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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reciprocal relationships between vegetation structure and soil properties in selected biomes of South Africa

Mills, A. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- Stellenbosch University, 2003. / Please refer to full text to view abstract. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The effects of different land use practices on soil quality in South Africa were investigated in five contrasting biomes, with a particular emphasis on the tendency of soils to crust and soil C content. Soil quality is a nebulous concept and its applicability in the South African landscape is scrutinised. A wide range of chemical and physical soil properties were examined. The tendency of soils to crust was assessed using modulus of rupture, water dispersible clay and a new method of laboratory infiltration which was verified with rainfall simulation. Crusting was greater in bare, exposed soils than soils under vegetation and varied with soil parent material. Differences in crusting are explained by factors relating to clay dispersion such as clay mineralogy, soil C, labile or readily oxidisable C, concentration of soluble salts, soil texture and exchangeable Na percentage (ESP). Results from longterm bum plots in savanna and grassland revealed that annual burning can increase the tendency of soils to crust. Greater crusting in burnt plots is ascribed to greater dispersion of clay, which in tum is attributed to a decline in soil C, a decline in EC and an increase in ESP. The loss of nutrients from burnt plots over time is ascribed to removal of ash in surface runoff. Calcium, Mg, and K were lost more readily than Na probably because plants take up these nutrients in greater concentration than Na. The net effect was an increase in ESP. Crusting on burnt plots may be self-perpetuating, because increased runoff is likely to incsease the loss of soluble salts. Removal of vegetation due to cultivation, grazing or burning reduced soil C at all sites. Mean soil C in the 0-1 cm layer of unburnt plots in the Kruger National Park was more than three times greater than in burnt plots (2.7 vs 0.8%). The difference in soil C between treatments decreased with depth and illustrated that sampling to depths greater than a few centimetres can obscure effects of land use. The top few centimetres of soil have a disproportionate effect on soil infiltrability and nutrient cycling. This layer was named the pedoderm. Tree cover on burnt plots in the southern Kruger Nationa--l- Park is highly variable, and was hypothesised to be a function of herbivory pressure. Herbivores tended to congregate on plots with the greatest clay, Zn and Mn content and the lowest tree cover. It is suggested that soil properties determine the abundance of herbivores after fire, which in tum affects tree cover. In the Eastern Cape,intensive stocking with goats transforms dense thicket to an open savanna. Soils from goat-transformed sites had a greater tendency to crust than soils from intact thicket, probably due to aggregate weakening associated with a decline in soil C. Mean soil C content of intact thicket was almost double that of goat-transformed thicket (5.6 vs. 3% to a depth of 10 cm) and is exceptionally high for a semi-arid region. The potential to sequestrate carbon in degraded thicket landscapes is thus considerable. Managing the land for greater sequestration of C will have the added benefit of increasing soil aggregate stability, reducing the tendency of soils to crust and therefore increasing the rate of water infiltration through the pedoderm. The benefits of such an approach have been recognised by specialists in soil conservation and rural land use for many decades, based largely on empirical observation. The results of this thesis provide a more quantitative basis for appreciating the effects of soil C across a broad spectrum of South African biomes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die invloed van verskillende landgebruikspraktyke op grondkwaliteit in Suid-Afrika is in vyf kontrasterende biome ondersoek met spesifieke klem op die neiging van gronde om korste te vorm en die grond koolstofinhoud. Grondkwaliteit is 'n vae konsep en die toepassing daarvan in die Suid-Afrikaanse grondlandskap is noukeurig ondersoek. 