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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autorių teisių ir visuomenės teisės į informaciją derinimo problema / The Problem of Combining Copyright and Society's Right to Receive Information

Deltuvaitė, Goda 04 March 2009 (has links)
Autorių teisių ir visuomenės teisės į informaciją derinimo problema Vystantis informacinės visuomenės laikmečiui, esant modernios informacijos sklaidos technologijoms autorių teisių saugomi objektai tampa vis svarbesne civilinės apyvartos dalimi. Autorių teisių apsaugos reglamentavimas reikšmingos įtakos turi ne tik patiems autoriams, tačiau ir visuomenės teisei gauti informaciją. Naudodamasis savo teisėmis autorius tam tikrais atvejais gal uždrausti naudoti kūrinį ar bent jau reikalauti mokėti atlyginimą. Siekiant apginti asmens teisę gerbti jo intelektinės veiklos rezultatą bei esant būtinybei užtikrinti viešąjį interesą, būtina nustatyti tinkamą abiejų vertybių apsaugos balansą. Istoriškai tiek prigimtinės tiek ir utilitarinės autorių teisių apsaugos teorijų atstovai siekė pateisinti autorių teisių apsaugą įvairiais argumentais bei rasti atsakymą, kada autoriaus teisė turi būti apribojama. Tyrime analizuojamas visuomenės teisės ar visuomenės intereso į informaciją egzistavimas bei aiškinamasi autorių teisių apribojimo ir išimties sąvokų skirtybė. Analizuojant autorių teisių apsaugą sutelkiamas dėmesys į bendruosius apribojimus, kai autorius neturi teisės reikalauti, kad jo teisės būtų ginamos. Išanalizavus bendruosius apribojimus darbe tiriami apribojimai numatyti Prancūzijos, Vokietijos, Lietuvos bei JAV bei tarptautiniuose teisės aktuose, stengiamasi nustatyti, koki poveikį šie ribojimai turi visuomenės teisei į informaciją. Darbe atkreipiamas dėmesys ir į kitus teisių į... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The problem of combining copyright and society’s right to receive information The objects of the intellectual property become a very important part of the civil turnover due the process of the development of information society and modern technologies of information dispersion. Regulation of copyright has huge impact not only to the authors themselves, but also to the society’s right to receive information. In some cases when making use of their rights, authors may prohibit usage of the copyright object or at least claim for remuneration. With due regard to the necessity to protect right of the author of respecting the result of his intellectual activity and to insure the public interest of the society it is vitally important to set a fair balance of both values. From the historical perspective representatives of both natural law and utilitarian notions theories were seeking to find the justification for limitation of copyright. In this research the existence of society’s right and society’s interest is being analyzed as well as the difference of terms exception and limitation are observed. In the analysis of copyright protection it is focused on the general limitations, when the copyright holder is not entitled to request for the protection of copyright object. After the analysis of general limitations the evaluation of limitations set in the legal acts of France, Germany, Lithuania, the USA and international legal acts are presented. It is investigated what impact the... [to full text]

社會化臨場感對行動服務採用行為之影響 / The impact of social presence on the adoption behavior of mobile services

許媖媖, Hsui, Dorothy Unknown Date (has links)
In this study the technology acceptance model (TAM) serves as the foundation to analyze the behavior of consumers with regards to their use of the smartphone and its associated services. The research also aims to provide a basis for companies that need a complete theoretical framework to better understand the behavior of consumers using smartphones and related services under the intensely competitive environment and constantly evolving changes in consumer demand. The extensive version of TAM will assist in analyzing consumer behavior and influences affecting the use of smartphones, which will be validated through the empirical data collected. This research utilizes one questionnaire to conduct investigations pertaining to the study. Questionnaires were distributed to consumers that use mobile services and/or applications. The majority of the questionnaires were filled out by students in college and graduate institutions in Taipei, Taiwan. In addition, a majority of the subjects who participated have already purchased smartphones. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed and 266 were returned, making a 53.2 % return rate. Results retrieved from this study are as follows: 1. When a user experiences deeper social presence, higher subjective norms are created by the application. 2. When a user experiences deeper social presence, perceived usefulness of the application increases. 3. When a user experiences deeper social presence, perceived ease of use of the application fluctuates. 4. The higher the application’s subjective norms are, the more significant is the increase of the user’s image. 5. The higher the application’s subjective norms are, the more significant is the increase of perceived usefulness 6. As the user’s perceived ease of use of the application increases, the greater the influence becomes on perceived usefulness. 7. The higher the application’s subjective norm is, the more the user’s behavioral intention to use increases. 8. As the application’s perceived usefulness increases, the user’s behavioral intention to use the application also increases. 9. As the user’s perceived ease of use for the application increases, the greater the influence on behavioral intention to use becomes. Undoubtedly, companies need to understand consumer behavior and their use of the smartphones. Consequently, this study seeks to use theories from TAM as a basis and consider principles of external factors influencing a consumer-----social presence and society’s influences. The components of TAM, social presence and society’s influences are analyzed to compile this research.

