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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution de la faune du sol au fonctionnement et à l'évolution des Technosols / Contribution of soil fauna to the functioning and the evolution of Technosols

Pey, Benjamin 17 December 2010 (has links)
Les Technosols ont des propriétés et une pédogenèse influencées par des matériaux technogéniques qui les constituent. Le modèle expérimental de Technosol construit a été choisi et résulte de l’utilisation délibérée de matériaux technogéniques au sein d’un profil. L’objectif scientifique est d’évaluer la contribution de la faune du sol aux processus impliqués dans le fonctionnement et l’évolution des Technosols. Des expérimentations en laboratoire (cosmes) et en conditions climatiques réelles (lysimètres, parcelles) ont été menées de l’échelle ultrastructurale à celle du pédon. Les résultats indiquent que (i) le Technosol construit est un support de vie de la faune, (ii) le modèle d’ingénieur de l’écosystème : Lumbricus terrestris, par la création de macroporosité et par ses structures biogéniques contribue à sa structuration, son agrégation et à la décomposition de sa matière organique, (iii) lorsque plusieurs groupes d’organismes assurant des fonctions différentes sont associés, des effets sont mesurés majoritairement sur la décomposition de la matière organique. La forte disponibilité des ressources du Technosol autorise la présence de la faune mais masquent en partie ses effets et inhibent les interactions faunistiques qui auront un effet sur les fonctions des sols. Un modèle d’évaluation de l’effet de Lumbricus terrestris sur la macroporosité est proposé. En termes de génie pédologique, un projet de modèle d’aide à la décision résulte des acquis scientifiques. L’inoculation de la faune contribuerait ainsi à initier des mécanismes d’évolution des sols et à les accélérer / Technosols are soils whose properties and pedogenesis are influenced by technical materials which take part in their constitution. The experimental model used here is a constructed Technosol which is deliberately composed of technical materials in a soil profile. The scientific objective is to evaluate the contribution of soil fauna to processes implied in soil functioning and evolution. Experiments in laboratory (cosms) and in climatic conditions (lysimeters, field) are conducted from ultrastructural scale to soil profile scale. Results indicate that (i) constructed Technosol can support soil fauna, (ii) the model of ecosystem engineer: Lumbricus terrestris, by macroporosity and by stables biogenic structures, contribute to the structuration, the aggregation and the decomposition of organic matter of the Technosol, (iii) when several groups of organisms implied in differents soil functions are used, effects are observed on organic matter decomposition. The huge availability of resources in the Technosol allow the presence of soil fauna but its effects and reduce soil fauna interactions which can have effects on soil functioning. A model whose objective is to evaluate effect of Lumbricus terrestris on macroporosity is proposed. In terms of soil engineering, a project of decision support model results of scientific experiences. Soil fauna inoculation in soil engineering could contribute to initiate and accelerate mechanisms of Technosol evolution

HYDRUS 2D simulation of atrazine movement in tropical and temperate soil region under corn cultivation / Simulação da dinâmica da atrazina pelo modelo HYDRUS 2D sob cultivo de milho em regiões de solo tropical e temperado