'n Wye reeks van chemiese en fisiese grondeienskappe is ondersoek. Die neiging van korsvorming by gronde is beraam deur die gebruik van breukmodulus, waterdispergeerbare klei en 'n nuwe metode van laboratorium-infiltrasie wat met behulp van reënvalsimulasie gekontroleer is. Korsvorming was groter in kaal, blootgestelde gronde as in gronde met 'n plantbedekking en het gewissel volgens moedermateriaal. Verskille in korsvorming word verklaar deur faktore wat verband hou met kleidispergering soos byvoorbeeld kleimineralogie, grondkoolstof, labiele of maklik oksideerbare koolstof, konsentrasie oplosbare soute, grondtekstuur en uitruilbare natriumpersentasie (UNP). Resultate van langtermyn brandpersele in savanna en grasland het getoon dat jaarlikse brand die neiging tot korsvorming kan verhoog. Meer korsvorming in brandpersele word toegeskryf aan groter kleidispergering, wat waarskynlik verband hou met 'n afname in grondkoolstof, 'n afname in elektriese geleiding (Be) en 'n toename in UNP. Plantvoedingstowwe gaan oor tyd verlore uit brandpersele, waarskynlik deur die verwydering van as in oppervlak afloop. Kalsium, Mg en K gaan meer geredelik verlore as Na, waarskynlik omdat plante hierdie voedingstowwe in groter hoeveelhede opneem as Na. Die netto effek is 'n toename in UNP. Korsvorming op brandpersele kan self instand gehou word omdat verhoogde afloop die moontlike verlies van oplosbare soute kan verhoog. Verwydering van plantegroei deur bewerking, beweiding of brand het grondkoolstof op alle plekke verlaag. Die gemiddelde grondkoolstof in die 0-1 cm laag van ongebrande persele in die Kruger Nasionale Park was meer as drie maal groter as in --.. brandpersele (2.7 vs 0.8 %). Die verskil in grondkoolstof tussen behandelings neem af met diepte wat daarop dui dat monsterneming tot dieptes groter as 'n paar sentimeters die effek van landgebruik kan verberg. Die boonste paar sentimeters van 'n grond het 'n oneweredige invloed op infiltrasie en voedingstofsirkulasie. Hierdie laag word die pedoderm genoem. Boombedekking op brandperseie in die suidelikeKruger Nasionale Park is hoogs variërend. Die hipotese was dat dit 'n funksie van druk deur planteters is. Planteters neig om op persele met die hoogste klei, Zn- en Mn-inhoud en die laagste boom bedekking te versamel. Daar word voorgestel dat grondeienskappe die hoeveelheid planteters na 'n brand bepaal. Dit beïnvloed op sy beurt weer die boombedekking. In die Oos-Kaap het intensiewe bokboerdery digte bosruigtes verander na oop savannas. Gronde van bok-veranderde lokaliteite het 'n groter neiging tot korsvorming as gronde van onveranderde bosruigtes, vermoedelik as gevolg van verswakking van aggregate met 'n. afname in grondkoolstof. Die gemiddelde grondkoolstof van onveranderde bosruigtes was byna dubbel soveel as die koolstof van bok-veranderde bosruigtes (5.6 vs 3 % tot 'n diepte van 10 cm) en buitengewoon hoog vir 'n semi-ariede streek. Die potensiaal vir koolstof sekwestrasie in degradeerde bosruigte landskappe is dus aansienlik. Bestuur van land vir groter sekwestrasie van koolstof het die bykomende voordeel van verhoogde grond aggregaatstabilteit, verlaging van die neiging tot korsvorming en daardeur 'n verhoging in die tempo van waterinfiltrasie deur die pedoderm. Die voordele van so 'n benadering is vir baie dekades deur spesialiste in grondbewaring en landelike landgebruik herken. Dit was grootliks gebaseer op empiriese waarneming. Die resultate van hierdie tesis bied 'n meer kwantitatiewe basis tot die verstaan van die invloed van grondkoolstof oor 'n breë spektrum van Suid-Afrikaanse biorne.

