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Motivace blogerů v českém diskurzu o módě / XXXPšejová, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis was to explore the phenomenon of fashion blogs. Not in terms of their marketing or journalistic function as it was originally intended, but in a way of an examination of the position of the blog author. We focused on the reasons for the motivation of the authors of the blog leading them to continue their work. The first chapter outlined the process of creation of the blog and the development of the blog in general. Based on research of the literature related to the fashion and media, the development of the fashion blog in the Czech Republic was described. The second chapter studied theoretical preview on blogs, which showed the strong relationship between media and blogging, defined marketing influence in the blogging and described product placement. At the same time we have shown from a theoretical point of view, based on the literature sources, the importance for the authors of the blogs of building social capital by blogging. This fact was analysed in the research part of the thesis when the individual answers of the Czech bloggers were presented. The research part of the thesis compared the theory with the practice based on conclusions of the Czech discourse on fashion. This was achieved by analysing of the interviews with leading domestic bloggers. Using qualitative...
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Motivace blogerů v českém diskurzu o módě / XXXPšejová, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
The main objective of this master thesis is to discuss the phenomenon of fashion blogs and exploring its features and benefits for the Czech discourse about fashion. The evolution of blogging as a technological phenomenon with mass expansion of the internet and its development is mapped by researching respective literature that deals with fashion and its communication in the media, besides that there is also explored the nature of blogs and their place among traditional media such as print, television or radio. The research would not be complete without proper examination of the motivation that leads to the formation of blogs and of course results of such blogging that can be considered successful. Given that the fashion industry is built on communication of trends and subsequent sales of products that can be described as fashionable, the work aims to deal with the transformation in use of media for this purpose. Following that there is then examined the relationship between blogging and journalism, respectively fashion magazines and the nature of advertising, which is inevitably included in the fashion industry. The research part then verifies conclusions made based on theory in practice of the Czech discourse about fashion, which is achieved by analysis of interviews with leading domestic...
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Digitala och sociala medier i undervisningen för elevers ökade motivation, delaktighet och måluppfyllelse. / Digital ans social media in teaching för increased motivation, participation and achievment for students.Olsson, Signhild January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine both 1) how aware teachers in a specific area are about ICT tools in teaching ; and 2) how likely teachers are to use ICT tools to reverse the trend of unmotivated students and low achievement scores . I will look for answers through the following questions: How extensive is the knowledge of the teachers on digital and social media in education? How have teachers in the past year used various social media in their teaching? In what grade does ICT-supported teaching lead to higher motivation, participation and achievement? Is there a difference between the sexes, different stages (1-3, 4-6, 7-9) and number of years in the profession in knowledge of and openness to the use of ICT in education? The method used is a questionnaire in which a number of respondents have answered a number of questions about ICT tools in teaching. Validity of the study can be said to be high when the survey has measured what it intended to measure, however, I need to be careful in draw full account of the result as the response rate is low with only 39%. In summary, the results show that there is low awareness among respondents about the methods and the digital and social tools I lift in the survey. Mainly the respondents use some of the methods and the digital and social tools in preparation for the lesson. There is significant difference between the grades and the perception of the method as well as digital and social media's importance to student motivation, participation and achievment. It is in grade 1-3 that there are essentially knowledge , propensity to use and as in fact using digital and social tools most The conclusion is that there will be no successful venture in schools if there is a loss of an overall perspective of the venture from the school itself, central schoolmanagement and the political level, and it is important that there will be an investment in equipment, infrastructure and last but not least skills to use ICT in teaching . These conclusions are supported by the research findings. Keywords: One-to- one , ICT, ICT, digital media, social media , motivation , 1-1 / Syftet med studien var att undersöka dels 1) hur pass medvetna lärare i ett specifikt område är om IKT-verktyg i undervisningen; samt 2) hur benägna lärare är att använda IKT-verktyg för att vända trenden med omotiverade elever och låg måluppfyllelse. Detta ska jag söka svar på genom följande frågeställningar: Hur stor är kunskapen hos lärarna om digitala och sociala medier i undervisningen? Hur har lärarna under det senaste året använt sig av olika sociala medier i sin undervisning? I vilken grad anser lärarna att digitala och sociala medier har betydelse för elevens motivation, delaktighet och måluppfyllelse? Är det skillnad mellan könen, olika stadier (1-3, 4-6, 7-9) samt antal år i yrket i kunskap om och öppenhet inför att använda IKT i undervisningen? Metoden som har använts är ett frågeformulär där ett antal respondenter har fått svara på ett antal frågor ang IKT-verktyg i undervsinignen. Undersökningens validitet kan sägas vara hög då enkäten har mätt det den har avsett att mäta, däremot behöver jag vara aktsam i att dra för stora växlar på resultatet då svarsfrekvensen är låg med enbart 39 %. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att det finns låg kunskap hos respondenterna om metoderna samt de digitala och sociala verktygen som lyfts i undersökningen. Huvudsakligen använder respondenterna en del av metoderna samt de digitala och sociala verktygen i förberedelser inför lektion samt i lektionen som stöd för undervisningen samt för anpassningar av undervisningen. Det är signifikant skillnad mellan årskurserna och uppfattning om metodernas samt digitala och sociala mediers betydelse för elevens motivation, delaktighet och måluppfyllelse. Det är i åk 1-3 som det i huvudsak finns kunskap om, benägenhet att använda och som använder digitala och sociala verktygen mest. Slutsatsen är att det blir ingen lyckad satsning i skolan om det inte finns ett helhetsperspektiv på satsningen från den enskilda skolan, förvaltning och politik, på utrustning, infrastruktur och sist men inte minst kompetensutveckling. Där får slutsatserna från undersökningen stöd av forskningsgenomgången i ganska hög grad. Nyckelord: En-till-en, IKT, ICT, digitala medier, sociala medier, motivation, 1-1
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