Oliveira, Luciano Alves de 25 March 2019 (has links)
The crop productivity increase is often associated with an increase in the use of agricultural products, including herbicides. When these products are applied in an untidy way, leaching may occur and cause environmental contamination either at the soil or at the groundwater. Regarding herbicides, atrazine is widely used in Brazil and around the world. It is also considered as the main organic pollutant, and a potential contaminant of the water table. According to that, it is necessary to build a detailed knowledge about the dynamics of these molecules through the soil with the objective to better control the contamination risks. Thus, the main goal of this research was to simulate the atrazine\'s movement through both tropical and temperate soils under corn cultivation using HYDRUS package models, and to obtain equation parameters to transform electromagnetic induction (EMI) signal data in atrazine\'s movement parameters. Thus, the research was conducted in two different places: 1 - \"Luiz de Queiroz\" College of Agriculture (ESALQ/USP) at the Biosystems Engineering Department and at the Ecotoxicology Laboratory (CENA/USP) both in Piracicaba, SP (Brazil), and 2 - at the Meat Animal Research Center (MARC/ARS) from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Clay Center, NE (US). In Brazil, a corn crop using three treatments of atrazine was conducted in a greenhouse to obtain the herbicide concentration data from the soil solution. Then, soil samples were collected to run breakthrough curves (BTC) to obtain atrazine\'s movement parameters through STANMOD model. After that, atrazine\'s movement simulations were taken through the HYDRUS 2D model. In the end, statistical indexes were used to compare observed and modeled data aiming the evaluation of HYDRUS 2D model for the movement of atrazine. In US, EMI data were collected in a corn field before atrazine application. Then, soil samples from this field were collected for BTC\'s to obtain atrazine\'s movement parameters. After obtaining such parameters, models were generated correlating EMI signal data with atrazine\'s movement parameters. Subsequently, statistical comparison indexes were used to compare the actual data obtained with the data obtained by the new model generated. Finally, simulations of the movement of atrazine were made with the purpose of evaluating the contamination of the subsoil. In addition, maps with interpolated data were generated, facilitating the visualization of sites most susceptible to contamination. In Brazil, the atrazine\'s movement parameters were R = 1.604, β = 0.82 e ω = 2.5 h-1. Then, HYDRUS 2D simulations were precise (r = 0.9815) and accuracy (d = 0.9906) when the corn plant is not in the system. However, with the presence of the corn, HYDRUS 2D still predicted atrazine with precision (r = 0.8609) but the accuracy was low (d = 0.4449). In US, the atrazine\'s movement parameters were R = 7.45, β = 0.47, and ω = 5.56 h-1. Further, models using EMI signal data to predict atrazine\'s movement parameters were generated. The statistical indexes to these models were R2 = 0.9012, r = 0.9311, and d = 0.9589. Overall, HYDRUS 2D is a model to predict atrazine\'s movement through the soil. However, more researches need to be carried out considering the plant as part of the system and the parameters which account water and solutes absorption need to be improved. The EMI technique to obtain atrazine\'s movement parameters was also well succeeded. Thus, it should be broadly used to monitor atrazine and other contaminants. / O aumento de produtividade dos cultivos, na maioria das vezes, está associado a um aumento na utilização de insumos agrícolas, dentre eles, os herbicidas. Quando esses produtos são aplicados de uma maneira desordenada ao solo, processos de lixiviação podem ocorrer e, dessa forma, provocar algum tipo de contaminação