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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Value creation within societal entrepreneurship : a process perspective

Åslund, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Social entrepreneurship is given considerable attention within literature and academic research despite that fact it is an area that needs considerable attention and research. The main purpose for societal entrepreneurs is to create societal value but there can be difficulties to understand value creation within the area. Important components within Total Quality Management (TQM) are process orientation and value creation. A TQM perspective with processes in focus provides opportunities to clarify societal value creation within societal entrepreneurship initiatives. The main purpose of this thesis has been to explore how societal value is created within the area of societal entrepreneurship and the underlying purpose has been to contribute to the development of knowledge and understanding about the societal entrepreneurship area. In order to fulfil the purpose one literature case study and three empirical case studies have been conducted with processes in focus. The literature case study was conducted first and it resulted in a theoretical process map based on a process perspective, which showed how societal value was created within a societal entrepreneurship initiative. After that the three empirical case studies were conducted separately and the findings from the empirical case studies were compared with the previously developed theoretical process map. A cross case analysis was made to find out if the process map could be confirmed, developed or rejected. The result of the case studies contributes to earlier findings within research and gives a common, comprehensive and simplified picture of a complex phenomenon and an opportunity to understand how societal value is created. A general overall process map is presented that gives a picture of how value is created within the area of societal entrepreneurship. The result shows the management process and support process fields. The map also shows a main process that is further developed with input, output and sub processes. The studies point out that societal value is created through processes and that societal value creation can be described out of a process orientation perspective. Important components to create societal value have been found to be: 'unidentified needs'; 'knowledge about the context'; 'identified need'; 'an idea or a vision'; and some kind of 'organization' and important activities to create value seem to be: 'being in the context'; 'analysis of knowledge'; 'searching for solution'; 'organize and mobilize'; and 'realize'. Fields where support processes are performed that are of importance in societal value creation have been identified. Those fields are 'creation of financing opportunities'; 'performance of political decisions and acts'; 'development and use of networks'; 'establishment of initiative'; 'creation of media information'; 'development and use of scientific results'; and 'development and use of competence'. The map does have potential for development. Further studies need to be done within the area concerning how societal value is created and to get an even more comprehensive process map of the societal entrepreneurship area but the result presented in this thesis is a start to understanding how societal value is created and to develop knowledge and understanding of the societal entrepreneurship area.

Taking a system view on customer value creation

Åslund, Anna January 2016 (has links)
In Quality Management and Total Quality Management (TQM) customer focus and customer value creation is of importance and in organisations it is of high priority. Quality Management has had an internal focus when it comes to customer value creation but in the 21st century there is a need for an outward orientation and to go beyond the organisational borders. Also an increasing interest in social, societal and environmental issues can be seen, for instance by customers, organisations, quality awards and within the quality area. An area that considers these issues is the societal entrepreneurial sector.   The purpose of this thesis has been to contribute to the knowledge and understanding about customer value creation from a system view. Additionally the purpose has been to contribute to the development of Quality Management. In order to fulfil the purpose, case studies have been performed. Cases within the societal entrepreneurial area have been studied and seven studies have been performed. Data have been collected through interviews, direct observations, participating observations and documents. All data have been collected empirically except in one study where a literature case study was used. The data were analysed through tools such as process mapping, attribute value mapping and rich picture process maps combined with analytical methods for case study research. The research journey started out from TQM and an internal perspective on customer value creation. As the studies went on, the system borders became wider as other areas important to customer value creation were identified: the customer value creating system went from an internal perspective to include an external perspective.    The findings contribute to earlier research findings and give a comprehensive and simplified picture of a complex phenomenon and an opportunity to understand customer value creation from a system view. This thesis provides an overall map of the customer value creating system. Additionally it contributes to the development of Quality Management by expanding the view on customer value creation to include both an internal and an external oriented perspective. It also contributes by suggesting a fifth step in the quality management movement ´System Quality Management´ that considers social, societal and environmental factors through continuous improvement before, during and after value creation for customers. Further it contributes with a developed view on customers and the concept of customer value creation.   The overall map provided includes three areas. Growth and development of societal entrepreneurial initiatives. The result shows important components for the creation of societal value based on the growth and development of societal entrepreneurial initiatives. Included are the processes, input and output important for societal value creation from unidentified needs until societal value can be delivered, management process and support process fields.  Customer value creation in the customer sphere.  Customer value has been found to be created beyond the use or purchase of a product or service. Value has also been found to be created for those that are not in direct contact with an initiative or its product or service. Customer value has been found to spread into society like ripples in a complex system of value creation. And Value Ripple Logic has been developed to describe this phenomenon. Management role in customer value creation. The management’s role in value creation has been found to be of importance in the creation of customer value in an indirect way through interaction with the surroundings and the initiative.  Factors and behaviours have been found which are connected to the leaders and their essential management processes along with their input and output.   The findings presented in this thesis have considerable potential for development. Further studies need to be done within the area concerning how customer value is created and to achieve an even more comprehensive picture of the customer value creating system and the suggested fifth step. The results presented in this thesis are a contribution to the knowledge and understanding about customer value creation from a system view and the development of the Quality Management. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för disputationen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete 6 accepterat för publicering och delarbete 7 inskickat.</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished: paper 6 accepted for publication and  paper 7 submitted.</p>

