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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manejo da fertirrigação e controle da salinidade para a cultura do pimentão (Capsicum annuum) utilizando medidores de íons da solução do substrato / Fertigation management and salinity control for bell pepper crop (Capsicum annuum) using ions meters of the substratum solution

Antonio Clarette Santiago Tavares 08 February 2006 (has links)
A produção agrícola, de maneira geral, sofre ação direta das condições climáticas e da exigência em insumos. Dentre as olerícolas cultivadas sob estufas no Estado de São Paulo, o pimentão destaca-se pelo volume total comercializado. No entanto, o manejo inadequado da irrigação, a adição de fertilizantes em altas dosagens e a inexistência de chuvas promotoras de lixiviação destes sais podem causar salinização e desequilíbrio nutricional dos solos ou dos substratos de cultivo nas áreas sob estufas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estabelecer uma comparação entre a fertirrigação que é feita de forma convencional e o manejo da fertirrigação via monitoramento da concentração dos íons na solução iônica do meio de cultivo, assim como a definição de níveis adequados de N e K2O na prática da fertirrigação para essa cultura. O experimento foi conduzido no Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” USP, no município de Piracicaba-SP, em vasos com substrato de fibra de coco, em uma estufa plástica com cobertura em arco. Os tratamentos foram compostos da combinação de 4 doses de N aplicadas via fertirrigação (N1= 200, N2= 300, N3= 400 kg ha-1 de N, N4= manutenção da concentração de NO3 - na solução do substrato entre 7 a 15 mmolc L-1) e 4 doses de K aplicadas via fertirrigação (K1= 450, K2= 550, K3= 650 kg ha-1 de K2O, K4= manutenção da concentração de K+ na solução do substrato entre 3 a 4 mmolc L-1). O delineamento estatístico adotado foi o de blocos casualizados com 4 repetições, arranjado no esquema fatorial 4x4. Os tratamentos não tiveram influência no crescimento da planta e nem no diâmetro do colo. O peso médio dos frutos diminuiu linearmente com o aumento da dose aplicada de nitrogênio e potássio. Conseguiu-se as melhores produções e com os mesmos padrões comerciais, com doses menores de nitrogênio e potássio O uso de extratores de soluções associado aos medidores de íons NO3 - e K+, mostrou-se eficiente no manejo das fertirrigações para a cultura do pimentão. A produtividade referente a dose de nitrogênio e potássio obtida pelo manejo proposto esteve entre as maiores produtividades conseguidas. / The agricultural production, in a general way, suffers direct action of the climatic conditions and of the demand in inputs. Among the cultures cultivated under greenhouses in the State of São Paulo, the bell pepper stands out with a great total marketed volume. However, the inadequate irrigation management the addition of fertilizers in high dosages and the inexistence of rains promoters' of leaching of these salts can cause salinization and nutritional unbalance of the soils or cultivation substrata in areas under greenhouses. The objective of this work was to establish a comparison among the fertigation done by the conventional form and the fertigation management through monitoring the ions concentration in the ionic solution of the cultivation, as well as the definition of appropriate levels of N and K2O in practice of the fertigation for that culture. The experiment was conducted at the Department of Rural Engineering of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" USP, at municipal district of Piracicaba-SP, in vases with substratum of coconut fiber, in a plastic greenhouse with covering in arch. The treatments were composed by combination of 4 doses of N (N1 = 200, N2 = 300, N3 = 400 kg ha-1 of N, N4 = concentration maintenance of NO3 - in the solution of the substratum among 7 to 15 mmolc L-1) and 4 doses of K (K1 = 450, K2 = 550, K3 = 650 kg ha-1 of K2O, K4 = maintenance of the concentration of K+ in the solution of the substratum among 3 to 4 mmolc L-1). The adopted statistical design was randomized blocks with 4 repetitions, arranged in the factorial outline 4x4. Treatments didn't have influence an the plant growth and in the lap diameter neither. The medium weight of the fruits decreased linearly with the increase of the applied dose of nitrogen and potassium. It was found better productions and with the same commercial patterns, with smaller doses of nitrogen and potassium. The use of solutions extractors associated to the ions meters NO3 - and K+, was shown efficient in the fertigation management for the crop of the bell pepper. The yield regarding doses of nitrogen and potassium obtained by the proposed management were among the largest productivity obtained.

