination of some of its objectionable considerations may be considered as the crucial part of the presented paper. The paper includes comparative analysis of similar theories in constitutional systems of India, Colombia and United...

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