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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Previsão de desvios em arquiteturas multitarefas simultâneas

Dal Pizzol, Guilherme January 2005 (has links)
A exploração do paralelismo no nível de instrução (ILP) em arquiteturas superescalares é limitada fortemente pelas dependências de controle, as quais são ocasionadas pelas instruções de desvio, e pelas dependências de dados. As arquiteturas SMT (Simultaneous MultiThreaded) buscam explorar um novo nível de paralelismo, denominado paralelismo no nível de tarefa (TLP), para buscar e executar instruções de diversas tarefas ao mesmo tempo. Com isso, enquanto uma tarefa está bloqueada por dependências de controle e de dados, outras tarefas podem continuar executando, mascarando assim as latências de previsões incorretas e de acessos à memória, usando mais eficientemente as unidades funcionais e demais recursos disponíveis. Contudo, o projeto dessas arquiteturas continua a esbarrar nos mesmos problemas associados ao uso de técnicas utilizadas para a exploração de ILP, como a previsão de devios. Além disso, essas arquiteturas trazem novos desafios, como a determinação da maneira mais eficiente de distribuição/compartilhamento de recursos entre as tarefas. Nesse trabalho será apresentada uma topologia para as tabelas de previsão de desvios em arquiteturas multitarefas simultâneas. Além disso, serão desenvolvidas duas análises complementares acerca de previsão de desvios: o impacto da taxa de acertos da previsão de desvios em arquiteturas com pipelines profundos e o impacto da taxa de acerto na previsão do alvo de um desvio. Entre as principais contribuições do trabalho pode-se citar a definição de uma estrutura particionada para as tabelas de previsão em arquiteturas SMT, aliando desempenho a um menor custo de implementação em uma arquitetura real. Além disso, é mostrado que a taxa de acerto da previsão de desvios tem um grande impacto no desempenho das arquiteturas SMT com pipelines profundos, bem como nas causas de bloqueio do estágio de busca quando utiliza-se cache de instruções bloqueantes.

Previsão de desvios em arquiteturas multitarefas simultâneas

Dal Pizzol, Guilherme January 2005 (has links)
A exploração do paralelismo no nível de instrução (ILP) em arquiteturas superescalares é limitada fortemente pelas dependências de controle, as quais são ocasionadas pelas instruções de desvio, e pelas dependências de dados. As arquiteturas SMT (Simultaneous MultiThreaded) buscam explorar um novo nível de paralelismo, denominado paralelismo no nível de tarefa (TLP), para buscar e executar instruções de diversas tarefas ao mesmo tempo. Com isso, enquanto uma tarefa está bloqueada por dependências de controle e de dados, outras tarefas podem continuar executando, mascarando assim as latências de previsões incorretas e de acessos à memória, usando mais eficientemente as unidades funcionais e demais recursos disponíveis. Contudo, o projeto dessas arquiteturas continua a esbarrar nos mesmos problemas associados ao uso de técnicas utilizadas para a exploração de ILP, como a previsão de devios. Além disso, essas arquiteturas trazem novos desafios, como a determinação da maneira mais eficiente de distribuição/compartilhamento de recursos entre as tarefas. Nesse trabalho será apresentada uma topologia para as tabelas de previsão de desvios em arquiteturas multitarefas simultâneas. Além disso, serão desenvolvidas duas análises complementares acerca de previsão de desvios: o impacto da taxa de acertos da previsão de desvios em arquiteturas com pipelines profundos e o impacto da taxa de acerto na previsão do alvo de um desvio. Entre as principais contribuições do trabalho pode-se citar a definição de uma estrutura particionada para as tabelas de previsão em arquiteturas SMT, aliando desempenho a um menor custo de implementação em uma arquitetura real. Além disso, é mostrado que a taxa de acerto da previsão de desvios tem um grande impacto no desempenho das arquiteturas SMT com pipelines profundos, bem como nas causas de bloqueio do estágio de busca quando utiliza-se cache de instruções bloqueantes.