Tolerância do pepino enxertado à salinidade em ambiente protegido e controle da salinização do solo. / Salinity tolerance of grafted cucumber in greenhouse and control of soil salinization.

Flávio Favaro Blanco 03 February 2000 (has links)
A aplicação de fertilizantes via água de irrigação é prática comum para cultivos em ambiente protegido, o que pode resultar na salinização do solo se o manejo da irrigação não for adequado. Com isso, é de grande importância que se estabeleça a tolerância das culturas à salinidade e o controle eficiente da irrigação para cada cultura a fim de se promover a lixiviação do excesso de sais da zona radicular até um nível tolerado pelas plantas. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de estabelecer um manejo adequado da fertilização e da irrigação para a cultura do pepino enxertado em ambiente protegido, visando o controle da salinidade do solo, e avaliar métodos de recuperação do solo salinizado. Para isso, foi conduzido um experimento em uma estufa de 110 m 2 para estudar o efeito de diferentes salinidades da água de irrigação (S1=1,58 dS.m -1, S2=3,08 dS.m -1 e S3=5,13 dS.m -1 ), diferentes lâminas de água (L0=1,00.ETc e L1=1,25.ETc) e duas frequências de aplicação da lâmina L1 (F1=em todas as irrigações e F2=quando a lâmina de irrigação acumulada em L0 for igual a 100 mm) no desenvolvimento vegetativo e produção do pepino, cv. Hokushin, enxertado em Cucurbita spp., híbrido Excite-Ikki. O manejo da irrigação foi realizado através de tensiômetros instalados a 15 e 30 cm de profundidade e da evaporação de um tanque reduzido, instalado no interior da estufa. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o aumento de uma unidade de salinidade da água de irrigação reduziu a produção total e comercial em 2,83 e 2,99%, respectivamente, não apresentando diferenças significativas. O número de frutos comerciais por planta foi reduzido em 3,32% para cada incremento de uma unidade de salinidade. A salinidade também afetou significativamente a área foliar unitária e o índice de área foliar, bem como a altura e o diâmetro do colo da planta. As diferentes lâminas de irrigação e frequências de aplicação de L1 não resultaram em diferenças significativas para a produção e componentes de produção da cultura. O aumento de uma unidade de salinidade do solo reduziu a produção e o número de frutos por planta, comercial e total, em 7,24 e 6,71% e 8,04 e 7,58%, respectivamente, os quais foram bem inferiores aos valores citados na literatura. A pequena redução na produção e a ausência de diferenças significativas entre os níveis de salinidade não permitiram definir a tolerância do pepino à salinidade e o manejo da lâmina de irrigação quando a água utilizada apresenta alto teor salino. A salinidade do solo aumentou proporcionalmente com o aumento da salinidade da água, sendo que as lâminas de irrigação e as frequências de aplicação de L1 não foram suficientes para reduzir a salinidade do solo, embora a frequência F2 tenha resultado em um aumento mais lento da salinidade. A lixiviação do excesso de sais do solo após o cultivo demonstrou que a aplicação da lâmina de lavagem por gotejamento foi mais eficiente do que a inundação na redução da salinidade do solo. Concluiu-se que a lâmina relativa de lavagem e o valor do coeficiente k a serem utilizados são, respectivamente, de 0,9 e 0,1 para gotejamento e 1,3 e 0,2 para inundação, com base na lâmina calculada pela equação de Rhoades & Loveday (1990). / Fertilizers application through irrigation water is a very common practice for greenhouse cultivation conditions, which can result in the soil salinization if irrigation management is not appropriated. It is very important to establish the crop tolerance to salinity and the efficient irrigation control for each crop to promote leaching of excess salts from the root zone until a tolerated level by plants. The present work had the aim to establish an adapted management of fertilization and irrigation for grafted cucumber cultivated in greenhouse, in order to control the soil salinity, and to evaluate methods of salinized soil reclamation. An experiment has been carried out in a 110 m 2 greenhouse to study the effects of different irrigation water salinity (S1=1,58 dS.m -1 , S2=3,08 dS.m -1 and S3=5,13 dS.m -1 ), different irrigation water depth (L0=1,00.ETc and L1=1,25.ETc) and two applications frequencies of L1 (F1=at every irrigations and F2=when accumulated irrigation water depth in L0 reaches 100 mm) on vegetative development and yield of cucumber, cv. Hokushin, grafted onto Cucurbita spp., hybrid Excite-Ikki. Irrigation management was made by tensiometers installed at 15 and 30 cm deep and by a reduced pan evaporation, installed inside the greenhouse. The results showed that the increment of one unit of irrigation water salinity reduced the total and marketable yield at 2,83 and 2,99%, respectively, not showing significantly reduction. Marketable fruits number per plant was reduced at 3,32% for each increment of one unit of salinity. Salinity also affected significantly the unitary leaf area and the leaf area index, as the height and stem diameter of the plants. The different irrigation water depths and frequencies of L1 application did not result in differences for yield and yield components. Each increment of one unit of salinity reduced yield and fruit number per plant, marketable and total, of 7,24 and 6,71% and 8,04 and 7,58%, respectively, which were smaller than that found on literature. Little reduction in yield and the lack of significantly differences between the levels of salinity did not allow to define cucumber tolerance to salinity and the irrigation management for high salinity irrigation water. Soil salinity increased proportionally to irrigation water salinity increasing, but irrigation water depths and application frequencies of L1 were not sufficient to reduce soil salinity, though the frequency F2 resulted in a slower increasing of soil salinity. Leaching of excess salts after cultivation showed that the application of leaching water depth by drip irrigation was more effective than the application by flooding on soil salinity reduction. We concluded that the relative leaching depth and the k coefficient value to be adopted are, respectively, 0,9 and 0,1 for drip irrigation and 1,3 and 0,2 for flooding, based on water depth calculated by equation of Rhoades & Loveday (1990).

