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Les caractéristiques de la déviance des adolescentes judiciarisées à Dakar (Sénégal) en comparaison aux adolescentes judiciarisées de Montréal (Canada)Gassama, Yakhara 09 1900 (has links)
Malgré les problèmes que pose la délinquance juvénile au Sénégal, les réponses des décideurs semblent inefficaces, surtout pour les filles déviantes. Ainsi, l’objectif de notre étude est de déterminer les caractéristiques familiales, scolaires et des amis des adolescentes judiciarisées à Dakar en les comparant à celles de Montréal. Les enquêtes se sont déroulées à Dakar sur trente adolescentes interrogées avec un instrument adapté du MASPAQ.
Les similitudes entre les échantillons concernent l’âge moyen et le statut judiciaire quasi-identiques, le milieu socio-économique défavorisé et la structure familiale en majorité monoparentale matricentrique. Les autres résultats concernent surtout les liens sociaux plus forts chez les dakaroises alors que l’activité marginale est plus importante chez les montréalaises.
Les liens sociaux des dakaroises constitueraient une protection contre la déviance. Le contexte culturel également, en favorisant un contrôle social, pousserait à développer plus de contraintes internes, autre protection contre la déviance. Des perspectives sont envisagées notamment utiliser l’instrument avec des garçons. / Despite problems caused by juvenile delinquency in Senegal, authorities'answers seem not to be very efficient, in particular with delinquent girls. This study aims to describe the family, the school and the peers of adjudicated adolescent females in Dakar and compare these features with those of adjudicated adolescent females in Montreal. The study occurs in Dakar with thirty adolescent girls interviewed with a questionnaire adapted from the MASPAQ. The similarities between the two samples are the girls' average age, their judiciary status, their socio-economic status which is disadvantaged and their family's structure which is for most of them a single-mother one. The other results describe the social bonds which are stronger for the Senegalese sample whereas the deviant behaviour is more important for the Montreal's girls. The social bonds may serve as a protection against deviance. The cultural context, as it facilitates social control, may also develop more internal constraints, which constitute another protection against deviant conduct. One possible perspective is to replicate the study using the same questionnaire among samples of male offenders.
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The social dislocation of and social support for female street children engaged in commercial sex work : an explorative study in the Addis Ketema sub-city, Addis Ababa, EthiopiaLude Abiy Melaku 10 1900 (has links)
In this study semi-structured, in-depth individual interviews were conducted with sixteen female street children aged 15 to 18, who were engaged in commercial sex work. These children were conveniently selected to explore the social dislocation of and social support for female street children engaged in commercial sex work. In addition, two focus group discussions consisting of nine female street children each, as well as seven key informant individual interviews, were conducted. This study found that female children engaged in commercial sex work experienced a high degree of social dislocation and that the children who participated in this study tended to create their own communities and isolated themselves from the broader community in which they lived. This study further found that different support programmes had been introduced to alleviate the problems experienced by these children and that a number of organisations delivered support services to address their needs. / Sociology / M. A. (Sociology)
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Les caractéristiques de la déviance des adolescentes judiciarisées à Dakar (Sénégal) en comparaison aux adolescentes judiciarisées de Montréal (Canada)Gassama, Yakhara 09 1900 (has links)
Malgré les problèmes que pose la délinquance juvénile au Sénégal, les réponses des décideurs semblent inefficaces, surtout pour les filles déviantes. Ainsi, l’objectif de notre étude est de déterminer les caractéristiques familiales, scolaires et des amis des adolescentes judiciarisées à Dakar en les comparant à celles de Montréal. Les enquêtes se sont déroulées à Dakar sur trente adolescentes interrogées avec un instrument adapté du MASPAQ.
Les similitudes entre les échantillons concernent l’âge moyen et le statut judiciaire quasi-identiques, le milieu socio-économique défavorisé et la structure familiale en majorité monoparentale matricentrique. Les autres résultats concernent surtout les liens sociaux plus forts chez les dakaroises alors que l’activité marginale est plus importante chez les montréalaises.