ambiental, alcançando, assim, águas subterrâneas. Nesse sentido, em termos de aplicação de herbicidas, a atrazina é um exemplo dessa classe, que é intensamente utilizada no Brasil e no mundo e é frequentemente considerada como sendo um dos principais poluentes orgânicos, revelando-se, também, como um dos potenciais contaminantes do lençol freático. Visando maior controle de riscos de um possível impacto ambiental aliado à necessidade de aumento de produtividade, faz-se necessário o conhecimento com maior detalhamento sobre a dinâmica desses elementos no perfil do solo. Dessa forma, buscou-se como objetivo principal dessa pesquisa, simular a dinâmica da atrazina em um perfil de solo utilizando-se, para tal, o modelo HYDRUS 2D, sob condições de cultivo de milho, em regiões de solos tropicais e temperados e obter parâmetros de uma equação que transforme dados de indução eletromagnética (EMI) em parâmetros do movimento da atrazina. Deste modo, a pesquisa foi conduzida em dois locais distintos: Local 1 - Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" (ESALQ/USP), junto ao Departamento de Engenharia de Biossistemas e Laboratório de Ecotoxicologia (CENA/USP) ambos em Piracicaba, SP (Brasil) e Local 2 - U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (MARC/ARS/USDA), em Clay Center, Nebraska (EUA). No Brasil, um cultivo de milho usando-se três tratamentos de atrazina foi conduzido em estufa experimental a fim de se obter dados de concentração do herbicida na solução do solo. Em seguida, amostras do mesmo solo foram coletadas para realização de curvas de eluição (BTC) para se obter os parâmetros de movimento da atrazina através do software STANMOD. Após a obtenção de tais parâmetros, simulações de movimento da atrazina no solo foram realizadas através do modelo HYDRUS 2D. Por fim, índices estatísticos de comparação foram utilizados para avaliar este software. Nos Estados Unidos, dados de EMI foram coletados num campo de cultivo de milho antes da aplicação de atrazina. Em seguida, amostras de solo deste campo foram coletadas para realização de BTC\'s para se obter os parâmetros do movimento da atrazina. Após a obtenção de tais parâmetros, foram gerados modelos correlacionando dados de EMI com os parâmetros do movimento do herbicida. Posteriormente, índices estatísticos de comparação foram utilizados com o objetivo de se comparar os dados reais obtidos com os dados obtidos pelo novo modelo gerado. Por fim, simulações do movimento da atrazina foram feitas com o intuito de avaliar a contaminação do subsolo. Além disso, mapas com dados interpolados foram gerados, facilitando a visualização dos locais mais suscetíveis à contaminação. No experimento realizado no Brasil, os parâmetros do movimento da atrazina encontrados foram: R = 1,604, β = 0,82 e ω = 2,5 h-1. Com tais parâmetros, o modelo HYDRUS 2D simulou o movimento da atrazina com precisão (r = 0,9815) e acurácia (d = 0,9906), quando a planta de milho não está inclusa no sistema. Quando a planta é considerada, o modelo prevê o movimento da atrazina com precisão (r = 0,8609), porém sem precisão (d = 0,4449). No experimentos realizado nos EUA, os parâmetros do movimento da atrazina encontrados foram: R = 7,45, β = 0,47 e ω = 5,56 h-1. Modelos para obtenção dos parâmetros de movimento da atrazina utilizando-se EMI como dado de entrada foram gerados e seus índices estatísticos de comparação foram: R2 = 0,9012, r = 0,9311 e d = 0,9589. Deste modo, o modelo HYDRUS 2D é uma ferramenta para simular o movimento da atrazina no solo. No entanto, mais pesquisas devem ser feitas no que se refere à presença da planta no sistema solo-planta-atmosfera, pois os parâmetros que controlam a absorção de água e solutos podem estar obsoletos. A técnica de obtenção de EMI também foi bem sucedida na previsão dos parâmetros do movimento da atrazina e, portanto, deve ser utilizada para monitoramento, não só da própria atrazina, mas também de outros contaminantes.