A better world by design? : an investigation into industrial design consultants undertaking responsible design within their commercial remits

Stevenson, Norman January 2013 (has links)
Growing recognition of the profound topics affecting society; including population changes, social issues, and environmental crisis; is emphasising the need for industrial designers to address additional goals beyond those associated with purely commercial targets. Industrial design consultants, however, have a myriad of complex and inter-related elements influencing their work. This thesis investigates those influences and offers a portrayal of what affects industrial design consultants addressing more responsible design goals within their commercial remits. It reviews the literature relating to the nature and role of industrial design, and its relationship with society s larger needs. From this, it expounds the methodology underpinning the investigation, and describes the phases involved. Two main studies were undertaken to pursue the research objectives: an explorative workshop involving 19 participants from design practice and academia; and a series of semi-structured in-depth interviews involving a total of 31 industrial design consultants, leading academics, and design-related strategic consultants. From the analysis of the data, three sets of key observations and theory are presented in the thesis. The first set of findings examines the range of influencing factors acting on the consultant and their work by depicting the characteristics of the main elements constructing the product creation context. The second and principal set of findings identifies what determines the possibility for consultants to incorporate responsible design goals within their work. Using a framework derived from the analysis, and drawing on interview data for empirical backing, it expands on six key areas, identifying a critical determining factor for each. The third set of outcomes combines the findings from the primary data with existing knowledge on design actions and behavioural theory, to depict the formation of an industrial design consultant s behaviour and their tendencies towards responsible design. In this way, the research offers a thorough investigation of what affects industrial design consultants addressing more responsible design goals, by considering the characteristics of their circumstances; the determination of their possibility to act; and what shapes their individual behaviour.

« Wanderung » et « Wanderschaft » : le voyage pédestre dans la littérature non fictionnelle de langue allemande entre 1770 et 1850 / 'Wanderung' and 'Wanderschaft' : journeys on foot in German language non-fictional literature between 1770 and 1850