Manejo da fertirrigação e controle da salinidade em solo cultivado com melão rendilhado sob ambiente protegido. / Fertirrigation management and control of the soil salinity under netmelon cultivation in greenhouse.

Nildo da Silva Dias 21 June 2004 (has links)
Com o objetivo de avaliar o uso de extratores de soluções do solo no auxílio ao manejo da fertirrigação e no controle da salinidade em solo cultivado com melão rendilhado, conduziu-se um estudo em ambiente protegido na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da ESALQ/USP, localizado no município de Piracicaba, SP. Os tratamentos foram compostos da combinação de dois fatores: 6 níveis de salinidade inicial do solo (S1 = 1,0; S2 = 2,0; S3 = 3,0; S4 = 4,0; S5 = 5,0 e S6 = 6,0 dS m-1) e dois manejos de fertirrigação: tradicional e com controle da condutividade elétrica da solução do solo. O delineamento estatístico adotado foi o de blocos casualizados completos com 4 repetições, sendo os fatores estudados arranjados em um esquema fatorial de 6 x 2. A salinização inicial do solo se procedeu por meio da aplicação de soluções salinas preparadas a partir de fertilizantes, sendo que a quantidade de sais a ser adicionada foi determinada tomando por base uma curva de salinização artificial obtida previamente em laboratório. A condutividade elétrica da solução foi medida após o término de cada evento de irrigação, utilizando-se extratores com cápsulas porosas. Os resultados revelam que as produções total e comercial, além do peso médio total dos frutos foram significativamente reduzidos com o incremento dos níveis de salinidade do solo Os efeitos da salinidade do solo sobre a altura e o diâmetro das plantas foram mais severos durante o desenvolvimento vegetativo inicial do que no início da frutificação, o que sugere uma possível adaptação das plantas ao estresse salino ao longo do tempo. Embora não tenha sido possível se detectar diferenças expressivas causadas pelos dois tipos de manejo da fertirrigação no desenvolvimento ou na produção da cultura, o uso dos extratores de solução permitiu auxiliar no manejo da fertirrigação, mantendo os níveis desejados de salinidade da solução do solo ao longo do tempo. / A study was carried out under greenhouse conditions, at the experimental area of the Department of Rural Engineering of “Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz-USP”, Piracicaba, São Paulo State, Brazil, with the aim of evaluating ceramic cup samplers used to facilitate fertirrigation management and soil salinity control on a netmelon crop, was carried out The treatments comsisted of two combination factors: six level of initial soil salinity (S1 = 1.0, S2 = 2.0, S3 = 3.0, S4 = 4.0, S5 = 5.0 and S6 = 6.0 dS m-1) and two fertirrigation managements: the traditional and the control of eletrical conductivity of soil solucion. The statiscal test was in randomized blocks, with four replications, arranged in 6 x 2 factorial design. The initial soil salinity value was obtained by appling saline solutions of fertilizer salts using an artificial soil salinization curve obtained previously in laboratory. The electrical conductivity in soil solucion was measured after each irrigation using ceramic cup samplers. Results showed that both total and marketable fruit yield and total weight per fruit were significantly reduced by increase in soil salinity level. The soil salinity effects on plants height and stem diameter were more severe during early vegetative growth than in the beginning of fruit set. This suggests a possible plant adaptation to saline stress along the time. Although no differences were observed in case fertirrigation management treatments on plants development or yield, however the use of solution extractors helped in fertirrigation management because them permitted to keep soil solution salinity at desired level.