Valorisation agronomique des sédiments fins de retenues hydroélectriques en construction d’Anthroposols fertiles / Agronomic valuation of fine sediments from hydroelectric reservoirs under construction of fertile anthroposols

Fourvel, Gaetan 12 March 2018 (has links)
Les sédiments fins qui s’accumulent naturellement en amont des ouvrages hydroélectriques sont parfois amenées à être gérés à terre, pour des raisons techniques ou environnementales. L’une des voies de valorisation envisagée pour les gérer est la construction de sols fertiles pour l’aménagement d’espaces végétalisés ou encore pour la réhabilitation de zones dégradées. Cet usage des sédiments en tant que matériaux alternatifs pour construire des sols contribue à préserver la ressource en terre végétale et nécessite de prouver la valeur agronomique et l’innocuité environnementale des sédiments. Une approche expérimentale (essai sous serre de 3 mois et essai in situ en bacs lysimétriques de 24 mois) a permis d’évaluer les composantes physiques, chimiques et biologiques de la fertilité de sols construits à partir de 6 sédiments, seuls ou mélangés avec 40 % (v:v) de compost de déchets verts.Les résultats de l’étude ont mis en évidence que la capacité d’agrégation des sédiments est un facteur clé de leur fertilité. Le suivi du développement de la couverture végétale des sols construits a démontré la capacité de tous les sédiments étudiés à être support de végétation. Les sédiments riches en matière organique (MO) (>30 g kg-1) sont adaptés aux végétaux des espaces végétalisés ayant potentiellement des exigences hydriques et trophiques élevées. Les sédiments pauvres en MO (<30 g kg-1), semblent davantage adaptés à une utilisation pour des opérations de restauration où les exigences des végétaux sont généralement moindres. Ce travail aboutit à la proposition de critères environneme / Fine sediments naturally accumulate upstream of hydropower facilities. For technical or environmental reasons, they occasionally have to be dredged and land managed. Using dredged sediment to construct fertile soils and set up green spaces or rehabilitate degraded land is one the ways dredged sediment can be valorized. This use of sediment as an alternative soil-building material helps preserve the topsoil resource, but its agronomical value and environmental safety first has to be demonstrated. We used an experimental approach (a 3-month greenhouse trial and a 24-month in situ lysimeter test) to assess the physical, chemical, and biological parameters of soil fertility from 6 sediments that were either pure or mixed with 40 % (v:v) of green waste compost.The results showed that sediment aggregation capacity is a key factor of their fertility. The monitoring of vegetation cover development on the constructed soil demonstrated that all six sediments could support vegetation. High organic matter (OM) content sediments (> 30 g kg-1) are suitable to grow plants with potentially high water and nutrient requirements. Low OM content sediments (< 30 g kg-1) appear to be more suitable for use in restoration operations where plant requirements are generally lower. This work leads to the proposal of environmental and agronomical criteria for directing sediments towards soil construction and propose adapted uses.

Engineering Behaviour Of Ash-Modified Soils Of Karnataka

Muttharam, M 09 1900 (has links)
During a survey of black cotton soil zones of Karnataka, indigenously stabilized black cotton soil deposits were encountered in Belgaum, Bijapur, Bagalkot and Gadag Districts of Karnataka. These modified black cotton soils have low swelling and negligible shrinkage tendencies. Owing to their low volume change potential on moisture content changes, these soils are widely preferred in earth construction activities. The exact origin of these modified black cotton soil deposits is not known. According to anecdotal references, these soils were prepared by mixing unknown proportions of wood ash, organic matter and black cotton soil and allowing them to age for unknown periods of time. As wood-ash was apparently used in their preparation, these modified black cotton soils are referred to as ash-modified soils (AMS) in the thesis. The practice of preparing ash-modified soils is no longer pursued in black cotton soil regions of Karnataka and the available supply of this indigenously stabilized soil is being fast depleted. Also, attempts have not been made to characterize the physico-chemical and engineering properties of AMS deposits of Karnataka. Given the widespread utilization of ash-modified soils in black cotton soil areas of Karnataka, there is a need to understand their physico-chemical and engineering behaviour and the physico-chemical mechanisms responsible for their chemical modification. Swelling and shrinkage of expansive soil deposits are cyclic in nature due to periodic climatic changes. Chemically stabilized black cotton soil deposits are also expected to experience cyclic wetting and drying due to seasonal climatic changes. The impact of cyclic wetting and drying on the swelling behaviour of natural expansive soils is well-documented. However, the impact of alternate wetting and drying on the swelling behaviour of admixture stabilized expansive soils (these include natural - ash-modified soils and laboratory - lime stabilized black cotton soils) has not been examined. Such a study would be helpful to assess the long term behaviour of admixture stabilized soils in field situations. To achieve the above objectives, experiments are performed that study: 1.The physico-chemical and engineering properties of ash-modified soils from different Districts of Karnataka. The physico-chemical and engineering properties of natural black cotton soil (BCS) specimens from locations adjacent to ash-modified soil deposits are also examined to understand and evaluate the changes in the engineering characteristics of the ash-modified soils due to addition of admixtures. 2. Identify the physico-chemical mechanisms responsible for the chemical stabilizationof ash-modified soils. 3.The influence of cyclic wetting and drying on the wetting induced volume changebehaviour of admixture stabilized black cotton soils, namely, ash-modified blackcotton soils and lime stabilized black cotton soils.

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