Evaluation of the effect of an orange oil based soil Ameliorant on selected soil physical properties

Viljoen, Daniel Willem 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A new orange oil based soil ameliorant is available on the market. Apart from the orange oil, the other main constituents of the product are a nonionic surfactant and an anionic surfactant. Surfactants are used in the agricultural sector, amongst others, as a countermeasure for soil with poor infiltrability or with hydrophobic characteristics. Farmers who applied the orange oil based soil ameliorant to the soil observed a positive growth response by the crop. However, the main concern about surfactants is that it can cause the soil to disperse and thereby decrease the infiltration and saturated hydraulic conductivity thereof. The aim of this study was therefore to determine the effect which this product might have on the following selected soil physical properties: bulk density, aggregate stability, soil strength and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. The product was applied on four farms on soils with different textures: Dublin Farm (22% clay), Wansbek (20% clay), Toitskraal (7% clay) and Two Rivers (3% clay). Field studies were repeated at Dublin Farm and Toitskraal to study the longevity effect of the product. Differences in bulk density were not attributed to the effect of the product, but to spatial variation. The aggregate stability at the 50 mm depth tended to decrease after application of the product at Dublin Farm trial 1, Toitskraal trial 1 and at Wansbek. At Dublin Farm trial 2 and Toitskraal trial 2 the application of the product tended to increase the aggregate stability. For Dublin Farm trial 2 and Wansbek the shear strength at the 50 mm depth tended to increase with increased application rates. The opposite was observed at Toitskraal and Two Rivers. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity tended to be higher at the 0 mm depth for the treated soils at all of the trials except Toitskraal trial 2. From the aggregate stability results it is clear that the initial effect of the product was detrimental which can be attributed to the anionic surfactant. The long term effect can be attributed to the effect of the nonionic surfactant. The differences in shear strength can be attributed to aggregate stability (for Dublin Farm trial 2) and bulk density (for Two Rivers). There is however no explanation for the results found at Toitskraal and Wansbek. From the linear regression of bulk density against unsaturated hydraulic conductivity for Wansbek and Two Rivers it is clear that the application of the product definitely had an influence on the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. For both farms, the correlation between bulk density and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity was better for the control than for the treated soils. To conclude with, the application of the product according to the recommended application rate, resulted in a slightly detrimental effect to the soil on the short term, but on the long term it tended to have a slightly positive effect on the soils. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Nuwe grondverbeteringsproduk met lemoenolie as ‘n basis en ‘n nie-ioniese en ‘n anioniese benattingsmiddel as hoof bestandele, is op die mark. In die landbou sektor word benattingsmiddels onder andere gebruik as ‘n teenvoeter vir gronde met swak infiltrasie of hidrofobiese eienskappe. Die grootste voorbehoud omtrent die gebruik van benattingsmiddels is die moontlike afname in infiltrasie en versadigde hidroulieses geleivermoë as gevolg van klei dispergering. Positiewe reaksies van die gewasse is waargeneem deur boere wat van die produk gebruik maak. Die doel van die studie was dus om die moontlike effek van die bogenoemde grondverbeterings produk op die volgende geselekteerde grondfisiese eienskappe te bepaal: bulkdigtheid, aggregaatstabiliteit, grondsterkte en onversadigde hidrouliese geleivermoë. Die produk is toegedien op vier plase met verskillende grondteksture: Dublin Farm (22% klei), Toitskraal (7% klei), Wansbek (20% klei) and Two Rivers (3% klei). ‘n Ondersoek na die lewensduur van die produk is gedoen deur ‘n opvolg studie te doen by Dublin Farm en Toitskraal. Vir die bulkdigtheid resultate kon geen van die verskille toegeskryf word aan die effek van die produk nie. Die aggregaate stabiliteit by die 50 mm diepte van Dublin Farm proef 1, Toitskraal proef 1 en Wansbek, het geneig om laer te wees vir die behandelde gronde. Die aggregaatstabiliteit by die 50 mm diepte van Dublin Farm proef 2 en Toitskraal proef 2 het geneig om hoër te wees vir die behandelde gronde. Die skuifsterkte by die 50 mm diepte by Dublin Farm proef 2 en Wansbek, het geneig om toe te neem met ‘n toename in toedienings hoeveelheid, terwyl die teenoorgestelde tendens by Toitskraal en Two Rivers waargeneem is waar minder klei teenwoordig is in die grond. Die onversadigde hidroliese geleivermoë het geneig om hoër te wees by die 0 mm diepte van al die plase met die uitsondering van Toitskraal proef 2. Dit is duidelik vanaf die aggregaatstabiliteit resultate dat die aanvanklike effek van die produk nadelig is en dit kan toegeskryf word aan die effek van die anioniese benattingsmiddel. Die langtermyn effek kan toegeskryf word aan die nie-ioniese benatingsmiddel wat aggregaatstabiliteit kan verbeter. Die verskille in skuifsterkte kan toegeskryf word aan die verskille in aggregaatstabiliteit (vir Dublin Farm proef 2) en bulkdigtheid (vir Two Rivers). Daar is egter geen verklaring vir die verskille in skuifsterkte by Toitskraal en Wansbek nie. Die liniêre regressie van bulkdigtheid teenoor onversadigde hidroliese geleivermoë van Wansbek en Two Rivers dui aan dat die produk ‘n invloed het op die onversadigde hidroliese geleivermoë. Vir albei plase het die kontrole die beste liniêre verband tussen die twee grondeienskappe gehad, met ‘n swakker korrelasie vir gronde waar die lemoenolieproduk toegedien is. Dus kan die afleiding gemaak word dat op die korttermyn het die produk ‘n geringe negatiewe effek op die grond, maar op die langtermyn neig dit om ‘n positiewe effek te hê.