The environmental impact and sustainability of irrigation with coal-mine water

Beletse, Yacob Ghebretinsae 24 May 2009 (has links)
The environmental impact and sustainability of irrigation with coal-mine water was investigated from an agricultural point of view on different coal-mines in the Republic of South Africa. Field trials were carried out on a commercial and plot scale, on sites that could offer a range of soil, crop, weather conditions and water qualities such as gypsiferous, sodium sulphate and sodium bicarbonate waters. Crop production under irrigation with gypsiferous mine water is feasible on a field scale and sustainable if properly managed. No symptoms of foliar injury due to centre pivot sprinkler irrigation with gypsiferous water were observed. The presence of high Ca and Mg in the water suppressed plant uptake of K. This could be corrected by regular application of K containing fertilizers. The bigger problem experienced was waterlogging due to poor site selection, especially during the summer months. The problem is not related to the chemistry of the gypsiferous water used for irrigation. Pasture production with Na2SO4 rich mine effluent was also feasible, at least in the short term, but would need a well-drained profile and large leaching fraction to prevent salt build up. Forage quality was not affected by the Na2SO4 water used. NaHCO3 water was of very poor quality for irrigation and is not recommended for irrigation. Salt tolerant crops that are not susceptible to leaf scorching can be produced with this water, but only with very high leaching fractions and careful crop management. Regular gypsum application will be required to prevent structural collapse of the soil. Most of the salts applied will leach from the soil profile, and will probably need to be intercepted for treatment or reuse. The Soil Water Balance (SWB) model was validated successfully. The model predicted crop growth, soil water deficit to field capacity and soil chemistry reasonably well, with simulated results quite close to measured values. Soluble salts have to be leached from the soil profile, so that crop production can be sustainable, but will externalize the problem to the receiving water environment. To assess the environmental impact of irrigation with coal-mine water, it is valuable to develop a tool that can assist with prediction of offsite effects. SWB was validated for runoff quantity and quality estimations, and was found to give reasonable estimates of runoff quantity and quality. SWB also predicted the soil water and salt balance reasonably well. This gives one confidence in the ability of the model to simulate the soil water and salt balance for long-term scenarios and link the output of SWB to ground and surface water models to predict the wider impact of large scale irrigation. This will also link the findings of this work to other research oriented towards the management of mine water and salt balances on a catchment scale. It will also help authorities make informed decisions about the desirability and consequences of permitting mine water irrigation on a large scale. Irrigation with gypsiferous mine water can be part of finding the solution to surplus mine water problems. Appropriate irrigation management of mine water is essential for the long-term sustainability of irrigation. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted

Optimal Layout and Salinity Management of Drip Irrigation Systems

Khaddam, Issam 29 March 2022 (has links)
Leaching of soil salinity in irrigated and non-irrigated agriculture is crucial to ensure sustainable food production. Soil salinity is considered a global problem, since more than 800 million hectares (6% of the world's total area) worldwide are salt-affected. Generally, the regions affected by soil salinity also face water scarcity problems. Consequently, in these regions, even saline waters are considered to be essential resources for agriculture. The use of inefficient irrigation practices in regions that experience water scarcity, especially those using saline water, aggravates soil salinity problems. Therefore, in the context of these constraints and challenges, increasing the efficiency of water use for irrigation and leaching is necessary. An increasing interest in using drip irrigation systems (DI) is noticed in the current research that deals with water scarcity due to the benefits of applying water precisely in time and space. However, the traditional leaching guidelines, based on steady-state conditions, are not appropriate for DI. Therefore, the use of DI for leaching practices is still under question. The objectives of this study are (i) to better understand and assess the leaching process for common DI, and (ii) to develop a simulation-based optimization approach considering site-specific conditions for optimal DI design for salinity management. Accordingly, a new two-stage framework for optimizing leaching practices has been developed focusing on DI. The transient-state-based numerical model HYDRUS-2D was used for simulating water movement and solute transport processes for both stages. In the first stage, a general assessment tool for leaching practices in the form of “irrigation atlas” was created using two-dimensional (2D) numerical experiments. The atlas displays and compares the reclamation leaching results of (i) surface drip irrigation (SI), (ii) subsurface irrigation drip irrigation (SDI), (iii) sprinkler irrigation (S), and (iv) flood irrigation. The results are introduced graphically, showing the final 2D salinity distribution in the soil profile, and numerically giving the water and salt mass balances. The SI and SDI results show the high potential of these systems for improving the efficiency of salinity leaching. However, because of the resultant localized leaching patterns, the performance of these systems depends on the location of the drip line relative to the targeted leaching area. In the second stage of the study a site-specific optimization framework for leaching design and management was developed through a combination of simulation and optimization. The objective was to achieve optimal leaching results with a given limited amount of water. The framework was applied in synthetic field conditions for reclamation leaching in two and silt). Moreover, the framework was based on running numerous simulations of possible DI setups (scenarios). The optimization approach made it possible to derive values for the optimal irrigation design parameters for salinity management under the given field conditions. The new optimization framework was implemented in a case study focusing on the impact of different DI designs on yield and the leaching of salts. The framework aims to make the most effective use of an existing DI system by optimizing the combination of irrigation frequency, duration, and discharge. The optimization framework was successfully employed: (i) to increase the relative yield of the considered crop, and (ii) to reduce the subsurface drainage towards the saline and shallow groundwater, which contributes to better control of the saline groundwater levels in the study area. The seasonal results confirmed the leaching pattern of a dripper presented in the irrigation atlas. The optimal seasonal solutions are presented as site and crop specific leaching and water productivity functions for a wide range of applied water and different irrigation water salinities. The developed optimization framework proved to be a suitable approach for assessing and improving leaching management of DI under salinity conditions and deriving optimal design parameter values. The suitability and flexibility of the framework were verified through implementation in a case study with new field conditions and objectives, and it was shown that the reliability of the proposed framework depends on the quality of the collected and measured data required for the model inputs.

Using Electromagnetic Induction Sensing to Understand the Dynamics and Interacting Factors Controlling Soil Salinity

Amakor, Xystus N. 01 May 2013 (has links)
Soil salinization is of great concern in the irrigated arid and semi-arid western United States due to its threat to sustainable agricultural productivity and thus is closely monitored. A widely accepted and traditional standard method for estimating soil salinity is the electrical conductivity of the saturated paste extracts (ECe). However, this method underestimates salinity due to ion pair formation in high ionic strength solution. Numerous studies have recommended the use of an electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensing technique to monitor field-scale soil salinity due to rapidness and non-destructiveness of the sampling. However, because the EMI measurement (ECa) is related to a host of soil properties, calibrating ECa to salinity in a non-homogeneous setting is particularly challenging. The main objective of this study is to understand the dynamics and interacting factors controlling soil salinity using an EMI sensor. Specifically, a correction is made for the underestimation of soil salinity from saturated paste extracts, and a calibration model is developed that is capable of predicting salinity directly from ECa despite the non-homogeneity of potential perturbing factors. A comparison is made of salinity measurement methods based on soil saturated pastes with respect to specific soil management goals. Results show that ion pairing exists even in low ionic strength solution and by diluting the saturated paste extracts to conductivities ≤ 0.03 dS m -1 (ECed), ion pairing is minimized. An improved salinity estimate is obtained by computing total dissolved solids (TDS, in mM) from the ECed values, and then multiplying the TDS by the dilution factor. We also developed a calibration model using quantile regression, which makes no assumption about the distribution of the errors, and which is capable of predicting low range soil salinity (such as that in calcareous soils) from ECa depth-weighted measurements (ECH25ECe). A comparison of ECe, ECed, ECH25ECe, and direct measurement of EC in soil pastes (“ Bureau of Soils Cup ” method, ECcup) across six depths, three texture groups, and the combinations of EC method and depth or texture groups, supports the use of the ECH25ECe method to rapidly and reliably monitor salinity in calcareous soils of arid and semiarid regions.