Les liens sociaux des dakaroises constitueraient une protection contre la déviance. Le contexte culturel également, en favorisant un contrôle social, pousserait à développer plus de contraintes internes, autre protection contre la déviance. Des perspectives sont envisagées notamment utiliser l’instrument avec des garçons. / Despite problems caused by juvenile delinquency in Senegal, authorities'answers seem not to be very efficient, in particular with delinquent girls. This study aims to describe the family, the school and the peers of adjudicated adolescent females in Dakar and compare these features with those of adjudicated adolescent females in Montreal. The study occurs in Dakar with thirty adolescent girls interviewed with a questionnaire adapted from the MASPAQ. The similarities between the two samples are the girls' average age, their judiciary status, their socio-economic status which is disadvantaged and their family's structure which is for most of them a single-mother one. The other results describe the social bonds which are stronger for the Senegalese sample whereas the deviant behaviour is more important for the Montreal's girls. The social bonds may serve as a protection against deviance. The cultural context, as it facilitates social control, may also develop more internal constraints, which constitute another protection against deviant conduct. One possible perspective is to replicate the study using the same questionnaire among samples of male offenders.
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Questa tesi è costruita sulle seguenti domande: una società che ha vissuto gravi e sistematiche violazioni dei diritti umani come può 'chiudere i conti' con il passato e perseguire giustizia e riconciliazione? Come rigenerare i legami sociali infranti? Quale ruolo giocano vittime e perpetratori? Questi problemi sono studiati, in concreto, nell’esperienza di El Salvador. Tra i profili sociologici possibili, la tesi si concentra sulla 'domanda di giustizia' delle vittime. Il primo capitolo fornisce un inquadramento storico-sociale. Il secondo ha per oggetto la giustizia di transizione; l’analisi teorica generale considera i seguenti modelli: giudiziario, amnistiale, delle commissioni verità e la "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" (TRC) sudafricana. La TRC è presentata come un’esperienza che attinge e supera le opzioni precedenti, mostrando le potenzialità della "restorative justice". Il terzo e il quarto capitolo tornano sul caso salvadoregno e considerano gli attori (nazionali e internazionali) e i problemi sociali della transizione del Paese centroamericano. La ricerca svolta sul campo ha permesso di mettere in luce il valore generativo degli sforzi con cui parte della società civile salvadoregna ha cercato di fronteggiare la latitanza dello Stato rispetto al diritto alla verità e alla giustizia. Il quinto capitolo, avvalendosi della voce delle vittime intervistate con il metodo delle 'storie di vita', riflette sul rapporto fra trauma e legame sociale. L’ultimo capitolo presenta gli strumenti metodologici utilizzati per la ricerca empirica. / This thesis is based on the following questions: can a society that has experienced severe and systematic human rights violations be reconciled with the past and pursue justice and reconciliation? How can broken social connections be repaired? What are the roles of victims and oppressors? These problems have been studied analyzing the experience of El Salvador. Among the possible sociological profiles, the thesis focuses on the Salvadorian victims' "demand for justice".
The first chapter gives an historical-social overview. The second chapter analyzes the transitional justice. The general theoretical analysis takes into account the following models: judiciary, that related to amnesty, the model of the "truth commissions", and finally the South African "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" (TRC). The TRC is presented as an experience that draws on and surpasses the previous alternatives, showing the potential of restorative justice.
The third and fourth chapters return to the Salvadorean case and take into account the agents (national and international) and the social problems connected to the transition El Salvador has undergone. Research in this field sheds light on the relevance of the efforts made by some parts of the Salvadorean civil society to deal with the absence of the government with respect to promoting the right of truth and justice. The fifth chapter, corroborated by interviews with victims analysed using the method of the "history of life", reflects on the connection between trauma and social bonds. The last chapter presents the methodological tools used during the empirical research.
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