PRUDENCIO, YVES COFFI. January 1983 (has links)
This study addresses the issue of soil fertility maintenance in relation to crop yield and farm income growth in general in the west African semi-arid tropics. It describes the structural and the input-output characteristics of food crop production and soil fertility management inside a typical village of southern Upper-Volta and then proceeds to infer from cross-section variations the relationships among the existing soil fertility management practices, soil fertility, crop yields, farm income, resource productivities and the average intensity of land utilization. These inferences are used to identify the technical changes as well as the input and output substitutions that characterize the adjustment mechanism of the cropping system vis-a-vis land use intensification. The technical, social and economic factors that explain and constrain the maintenance and the improvement of soil fertility and thereby limit the growth and the development of the cropping system are pointed out together with the types of agricultural research orientations and rural development policy actions that are most needed to effectively and efficiently relax the major constraints. The cropping system has been shown to be composed of five soil-crop management rings, with varying intensities of land utilization, that conceptually surround the household's habitat. Physical measures of soil fertility suggested that the cropping system more or less maintains or improves the chemical fertility of soils on upland but fails to do so on lowland. However, on upland and over the long term, an intensification of cultivation may have some adverse effects on the physical status of the soil and lead to a decline in field capacity. Statistical measures of yields, farm income and resource productivities following the intensity of land use scale suggested than an increase in the intensity of land utilization caused by an increasing demand for arable lands has no adverse effect on crop yields, farm income and resource productivities. This is made possible by the adjustment mechanism of the cropping system vis-a-vis land use intensification. The main feature of the adjustment process is besides out-migration, a substitution of red sorghum for millet and white sorghum, accompanied by a substitution of mineral and organic fertilizers for fallow.

An economic evaluation of selected soil and water management technologies for rainfed agriculture : a study case in the arid zones of Brazil

Porto, Everaldo Rocha,1948- January 1988 (has links)
Water harvesting techniques were used for increasing water availability for rainfed agriculture and for human consumption. The treatments involving soil and water management for cropping were as follows: (1) traditional; (2) microcatchment; (3) microcatchment plus fertilization with ordinary superphosphate (OSP); (4) microcatchment plus fertilization with manure; and (5) supplemental tank irrigation. A cistern with 50 m³ capacity was constructed to provide drinking water. The crop enterprises were cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata)/corn (Zea mays), and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)/cactus (Opuntia spp.)/algaroba (Prosopis juliflora). Both were intercropped. The overall objectives of the study were: (1) to examine the impact of the application of water harvesting techniques together with crop management, with and 14 without fertilization on: farmer, (ii) profitability cropping, and (iii) labor benefit of a cistern based (i) financial position of the of each individual enterprise in utilization; (2) to estimate the on the costs of carrying water. All analysis were developed with the aid of Supercalc 4 spreadsheet software. Farm performance measures were: crop production; cash flows; income statements, net worth; cost and returns statements; and labor utilization. The impact of the household cistern was assessed through a benefit cost approach. From the results the following main conclusions were drawn: (1) microcatchment contributed marginally to increased yields; (2) microcatchment combined with OSP produced yield increases which were twice those of the traditional process; (3) tank irrigation with OSP quadrupled the traditional productivities; (4) the sorghum/cactus/algaroba enterprise presented a better cash position than cowpeas/ corn; (5) the farm can support the investments necessary for the application of water harvesting since it is financially liquid and solvent; (6) significant increase in net income was achieved when water harvesting was combined with fertilization for both enterprises; (7) the existing family labor potential on the farm is enough to supply the demand imposed by any one of the soil and water management treatment; (8) if opportunity cost of labor is involved in assessing the profitability of cropping, the most profitable soil and water management practice was tank irrigation; and (9) the construction of a cistern is an economical and feasible decision.

Managing Cattail (Typha latifolia) Growth in Wetland Systems

Sharp, Jessica Little 08 1900 (has links)
Nutrient availability, water depth, competition, and soil management effects on cattail (Typha latifolia) growth in wetland systems were examined. Soluble reactive phosphorous (SRP), nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), and ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) removals were tested at a constructed wetland receiving municipal wastewater effluent. Over all, no significant differences in nutrients occurred between diverse planted and cattail areas. T. latifolia seeds, under the canopy of Eleochoris macrostachya, had low seed germination. Established stands of emergent vegetation can prevent cattail colonization and spread. Germination of T. latifolia at various water depths was tested, and depth impacts on cattail seedling growth and survival were ascertained using various moist soil management techniques in three ponds. Water levels at 0cm and >40cm can adversely impact cattail establishment.