Investigating the Variability of Water and Soil Salinity using Watershed Model and Remote Sensing Techniques: A Case Study of Mentor Marsh, Ohio

Bhatt, Rajesh 06 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The effect of compost and priming on the salt tolerance of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. S-24 and cv. Slambo) during germination and early seedling establishment

Gadeh, H. M. January 2013 (has links)
Soil salinity and the arid climate in Libya are major constraints in agriculture and predominantly in foodstuff production which are limiting wheat production and yield. The effect of pre-sowing seed treatments with 50 mM of KCl, NaCl, CaCl2, and distilled water as hydropriming on germination and early seedling growth in two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars S-24 (tolerant) and Slambo (untested before) under 0, 100, 200 and 300 mM NaCl concentrations was examined. CaCl2 was the only priming treatment that significantly improved the germination percentage, germination rate, and mean germination time in both cultivars under almost all NaCl concentrations. Thus, priming with CaCl2 was selected for further experiments. In the greenhouse, seeds primed with 50 mM of CaCl2 also improved the emergence percentage, emergence rate, shoot and root length, and fresh and dry weight of shoots and roots of both cultivars under all NaCl concentration except at 300 mM where the emergence was completely inhibited. The response of wheat cultivars to three compost treatments including cow manure compost (CC), greenwaste compost (GC) and 50:50 mixture (mix) between them and sand at percentage inclusions of 10 and 30 % by weight under 0, 100, 200, and 300 mM of NaCl was also investigated. Among all compost treatments, 30% GC and 30% mix were the best treatment and improved almost all growth parameters under salt stress, and 30% GC was also the only treatment that had any emergence at 300 mM NaCl. 30% GC and 30% mix were selected for further experiments. The effect of the combination of the selected priming agent (CaCl2) and the best two compost treatments (30% GC and 30% mix) on the emergence and early seedling growth of both cultivars was tested. The results showed that all the treatments enhanced plant growth parameters including seedling ion uptake in both cultivars, with preference to primed seeds sown in 30% GC. The treatments had the following order of the performance of both cultivars under salt stress. Primed seeds sown in 30% GC > unprimed seeds sown in 30% GC > primed seeds sown in 30% mix > unprimed seeds sown in 30% mix. This enhancement is possibly due to the provision of Ca2+ and / or the improvement in the availability of water as both of them were improved by the application of priming and compost.

Viabilidade agronômico-ambiental da disposição de efluente de esgoto tratado em um sistema solo-pastagem. / Agronomical-environmental viability of treated sewage effluent disposal in a soil-pasture system.

