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Estudo comparativo do desgaste erosivo do tipo lama, do aço inox martensitíco AISI 410 com os revestimentos carbeto de tungstênio 86WC-10Co4Cr, obtido por HVOF e o elastômero PUR comercialBastidas, Freddy Galileo Santacruz January 2018 (has links)
Na indústria hidrometalúrgica, diversos materiais são utilizados para a construção dos equipamentos, a fim de satisfazer as necessidades dos processos que estão sujeitos, tendo em conta a importância deles em condições complexas, tais como erosão e a corrosão. Neste trabalho é avaliado o comportamento de um aço inoxidável martensítico AISI 410 tratado termicamente com têmpera e revenimento, frente aos revestimentos Carbeto de Tungstênio (86WC-10Co4Cr) obtido por aspersão térmica (High Velocity Oxygen Fuel-HVOF), e um elastômero PUR comercial MetaLine 785 em condições de desgaste do tipo lama, analisando a perda de volume, a determinação da área e profundidade erodida das amostras, para os ângulos de incidência de 30∘ e 90∘ entre o eixo de simetria do fluxo do fluido e a superfície das amostras. Os ensaios foram realizados para os diferentes tipos de materiais em um equipamento para ensaios simulados de lama, desenvolvido como parte da pesquisa no LACER (Laboratório de Materiais Cerâmicos) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), sob controle de parâmetros como ângulo de impacto e sua velocidade, temperatura de ensaio e concentração de partículas erosivas na suspensão, neste caso foi usada alumina eletrofundida ALO marrom da companhia Treibacher. Realizou-se a caracterização dos materiais, na sua microestrutura Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Microscopia Óptica (M.O), espessura, rugosidade, porosidade, microdureza e estruturalmente na identificação de fases Difração de Raios X (DRX), Espectroscopia por Energia Dispersiva (EDS), o analise térmico Perda ao Fogo (LOI) para o caso do elastômero PUR, e a distribuição de tamanho de partícula (LG) e morfologia para o erodente. Com a pesquisa conseguiu-se estabelecer as relações entre o desgaste erosivo por lama e as propriedades físicas relacionadas aos materiais avaliados, nas condições estabelecidas no ensaio de erosão do equipamento, e concluiu-se que o revestimento de 86WC-10Co4Cr carbeto de Tungstênio apresentou uma melhor resistência ao desgaste erosivo tipo lama, em comparação com o aço inoxidável martensítico AISI 410 e o elastômero PUR comercial MetaLine 785. / In the hydrometallurgical industry, many materials are used in the construction of the equipment in order to satisfy the needs of the processes to which they are subjected, taking into account their importance in complex conditions such as erosion and corrosion. In this work, the behavior of a quenched and tempered AISI 410 martensitic stainless steel is compared to tungsten carbide (86WC-10Co4Cr) obtained by thermal spray (High Velocity Oxygen Fuel - HVOF) and to a commercial elastomer PUR MetaLine 785 under slurry erosion conditions. Volume loss, area determination and eroded depth of the samples were analyzed at angles of incidence of 30∘ and 90∘ between the axis of symmetry of the fluid flow and the surface of the samples. The tests were carried out for the different types of materials in a slurry erosion simulation device, developed as part of the research in LACER (Laboratory of Ceramic Materials) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), via the control of parameters such as angle and speed of impact, test temperature and concentration of erosive particles in the suspension. In this case, electrofused brown ALO alumina (Treibacher) was used. The materials were characterized with regard to their microstructure (SEM), thickness, roughness, porosity, microhardness, structure in the phase identification (DRX) (EDS), thermal analysis (LOI) in the case of the PUR elastomer and the particle size distribution (LG) and morphology for the erodent. The research was able to establish the relationships between the slurry erosive wear and the physical properties related to the evaluated materials, under the conditions established in the erosion test of the equipment. It was concluded that the coating 86WC-10Co4Cr tungsten carbide presented better resistance to the slurry erosion wear when compared to AISI 410 martensitic stainless steel and the PUR commercial elastomer MetaLine 785.
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Design, thermomechanical processing and induction hardening of a new medium-carbon steel microalloyed with niobiumJavaheri, V. (Vahid) 22 October 2019 (has links)
This thesis has been made within the European Industrial Doctorate (EID) project called Mathematics and Materials Science for Steel Production and Manufacturing, abbreviated as MIMESIS, which has five partners: EFD Induction in Norway; SSAB, Outokumpu, and the University of Oulu in Finland; and Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) in Germany. The main aim of this work was to develop a steel composition and processing route suitable for making a slurry transportation pipeline with the aid of induction hardening, and to characterize the phase transformations and microstructures involved in the various stages of the processing route.
A novel steel chemistry was designed based on metallurgical principles assisted by computational thermodynamics and kinetics. The designed composition is a medium-carbon, low-alloy steel microalloyed with niobium, in wt.% 0.40 C, 0.20 Si, 0.25 Mn, 0.50 Mo, 0.90 Cr, and 0.012 Nb. This was subsequently cast, thermomechanically rolled on a laboratory rolling mill to two bainitic microstructures, and finally subjected to the thermal cycles predicted to be encountered with the internal induction hardening of a typical pipe geometry. The phase transformations and microstructures found at various stages of the simulated production process have been characterized and algorithms developed to enable the optimization of microstructure and hardness through the pipe wall thickness. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä väitöskirja on tehty osana Euroopan teollisuustohtori (European Industrial Doctorate, EID) -ohjelmaa projektissa eli Matematiikka ja materiaalitiede teräksen valmistuksessa ja käytössä (Mathematics and Materials Science for Steel Production and Manufacturing, MIMESIS). Ohjelmassa on viisi partneria: EFD Induction Norjasta; SSAB, Outokumpu ja Oulun yliopisto Suomesta; ja Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Saksasta. Työn päätavoitteina oli kehittää teräksen koostumusta ja prosessointireittiä, jotka soveltuvat lietteen kuljetusputken valmistukseen induktiokarkaisun avulla, sekä karakterisoida prosessin eri vaiheiden aikana tapahtuvat faasimuutokset ja mikrorakenteet.
Uusi teräskoostumus suunniteltiin metallurgisten periaatteiden pohjalta hyödyntämällä laskennallista termodynamiikkaa ja kinetiikkaa. Suunniteltu teräs on niobilla mikroseostettu, matalaseosteinen ja keskihiilinen, eli painoprosentteina 0,40 C, 0,20 Si, 0,25 Mn, 0,50 Mo, 0,90 Cr ja 0,012 Nb. Teräs valettiin, valssattiin ja jäähdytettiin termomekaanisesti laboratoriovalssaimella kahdeksi bainiittiseksi mikrorakenteeksi ja lopulta altistettiin lämpösykleille, joiden ennustettiin olevan tyypillisiä sisäisesti induktiokarkaistulle teräsputkelle. Simuloidun tuotantoprosessin eri vaiheissa havaitut faasimuutokset ja mikrorakenteet on karakterisoitu. Sen lisäksi on kehitetty algoritmit, jotka mahdollistavat mikrorakenteen ja kovuuden optimoinnin putken seinämän paksuuden läpi.
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Investigation of Erosive Flow Injected Through Apertures into a Narrow AnnulusPerelstein, Yuri 13 September 2016 (has links)
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