Liu, Shuang 01 January 2016 (has links)
Nitrification is a biological oxidation of NH3 to NO2- and then to NO3-. Understanding how the nitrifier community responds to agricultural management is essential because the community composition is complex and functional distinction of subgroups occurs. Better managing nitrifiers could benefit the environment by increasing nitrogen (N) fertilizer use efficiency, decreasing NO3- leaching, and reducing NO and N2O emissions. This study examined how long-term N fertilization and tillage influenced nitrifier density, ratios, nitrification rates, and the community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA), and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB). The study site was a long-term (>40 years) continuous maize (Zea mays L.) experiment with three N fertilization rates (0, 168, and 336 kg ha-1) and either no-tillage (NT) or plow tillage (PT). Most Probable Number method was used to estimate the density of AOB and NOB; the shaken slurry method was used to measure potential nitrification rates; PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was used to analyze nitrifier communities. Tillage, fertilization, and their interaction all significantly influenced the AOB and NOB densities, the ratio of AOB to NOB, and potential nitrification rate. Nitrifier densities and potential nitrification rates increased with increased N fertilization; NOB density increased faster than AOB density with fertilization. The influence of tillage on nitrification was different for different fertilization rates. The trends for nitrifier density and potential nitrification rate were not consistent. Nitrifier community structure was influenced by sample season, N fertilization rates, tillage, and their interaction. Different nitrifier groups had different responses to the treatments. The AOB became more diverse with increasing N input; tillage rather than N fertilizer played a dominant role affecting the AOA community; two NOB genera had different responses to N fertilization rates: Nitrobacter diversity increased with more N applied; Nitrospira was the opposite. Unique bands/members were discovered in different treatments, manifesting environmental selection. Long-term field trials were useful in better understanding how soil management influenced the relationship between nitrifier densities, nitrification rates, and community structure, which may facilitate new approaches to optimize nitrification and provide new clues to discover which environmental factors most influence the nitrifier community in agroecosystems.

Adubação nitrogenada da cultura do milho consorciada com plantas de cobertura no sistema de semeadura direta /

Oliveira, Rodrigo Alves. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Itamar Andrioli / Banca: Renato de Mello Prado / Banca: Marcio Morais / Resumo: O milho é o principal cereal produzido no Brasil e entre os vários fatores que causam a baixa produtividade, o manejo incorreto do nitrogênio se destaca. Objetivou-se com este estudo, avaliar a eficiência das plantas de cobertura em consorciação com milho na produção de fitomassa e fornecimento de N e por objetivos específicos de: i ) verificar o efeito das plantas de cobertura nas propriedades físicas e químicas do solo; ii) verificar o efeito das plantas de cobertura na produtividade do milho; iii) verificar as melhores doses de N dentro da consorciação de plantas de cobertura com o milho. Para tanto, foi realizado um experimento no município de Ituverava-SP, no Sitio Córrego das Pedras, em Latossolo Vermelho distróferrico típico, textura argilosa para o ano agrícola de 2007/2008 e 2008/2009. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com parcelas sub-subdivididas e quatro repetições. As plantas de cobertura utilizadas foram: braquiária, calopogônio e estilosante do campo grande e as doses de N: N0=0; N1=60; N2=120; N3=180 kg de N/ha. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas para a densidade, porosidade, microporosidade e macroporosidade entre plantas de cobertura e profundidade. Não houve diferença significativa para diâmetro médio geométrico e diâmetro médio ponderado. Não foram observados diferença significativa entre plantas de cobertura e doses de N. Foram observadas diferenças significativas de produtividade entre as plantas de cobertura, destacando-se o estilosante do campo grande com maior produtividade, seguido da calopogônio e braquiária safra 2007/08 e estilosante do campo grande, braquiára e calopogônio safra 2008/09. Para dose de N, foi observado aumento de produtividade para ambas as safras, destacando-se a dose N3. Observou-se incremento na produção de um ano para outro / Abstract: Corn is the main cereal produced in Brazil and among the several factors that cause low productivity, it is possible to detach the incorrect management of the nitrogen. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of cover crops intercropped with corn on the production of the phytomass and the providing of N and for specific aims of: i) checking the effect of cover crops on physical and chemical properties of the soil; ii) checking the effect of cover crops on the corn productivity; iii) verifying the best N rates for the intercropping of cover crops and corn. For such reason, an experiment was conducted in Ituverava - SP, at Córrego das Pedras Farm, at a typical Red Oxisol, clay texture for the agricultural year of 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. The experimental design was made in randomized blocks with split plots and four replications. The cover crops used were: Brachiaria brizantha, Calopogonium mucunoides Desv and Stylosanthes capitata and S. macrocephala under the rates of N: N0=0; N1=60; N2=120; N3=180 kg of N/ha. It was not possible to notice significant differences for density, porosity, microporosity and macroporosity among the cover crops and depth. There was no significant difference for the geometric mean diameter and for the average diameter. Significant differences were not noticed among the cover crops and N rates. It was possible to notice significant differences on the productivity among the cover crops, highlighting the Stylosanthes as a cover crop with a higher corn yield, followed by Calopogonium mucunoides Desv and Brachiaria brizantha, harvest 2007/08 and Stylosanthes capitata and S. macrocephala, Brachiaria brizantha and Calopogonium mucunoides Desv, harvest 2008/09. Concerning the N rate, it was possible to notice an increase for both harvests, highlighting the N3 rate. It was possible to observe an increase on production from one year to the other / Mestre