Kosch, Arlette 21 January 2017 (has links)
Ce travail a pour finalité de définir exactement ce que représentent les vocables Wanderschaft et Wanderung dans la littérature non fictionnelle de langue allemande entre 1770 et 1850. Ces deux concepts désignent tout voyage effectué majoritairement à pied pour diverses motivations, mais peuvent aussi prendre des sens métaphoriques, essentiellement religieux. Par l’analyse aussi bien synchronique que diachronique du réseau lexical, ainsi qu’à l’aide d’une approche pluridisciplinaire de divers types de documents intégrant littérature, linguistique, théologie, historiographie, arts visuels, musique et journalisme, il a été possible d’établir non seulement la polysémie des deux mots, mais aussi quelles fonctions ces termes recouvrent, en les replaçant dans leur contexte global. La préférence a été donnée à l’écriture non fictionnelle (relations viatiques, guides, correspondance, ouvrages pédagogiques). Les auteurs des récits de voyages pédestres sont originaires de deux couches distinctes de la société de cette époque : d’une part, l’élite cultivée (un groupe composite en train de se développer, majoritairement originaire de la bourgeoisie aisée), et de l’autre, les Compagnons, oscillant suivant les cas entre la moyenne bourgeoisie et le prolétariat, soudain revalorisés socialement par la publication de leur carnet de voyage. Tous sont originaires des pays de langue allemande, y compris les parties germanophones du royaume du Danemark et de la Suisse. L’évolution de l’emploi et des fonctions de ces deux vocables, ainsi que de leur champ associatif, reflète celle des structures sociales, économiques et culturelles entre 1770 et 1850. Parallèlement, la réduction et la virtualisation du voyage pédestre, amorcées dans les parcs à l’anglaise aristocratiques, se poursuivent dans les panoramas urbains, les pièces ou le jardin des demeures, ainsi que dans les jeux de société. Enfin, l’analyse est complétée par l’examen de la réception des deux notions dans les journaux, périodiques et almanachs, ainsi que dans la littérature didactique pour la jeunesse, les chansons populaires et les arts visuels. / The ultimate goal of this work is to clarify the precise definitions of Wanderschaft and Wanderung in non-fictional writing in the German language between 1770 and 1850. Those two concepts refer to any journey, mainly done on foot, undertaken for a variety of motives, but they can also take on a metaphorical sense, primarily religious. By use of both synchronic and diachronic analysis of the lexical network, as well as with the help of a multidisciplinary approach to a variety of documents, integrating literature, linguistics, theology, historical texts, visual arts, music and journalism, it has been possible to establish, not only the polysemy of the two words, but also which functions these terms cover, by putting them into their global context. Preference has been given to non-fictional writing (accounts by travellers, correspondence, educational works). The authors of accounts of travels on foot in this period come from two distinct social classes: on one hand, the cultural elite (a composite group, just coming into being and originating mainly from the affluent bourgeoisie) and on the other hand, the Companions, ranging in different cases from the middle to the working class, suddenly given social validation by the publication of their travel notes. They all come from German-speaking countries, including parts of the Kingdom of Denmark as well as of Switzerland. The evolution of the use and functions of those two words, as well as their associative fields, mirrors that of the social, economic and cultural structures between 1770 and 1850. At the same tine,the scaling down and virtualisation of the pedestrian journey, initiated in aristocratic English-style parks, continue in urban panoramas, the rooms or the garden of grand houses, as well as in society's games. Finally, the analysis is completed by examining how the two notions are dealt with in newspapers, periodicals and almanacs, as well as in didactic literature for young people, popular songs and the visual arts.