Fonseca, Adriel Ferreira da 05 July 2005 (has links)
A utilização de efluentes de esgoto tratado (EET) na irrigação, ao invés de realizar a disposição deste subproduto nos cursos d’água tem sido uma alternativa antiga, popular e atrativa, com triplo propósito: tratamento complementar do efluente, fonte de água e de nutrientes ao sistema solo-planta. Entretanto, no Brasil, há falta de tradição na reciclagem de águas residuárias, particularmente, do EET e, conseqüentemente, poucos têm sido as pesquisas relacionadas a este tema. Um experimento foi conduzido em Lins (SP), durante dois anos, com os objetivos principais de (i) testar a possibilidade de uso do efluente secundário de esgoto tratado (ESET) como uma fonte alternativa de água e de nitrogênio ao capim-Tifton 85; (ii) determinar as concentrações de nutrientes e elementos tóxicos em amostras de água potável (AP), ESET, plantas, solo e solução no solo; (iii) verificar o comportamento das argilas dispersas em água. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os cinco tratamentos estudados foram: (i) T1 (controle) - irrigação com AP e adição de 520 kg ha-1 ano-1 de nitrogênio via fertilizante mineral (NFM); (ii) T2, T3, T4 e T5 - irrigação com ESET e adição de 0, 171,6; 343,2 e 520 kg ha-1 ano-1 de NFM, respectivamente. As características da água e do efluente foram monitoradas mensalmente e o rendimento de massa seca (MS) do capim foi determinado bimestralmente. Durante 18 meses, foram realizadas análises para monitoramento das concentrações dos elementos nas plantas (folhas e colmos + bainhas), no solo e na solução no solo (até 100 cm de profundidade). Foi verificado que o ESET pode substituir eficientemente a AP de irrigação em sistema de produção de feno, proporcionando benefícios econômicos e aumento de qualidade do capim. Ainda, o ESET pode atuar como amenizador da acidez do solo. A magnitude de resposta do capim ao ESET, bem como da economia de NFM é dependente da precipitação pluvial e da lâmina de irrigação empregada. A substituição da AP pelo ESET, na irrigação do capim, pode levar à economia de 32,2 a 81,0% na dose de NFM necessária à obtenção de altos rendimentos, sem ocasionar alterações negativas no conteúdo de nutrientes nas plantas e na fertilidade do solo. Por outro lado, se os nutrientes presentes no ESET não forem computados no manejo da fertilização da pastagem, podem ocorrer incrementos no rendimento de MS e no acúmulo de elementos (inclusive de sódio), promovendo aumento de qualidade da forragem sem ocasionar efeitos deletérios no ambiente. As altas concentrações de sódio na AP (utilizada no tratamento controle), bem como no ESET indicam que o sistema solo-pastagem não suportará o elevado aporte deste elemento e pode ser necessário o uso de condicionador de solo. O aporte de nutrientes no sistema associado à manutenção de tensão hídrica adequada ao capim, pode promover mineralização da matéria orgânica do solo, reduzindo os estoques de carbono e nitrogênio. Ao que parece, a irrigação com ESET doméstico não proporcionará, em curto e médio prazo, excesso de boro e de metais pesados no sistema solo-pastagem. / Treated sewage effluent (TSE) utilization for irrigation represents an antique, popular and attractive alternative to the common disposal of effluent to watercourses and includes three main purposes: effluent complementary treatment, water and nutrient source to the soil-plant system. However, because in Brazil no experiences in wastewater recycling exists consequently few scientific studies were carried out despite the importance of the subject. For this study an experiment was conducted for two years in Lins (São Paulo State, Brazil). The main objectives were (i) to test the feasibility of secondary-treated sewage effluent (STSE) utilization as an alternative water and nitrogen source for Tifton 85 Bermudagrass; (ii) to evaluate concentrations of nutrients and toxic elements in potable water (PW), STSE, plant, soil and soil solution samples; (iii) to verify the behavior of dispersed clays in water. A randomized complete block design was used with four replications. Five treatments were applied: (i) T1 (control) - irrigation with PW plus 520 kg ha-1 year-1 nitrogen as mineral fertilizer (NMF); (ii) T2, T3, T4 and T5 - irrigation with STSE plus 0, 171.6, 343.2 and 520 kg ha-1 year-1 of NMF, respectively. Water and effluent characteristics were monthly monitored, and aboveground dry matter (DM) was measured bimonthly. Plant (leaves and culms + sheaths), soil and soil solution (up to 100 cm) were analyzed during 18 months, to monitor elements concentrations over the experimental period. It was verified that STSE can replace efficiently the PW used for irrigation for the production of hay. This replacement can provide economical benefits, enhancement of forage quality, and mitigation of soil acidity. The magnitude of grass productivity as well as of NMF economy is dependent on rain and the used irrigation rates. Considering the complete substitution of PW for irrigation by STSE, the necessary dose of NFM for obtaining high yields could be reduce by 32.2 to 81.0% without negative effects on nutrient contents in the grass and soil fertility. On the other hand, also by non-consideration the effluent nutrients in pasture fertilization management, it may occur increasing dry matter yields and element contents (inclusive sodium), enhancement of forage quality, and, moreover without deleterious environmental effects. Because of high sodium concentrations in PW (control) and the STSE, it is suggested that the pasture-soil system will not tolerate the high sodium input, a future conditioning of the soil will be necessary. The nutrient inputs to the system associated with an adequate soil moisture tension to the grass may increase soil organic matter mineralization followed by decrease of carbon and nitrogen stocks. In short and medium term periods it is assumed that the irrigation with domestic TSE will not negatively influence the soil-pasture system by high concentrations of boron and heavy metals.