Carbono orgânico e atributos físicos do solo após a aplicação de esterco bovino / Organic carbon and physical attributes of soil after cattle manure aplication

Magalhães, Ludmila [UNESP] 17 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by LUDMILA MAGALHÃES null (mag.ludmila@gmail.com) on 2017-03-15T01:30:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Ludmila_Magalhães.pdf: 611574 bytes, checksum: efdd25c5174f4d490dccf0f24fb99f43 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-03-20T23:04:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 magalhaes_l_me_jabo.pdf: 611574 bytes, checksum: efdd25c5174f4d490dccf0f24fb99f43 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-20T23:04:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 magalhaes_l_me_jabo.pdf: 611574 bytes, checksum: efdd25c5174f4d490dccf0f24fb99f43 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O esterco bovino contém elevados teores de matéria orgânica, que pode elevar os teores de carbono orgânico no solo e proporcionar melhorias nos atributos físicos do solo. Isso ocorre devido o carbono orgânico ser um agente cimentante das partículas minerais do solo. Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar o efeito da adubação orgânica (esterco bovino) nos atributos do solo: carbono orgânico, carbono orgânico particulado, carbono orgânico associado aos minerais, distribuição de agregados do solo por classes de tamanho, índice de estabilidade de agregados do solo, condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado, macroporosidade, microporosidade, porosidade total, resistência do solo à penetração e densidade do solo. O experimento foi realizado na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal, em um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, de textura argilosa. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, constando de cinco doses de esterco bovino (0, 15, 30, 45 e 60 Mg ha-1) com quatro repetições. Foram coletadas amostras de solo indeformadas, na camada de 0-0,10 m, para a determinação da condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado (K0), macroporosidade (Ma), microporosidade (Mi), porosidade total (PT), resistência do solo à penetração (RP) e densidade do solo (Ds). Na mesma camada, foram coletadas amostras de solo deformadas para a determinação da distribuição de agregados do solo por classes de tamanho, índice de estabilidade de agregados do solo (IEA), carbono orgânico (CO), e fracionamento físico do carbono orgânico, em que foi determinado o carbono orgânico particulado (COP). O carbono orgânico associado aos minerais (COAM) foi obtido por diferença entre o CO e o COP. Foi realizada a análise de variância para a regressão polinomial, para os atributos do solo avaliados em função das doses de esterco bovino, utilizando o teste F com nível de significância de 5% de probabilidade. Os valores de CO, COP, IEA, PT, Ma, RP, Ds e K0 foram influenciados pelo esterco bovino, aplicado ao solo. Os valores de COAM e Mi não foram influenciados pelo esterco bovino aplicado ao solo. A aplicação de esterco bovino proporcionou no Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, o aumento do carbono orgânico, do carbono orgânico particulado, da porosidade total, da macroporosidade e do índice de estabilidade de agregados do solo em água, e a redução da densidade do solo e da resistência do solo à penetração. Já o carbono orgânico associado aos minerais e a microporosidade não foram influenciados. / Cattle manure contains high levels of organic matter, wich can increase the organic carbon content in the soil and provide improvements in the physical attributes of this. This occurs because the organic carbon it is a cementing agent for the soil mineral particles. From this, the objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of organic fertilization (cattle manure) on the soil attributes: organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, organic carbon associated to minerals, soil aggregates distribution by sizes classes, soil aggregates stability index, saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity, soil resistance to penetration, and soil bulk density. The experiment was carried out at the Teaching, Research and Extension Farm of UNESP, Jaboticabal Campus, in a clayey Oxisol. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, consisting of five rates of cattle manure (0, 15, 30, 45 e 60 Mg ha-1), with four replications. Undisturbed soil cores were collected at the 0-0.10 m deep layer to determine the hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil (K0), macroporosity (Ma), microporosity (Mi), total porosity (PT), soil resistance to penetration (RP) and soil bulk density (Ds). At the same layer, deformed soil cores were collected to determine the soil aggregates distribution by sizes classes, aggregate stability index of soil (IEA), organic carbon (CO), and physical fractionation of organic carbon, in with was determined the particulate organic carbon (COP). The organic carbon associated to minerals (COAM) was obtained by difference between CO and COP. An Analysis of Variance was performed to polynomial regression, to the evaluated soil attributes in function of cattle manure rates, using the F test with 5% probability. The values of CO, COP, IEA, PT, Ma, RP, Ds and K0 were influenced by the cattle manure applied to the soil. The values of COAM e Mi were not influenced by the cattle manure applied to the soil. The cattle manure addition provided on the Oxisol the increase of organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, total porosity, macroporosity and soil aggregates stability in water index, and the decrease of soil bulk density and soil resistance to penetration. The organic carbon associated to minerals and microporosity were note influenced.