Reliability based optimization of concrete structural components

Smit, Charl Francois 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Standards define target reliability levels that govern the safety of designed structures. These target levels should be around an economic optimum for the class of structure under consideration. However, society may have safety requirements in excess of that required to achieve an economic optimum. The LQI criterion can be used to determine society’s willingness to invest in safety, thereby defining a minimum acceptable safety- or reliability level. This thesis determines economically optimised reliability levels for reliability class two concrete structures in South Africa, over a range of typical input parameters. Rackwitz’s (2000) approach is used here, adjusted for the South African context. The structure is described using a simple limit state function, defined as the difference between load and resistance, with resistance a function of a global safety parameter. South African construction costs, costs of increasing safety, failure costs and discount rates are used in the objective function for economic optimisation. Life Quality Index (LQI) theory is used as a basis to derive society’s willingness to pay (SWTP) for safety and the corresponding reliability level is found by applying the LQI criterion. In the South African context the derivation of SWTP presents some challenges, which is discussed. Situations where the minimum required reliability would exceed the economically optimum reliability level are discussed. Various reliability based cost optimization case studies are conducted covering a broad range of typical concrete design situations. From these case studies a range of target reliability indices are derived for typical concrete structural components and failure modes. Obtained values are compared to current South African target levels of reliability provided by the South African loading code and recommendations are made. The approach used by Rackwitz (2000) is compared with results obtained from case studies and used as basis to estimate optimum reliability levels for other types of buildings. Functions are written in MATLAB to allow replication of the study for others seeking to derive optimum reliability indices. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Standaarde spesifiseer teiken betroubaarheidsvlakke wat die veiligheidsvlak van ontwerpte strukture bepaal. Hierdie teikenvlak moet rondom die ekonomiese optimum wees vir die klas van struktuur onder oorweging. Die samelewing verkies moontlik ‘n hoër veiligheidsvlak as wat deur die ekonomiese optimum dikteer word. Die LKI (Lewens Kwaliteit Indeks) maatstaf kan gebuik word om die samelewing se bereidwilligheid om in veiligheid te belê te bepaal en sodoende ‘n minimum veiligheidsvlak bepaal. Hierdie tesis bepaal die ekonomiese optimum betroubaarheidsvlak vir klas twee beton strukture in Suid-Afrika vir wisselende parameters. Rackwitz (2000) se benadering word in hierdie studie gebruik en is aangepas vir Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede. Die struktuur word beskryf deur ‘n eenvoudige limiet staat funksie, gedefinieer as die verskil tussen die las en weerstand, met die weerstand as die funksie van ‘n globale veiligheidsparameter. Suid-Afrikaanse konstruksie koste, veiligheidsvermedering koste, falingskoste en diskonteer koerse word gebruik vir optimering. Die LKI teorie word gebruik om SBB (Samelewing Bereidheid om te Belê) vir veiligheid af te lei en die ooreenkomstige betroubaarheidsvlak word bepaal deur die LKI maatstaf toe te pas. In die afleiding hiervan vir Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede is sekere uitdagings teegekom wat bespreek word. Situasies waar die minimum betroubaarheidsvlak hoer is as die ekonomiese optimum word bespreek. Verskillende betroubaarheids gebaseerde optimering gevalstudies word gedoen op tipiese beton struktuur elemente. Van hierdie gevalstudies is optimum betroubaarheidsindekse vir die tipiese beton elemente en galingsmodusie afgelei. Die betroubaarheidsindekse word vergelyk met huidige betroubaarheidsindekse soos wat voorgeskryf is in die Suid-Afrikaanse laskode (SANS10160-1(2011)). Rackwitz (2000) se benadering word vergelyk met die resultate van die gevallestudies en word gebruik as basis om optimum betroubaarheidsvlakke vir ander tipes geboue te voorspel. MATLAB funksies is geprogrameer om minimum en optimum betroubaarheidsindekse af te lei.

Etnická identita a konflikt (na príklade multietnického priestoru zaoceánskych lodí). / Ethnic Identity and conflict (on the Example of Multiethnic Territory of Cruise Ships)

Medvecká, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
In my doctoral thesis, which I have elaborated on the basis of my diploma thesis Doubled Identity of Crew Members on Cruise Ships as the Instrument of Cultural Adaptation, supervised by Mgr. Helena Tužinská, PhD., I have analysed the way of life of crew members sharing the multiethnical territory of cruise ships. Crew members working there come from over 50 different countries. In spite of their different origins and cultures which have been forming their behaviour and way of thinking, they share small space without any conflicts. My goal is to sum up the basic conditions which should be met in any multiethnical society to ensure that there would not be any conflicts between its habitants. According to my hypothesis there is a need of other than ethnical identity which could unify them on other than ethnical basis. In the territory of cruise ships it is the socio-professional identity of 'crew member '. I found out that there are two main factors responsible for successful co-existence of people from different cultures here - communication and the system of values. That is why from all factors in which we can observe socio-professional identity of crew members I preferably analyse rules and norms established by crew members and lingua franca used on cruise ships called 'ship language'. The specific...

Muzejní spolky ve středovýchodních Čechách a jejich osudy v 19. a 20. století / Museum societies in central-eastern Bohemia and their fates in the 19th and 20th century

Šebelová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the phenomenon of regional museums in the second half of the 19th century and in the first half of the 20th century in the area of central-eastern Bohemia. The thesis is divided into three main chapters, first of which offers the overview of the establishment and development of the regional museums. The following one analyses the laws of association and statutes of the particular societies. The last chapter introduces the most important milestones in the history of four museum societies which are: Museum society of Chrudim, Museum of Hlinsko County, Archaeological society Vocel and Archaeological and museum society Včela Čáslavská. Based on the primary sources analysis and comparative method, the author of the thesis tried to focus on the common and different moments in the history and activities of the museum societies mentioned above. KEYWORDS Regional history, society's activity, museum societies, museum, museology, Archaeological and museum society Včela Čáslavská, Archaeological society Vocel, Museum society of Chrudim, Museum of Hlinsko County.

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