Manejo da fertirrigação em ambiente protegido visando o controle da salinidade do solo para a cultura da berinjela / Fertigation management in a greenhouse for the soil salinity control in eggplant crop

Silva, Everaldo Moreira da 28 January 2011 (has links)
Com o monitoramento periódico da solução do solo, pode-se determinar a condutividade elétrica e a concentração de íons específicos, essenciais à nutrição das plantas. Dentre as técnicas de extração da solução do solo, o extrator de cápsula porosa destaca-se pela praticidade em campo, baixo custo, fácil manejo e boa precisão. Com isso objetivou-se estudar os efeitos de diferentes níveis de salinidade do solo sobre as variáveis fenológicas e de produção da berinjela, cultivada em vasos e em ambiente protegido, e averiguar se a manutenção da condutividade elétrica em um determinado nível promove incremento da produção, quando contrastada com o manejo tradicional da fertirrigação. Conduziu-se um estudo em ambiente protegido na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia de Biossistemas da ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, SP. Os tratamentos foram compostos da combinação de dois fatores: 6 níveis de salinidade inicial do solo (S1 = 1,3; S2 = 2,4; S3 = 3,6; S4 = 4,5; S5 = 5,6 e S6 = 6,4 dS m-1) e dois manejos de fertirrigação: com controle da condutividade elétrica da solução do solo (M1), e o tradicional (M2), obedecendo a curva de absorção de nutrientes da cultura anteriormente estabelecida. O delineamento estatístico adotado foi o de blocos casualizados completos, com quatro repetições, ficando os fatores estudados arranjados no esquema fatorial 6 x 2. Os diferentes níveis de salinidade inicial do solo foram obtidos com solos de cultivos anteriores, no qual tinha-se como fonte de variação o nível de condutividade elétrica (CE), ocasionada pela adição de fertilizantes em ambiente protegido. A condutividade elétrica da solução foi medida após o término de cada evento de irrigação, utilizando-se extratores com cápsulas porosas. Os resultados revelaram que os níveis de salinidade do solo provenientes do acúmulo de sais fertilizantes afetou diretamente as variáveis consumo hídrico, produção de frutos, produção de matéria seca, índice de área foliar e o desenvolvimento vegetativo das plantas. O uso dos extratores de solução permitiu auxiliar o manejo da fertirrigação, mantendo os níveis desejados de salinidade da solução do solo ao longo do tempo. Verificou-se que a redução média na produção da cultura da berinjela, em estufa, foi da ordem de 8,65% para o incremento de 1 dS m-1 na salinidade do solo, acima da salinidade limiar, que foi de 1,71 dS m-1. / Periodic monitoring of soil solution allow to determine the electrical conductivity and concentration of specific ions essential to plant nutrition. Among the extraction techniques of soil solution, the porous cup extractors distinguished by their practicality in the field, low cost and good accuracy. This study has to aim to evaluate the effects of different levels of soil salinity on phenological and production of eggplant grown in pots in a greenhouse, and compare whether the control of the electrical conductivity in a certain level promotes increase the yield when compare to the traditional fertigation management . A study was conducted in a greenhouse in the Department of Biosystems Engineering, ESALQ / USP, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. The treatments consisted of a combination of two factors: six levels of initial soil salinity (S1 = 1.3, S2 = 2.4, S3 = 3.6, S4 = 4.5, S5 = 5.6 and S6 = 6.4 dS m-1) and two fertigation management: electrical conductivity control of soil solution (M1) and traditional (M2) by following the absorption curve of nutrients from the crop previously established. The statistical design was a randomized complete block with four repetitions, the factors studied arranged in 6 x 2 factorial. The different levels of initial soil salinity were obtained with soils where previous crop had been cropped in a source of variation in the level of electrical conductivity (EC), caused by the addition of fertilizer in a pots. The solution electrical conductivity was measured after each irrigation event, using extractants with ceramic cups. The results showed that levels of soil salinity caused by the accumulation of fertilizer salts affected directly the variables: water use, fruit yield, dry matter production, leaf area index and plant growth. The use of extractors solution allowed to control the fertigation management, and maintain the desired levels of salinity in the soil solution during the evaluated period. It appears that the reduction in eggplant yield in greenhouse was approximately 8.65% for step of 1 dS m-1 in soil salinity, the threshold salinity was 1.71 dS m-1.

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