Previsão de desvios em arquiteturas multitarefas simultâneas

Dal Pizzol, Guilherme January 2005 (has links)
A exploração do paralelismo no nível de instrução (ILP) em arquiteturas superescalares é limitada fortemente pelas dependências de controle, as quais são ocasionadas pelas instruções de desvio, e pelas dependências de dados. As arquiteturas SMT (Simultaneous MultiThreaded) buscam explorar um novo nível de paralelismo, denominado paralelismo no nível de tarefa (TLP), para buscar e executar instruções de diversas tarefas ao mesmo tempo. Com isso, enquanto uma tarefa está bloqueada por dependências de controle e de dados, outras tarefas podem continuar executando, mascarando assim as latências de previsões incorretas e de acessos à memória, usando mais eficientemente as unidades funcionais e demais recursos disponíveis. Contudo, o projeto dessas arquiteturas continua a esbarrar nos mesmos problemas associados ao uso de técnicas utilizadas para a exploração de ILP, como a previsão de devios. Além disso, essas arquiteturas trazem novos desafios, como a determinação da maneira mais eficiente de distribuição/compartilhamento de recursos entre as tarefas. Nesse trabalho será apresentada uma topologia para as tabelas de previsão de desvios em arquiteturas multitarefas simultâneas. Além disso, serão desenvolvidas duas análises complementares acerca de previsão de desvios: o impacto da taxa de acertos da previsão de desvios em arquiteturas com pipelines profundos e o impacto da taxa de acerto na previsão do alvo de um desvio. Entre as principais contribuições do trabalho pode-se citar a definição de uma estrutura particionada para as tabelas de previsão em arquiteturas SMT, aliando desempenho a um menor custo de implementação em uma arquitetura real. Além disso, é mostrado que a taxa de acerto da previsão de desvios tem um grande impacto no desempenho das arquiteturas SMT com pipelines profundos, bem como nas causas de bloqueio do estágio de busca quando utiliza-se cache de instruções bloqueantes.

Using BGA technique in plane-to-plane active height control

Tian, Shi-zhang 23 October 2008 (has links)
For the requirements of high-speed signal transmission has been increasing, the fiber array in the communication system has a lot of advantages which can not be replaced. But the loss of coupling efficiency is a difficult problem as the distance of communication is getting longer and longer. In order to increase the transmission and the coupling efficiency, we produce the two with high precision to reach the goal. The technique producing one dimension fiber array is very adept now. This paper chooses mounting several one dimension fiber array to produce the two dimension fiber array. Because BGA has self-alignment character, the fiber array can get nice mounting accuracy in horizontal but can¡¦t get in vertical. We use active packing to manufacture two dimension fiber. In this process we exert external force to control the mounting height. In the first, use approximate software to get the best manufacturing parameter. Then complete the experiment and compare the result with the approximation.

An investigation into the role of the SMT and SGB in developing a partnership for the promotion of quality education in schools

Ngongoma, Sandile Albert January 2006 (has links)
Submitted in partial fulfilment of a Master's Degree in the Department of Educational Planning and Administration at the University of Zululand, 2006. / Education policy documents such as the National Constitution, No. 108 of 1996 (NC) and the South African Schools Act, No. 84 of 1996 (SASA) mandate and encourage partnerships in the education system. Schools are recognized as being embedded within a wider socio-economic environment and must therefore develop effective and meaningful partnerships to facilitate communication and service channels that allow them to respond to the educational needs of their service constituency as well as to draw expertise and support from these constituencies thereby sustaining positive growth and remaining relevant. The democratisation of education has challenged School Manager Teams (SMTs) to transform the school's relationship with its service constituency and forge meaningful and effective partnerships between itself and the School Governing Bodies (SGBs) with the global aim of improving quality education. The SMT is the primary agent for an effectively management structure within a school. The SGB is the primary governance structure of the school. It is therefore critical for a solid partnership, with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, to exist between these entities. The current study was triggered by an observation of school management and governance in practice which suggests that there is in many instances a breakdown in the development of an effective SMT-SGB partnership. Many reasons have been proposed to explain this phenomenon including the tack of parent involvement in school matters, the apparent dictator-like leadership style of some principals and the lack of participative management in schools (Chetty, 1998). Embarking on a literature review, the researcher investigates strategies to promote a partnership between school managers and parents as governors of schools. An empirical study is also undertaken to evaluate to what extent these strategies are being employed by SMTs and SGBs in building meaningful and effective partnerships and to exposing shortcomings in efforts to build such partnerships.

