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Ritningar och logistik inom byggbranschen / Technical drawings and logistics in the construction industryZhong, Sean, Träff, Henrik, Thörnros, Edvard, Johansson, Simon, Mohlin, Fredrik, Nordberg, Martin, Jakobsson, Simon January 2021 (has links)
A web application in the form of a demo has been developed for BIT (Bygg ITSweden). The application effectively shows the potential and the idea that can be used tofind investors. This report describes the development of a program which can streamlinethe construction process. The project was concieved by Björn Jönsson at Bygg InformationTeknologi i Sverige AB. The project was carried out by seven students in connection withthe course TDDD96, Bachelor’s project in software development, at Linköping University.The product was developed using a version of Scrum. The Scrum version consisted ofsprint planning sessions, bi-daily standups and sprint retrospective meetings. Issues werecreated with weights in GitLab to keep track of what needed to be done.The study found that Scrum was an effective methodology for developing a complexproduct and improving the groups development process. Furthermore the team foundthat the mood of the team was important and quick iteration cycles produced a betterproduct.Each team member has also written a short individual contribution researching anarea relevant to the development of the product.
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Automated Visualisation of Product Deployment / Automatisk Visualisering av Produkt DistributionChowdary, Milton January 2022 (has links)
The development of large products, whether it is software or hardware, faces many challenges. Two of these challenges are to keep everyone involved up-to-date on the latest developments, and to get a clear overview of the components of the product. A proposed solution is to have a graph presenting all the necessary information about the product. The issue with having a graph of a constantly changing product is that it requires a lot of maintenance to keep it up-to-date. This thesis presents the implementation of a software for Ericsson, that can gather automatically the required information about a given product and creates a graph to present it. The software traverses a file structure, containing information about a product, and stores it. This information is then used to create two different graphs: a tree graph and a box graph.The graphs were evaluated, both by the author and by the team at Ericsson, based on visualisation principles. The results show that the automatically gathered information is effective and can communicate the information needed. The tree graph receives slightly favourable reviews in comparison to the currently available and manually created graph. However, limitations for graph layout on the visualisation tool made the graphs larger than necessary and, therefore, harder to understand. In order to achieve a better result, other visualisation tools could be considered. The software created tree graphs that are useable at Ericsson, and could prove helpful for development.
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Arch : Att utveckla ett digitalt planritningsverktyg / Arch : Developing a digital floor plan design toolOhlsson Orell, Julia, Elmqvist, Gustav, Åhl, Marcus, Toivanen, Isak, Andersson, Viktor, Kniivilä, Ville, Dashchechka, Yana January 2022 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar resultaten och erfarenheterna från det arbete som sju studenter utförde under vårterminen 2022 som en del av kursen TDDD96 – Kandidatprojekt i programvaruutveckling vid Linköpings universitet. Syftet med projektet var att vidareutveckla programmet Arch, som är en webbapplikation vars mål är att privatpersoner på ett enkelt sätt ska kunna skapa underlag för bygglovsansökningar. Projektgruppen utvecklade funktioner för att skapa väggar, fönster, dörrar, och tak i programmets 3D-vy. Dessutom skapades grunden för en ångrafunktion, och sidan för PDF-generering utökades till att automatiskt generera sidovyer av byggnaden samt stödja textrutor. Rapporten innehåller också sju individuella bidrag från projektgruppens medlemmar som undersöker olika områden relaterade till huvudprojektet.
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<p>Electrical components are the building blocks of any electronics. These building blocks, when intelligently assembled, form circuits that behave as intended by the designer. Therefore, any errors, such as defective components and assembly errors will cause the end product to have abnormalities. Advancement in technology has led to circuits of higher complexity that require a greater quantity of components as well as a great reduction in individual component size. This translates to finer integrated circuits; more components are placed and packed in the same given area and thus, manual circuit board testing may no longer be feasible. The flying probe tester is an automated circuit board testing/verification system that uses electric probes to first stimulate a circuit and then read and verify its corresponding output values. This thesis examines the processes involved in the flying probe test system and produces a model that characterizes the current sequential method of testing test points. Furthermore, using existing techniques developed through the traveling salesman problem and linear optimization, an efficient model is developed to improve and limit the distance traveled by the probes, thus reducing the required testing time.</p> / Master of Science (MS)
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Verification and Refinement Theory of Action Inheritance for Concurrent ObjectsPujari, Upasana 09 1900 (has links)
<p>Lime is an action-based concurrent object-oriented programming language. Lime treats concurrency and object-orientation as a single concern and encapsulates concurrent features within objects. In Lime objects, concurrency is expressed with guarded methods and actions. Inheritance is a characteristic feature of object-oriented programming languages. Lime supports inheritance of methods. In this thesis we extend class inheritance in Lime to include inheritance of actions. This ensures that autonomous behavior of the class is also inherited. Class inheritance also aids in verification and refinement of classes. We establish class refinement rules for class inheritance. When these rules are satisfied, the subclass is a subtype as well as a refinement of the parent class. Lime uses modules as a means to define classes in terms of action systems. In our research, we extend the modules to support class inheritance. In this extended form, class modularization is useful for verification and class refinement. Concurrent object-oriented programming languages are affected by the Inheritance Anomaly - a conflict between inheritance and concurrency. We show that Lime's support for atomicity of methods and actions up to method calls allows our model of classes' inheritance to avoid the problem of the Inheritance Anomaly.</p> / Master of Computer Science (MCS)
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<p>In the computation of the sum of many floating-point numbers Xi (i = 1,2, ... n-1,n), the method S = (( ... ((Xi +X2)+X3)+ ... +Xn-1)+Xn) is called the Ordinary Recursive Summation (ORS) algorithm. Since significant digits might be discarded when the partial sums are rounded, the results are rarely correct. In 1969, Knuth [IJ proposed a simple algorithm AddTwo for transforming a pair of floating-point numbers (a, b) into a new pair (x, y) with non-overlapping mantissas and satisfying x = fl(a + b) and a + b = x + y, regardless of the magnitude of a and b, where x is the floating-point sum of a and b, while y is the roundoff error. We call an algorithm with such property an error-free transformation. Such transformations are at the center of the interest of this thesis. Extending the principle of AddTwo to n, summands is called distillation by Kahan. Since then, many distillation algorithms have appeared to improve the accuracy of summation. Among them, there are three accurate summation algorithms SumK, iFastSum and HybridSum, which are particularly appropriate for ill-conditioned data, where ORS fails due to the accumulation of rounding error and severe cancellation. In this thesis, we present the accurate summation algorithms with their properties, and then apply them to improve the accuracy of the LAPACK subroutines DDOT and DGEMV.</p> / Master of Science (MS)