Mapeamento de atributos do solo para o planejamento da irrigação sob pivô central /

Pelá, Gláucia de Mello, 1974- January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Célia Regina Lopes Zimback / Banca: Carlos Alberto Oliveira de Matos / Banca: Andrea Bogatti Guimarães Tomazella / Banca: Ivana Furio Batista / Banca: Leticia Colares Vilela / Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a variabilidade espacial da fertilidade e de propriedades físicas do solo, em área irrigada sob sistema de pivô central cultivado com culturas anuais em plantio direto, com o intuito de verificar as conseqüências do uso intensivo do solo com irrigação, buscar soluções para melhor utilização de insumos e da água de irrigação, e subsidiar o mapeamento em diferentes zonas de manejo. O estudo foi realizado no município de Colômbia (SP), num pivô central de 65ha, cujas coordenadas geográficas são: latitude 20º16’09-S e longitude 48º40’43-W, em LATOSSOLO VERMELHO Distrófico, textura média. As amostras de solos georreferenciadas foram coletadas em duas profundidades (0-0,2 e 0,2-0,4m) e analisadas quanto ao pH em CaCl2, H + Al, matéria orgânica, Presina, cálcio, magnésio e potássio, e micronutrientes: boro, cobre, ferro, enxofre, manganês e zinco; sendo calculados: soma de bases (SB), CTC, V%. Foram realizadas também análises de granulometria e densidade de partículas. Nas profundidades de 0-0,05 e 0,20-0,25m analisou-se: densidade do solo, porosidade total, micro e macroporosidade; sendo a umidade atual realizada somente na profundidade de 0-0,05m. A análise da dependência espacial foi realizada por meio do ajuste dos dados ao variograma experimental e da interpolação de dados através da krigagem ordinária, visando definir o padrão espacial das variáveis estudadas. Com base nos mapas obtidos foram estabelecidas zonas de manejo da fertilidade do solo e dos parâmetros físico-hídricos para manejo da irrigação. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, verificou-se que mesmo em área restrita como a do pivô central, ocorre variabilidade espacial tanto das características químicas quanto físicas. Os atributos químicos e físicos do solo apresentaram dependência espacial de média a forte.. (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The aim of this work was to determine the spatial variability of fertility and physical properties of the soil, in an irrigated area under central pivot system cultivated with annual cultures in no tillage system, to verify which are the possible influences that the intensive soil use with irrigation causes, to looking for solutions to improve the input and the irrigation water use, and to enhanced the plotting in different control zones. The study was accomplished in Colombia's Municipal district (SP), with geographical coordinates: latitude 20º16’09-S and longitude 48º40’43-W, in a loamy dystrophic Red Latosol. The georeferencing soil samples were collected at two depths (0- 0.20 and 0.20-0.40 m) and were analyzed by pH (CaCl2), H + Al, MO-organic matter, Presin, Ca, Mg, K, SB, CTC, V%, B, Cu, Fe, S, Mn, and Zn. Were determined granulometry, soil density and particles density, total porosity, micro and macroporosity. The spatial analysis dependence was realized through the data adjustment to experimental variogram and ordinary kriging interpolation, aiming to define the standard space of the studied variables. Based in this maps, were established soil fertility handling control zones and of the physics parameters for irrigation handling. Using obtained results, it is possible to conclude that: even in a restricted area as the central pivot occurs spatial variability as much the chemical how much the physical characteristics; the chemical and physical attributes of the soil presented strong spatial dependence; the spatial dependence of the chemical attributes varied from 86 to 700m superficially and from 113 to 533m subsuperficially, to concluding itself that in the fertility handling it should considering the distance from 86m; the spatial dependence of the physical attributes varied from 207 to 714m, concluding itself that in the soil physical variables handling... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Taxas de perdas de solo e água em um latossolo argiloso sob sistema plantio direto / Soil and waterloss rates in a argillaceous latossolo under no-tillage system