Företagares agerande för hembygdens utveckling

Bois, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
This thesis describes the connection between mundane societalentrepreneurship and local area development in a rural sparsely populatedcontext. It is a qualitative study from a holistic view on the actors. The empiricalwork consists of three deep case studies from one of the most sparsely populatedregions in Europe. The ongoing activities in these rural villages are described fromdifferent perspectives focused on who is the local entrepreneur and how did theyachieve what they have done. The method was to listen to the whole story fromdifferent perspectives. The results from the deep interviews were thematicallyanalysed to find similarities between the different cases. These similarities werethen the base for a new model of the attributes needed among the actors in avillage to reach local area development and one model of what roles a localentrepreneur can play to start up activities for local area development.One key result in the study was the varieties of reasons to act among the actorsand their similarities in results on the local area development. Regardless of whattheir motivation was according to different kinds of entrepreneurship models, theiractions all had similar effect on the local area development.The main scientific counts here were; the connection between mundane actionsand their role to teach and inspire others to start acting or learn more about specificfields. One other empirical contribution is the importance of having fun whiledeveloping networks and making volunteers work hard to reach a common goal.The Model of Attributes needed for Local Area Development from a holistic actorperspective and the similar results in local area development regardless of theentrepreneurial motivation to act in the different cases are other contributions. / Denna licentiatavhandling handlar om vardagligt samhällsentreprenörskap iform av landsbygdsaktivering och inspiration med exempel frånbefolkningsmässigt små byar belägna i Jämtlands län. Syftet med denna heltkvalitativa ansats är att beskriva lokala företagares roll och engagemang förutvecklingen i deras hembygder. Resultatet är en beskrivande modell medgemensamma parametrar som funnits med i byarnas utveckling och en modellöver vilka olika roller en entreprenör kan.Landsbygden står inför många utmaningar, inte minst har utglesning avbefolkningen aldrig gått snabbare än nu (SWECO, 2014).Samhällsentreprenörskapet som beskrivs handlar om att invånare tar tag ihembyns egen framtid och skapar aktiviteter som känns meningsfulla för demsjälva och uppskattade lokalt på landsbygden. Tillsammans har gemensammaansträngningar gjort att de undersökta byarna skapat något exceptionellt inom sinegen nisch. Denna utgångspunkt leder vidare till kopplingen mellan lokalaföretagare, vardagligt entreprenörskap och dess direkta påverkan på lokalutveckling.De teoretiska bidragen i licentiatavhandlingen är en beskrivning av fenomenetvardagligt samhällsentreprenörskap och dess koppling till lokal utveckling.Beskrivningen fördjupas med fokus på vardagliga aktiviteter med framtagnamodeller. Licentiatavhandlingen beskriver vardagligt samhällsentreprenörskap iform av aktiviteter för lokal utveckling. Här är det exempel på vardagliga utbytenoch aktiviteter med många timmars engagemang som har gett resultat. De trebyarna har lyckats aktivera familjer och grannar, de som själv har velat delta.Tillsammans har de skapat något som gett mervärden och som de själva tyckt harvarit till det bättre. Detta har byarna även uppmärksammats för på olika vis. Dehar i sin tur spridit sitt engagemang och inspirerat andra byars invånare till attockså ta initiativ och agera för egen lokalutveckling. Utifrån arbetet i de olikabyarna gjordes en gemensam modell av påverkande utvecklingsfaktorer.Det andra teoretiska bidraget är beskrivningen av vilka drivkrafter som lågbakom valet att agera och dess koppling till den lokala utvecklingen. Oavsettvilken drivkraft som låg till grund för entreprenören blev utfallet snarlikt för denlokala utvecklingen. Även om det fanns en drivkraft att tjäna pengar i vissa fallblev resultatet en typ av samhällsnytta direkt i byn i alla fall. Ett vardagligtentreprenörskap inspirerade till ökad aktivitet för utveckling och blev på så vis tillett vardagligt samhällsentreprenörskap.

Impact investment i Sverige : En finanseringsform som ger samhällsnytta / Impact investment in Sweden : An investment that generates social impact

Stiebel, Saga, Wellander, Helena January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Impact investment är en ny finansieringsform, som med sitt ursprung och framväxt i både USA och Europa nu spridits till Sverige. Fenomenet beskrivs inom populärvetenskapen som investeringar med avsikten att generera en mätbar samhällsmässig och/eller miljömässig avkastning tillsammans med en finansiell avkastning. I Sverige har impact investment sedan bara några år tillbaka uppmärksammats av svenska aktörer som har börjat arbeta med investeringsformen. Fenomenet kan ses som en idé som överförts till ett nytt sammanhang, därden har uppmärksammats och blivit till verksamhetsaktiviteter. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för fenomenet impact investment i Sverige och att analysera på vilket sätt impact investment har formats av sitt sammanhang. Metod: Studien har en hermeneutisk forskningsansats och har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod. En intervjustudie har utförts med totalt sju nyckelpersoner inom det svenska organisationsfältet för impact investment. Internationella rapporter om fenomenet har även använts för att kartlägga de aktiviteter som genomförts i de länder som ingår i studien. Slutsats: Studien visar att impact investment har flera olika innebörder i Sverige. Impact investment har formats av sitt sammanhang vilket har resulterat i att impact investment har översatts av nya hybridorganisationer i samhället. / Background: Impact investment is a new funding that has its origin and growth in both the USA and Europe. It is now emerging to Sweden. The phenomenon is described in the popular science literature as investments with the intention to generate measurable social and/or environmental impact along with a financial return. In Sweden impact investment has been observed for only a few years. Swedish operators have started to use the funding and the phenomenon can be understood as an idea that has moved to a new context, where it has been noticed and used in operational activities. Aim: The aim of the study is to create an understanding of the phenomenon impact investment in Sweden and to analyse in what way impact investment has been formed by its context. Methodology: The study has a hermeneutic research approach and has been conducted with a qualitative approach. The study has been realized with a total of seven key figures in the Swedish organizational field of impact investment. International reports of the phenomenon have been used to track the activities conducted in the countries included in the study. Conclusion: The study shows that impact investment has many different meanings in Sweden. Impact investment has been formed by its context and has been translated by new hybrid organisations in the society.

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