Optimization and Expression of the <i>Pneumocystis carinii erg6</i> Gene in a <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae erg6</i> Deletion Mutant

Johnston, Laura 26 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Effizienz von Heimtrainingsprogrammen zur Verbesserung der posturalen Stabilität und Kontrolle im Einbein- und Zweibeinstand

Reiß, Stefan 12 November 2018 (has links)
Referat: Im Unterschied zu starren Körpern besitzt der Mensch die Fähigkeit, Störungen des Gleichgewichtszustandes aktiv entgegenzuwirken, um einen Verlust der aufrechten Körperhaltung zu verhindern. Hier kommen verschiedene Sinnessysteme zum Tragen (posturale Subsysteme), die räumliche, zeitliche und dynamische Parameter des Körpers erfassen können und somit die Basis für die entsprechende Aktivierung der Muskulatur bilden. Zur Beschreibung dieser vielschichtigen Auseinandersetzung des menschlichen Körpers mit der Umwelt haben sich seit längerer Zeit die Begriffe posturale Stabilität und Kontrolle etabliert. Die Sicherung der posturalen Stabilität und Kontrolle im motorischen Handlungsvollzug ist als ein sehr komplexer Wirkungsmechanismus zu verstehen. Komplexität meint in diesem Zusammenhang zum einen das innere Zusammenspiel von Nervensystem und Muskulatur zur Wahrnehmung, Steuerung und Kontrolle der aufrechten Körperhaltung. Zum andern die sehr unterschiedlichen äußerlich sichtbaren posturalen Erscheinungsformen. Diese reichen von der alltagsrelevanten Halte- und Stützmotorik bis hin zu sportartspezifischen feinmotorischen Anforderungen. Der Erhalt, die Steigerung oder aber die Wiederherstellung der Leistungsfähigkeit dieser komplexen posturalen Mechanismen ist nicht nur im Altersgang von großer Wichtigkeit, sondern muss auch im Zusammenhang mit Verletzungs- und Sturzprophylaxe sowie vieler weiterer rehabilitativer Maßnahmen gesehen werden. Nicht zuletzt spielt die Qualität der posturalen Stabilität und Kontrolle eine wichtige, wenn nicht sogar die entscheidende Rolle bei komplexen sportlichen Handlungen. Ziel der durchgeführten Studie war ein Erkenntnisgewinn der bisher wenig unter-suchten Effekte von einfachen Heimtrainingsprogrammen sowie eines spezifischen sensomotorischen Gerätetrainings auf die posturale Stabilität und Kontrolle bei gesunden Erwachsenen. Zur Überprüfung dieser Effekte wurde daher ein Prä-Post-Design, mit Interventions- und Kontrollgruppe, bei einer Gesamtstichprobengröße von 220 Teilnehmern gewählt. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des experimentellen Designs war eine Testbatterie, bestehend aus vier computergestützten Mess- und Trainingsgeräten zur Posturgraphie sowie, als weitere motorische Aufgabe, der Einbeinstand auf dem Boden. Als Mess- und Trainingsgeräte dienten das Posturomed, das Biodex Balance System, eine Nintendo Wii-fit Konsole sowie eine MFT Challenge Disc. Die Auswahl der Geräte, inklusive des Einbeinstandes, erfolgte mit dem Ziel die posturalen Subsysteme des Menschen in möglichst großer Breite zu beanspruchen bzw. deren Plastizität zu überprüfen. Gleichzeitig wurde eine vergleichende Beobachtungsstudie mit einem Patientenkollektiv (mittleres Erwachsenenalter) die sich im postoperativen Stadium befanden, durchgeführt. Ein weiteres Ziel der Arbeit war die Bildung von intraindividuellen Referenz- bzw. Kennwerten, mit deren Hilfe erstmalig die Wirkung von verschiedenen Interventionen auf die posturale Stabilität verglichen, überprüft und dargestellt werden soll. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass sich ein stabilitätsorientiertes sensomotorisches Heimtraining auf einem Therapiekreisel deutlich positiver auf die posturale Stabilität auswirkt als ein kraftausdauerorientiertes sensomotorisches Heimtraining, bestehend aus Einbeinkniebeugen. Dabei kann die Wirkung des stabilitätsorientierten sensomotorischen Trainings als übergreifender Trainingseffekt gekennzeichnet werden, der einen signifikanten motorischen Leistungsanstieg, aller überprüfter Testaufgaben zur Folge hatte. Durch ein computergestütztes sensomotorisches Training auf den Mess- und Trai-ningsgeräten konnte die hohe Plastizität der an der posturalen Stabilität und Kon-trolle beteiligten Systeme, aufgrund eines unmittelbaren Lernerfolges (bei minima-lem Trainingsumfang) wiedergespiegelt werden. In allen durchgeführten Untersu-chungen traten erkennbare geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte bzw. Differenzierun-gen zutage. Das Patientenkollektiv konnte nach 4 bis 5-wöchigen Therapiemaßnahmen (Physi-otherapie und medizinische Trainingstherapie) die ermittelten intraindividuellen Kennwerte gesunder junger Erwachsener im Mittel nur zu 53% erreichen. Dieses Ergebnis zeigt, dass längerfristig alters- und geschlechtsgemittelte Referenzwerte erstellt werden sollten um die Therapieergebnisse entsprechend vergleichen und einordnen zu können.