Celante, Luana Salete 23 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rosangela Silva (rosangela.silva3@unioeste.br) on 2017-08-31T19:16:21Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Luana Salete Celante.pdf: 1304989 bytes, checksum: 465dd26385572a31edf48194fc31eba5 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-31T19:16:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Luana Salete Celante.pdf: 1304989 bytes, checksum: 465dd26385572a31edf48194fc31eba5 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-23 / Fundação Araucária (FA) / Erosive processes have been a constant concern in relation to soil management and use, especially with reflections on crop yield and environmental quality, mainly due to the soil and water losses from runoff. Thus, the objective of the present work was to quantify soil and water loss rates in a clayey Oxisol under no-tillage system, relating these rates to soybean grain yield and to develop models that associate water and soil loss rates depending on the slope variation. The experimental area is located in a municipality of Cascavel - PR, commercial crop of soybeans. The treatments were four pre-established slope of 3.5%, 8.2%, 11.4% and 13.5% which were monitored water and soil loss rates at different rainfall events. The soil and water losses were collected in gutters made of PVC and stored in containers for measurement and analysis. The obtained data were statistically evaluated by the Tukey test. There was no significant influence of the slopes used in the different rain intensities, in the water and soil losses. There was a difference in soybean grain yield in which treatments with slopes 8.2% and 13.5% showed higher values. The loss of soil and water presented a higher correlation with macroporosity and soil density together. The soybean grain yield presented a higher linear correlation with the loss of water and soil. The low water and soil losses demonstrate the soil capacity, managed under the no-tillage system, to minimize environmental impacts. / Os processos erosivos têm sido alvo de preocupação constante em relação ao manejo e uso do solo, em especial com reflexos na produtividade de culturas e na qualidade ambiental, principalmente pela perda de solo e água pelo escoamento superficial. Desse modo, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi quantificar as taxas de perdas de solo e água em um Latossolo argiloso sob sistema plantio direto, relacionando estas taxas com o rendimento de grãos de soja e desenvolver modelos que associem as taxas de perda de água e solo em função da variação da declividade. A área experimental localizou-se no município de Cascavel – PR, em lavoura comercial de soja. Foram consideradas 4 declividades pré-estabelecidas de 3,5%, 8,2% 11,4% e 13,5% como tratamentos, em que foram monitoradas as taxas de perdas de água e solo com as precipitações ocorridas durante o estudo. A água escoada em cada parcela foi recolhida em calhas confeccionadas de PVC e armazenadas em recipientes para quantificação e análise. Os dados obtidos foram avaliados estatisticamente pelo teste de Tukey. Não houve influência significativa das declividades utilizadas nas diferentes intensidades de chuva, nas perdas de água e solo. Houve diferença no rendimento de grãos de soja em que os tratamentos com declividades 8,2% e 13,5%, apresentaram maiores valores de rendimentos. A perda de solo e água apresentaram maior correlação com a macroporosidade e a densidade de solo em conjunto. O rendimento de grãos de soja apresentou maior correlação linear com a Perda de água e de solo. As baixas perdas de água e solo demonstram a capacidade do solo, manejado sob sistema plantio direto, de minimizar impactos ambientais.

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