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<p>In this thesis we develop a new automatic method to test algorithm's numerical stability. The new method is a combination of two stability testing methods introduced by Higham and Kahan, and takes advantage of the both method. We first generate an objective function which can reveal algorithm's stability, then locate the maximum value of the objective function by an optimization method. This method can automatically detect the unstable points and reveal algorithms instability.</p> <p>To make our method suitable for general problems, we generate the objective function by measuring the difference of the test program's results computed in different rounding modes. We choose a search method suitable for our objective function. To improve the accuracy of our method, the final result is obtained by combining the results from multiple searches. Furthermore, we propose three measurements to measure algorithm's stability. Practical examples are used to test the performance of our method.</p> / Master of Science (MS)
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State Diagrams: A New Visual Language For Programmable Logic ControllersHuang, FanFan 26 April 2010 (has links)
<p>Ladder Logic has been the dominant defacto method for programming programmable logic controllers for over 30 years. Primarily designed as a replacement for electronic relay boxes Ladder Logic uses the analogies of circuits and wires. With the changes in education and training Ladder Logic has not kept up with the times. Ladder Logic is difficult to understand for a software background trained operators. In addition with increasingly difficult control logic strategies, Ladder Logic has become cumbersome and difficult to use.</p> <p>This thesis seeks to examine a different approach to visual programming that is more suitable to modern software trained individuals. A visual programming language will be established based on finite state machines. We then define both the syntax and semantics of our visual language, demonstrate the correctness of operation and execution. This thesis also defines a reference hardware platform and shows our graphical tool used to construct programs in this new language.</p> <p>The major contributions of this thesis include the development of a prototype programming language, a graphical integrated development environment tool, and a prototype hardware environment.</p> / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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<p>As one of the main objectives of Enterprise Business Applications, high availability is becoming more and more important and is a widespread concern of customers, architects and developers. But, until now there are still no models for computing and evaluating accurately the value of a system's availability, and no any feasible and systematic methods to improve the availability 'of a software system, which may be made up of several patterns, and may be very complex. PBSA(Part Based Software Architecture), as a new analytical model for predicting a complex software system's availability, is based on the availability of each component, the properties of some main architecture patterns, and the architectural structure of the software system itself. It uses a Markov model to translate the evaluation process of a system's availability into a Markov Transfer process, and uses the properties of Markov Chains to calculate and predict the probability of the whole system's availability. Then based on the model, a sensitivity rank for architecture components and factors can be given, and systematic strategies for improving the availability property of a complex application system can be given. As one of the strategies for improving system availability, a new component, named the HA(high availability) manager component, is defined and introduced, together with some idea of an HA Hierarchy.</p> / Master of Science (MS)
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A Regression Test Selection Technique Applied to Legacy SystemsAbdrakhmanov, Akbar 15 April 2011 (has links)
<p>Software testing is a necessary step in both the software production chain and during future maintenance. Testing can be performed using many different techniques. It is much easier to test a piece of software during the original development process, rather than after the system has been deployed and in use for many years. However, testing must be performed whenever software is altered. How should testing be performed on legacy software? The answer to this question is the focus of this thesis.</p> <p>Regression testing is performed on software during its maintenance stage. Usually it is done after changes have been made to the software or its environment. The concept of regression testing does not assume the existence of a test suite for the software. It might be the case that test cases have to be created from the scratch. However, when software with a huge existing test suite is under consideration, then it is not always a good idea to run the whole test suite in order to perform regression testing. This might be too expensive both in time and human effort. This problem motivate the concept of regression test selection, which tells us that by using certain selection criteria it is possible to select a subset of an existing test suite and run that subset on the software instead.</p> <p>Our project involves reducing the burden of regression testing for a legacy system that is built on top of the Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle database. The changes are made through patches that are sent by Oracle. Most of the time, patches do not introduce big changes to the E-Business Suite. Also, it is likely that the legacy software application uses a relatively small portion of Oracle's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. In this case, it is crucial to be able to select a subset of the test suite for regression testing. Running the whole test suite can be very costly, and is almost always not necessary.</p> <p>The approach we adopted relies on building the access dependency graph of the whole system first. An access dependency graph is a control flow graph but with fields and methods of classes as nodes. Then, after identifying which places in the Oracle E-Business Suite changed after patching, the inverse calling paths are built with changed places as starting points and functions in the customer's application as end points. Now, when affected functions have been identified, it should be possible to select a subset of the existing test suite which will exercise functions that have been directly or indirectly changed by the patch, and which will not include tests that are not impacted by the changes to the software system embodied in the patch. We also demonstrate that the selection technique proposed in this work is safe (does not miss tests that should be included). This gives us some confidence about the applicability of the algorithm.</p> / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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