Self-managed team implementation : deploying team based work design concepts in a unionized organization

Skinner, Matthew Charles, 1980- 21 December 2010 (has links)
The twentieth century shift from the industrial society to the knowledge society must be met by a transition in management of human capital. This thesis seeks to design an implementation method based on goal-setting theory and other team based work designs that can be deployed by anyone in the company. The model accounts for the two largest barriers to successful implementation, management and labor unions. The new model is strengthened by a bottoms-up approach, on-the-job development of teaming skills, and inclusion of the labor union at the earliest stage possible. / text

Testing and Security Related Considerations in Embedded Software

Pierce, Luke 01 December 2016 (has links)
The continued increasing use of microprocessors in embedded systems has caused a proliferation of embedded software in small devices. In practice, many of these devices are difficult to update to fix security flaws and software errors. This brings an emphasis on ensuring the secure and reliable software prior to the release of the device to ensure the optimal user experience. With the growing need to enable test and diagnostic capabilities into embedded devices the use of the JTAG interface has grown. While the intentions of the interface was originally to give the ability to shift in data into and out of chip’s scan chains for test, the generic framework has allowed for its features to expand. For embedded microprocessor’s the interface allows for halting execution, insertion of instructions, reprogramming the software, and reading from memory. While it creates a powerful debugging system, it also allows unlimited access to a malicious users. In turn such a user has the ability to either copy the intellectual property on the device, disable digital rights management routines, or alter the devices behavior. A novel method to secure JTAG access through the use of a multi-tiered permission system is presented in this paper. The use of static code analysis can be used to verify the functionality of embedded software code. Ideally, a software code should be tested in a way that guarantees correct behavior across all possible execution paths. While in practices this is typically infeasible due to the innumerable number of paths in the system, the use of automated test systems can help maximize the amount of code covered. In addition, such methods can also identify non-executable software statements that can be an indication of software issues, or sections of software that should not be targeted for testing. New static code analysis methods are presented in this dissertation. One technique uses supersets of software solution spaces to correctly identify unreachable software code in complex systems. Another presented technique automatically generates a set of test vectors to quickly maximize the number of code blocks executed by the set of test vectors. It is shown that such a method can be significantly faster than traditional methods.

