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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of climate change on soil temperature and snow dynamics in Swedish boreal forests / Klimatförändringars effekt på snödynamik och marktemperatur in svensk nordlig skogsmark

Jungqvist, Gunnar January 2013 (has links)
This thesis has investigated the possibility of improved soil temperature modeling using an updated version of an existing soil temperature model frequently used in catchment scale biogeochemical modeling. Future (2061-2090) snow dynamics and soil temperature was projected using ensemble of bias-corrected regional climate models (RCM). Effects over a north-south gradient of Sweden were analyzed using the four Swedish Integrated Monitoring (IM) catchments as study sites. Model calibration was applied on the study sites using daily observations of soil temperature for 1996-2008. The calibrated models were able to simulate soil temperature at different depths in the soil profile in a very accurate way in all IM sites. The lowest validation NS-value (objective criterion used for measuring goodness of fit) recorded in the study was 0.93. Even though the overall model performances were good, the simulations had problem of duplicating some of the winter temperatures at the northernmost site, Gammtratten. Whether the updated soil temperature model offered an improvement of the existing model is therefore debatable. The future simulations showed increasing soil temperatures at all study sites on annual basis, more in the south than in the north. Annual soil temperatures were projected to increase by 1.31 – 2.33 °C for the different study sites. Winter soil temperatures were clearly higher than during 1996-2008 for the two southernmost sites, whilst Gammtratten in the north, had colder winter soil temperatures. At the midmost catchment, winter soil temperatures were quite similar to that of the test period. Whether the cold winter soil temperatures at Gammtratten were a result of snow loss was ambiguous. The results from the future simulations showed the complexity of predicting soil temperature and strengthened the conclusion among scientists that any general assumptions of future soil temperature based on e.g. air temperature cannot be done. / Det här examensarbetet har undersökt möjligheterna till förbättrad modellering av marktemperaturer genom införandet av en uppdaterad version av en tidigare modell, frekvent använd vid biokemisk modellering på avrinningsområdesnivå. Vidare har framtida (2061-2090) snödynamik och marktemperaturer simulerats genom att en ensemble av bias –korrigerad klimatdata används för att driva modellen. Nutida (1996-2008) klimatdata, samt marktemperatursdata för kalibrering och validering av modellen, tillhandahölls från de fyra platser som ingår i det Svenska miljöövervakningsprogrammet (IM). Dessa platser kom att utgöra en syd-nordlig gradient, längs vilken resultaten analyserades.   Det generella omdömet från kalibreringen av modellen var att den kunde erbjuda en bra representation av verkliga förhållanden i fråga om marktemperatur. Det lägsta NS-värdet (objektivt kriterium använt för att mäta modellens passningsgrad) som uppmättes under valideringen var 0,93, vilket ansågs vara mycket högt. Dock hade modellen svårigheter att efterlikna verkliga markförhållanden vid Gammtratten under vintermånaderna, vilket föranledde slutsatsen att vidare undersökningar behöver göras för att kunna fastställa om modellen utgör en förbättring av den tidigare existerande versionen.   De framtida simuleringarna visade högre årliga marktemperaturer i jämförelse med dagen värden, särskilt i söder. Baserat på simuleringarna är det troligt att framtida marktemperaturer kommer att vara mellan 1,31 och 2,33 °C högre än idag. Beträffande säsongsmässig variation var maktemperaturerna under vintern högre än dagens värden för de två sydliga platserna medans de var lägre för den nodligaste platsen (Gammtratten). Huruvida de kallare simulerade marktemperaturerna vid Gammtratten var en konsekvens av ett mindre isolerande snötäcke var tvetydigt. Resultaten från de framtida simuleringarna har visat på komplexiteten i att förutspå framtida marktemperaturer och har stärkt uppfattningen om att några generella slutsatser om vad t.ex. högre lufttemperaturer kommer få för konsekvenser för framtida marktemperaturer inte kan göras.

Uncertainty in Simulated Fluxes and Physical Conditions of Two North European Wetlands.

Mancera Gonzalez, Rafael January 2010 (has links)
There is an extended concern for how to quantify the fluxes of greenhouse gasses (GHG) and how they are related to climate change and land use. Efforts have already been done, mostly regarding carbon (C) compounds, but there is still much to be done especially to understand regulating factors and interactions with the Nitrogen cycle. NitroEurope is a large project for the integrated European research into the N cycle. This study shares its aim, to improve the understanding the physics involved in the fluxes of the reactive N (Nr). More specifically, the patterns of some physical and biological processes related to Nr have been studied for two wetlands, one in the proximity of Edinburgh and the other in the North of Finland.   A common model setup has been used for both of them, since they are both peat soils. The differences applied to achieve appropriate performances give insights of their nature. The presence of snow is a major factor that governs the behavior of the site in Finland. The scaling of existing models for the estimation of heat transfer in the soil of the Scottish site is also critical, such as its groundwater level. The sites represent different climatic conditions, but for CO2 fluxes they showed similar behavior and response to governing meteorological conditions. Using the GLUE method in combination with a process oriented ecosystem model, some further insights have been gained for the regulation and control of greenhouse gas emissions from the two sites.

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