Incorporating pronoun function into statistical machine translation

Guillou, Liane Kirsten January 2016 (has links)
Pronouns are used frequently in language, and perform a range of functions. Some pronouns are used to express coreference, and others are not. Languages and genres differ in how and when they use pronouns and this poses a problem for Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) systems (Le Nagard and Koehn, 2010; Hardmeier and Federico, 2010; Novák, 2011; Guillou, 2012; Weiner, 2014; Hardmeier, 2014). Attention to date has focussed on coreferential (anaphoric) pronouns with NP antecedents, which when translated from English into a language with grammatical gender, must agree with the translation of the head of the antecedent. Despite growing attention to this problem, little progress has been made, and little attention has been given to other pronouns. The central claim of this thesis is that pronouns performing different functions in text should be handled differently by SMT systems and when evaluating pronoun translation. This motivates the introduction of a new framework to categorise pronouns according to their function: Anaphoric/cataphoric reference, event reference, extra-textual reference, pleonastic, addressee reference, speaker reference, generic reference, or other function. Labelling pronouns according to their function also helps to resolve instances of functional ambiguity arising from the same pronoun in the source language having multiple functions, each with different translation requirements in the target language. The categorisation framework is used in corpus annotation, corpus analysis, SMT system development and evaluation. I have directed the annotation and conducted analyses of a parallel corpus of English-German texts called ParCor (Guillou et al., 2014), in which pronouns are manually annotated according to their function. This provides a first step toward understanding the problems that SMT systems face when translating pronouns. In the thesis, I show how analysis of manual translation can prove useful in identifying and understanding systematic differences in pronoun use between two languages and can help inform the design of SMT systems. In particular, the analysis revealed that the German translations in ParCor contain more anaphoric and pleonastic pronouns than their English originals, reflecting differences in pronoun use. This raises a particular problem for the evaluation of pronoun translation. Automatic evaluation methods that rely on reference translations to assess pronoun translation, will not be able to provide an adequate evaluation when the reference translation departs from the original source-language text. I also show how analysis of the output of state-of-the-art SMT systems can reveal how well current systems perform in translating different types of pronouns and indicate where future efforts would be best directed. The analysis revealed that biases in the training data, for example arising from the use of “it” and “es” as both anaphoric and pleonastic pronouns in both English and German, is a problem that SMT systems must overcome. SMT systems also need to disambiguate the function of those pronouns with ambiguous surface forms so that each pronoun may be translated in an appropriate way. To demonstrate the value of this work, I have developed an automated post-editing system in which automated tools are used to construct ParCor-style annotations over the source-language pronouns. The annotations are then used to resolve functional ambiguity for the pronoun “it” with separate rules applied to the output of a baseline SMT system for anaphoric vs. non-anaphoric instances. The system was submitted to the DiscoMT 2015 shared task on pronoun translation for English-French. As with all other participating systems, the automatic post-editing system failed to beat a simple phrase-based baseline. A detailed analysis, including an oracle experiment in which manual annotation replaces the automated tools, was conducted to discover the causes of poor system performance. The analysis revealed that the design of the rules and their strict application to the SMT output are the biggest factors in the failure of the system. The lack of automatic evaluation metrics for pronoun translation is a limiting factor in SMT system development. To alleviate this problem, Christian Hardmeier and I have developed a testing regimen called PROTEST comprising (1) a hand-selected set of pronoun tokens categorised according to the different problems that SMT systems face and (2) an automated evaluation script. Pronoun translations can then be automatically compared against a reference translation, with mismatches referred for manual evaluation. The automatic evaluation was applied to the output of systems submitted to the DiscoMT 2015 shared task on pronoun translation. This again highlighted the weakness of the post-editing system, which performs poorly due to its focus on producing gendered pronoun translations, and its inability to distinguish between pleonastic and event reference pronouns.

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